Always one to take advantage of a news event, Rod Meredith sent out a letter on Valentines Day to fill the Church coffers with more money. This Valentines Day letter included an envelope for members to send in their "tithe of the tithe."
This "tithe" has to be one of the Church of God's
most deceitful money making tactics it ever used. Poor members who
scrapped and went without in order to raise money for the Feast and other
Church Holy Days had to tithe on the tithe that they had already saved.
This money was sent in to keep the ministry afloat with trips and travel and
secondarily to help pay rent for rented meeting halls. It went to
ministers who did not have to tithe and did not save second tithe. The
COG has routinely given large amounts of tithe money to ministers so they can travel
around the world on Feast Days. These amounts can be from $5-10,000.00 a
shot. All the while the poor church member who double tithed were lucky to be able to afford a Motel 6.
This ploy of sending in "tithe of the tithe" money obviously did not work because Meredith had send out a letter a week later calling a church wide fast for February 23rd. Another letter followed a few days later. The church is suffering financially because the membership is still not sending in money as they are expected
Perhaps it is time that the leadership in Charlotte got off their high horses and lofty pedestals and got on their knees in front of their congregations and asked for forgiveness for the sins they have committed against the membership. Perhaps it is time for these men to humble themselves before their God and truly become servants of men and women and actually serve the membership without any expectation of receiving money or accolades. Perhaps then we will truly see who the real shepherds are in the Church of God. Just think what an example this would be for the spiritually raped and devastated members in Philadelphia and Restored Church of God. They would leave those dead churches so fast Meredith’s head would spin.
Imagine a grace filled life where you did not have to worry about what some Pope does or the gay couple down the street. Imagine not have to live in fear for our salvation from one day to the next because some evangelist is constantly trying to scare the crap out of you.
One can only dream………
February 14, 2013
Dear Brethren,Greetings from Charlotte, NC! With the resignation of Pope Benedict, prophetic events willprobably move forward faster than ever! The "Arab Spring" has brought about a new situation in North Africa and the Middle East to prepare the way for the "King of the South" (Daniel 11 :40). The financial and political upheavals in Europe will soon begin to prepare the way for the coming Beast Power to arise. In America, Maryland has just become the eighth state to approve same-sex "marriage"! Additionally, more and more parts of our society- including the professing Christian ministry-are ignoring or even approving homosexual practices and other perverted behaviors which are anathema to God Almighty! The end of this present age is certainly drawing closer-and we can be encouraged as we see these things occur. For, indeed, it does need to get "darkest just before the dawn."The Eternal God has said He would have a Church preaching His Truth to the very end. We in the Living Church of God-a vital part of the "little flock" (Luke 12:32) which Christ talked about-are having an increasing impact on the world through preaching God's message with increasing power over television, our publications, and now the Internet. The world desperately needs the message that we can give in a special way. We are doing the Work with "all of our hearts" as most of you know. So please carefully consider any way that you can "go above and beyond" in helping out Christ's Work at this time. As the Holy Days approach, we have the opportunity to show honor and worship to the great God we serve in the Holy Day offerings which He commands.As we have mentioned before, March is normally the first month when we begin to contribute the tithe of our second tithe. This-tithe is used-to help defray the common expenses in-conducting the annual Holy Days. As the Spring Holy Days approach, we use this tithe of the tithe to rent halls to meet in and to send ministers out from Headquarters. If you are able to send in a tithe of your second tithe to help with these festival expenses, it will be greatly appreciated!May the God who gives us life and breath lead you ever closer to Him. May all of us do our part with zeal in preparing for the coming Kingdom of God and giving our lives to the Creator as Jesus Christ gave His life for us at this very time of year.With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith