LCG's angry god is at it again. This time their god is using snow storms to punish the country. Using that logic it is also plain to see that LCG is also being punished and has to suffer along with everyone else. They had to shut their offices down because of five inches of snow. Five inches of snow shuts them down? Five inches?????? In the Western States kids go to school in 2-3 feet of snow and LCG can't work in 5 inches???? LCG has become soft. God's work apparently is not as important as they let on.
Extreme weather continues to make news with rains and flooding in southern England, snow and ice blanketing eastern portions of the United States and soaring temperatures in Australia—countries once blessed by God that are turning more and more away from Him and His ways! Mr. Meredith spoke this past Sabbath in Houston, Texas and on Sunday; he and Pastor Rick Stafford saw 129 visitors attend their Tomorrow's World Presentation in Houston. This coming Sabbath, Mr. Meredith will speak to the congregation in Austin, Texas where he will also be visiting with family. Here in Charlotte, we have about 5-6 inches of snow that closed the office for several days. I will be in Phoenix this coming weekend for the Sabbath and a conference on Sunday.