Monday, January 28, 2013

Bob Thiel: Some COG Folk Think Prophet Thiel A Potential Tool Of Satan

Those of us here are not the only ones that think prophet Thiel is off his rocker.  Even Apostle Malm thinks prophet Thiel is bonkers.  That distrust of prophet Thiel extends further into the COG's.

One web COG blog is reporting this about prophet Thiel:

I think Bob Thiel is playing with fire. The only thing that protects him now from receiving false visions and dreams from Satan and his demons, even signs and wonders that come to pass, is God's restraint of Satan.

I am sure Satan would love to use Bob Thiel as a tool to deceive people in the Church of God. I am sure he would love to give him dreams, visions, and messages predicting things that Satan knows will happen, so that when Bob Thiel publishes these messages, and then they come to pass with an accuracy that cannot be explained except by supernatural influence, people will then think of Bob Thiel as a prophet, and he will be confirmed in his own mind and strengthened in his opinion that he is a prophet. Then, once Satan has set him up this way, he will be able to use Dr. Thiel to deceive those in the Church of God who regard him as a prophet, and he can use him to pull people out of any organization that is effectively preaching the gospel and the Ezekiel warning, which Satan hates.

Poor prophet Bob!  He just cannot earn any respect from anyone.  It must be really humiliating and frustrating at the same time, but to then be labeled as a tool of Satan, OUCH! 

Prophet/Chief Overseer Bob Thiel: "I will Soon Be Reaching Over a Billion People" and Other Nonsense UPDATED

(Update in red below)

The absolutely absurd and delusion arrogance of prophet Thiel continues today unabated by reality.  He has posted the “statistics” on his new worldwide reaching ministry that has already touched the lives of more people than any other COG in existence.

Soon after he defected from the Living Church of God, the prophet made this claim:

…I posted a prediction that I felt that in its first 30 days the Continuing Church of God would reach more people with the COG message than any non-GTA group that came out of the old Worldwide Church of God as well as any group that came out of the old Global Church of God.

Today the prophet says he has accomplished this by appearing on three radio stations.

When I made the prediction, only one radio interview was actually scheduled, and one was for a program with a relatively small listenership.  As it turns out, I was invited twice to be another show with a much larger audience.  According to the lowest estimates of audience by the two radio hosts (and yes, they could exaggerate, though they assured me that they were not doing so), on behalf of the Continuing Church of God, I was able to reach well over 2,000,000 via radio (the highest audience estimates were multiple times that large) in the past couple of weeks.
UPDATE:  On prophet Thiel's News Of Those Once Affiliated With Global Church of God he is also boasting that there is a huge possibility that he reached close to 11,000,000 people on radio during the three radio shows.  There is no way possible he reached 2 million let alone 11 million people!  It amazes me that prophet Thiel does not see the sheer stupidity in his pronouncements.  If he brought that many listeners to a radio station thy would be beating down his door for a daily program.

Yes, this has happened. According to estimates from radio hosts for interviews I did on biblical matters (mainly prophecy), over 2,000,000 people were reached via radio (the high-end of the radio audience estimate was 11,000,000). And according to internet collected statistics, over 100,000 unique computers were reached in the past 30 days from CCOG-related websites. Since the total of the radio and internet reach appears to be more than other groups, this has happened as predicted here. Those who want more specific details can read the article CCOG met COG proclamation goal.

Prophet Thiel is either delusional in his “outreach” or deliberately lying.  To claim that three little radio stations brought him in 2 million listeners is a lie!  Even New York City, with over 15 million potential listeners cannot garner that many listeners to a radio station.  Here is now radio stations figure their number of potential listeners.

To see how many listeners top radio stations have in the U.S., select a city from here:

...and look at its "Metro 12+ Population"; for example, the population for New York is 15,730,000. Now multiply this number by .01 to get the number of listeners that are listening in one second to the top station. So for New York... 15,730,000 X .01 = 157,000 listeners. So this is about how many people are listening to the top New York station in one second, which means at this very moment.

For another example, go to the last city on the list, Casper WY. It has a "Metro 12+ Population" of 63,500. If you multiply this by .01 you get 635. This means that roughly 635 people are listening to the top station in one second.

To see roughly how many people are listening to the number one station in an entire week, multiply the "one second" number by 10. For example, for Casper WY the number one station has 635 people listening in one second, so it has 6,350 people listening in one week. For New York, the number one station has 157,000 people listening in one second, so it has 1,157,000 people listening in one week.  Radio Media

Given the above information there is absolutely no way in hell that prophet Thiel reached 2 million people with his absurd message.  Presented with this information he is deliberately lying when says his ministry will soon be reaching “billions” of people!

We will see which doors God opens for us in the future (cf. Revelation 3:7-9).  But ultimately, and probably for a very short time, we may reach increased millions if not perhaps billions (cf. Matthew 24:14).

Prophet Thiel then goes on to quote statistics from his blogs and YouTube channel.  Even those numbers are not entirely accurate.  Some readers of blogs end up there because of pictures. Then they leave.  That happens on this blog.  I can tell by statistics on what brought some people here.  Then I am sure as soon as they saw it was tied into a religious bent they left immediately.  They do the same to prophet Thiel. 

If you look on the right hand side of this blog you see flags of all the countries that readers here have come from.  Even this is arbitrary since I never put that information up until well after 100,000 people had already checked us out.  Just because it says 198 countries are represented dose not mean they were all after COG info.  That kind of logic is the same absurd logic used by the old Plain Truth magazine folks who inflated numbers. 

Just because a PT was mailed to China does not mean the nation had been reached by the “gospel.”  It means ONE person received it. Huge gospel impact!  The PT also assumed that every magazine was read by 6-7 additional readers. The PT Newsstand statistics was the biggest lie the magazine came up with.  Just because 50 magazines were put into a rack does not mean 350 people read them.  Hundreds of thousands of magazines went straight into trash cans.  Hundreds of thousands sat in garages and warehouses in boxes unopened.  Just because a production run of 7 million was printed doesn’t mean 7 million magazines ever made it out.  As one department head of accounting said years ago, “We can make numbers mean anything we want.”

The prophet then goes on to brag about the huge impact his books are having on his ministry.  The fact that he has written so much in blogs, for internet “newspapers” and published a few books happened because God had a covert plan for him.  According to prophet Thiel God was apparently greatly disappointed in Rod Meredith and other COG’s that he began inspiring prophet Thiel to start writing.  God’s plan in this was that once prophet Thiel's writings became “prolific” then He would “doubly bless” him and send him out with a new Church of God.

Prophet Thiel writes:

Another critique was that we of the Continuing Church of God had an unfair advantage.  Which was?  That unlike others who had left the old WCG/GCG/LCG/etc., I (Bob Thiel) had the legal right to my previous decade or so of writings.

That was considered by this individual as a major advantage I and CCOG had over others.

So, let us consider this.

First, unlike most others who started began a group, I was not on the payroll of a church. Second, I am still not on the payroll of any church.  Third, since it was not my intention to start a church, could it not have been God’s plan to have me start with so much material?

Consider that there were probably at least 200,000 people who at some point in time had affiliation with the old Worldwide Church of God, and between 10,000-20,000 who had some affiliation with the old Global Church of God or current Living Church of God.  Out of all those people, there was just one with such an extensive library.

A coincidence?

Or perhaps God’s planning?  It was certainly not my intent over the years to write articles, etc. so that someday I could end up heading up a group like the Continuing Church of God.

Prophet Thiel wants all of his readers to know that he has always been a volunteer.  Apparently "appropriate" men of God do not take a salary.

Consider that I did all this work over all these years on an unpaid volunteer basis.  Could that possibly be the type of person God might wish to use further?

What prophet Thiel fails to let his readers know now is that he is no longer a volunteer.  He is accepting tithe money which he uses for his videos, books, articles and for him self.  Soon he will be travelling (on church expense) to visit his little churches.  Then it will be travel to Feast sites where he will be put up in the best of the hotels being wined and dined at great expense.  We have all seen it happen before. There is no reason whatsoever that prophet Thiel is any different than the other splinter personality group leaders.

The prophet next moves on to his Obama book. This is the book that contributed to Rod Meredith sending out a letter to the membership tell them to take Thiel's words with a grain of salt.

Prophet Thiel claims that by offering his book recently for free on Kindle, that he has now reached untold hundreds of thousands of people with a “warning” because his Kindle edition has links to his articles, blog and videos.

…4,619 people downloaded the second edition of this book.  Now the Kindle edition has the same content as the 160 page print edition (Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term)–thus thousands of people received a lot of information–including links to various CCOG-related websites in that Kindle-edition this month.   Thus, since the formation of the Continuing Church of God we have been able to reach even greater numbers of people about many of the prophetic warnings of the Bible…

Prophet Thiel ends with this:

The message is getting out, and we in the Continuing Church of God are working hard to fulfill Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20.  The Continuing Church of God intends to strive to fulfill Matthew 24:14a, and I believe will be the primary group (the Philadelphia remnant is not restricted to a single corporation) that God will use to accomplish this. Yes, we have quite a way to go, but have done a lot so far with so very few.

Yes prophet and Chief Overseer, you certainly do have a long way to go!  Your videos have to be the most appallingly bad ones we have seen posted from a COG ever. When you shoot your videos in you den with a ratty old bookcase with its books turned on end and that seems to be leaning, it does not make for good visuals.  PLEASE go to this church supply catalog and buy a PROPER lectern to preach from.  Is the one you are using made from plywood or what?  Tacky Bro!  Tacky!  If you buy a proper size lectern then you can sit that lap top on it and not have to worry about it falling off.  PLEEEEEEASE cut down on the hand jesters!  Oy!  You don’t need to flip those wrists around so much. The gay people I know that have seen your videos have picked up on that one right away! I don’t think that is what you want “appropriate males” in the Continuing Church of God to be doing.

One thing we all know for sure.  Living Church of God is breathing a great sign of relief right now.  For the rest rest of us this is a highly entertaining episode in COG history.  There has been none like it before in COG history. It is also rather sad to watch a man mentally melt down for all the world to see.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Prophet Thiel In Church Wide Sermon Preaches Against Silly Atheists

Here is the prophet with his latest sermon.  Get a load of his simplistic explanation of evolution as he pours water on a rock in an effort to make fun of atheists.

I still am in awe of his amazing sermon sets.  Love the ragged Greek Interlinear bibles and commentaries in the back ground. Yes Prophet, you are EDUCATED!  Woo!