Sunday, August 11, 2013

It Can't Be Anything BUT Personal Opinions and Ideas

If I were trying to palm myself off as a prophet, I would just spout a personal opinion at this point without worrying about whether I was right or wrong, or what God says. But the above question (Who are the 3 Shepherds)  is an example of something we must wait to see.......(Because I don't really know)  But we might ask: will events of August catapult God’s Work to something immediately the size of “medium,” “large” or “colossal”? While I have ideas, I do not have the answer. We will wait and see together."  David C Pack, The Final Anouncement

 I was once in a discussion with someone over the topic of Biblical intent, presentation and meaning when the other person said, "Well, your just using human reasoning."   I paused a moment and then said, "What kind of reasoning do you use?"   He just looked at me and said nothing.   I suspect he understood that anything either he or I said to each other about the topic would be human reasoning.  Because we are human, it is the kind of reasoning we do.  He knew better evidently, than to tell me he used God's kind of reasoning. Not all are that wise.

 Everything you and I have ever heard about what the Bible says or means, or what this or that church or organization, prophet, priest or king is doing,  is merely a personal opinion and idea of what it or they say and "know."   We have this concoction of books we call the Bible, written by multiple humans at different times and it will eternally be subject to the ideas and opinions of humans.  If one thinks it is seamless, coherent , inerrant and written either a code or put together as a puzzle, in my human reasoning, one has not done their homework or would be too troubled by the outcome to do so.

 Everything Gerald Waterhouse ever uttered about either who HWA was, how the world was going and what was surely going to happen was merely his idea and opinion of the topics. All the hype and speculation about the Place of Safety which, to me, evolved from speculation to fact was just ideas and opinions and it still is to this day.   There was not a bit of reality and truth in the whole thing.  Nothing actually came to pass as he thought it would or should and he has been dead for a number of years now which pretty much proves it.  But I suppose that is just my idea and opinion.  Or as Dave Pack says,  "we will have to see" which means I don't know and don't want to take responsibility for declaring how it will all be and have that blow up in my face.  (It already has)

 I always got a cautionary feeling in the ministry when I head such phrases as "God is now moving...,"  "God is now going to....",  "Christ is inspiring...", "God wants us to...",   and so on.  It's where I evolved the response "And you know this?"   Our most recent addition to the opinions and ideas gone berserk is of course Dave Pack of the Restored Church of God.  He just knows the mind of God and Christ.  He knows their every meaning and intent.  He knows what they are up to , not in all the details, but in the over all plan.  It's awesome and quite overarching.

 Dave says:

  "You must see what they are NOT announcing, and why they never will—and what GOD is bringing upon them."

 " An enormous and detailed prophecy is now being carried out by God. He is preparing events to soon bring His people back together—all of them."

 "I have put in a great many hours preparing what you read because there is value in getting people to think about what will happen BEFORE it happens"

 "In short, what does all this sudden growth mean? Wherever you think God’s Church is, you surely would agree with this much. God would have to inform His Church of what He intended to do....... We would also have to know the year of fulfillment EARLY ON or we would waste a tremendous amount of time researching, analyzing and preparing for a prophecy that lay far in the distance. There would have to be enough time to prepare."

 " Rather they are speaking out against the meaning of the prophecy, thus choosing to end their ministrychoosing to give themselves no chance to continue serving God’s people. This is because they have gone on public record against how Christ is regathering His flock (recall Matthew 12:30-32)—and because they do not want to give up their positions of power."

 One could go on forever quoting just how knowing Dave Pack is about how it all was, is and is to come.  He can turn an opinion into a "fact" and an idea into a reality even if they are neither.  Humans are good at that.  Ron Weinland was good at this until he wasn't.  Well, on second thought, he wasn't even good on turning opinions and ideas into anything interesting.  Truly, truly there was never born of woman one who could give a more boring sermon no matter the topic.  With Ron Weinland, his ideas and opinions never got out of the gate to become even remote possibilities. 
 He just didn't know it.

 Sam Harris in Letter to a Christian Nation observed:

 "Along with most Christians, you believe that mortals like ourselves cannot reject the morality of the Bible. We cannot say, for instance, that God was wrong to drown most of humanity in the flood of Genesis, because this is merely the way it seems from our limited point of view. And yet, you feel that you are in a position to judge that Jesus is the Son of God, that the Golden Rule is the height of moral wisdom, and that the Bible is not itself brimming with lies. You are using your own moral intuitions to authenticate the wisdom of the Bible — and then, in the next moment, you assert that we human beings cannot possibly rely upon our own intuitions to rightly guide us in the world; rather, we must depend upon the prescriptions of the Bible. You are using your own moral intuitions to decide that the Bible is the appropriate guarantor of your moral intuitions. Your own intuitions are still primary, and your reasoning is circular.

We decide what is good in the Good Book. We read the Golden Rule and judge it to be a brilliant distillation of many of our ethical impulses. And then we come across another of God’s teachings on morality: if a man discovers on his wedding night that his bride is not a virgin, he must stone her to death on her father’s doorstep (Deut 22:13-21). If we are civilized, we will reject this as the vilest lunacy imaginable. Doing so requires that we exercise our own moral intuitions."

In other words, it is all just idea and opinion and we tend to promote the ideas and opinions we like and shun the ones that are somewhat dicey.  In religion, the ones we like are also God's ideas and truths or we would not do them but if we notice some problems with the story, the problem noticing is human reasoning.  As noted many times in the past, the Bible itself is full of put downs for anyone who notices that the ideas presented are less than satisfying, true or even plausible.  How often have you been told "My ways are not your ways says the Eternal", "There is a way that seems right to a man but the ways thereof end in death", "The wisdom of man is foolishness with God", or "God does not think as a man thinks."   You can't win and you're never going to be correct to someone who thinks your reasoning is just "human reasoning" and theirs is of a higher order. People like this also cry "persecution" when someone disagrees with them or points out the flaws in their thinking.  Recall the WCG receivership of 1979 was Satan's wrath visited upon the Church for being the Church when in fact it really was about misappropriation of funds and palace intrigue.
I have addressed the "know this that in the last days there will be scoffers" concept in 2 Peter.  The fact that that was directed to the folk in the first and second century AD because members of the early church were questioning the Apostles on what exactly "soon" and "time is short" meant since people were dying off and the Apostle Paul had long ago died and wasn't the "we shall be changed" he thought he and they would be.  Those who observed the truth of the matter and what was not true were labeled "scoffers." The motive of "lust" was thrown in to paint them as evil of heart and intent.  However, the scoffers were correct in their observations. Their human reasoning won out over the reasonings of those with their heads in the clouds. Dave Pack's head is in the clouds as is Gerald Flurry and a host of others who would like you to think they have a special line to God and what is really going on.  They don't.  They are using human reasoning whitewashed with self delusion.  Of course this is merely my human reasoning speaking but as Dave Pack says,  "we'll just have to wait and see."
Dave Pack likes to think he is not uttering mere opinions and human reasonings but rather just reporting what God is doing.  He starts from the wrong premise that the Minor Prophet Haggai is not history but up until Dave Pack came along, unfulfilled prophecy.  Using my human reasoning, that strikes me as ridiculous.  He won't take the title of Prophet because he is merely and clearly explaining what God is thinking and doing.  Besides Dr. Bob has taken that title and Dave does not copy.  He has to originate and let's face it, Joshua the High Priest of Haggai trumps even the prophets.  Probably gets him off the hook as well if God does not come through at this time we can rejoice in being given more time to repent and for the message to go out etc... 
The Churches of God and really, all religions and churches, pastors and Apostles are 100% run on human reasonings and ideas expressed. Why?  Because they are human beings.  So far they have been smart enough not to say that God or the voices in their heads told them.  From their forms of government to the reasons why the faithful must or should turn some or all of their resources  over to someone, or as Dave says, "it all belongs to God and the brethren," it is all human reasoning.  "Thus saith the Lord" actually means, even in scripture, "This is what I believe the Lord would thus say at this point in my life and what I perceive as my calling."  Everything Dave Pack has said in his announcements are simply the ideas and opinions of Dave Pack.  There seems to be no room for being mistaken, misspoken or misunderstanding at this point in Dave's mind.  September may be different in this regard but I would not count on that either.  Human reasonings promoted as exactly what the Deity is also thinking and doing is a tough nut to crack.  Ron Weinland is in prison and he still doesn't seem to understand why..
Dave says, "Some weeks ago, when explaining the year that the prophecy is fulfilled, I listed perhaps two dozen reasons for 2013. There are perhaps twice that many more reasons that have been listed by those of us inside the process of learning what God is doing."
So Dave is saying that there really are 48 reasons why that clearly show what God IS doing and the inside 16 have been having more fun than a barrel of monkeys coming up with more than the brethren and certainly us can imagine or probably comprehend at this time.  Dave does not seem to understand that his 24 released proofs are not all that airtight and impressive to us mere mortals outside the knowing of Dave and of course God.  If the secret and remaining 24 are as logical, clear and obviously God ordained proof as the first 24, well.....we shall see.  But all of these announcements of Dave over the past several months of things which must shortly come to pass are merely ideas and opinions of his own making and gone along with by those of like mind, reasonings, ideas and opinion. 
While we are not numbered among those insiders, we have every right to notice, observe and have our own human views of how ridiculous this approach Dave has taken to himself and the scriptures seems to those not under his control and leadership. In our human reasonings and with our human ideas I suspect we merely are trying to spare some sincere folk more religious and theological abuse and all that it brings to the table to be dealt with.

Model "T" Stock Trends: The Unemployment Situation Is A Gooey Mess

Saturday, August 10, 2013

James Malm: Big Band Style Dances at the Feast are CARNAL!

Old James is back in his typical negative Pharisaical mindset today.  There does not seem to be much in the world that makes this man happy except for when the law of the Old Testament is discussed.  Then his eyes light up and gleam though only for as long as he thinks you are keeping the entire law.  Break one of them and you will get scowled at.

Apparently Malm thinks Big Band music and dancing lead to fun things later on in the evening:

One of his acolytes asked him today about his mentioning of  dancing in some of his postings.

Hi. James. I noticed you highlighted the word dance thrice in your post today. Could you be in favor of dancing in church?

James, the legalist, responds:

Not in services; however I am in favor of a dance for joy to God, and not the usual COG big band carnal dance at the Feasts. Dancing before the Lord as David involved songs of praise and dancing for joy in the Eternal. Here is an example.

The COG Feast are far too carnal and focused on ourselves and not really on God. Everything is about us having a good time, or about how we will dominate others. James

This is what James likes to see at the Feast.  This group of people are non-Church of God and are among large groups that "keep" the Feast annually with lots of singing and dancing.  It certainly looks faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more enjoyable than anything that will happen at Malm's feast site this year.  Listening to him preach for 9 day straight would send any thinking person to the looney-bin. Oh wait, if the person was a thinking person they would not even be at James feast!  Imagine 9 days of one sermon after another about the law.  "You can't do this, you can't do that, No!  No!  No!  No! You are sinful human garbage in God's eyes!  He is going to SPIT you out!  You are a stench in God's nostrils!  You are destined to the lake of fire! Every time you sin you crucify Jesus Christ all over again."

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dave Pack: Four Days Remain Till Jesus Comes on Tuesday...After He Missed Last Tuesday

Dave admits he could have written much much more on this great event soon to happen, but too many people are too stupid to grasp what he has to say and others are mocking him, so no one deserves to know the rest.

Then we are warned that we have four days left till his god returns to take over the church. He made this same announcement last week and his god never showed up.  Next Tuesday will be a repeat performance.  Jesus Christ is NOT returning to help Dave with his putrid cult.

I decided to make this final announcement shorter. This is because instruction and warning has been given. Enough has been written. The serious reader will read and consider the following passages, chapters and whole books over the coming days in light of the prophecy as you have learned it. Considering that the apostles all believed they lived at the time of the end, and that God inspired them to write and record events as though they did, we should look at what God is saying through them TO US. Consider reading the list below in the order given. Some points are explicit, others more subtle. The reader should ask God to guide him through what is recorded. Look for specific themes, descriptions, parallels and warnings. (Of course I realize these are passages that can be taken in more than one way, that can have multiple applications). But how many specific themes, descriptions, parallels and warnings can you find while studying these scriptures—perhaps on your knees?:
(1) II Peter 1:19-2:22—Many points apply here—there are many parallels—but who are those “made [Grk: born] to be taken and destroyed” in the context of the “swift destruction” of chapter 2, verse 1 after having “made merchandise of the brethren”? Who are these men described as “among you,” meaning among the brethren?
(2) Acts 20:28-32—“Grievous” wolves means “weighty” or “authoritative” wolves—TOP wolves—and Paul also describes these wolves as “among you.” What was it that Paul knew—“For I know this”—that caused him to warn as he did—day and night for three years with tears? Ponder this.
(3) James 5:1-9—This entire book is addressed to “brethren,” a word found over 20 times in James—by far more than any other book of the Bible. Chapter 5 focuses on “rich men” who “howl.” James speaks directly to these men who are among, and who are afflicting, the brethren. Strangely, James has no power to deal with them—to DO anything about them. For the moment, imagine Mr. Armstrong describing such people and then not disfellowshipping them. This is an end of the age prophecy about men who only God could address because they were “beyond the reach” of the apostle James. Verses 7, 8 and 9 all talk as though Christ’s coming would be soon.
(4) Jude—Note that Jude references three men in verse 11—Cain, Balaam and Korah—who are seen to be a type of evil. In reference to “ungodly men,” God says “Woe to them” who “crept in unawares” and copied the path of these three men. These are yet again described as leaders who are foretold to live in the “last time” (vs. 18) and who are among God’s people (vs. 12). Yet, like James, Jude writes as though the Government of God’s Church cannot “reach” these men—to do anything about them.
(5) Psalm 11—All
(6) Psalm 37—All, but read very carefully for a long series of powerful terms, messages and signals.
(7) Psalm 44—All, but particularly the latter two-thirds where it is obvious that the flock of slaughter—seen to be “cast off,” and in “the place of dragons”—is asking God to intervene and save them.
(8) Psalm 50—All
(9) Psalm 80—All
(10) I Kings 19—All
(11) Ezra—All
(12) Nehemiah—All
Four days remain until Elul 1 (Tuesday evening), when the Great Shepherd, Christ, begins actively shepherding the remnant!