Saturday, June 15, 2013

Philadelphia Church of God: Where The World Is Celebrated While Simultaneously It Destroys Lives Of Members

Does the Eroica Trio know what spiritual evil lurks in the mind of the man they are standing next to?

The following is from a comment in a blog entry below.  Its origin is from the Exit and Support website.

The Philadelphia Church of God has always been know for its sick treatment of members.  Culpepper had a horrible reputation when he was in Pasadena as a student, however he seems to have sunk to even lower depths of depravity.  Culpepper had a reputation of being a self-righteous pompous bastard and I see things have not changed.

The Philadelphia Church of God is slobbering all over it's performers and the "prestige" they bring to their mini-me auditorium. Yet, church members are treated with disdain by Flurry and the ministry.  Champagne, fine wines and expensive receptions hold greater priority than it does with families and the youth of the church.

From: Exit And Support Network

Letters From Those Impacted by Philadelphia Church of God

Cal Culpepper's Abuse of Minor Teens:

June 10, 2013

I personally know of three PCG families that were forced to give up their minor aged, unbaptized children under the direct orders of Cal Culpepper. The following info on his forcing people to give up their 15 and 16 year old teens is accurate because I spoke to these people first hand.

Case #1: This lady is from the Cincinnati/Dayton area. She is a widow and all her family left the PCG and her husband died around 10 years ago. Her granddaughter was being abused by her son and daughter in-law so she petitioned the courts for full custody. She got it and she got the girl out of the abusive environment. This happened around the time of the "Campbell/Culpepper square dance" (the time when Cal Culpepper was in charge, then Marvin Campbell, then Culpepper, etc.). So in that confusion, she was not questioned for getting custody. However, when Culpepper won the power struggle in the North East, he was much displeased with her doing that. Apparently, she was told that "the church does not approve of adoption." Also this young girl was in public school and getting good grades. However, she was going to school dances and such things with a "worldly boy." Culpepper disapproved of that. The girl had enough and stopped going to services. This woman got a call from Aaron Eagle disfellowshipping this girl and was told to "put her in the car and drive her to the Juvenile Center (forget the exact name of the facility) and drop her off." When she explained that she had full custody and was legally responsible for the child and could face criminal/civil charges, she was told by Aaron Eagle, "That is a chance you have to take--have faith." She was threatened with disfellowshipment if she did not comply.

Case #2: This couple was from another area (they asked me not to reveal the state). They had a 16 year old teen that did not want to go to services anymore. Apparently the child was getting "an attitude" and made some comments during the Feast of Tabernacles that were inappropriate. She was sent home from the Feast. They were told to get rid of the teen. They were forced under pain of suspension/disfellowshipment to take her to another state and drop her off at a relative's house and leave her. They were also instructed not to have any contact with her at all. No phone, email, letters. This was under the direction of Cal Culpepper. This couple were so afraid of being put out of "the church" that they followed Culpepper's directions to the letter.

Case #3: This concerns a member from Louisville, KY. This man was a loyal servant of the congregation. He went to all of the PCG activities. He did the garage sale for the building fund, was in Spokesman's Club, went to the cookouts, picnics, etc. He had joint custody of his 15 year old daughter. The girl was torn between her dad and mom. Cal Culpepper verbally abused the girl at a PCG activity in Ohio. The girl was then condemned by Culpepper and told to not come to services. The father was told not to have any contact with the girl (15 years old) at all. The man refused and was disfellowshipped.

There are many more cases like this but these three will suffice to give a picture of the unbiblical and illegal practice of abandoning your minor teens.

I heard in a recent sermon how the non-PCG performers who do the Concert Series at God's House [Armstrong Auditorium] gush and rave telling the HQ people how they were "treated like Kings" with fine dining and accommodations while they stayed at the Auditorium. I wonder if these people were told how minor age children were being tossed out in the street by orders from PCG ministry? Would they still be willing to perform for the PCG? --Anonymous PCG member

Doug Winnail On The Horrible Satanic Persecution The LCG Faces Everyday

Anyone who dares question or criticize the Living Church of God is an agent of Satan?  Who knew!

Dealing with Adversaries: Periodically, critics and adversaries rise up to attack God’s Work, God’s people and the ministry by hurling criticism, spreading rumors, lies and half-truths and doing whatever they can to foster doubt and division. However, God’s people need to understand—it comes with the territory! Long ago, Solomon wrote, “an ungodly man [or woman] digs up evil, and it is on his lips like a burning fire” (Proverbs 16:27). Solomon also observed, “The words of a talebearer are like tasty trifles” (Proverbs 18:8)—however, this is a poor diet that eventually produces a sick and angry mind. Persecution has dogged God’s people down through the ages. Joseph was imprisoned on false charges (Genesis 39). Angry religious leaders plotted against Jeremiah and determined to “attack him with the tongue.” Yet, God told Jeremiah, “They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you” (Jeremiah 18:18; 1:19). Jesus had to endure mocking and vehement accusations by civil and religious leaders who wanted to destroy His ministry (Luke 23:10-11). Stephen was accused by false witnesses (Acts 6:11-13). The Apostle Paul had to deal with people who “spoke evil of the Way” (Acts 19:9), and Peter warned that false teachers who have gone astray would “speak evil of things they do not understand” (2 Peter 2:12). Critics and adversaries seldom realize that when they spread criticism, accusations and lies, they become agents in Satan’s hands to destroy the Work of God (see John 8:44; 1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 12:9-10). As God’s people, we need to reflect on these biblical examples and remember that wise people don’t believe everything they hear or read on the Internet. If someone is troubled by something, wise people seek accurate information from trustworthy sources.

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Pack's Restored Church of God's Hatred of Philadelphia Church of God

Those crazy folk at Restored Church of God, under the tutelage of the worlds greatest man, have an intense dislike for Gerald Flurry, and most other COG's.  How they expect those in the splinter groups to come join them when they exhibit this kind of stupidity is beyond comprehension.  No one will be running to them in a few months.

Sent to me tonight by a reader.  She found it on Facebook.

It's surprising that each harlot daughter of Armstrongism has to set up a doctrinal committee to study doctrine and church beliefs. The various splinter groups love to mock mainstream Christianity because of its varying beliefs , yet they do the exact same thing. When I was with RCG, the minister of the congregation I was in ,scolded me sometime ago when he saw me reading ''Mystery of the ages'', '' The incredible human potential'' and 'The missing dimension'. He knew I obtained these books from Philadelphia so he was very angry with me since he disliked Gerald Flurry claiming he was a false prophet . They claim God's church is one, yet they are at loggerheads with each other. David C. Pack often criticizes Gerald Flurry, Roderick C. Meredith and the UCG ministers calling them Laodiceans. Somewhere in April 2010 , I was having lunch with Melvin Rhodes and other UCG members and Rhodes said he disagrees with Armstrong concerning Birthdays, make-up and birth control but has agreed with his other teachings. Thank you LORD JESUS for taking me out of this CHAOS.