Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bob Thiel: My Church Has Reached More People and Has More Members than Most of the Other COG's

Bob Thiel is now boasting that is new personality cult has more members and has reached more people in it's infancy stage of less than  a week than have most of the "300-700 groups that previously came out of the old Worldwide Church of God."

A few scattered individuals and groups, consisting of people that I do not know personally, have contacted me and declared that they want to support the Continuing Church of God. Though we are still quite small, counting them would make the Continuing Church of God larger than most of the allegedly 300-700 groups that previously came out of the old Worldwide Church of God. And in terms of gospel reach (on the internet at least), in less four days, it appears that we have reached more people with parts of the Bible's message than probably all the aforementioned groups currently smaller than the Continuing Church of God combined for the same period.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Rod Meredith Says Bob Thiel Was Prophesied To Cause Catholic Church Problems

Here are just a few of the reasons Bob Thiel claims he is a prophet of a god.  These are all his words not mine. It is clear there are some delusional thought processes going on here.
  • On January 6, 2007, after hearing about a reference to a Catholic prophecy about a former Roman Catholic rising up and causing the Church of Rome problems at the end times, Dr. Meredith told Bob Thiel, “That is you.”  During this particular visit to Charlotte, Dr. Meredith discussed both the evangelical and other fruits of Bob Thiel’s writings.
  • In August 2008, Bob Thiel told Davy Crockett, that if LCG was not going to deal with certain matters that he felt needed to be corrected (and that Dr. Meredith had seemingly agreed to  correct), that part of its top leadership (likely Dr. Meredith) was about to be hit with something bad.
  • In September 2008, Dr. Meredith had his mini-stroke.  Davy Crockett seemed to feel that this could have fulfilled Bob Thiel’s warning. 
  • On October 3, 2008, Dr. Meredith (who was unaware of that August 2008 warning), told Bob Thiel, “God may consider you to be a prophet.”  This came from the Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God.
  • In January 2009, Dr. Meredith told Bob Thiel over the telephone that if he (Dr. Meredith) was raised to the office of apostle, he was considering ordaining Bob Thiel as a prophet.
  • On February 4, 2009, Dr. Meredith told Bob Thiel over the telephone, “You have an in-depth understanding {of prophetic matters}—you could be a prophet.”   
Did you know that old Catholic prophecies pointed to directly to Bob Thiel?
  • Shortly afterwards that fast, perhaps after gaining more wisdom and prophetic gifts, during the Spring of 2009, Bob Thiel acquired a difficult to attain book that he did not know existed previously (not available in regular bookstores or Amazon) on Byzantine (Greek Orthodox) Catholic prophecy.  While he had been aware that certain old Roman Catholic prophecies seemed to possibly point to him personally, one or more ancient Byzantine ones, combined with certain biblical ones, seemed to be too specific to ignore.  And they got him to look more into related biblical prophecies on the subject.
Bob's dreams are on par with Joseph and Isaiah.
  • Around this time Bob Thiel had an apparently prophetic dream perhaps reminiscent of Joseph's dreams (Genesis 37:5-11) and Isaiah's vision to be sent (Isaiah 6:1-8), that somewhat like Peter's vision (Acts 10:17) he did not immediately understand, but like Peter (Acts 11:4-17), it seemingly became clearer once circumstances in the time since presented themselves and began to confirm it.  
Did you know that Bob Thiel and Doug Winnail will be the Two Witnesses?
  • At the Feast of Tabernacles in Glenwood Springs in a private meeting related to literature corrections that Bob Thiel requested, Bob Thiel and Dr. Winnail also discussed the idea of Bob Thiel being a prophet and one of the two witnesses (Dr. Winnail mentioned he had felt that he once thought that he, Doug Winnail, would be one of the two witnesses).  Dr. Winnail stated that he wanted to see additional confirmation related to Bob Thiel and that this should be clearer over time.  Dr. Winnail also commented that he felt his evangelical fruits were comparable to the evangelical fruits of Bob Thiel.
Bob's work is an "additional" witnesses tot he church.   thanks to Rod Meredith and Richard Ames. We owe all of this to you.....
  • At another meeting with the evangelists on December 16, 2011, Richard Ames prayed, with “Amen” concurrence from Dr. Meredith and Dr. D. Winnail, that Bob Thiel would continue to do the work that God has had him do, etc.  He also specifically called Bob Thiel's writings/work “an additional witness.”  Hence, there was a concurrence with the evangelical and prophetic fruits of that work.  The Charlotte evangelists again promised to get to certain literature corrections that Bob Thiel had brought up repeatedly over the years.
Bob gets a double does of the holy spirit:
  • On Sunday 12/18/11 night at a family wedding reception, without discussing the matter, Bob Thiel stared at Gaylyn Bonjour for a few moments, without saying anything and then asked, “Do you have any idea of what you may have accidently done?”  Gaylyn Bonjour said, “Yes, I think so.”
  • The following Monday morning was Bob Thiel's first opportunity to speak with Gaylyn Bonjour privately for more details about the anointing.  Bob Thiel asked him if it was his practice to pray that God grant a double-portion of His Spirit to people that he anoints, he said, no he had never done that for an individual before.  Bob Thiel asked him if he had any idea of what he may have been inadvertently led by God to do, and he said yes.  Gaylyn Bonjour also said that the only “double-portion” he recalled from the Bible was when Elisha became the replacement prophet and ecclesiastical leader for Elijah (2 Kings 2:9)—Bob Thiel told him then that this was his recollection as well.  Notice it was Gaylyn Bonjour, and not Bob Thiel, who first stated this as a conclusion.


Monday, December 31, 2012

Bob Thiel Says I AM a Prophet!

Prophet Thiel jumps out the door with his firsts jab at Rod Meredith, Global and Living Church of God.  Now that these lost souls are the true Laodiceans, prophet Thiel is quick to point out to them that he alone now runs the worlds most important ministry that will reach more people in it's first 30 days than Global Church of God ever did under Meredith.

Prophet Thiel's message is more mind boggling than Dave Pack's beliefs.  It is more important and far reaching than Dave Packs new and improved web site and Church.  God apparently is now only working through the one and  only TRUE end time prophet.

As far as gospel proclamation, I will make a prediction right here and right now. The Continuing Church of God will reach more people in its first 30 days of existence with the COG message than any COG that came out of the old Worldwide Church of God or old Global Church of God did in their first 30 days. This will be accomplished with various internet websites, radio interviews, and personal contact. I expect to report the results in case any want to see proof by the end of next month.

Dave Pack must be shivering in his boots right now.  Poor guy!

Prophet Thiel is also quick to point out that he is now accepting tithe money.  Since he is the only one in charge he will use the money as he sees fit for trips and prophecy warnings.

Some have wondered about tithing and what the Continuing Church of God plans to do with any donations. First, let me state that unless anyone is hired (and no one, not me, is on the payroll), all monies received will be used for gospel proclamation, feeding the flock (which may include travel to various regions), and necessary administration expenses (which should be fairly low).

For those that thought prophet Thiel could not gain followers, he just says he has.  It goes to prove that there are true morons in the world that will fall for anything.

Why am I calling Theil a prophet?  Because he is coming out claiming he has 100's of proofs that he is a prophet!  Ho hum.................................

Various ones have asked for a listing of prophetic fruits, which would be one valid way to help determine (according to Jesus per Matthew 7:15-20) if one may be a prophet of God.

In my case, there is a listing of 32 related to my 2012 book at the beginning of the article End of Mayan Calendar 2012--Might 2012 Mean Something?; 7 related to Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg in the article Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North?; 1 related to China and Australian Prime Minister Julian Gilliard is mentioned in the article USA and Australia Concerned About Chinese Military; Chinese Concerned about Australia-USA Military Co-operation. And if one goes through the details of past news and other articles at the website, the total seems to be in the hundreds.
The prophet Thiel also wants you to know he will be ridiculed and laughed at for proclaiming himself a prophet.

While many would be considered common COG beliefs, many were more specific than the COG has tended to proclaim (and without the errors that some in the COG have tended to have had). And of course, some will try to pick at them and discount them in the near future--so yes, I am making that as a specific prediction. I will also predict that some who will be quick to jump to improper conclusions, as opposed to doing in-depth study and prayer into the truth, will ridicule me reporting about all of this.

Prophet THiel is barely out the door with his new cult and he is already suffering "persecution addiction."

Prophets have long been ridiculed and doubted by the political and religious establishments (e.g. Isaiah 57:4; Lamentations 3:14), including claimed believers (Jeremiah 42:22, 43:1-7), and this will continue until the end (cf. 2 Peter 3:1-7). Do not be surprised when false statements appear about me (Matthew 5:10-12) even from ones who claim to be COG (Acts 20:30). Jesus warned that evil things would be said against those who truly follow Him (Matthew 5:10-12) (see also the news post Persecution and the article Persecutions by Church and State). Some are more comfortable making improper accusations or staying on the sidelines than they are in standing for the truth and/or further investigating the truth, but those approaches come with a cost of at least reward forfeiture (cf. Matthew 10:25-41).

He boasts again about his prophetic abilities:

12/29/12 p.m. Based upon some of the emails that I have received, let me make it clearer as to why I left LCG. 1) It had nothing directly to do with LCG not sufficiently recognizing my prophetic abilities/role.