Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Straining A Gnat To Find The Miniscule Moon Rise In 2014

To illustrate how legalistic James Malm is, get a load of what he has to go through in order to determine the PRECISE time his "holy" days will start in 2014.  Malm and his little band of legalists would rather prostitute themselves to legalistic laws than follow Jesus.

Holy Day Dates:   Just before the Feast I was in correspondence with Brian Convery about the timing of Holy Days for the next year.  It was clear to me that with only a .5% illumination the new year was unlikely to begin at sunset March 31.

There is only a very tiny remote chance, maybe 5%,  that the new year will begin at sunset ending 31 March, and if it does not, then it will definitely begin the next evening.

Brian agrees with me; although we will still have observers watching to make absolutely sure.

Brian writes [and I agree]:

Let’s see, March 31st 2014. I have a probable chance. It being a 109.1 on the algorithm from Bruce [Armstrong]. We have seen it at that, once in the past, but the conditions were perfect with no Mediterranean haze. Bruce actually has April 2nd  [as the new moon] on the chart. The evening of [sunset ending] April 1st is a given at 275.6. One could almost see that through a cloud.

September 25 [ending sunset] is the same scenario at 98.58 but with little chance [Virtually NO Chance] of seeing it. Everything would need to be perfect and one would need a very sharp set of eyes. The next night [sunset ENDING Sep 26] is once again a given. When I put up the dates for next year on the site I will probably post April 2nd and September 27th with the caveat that there is a slight potential of visibility the preceding evening.

This means that, with a tiny miniscule  possibility of beginning a day earlier; the Holy Days for 2014 will be:

Spring Holy DaysNew year new moon 2 April; Passover  15 April;  ULB  15-22 April; Pentecost  8 June.

Fall High Days:  Feast of Trumpets  27 Sep; Atonement  Oct 6; Feast of Tabernacles 11-17; the Eighth Day Oct 18. 

COG Chief Pharisee Says Abomination of Desolation to be Set Up on September, 25, 2014

James Malm, the Church of God's Chief Pharisee, has declared that the abomination of desolation will be set up in Jerusalem on Thursday, September 25, 2014......IF...... he is correct in his calculations.

In 2018 the sixth day of ULB will be on April seventh.  Counting back by 1,290 days comes to the setting up of the abomination on  Thursday, September 25, 2014:  IF IF IF 2014 should be the year, and if my count is correct.

Every year I post this calculation and every year people misunderstand and think I am setting dates.  I am not setting dates, I am only posting possibilities based on the scriptures.  The trib will NOT begin until the biblical signs are fulfilled.  This is only the next biblical possibility.

However it is interesting to note that IF the abomination were to begin to do miracles in mid Sep; the Feast of Tabernacles would come several weeks AFTER the abomination is set up. 

This potential is a beautiful set up for a final intense warning at the Feast of Tabernacles.  

We shall have to wait and see and follow the trends and news in the COG Groups and in the world. 
The Chief Pharisee thinks that his message is soooooooooooooo important that thousands will be flocking to his new Feast site that he will be setting up in Texas next year.  With the abomination in place, people will be scared shitless and will come to him for guidance and comfort.

However with this year’s strong interest, if these trends continue and the abomination is set up and a New Europe is coming together BEFORE the Feast next year; the interest in events and our message will be intense, and it will be a grand opportunity to reach the multitudes in the COG with a strong and final warning as the two prophets are set up. 

In the meantime, regardless of whether the abomination is set up in 2014 or not; we are already working on next year’s Feast! 

In 2014 we hope to have a central location complete with message streaming, reaching out to all the COG Groups and brethren with a powerful message of biblical content.

Should I start packing my bags to attend this earth shattering Feast?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Eric King Has Discovered The Real Name of Jesus So You Can Pronounce It Properly And Be Saved

Some in Armstrongism have flocked to the Sacred Names groups around the country since the Worldwide Church of God started imploding in the 1970's.  Some have found great benefit in their spiritual lives from it and others have been scarred horribly by abusive leaders.

Eric King has now jumped don that band wagon.  King, like most of the other Sacred Name leaders, claims that he and he alone has the truth now.

The god these end time leaders of Armstrongism follows must be one of the most incompetent gods to ever be imagined.  King's god was so weak and incompetent that it had to wait till the early part of the 21st century to reveal the "true: name of Jesus.  Since King declares that only those that called out the true name can be saved, what happens to the rest of humanity for the last 200,000 years?

  I have stated the fact that in the Tetragrammaton, “the four letters” [YhWh] there is a missing letter. We have also come to the Biblical conclusion that Jesus Christ is the God [a member of the God Family] of the Old Testament. So would it make sense that the same God of the New Testament [Jesus] would have the same name in the Old Testament? Indeed it would. There is a letter in the Hebrew known as “shin”. This letter looks kind of like an English “W”.
The name “shin” is also the Hebrew word for “tooth” or “sharp point”. Like a “lions tooth” or a “double edged sword”. It is the beginning of The Almighty (Shaddai). It has been called “The Perpetual Intelligence”. The letter shin is toped off with three “yods”, which represent fire. When this letter, which has the sound of the English “s” is placed between the Yh and the Wh of the four letter [Tetragrammaton ~ the name Yahweh] we have the name pronounced as Yeshua or Jesus.  
Granted, this is not the common spelling of the Hebrew name Yeshua….it is the sacred spelling of the name Jesus ~ Yeshua. Now this knowledge is not known properly by any other group other than the true Worldwide Church of God [COGSR]. You haven’t heard any so called “denomination” teach this special knowledge nor have any of the Theological Seminaries (cemeteries) taught this knowledge. This is very important because it puts Jesus Christ as the focus! The “Watchtower & Tract Society” crumbles to the ground because of this Truth. Those who try and pronounce the Holy Name with all their false understandings are now put to shame and must stand before the most Holy Name there is or ever shall be! That name is JESUS CHRIST!