Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dave Pack: Man of Sin to Arise From A COG Splinter Group Along With 2 Helpers

The craziness continues to flow out of Wadsworth through the lips of one of Armstrongism's most narcissistic false prophets ever.  Even false teacher Bob Thiel pales in comparison.

Pack believes that the Man of Sin will arise out of a Church of God, along with two assistants who will deceive the whole world.  This man might even be miraculously healed of a major sickness, but will not be a man resurrected from the grave.

Tens of thousands of COG members will wisely refuse to follow this deceitful little man and will immediately recognize that Dave Pack is the true shining light on the hill. They will flow into the Restored Church of God binging their money with them.

II Thessalonians 3verse 6: “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walks disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.”
Those in the splinters…There are thousands of them, brethren, who are in the splinters, who have the Holy Spirit. They’re not going to follow this man, and they’re the ones that are going to come back to God’s Church. I’ll have a lot more to say about them, in a way that will simply stun you—stunyou. They’re going to escape, but not until they go through fire.
I don’t know how long this man will last, but we ought to, at least, pause and say…The next thing we’re looking for is not Christ revealed from heaven. It’s this evil blasphemer…revealed out of the splinters—that is coming first, and God is going to vacuum away all the tares and those who lost His Spirit and who will not come—and they’re not going to come later—they’re out. You know Luke 14. There are those who are invited and they don’t come. God said they were not going to come…They will in no wise enter this supper……
Let’s be clear…(II Thessalonians 2verse 12, those who follow him are damned. They are condemned. I didn’t say that. God does. Why? Because they “believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” You cannot be saved if you follow a Satan-possessed, blaspheming, false Christ. Who knows? Maybe he says he’s God the Father. There’s a guy in Rome that calls himself the Holy Father. It’s not shocking that a human being might say that.
Salvation is lost to the people who follow this man…It just was never clear how far they would go, and how God would vacuum them out of the Church. God said in Haggai—I called for the desolation. I raise up the Foolish Shepherd. It’s something He’s doing. He hardened pharaoh. He used Judas. He can do that. He can use man for a righteous purpose like Cyrus, and others.

Perspectives-It Depends on How You Look At It

I just don't see it that way.
Ok...I don't see it at all.

I gave a sermon once with a large 3D image that , when looked at properly and with parallel viewing skills  (go learn ye what that meaneth) one would see the hidden picture embedded in the pattern.

The point was, of course, just how difficult it can be at times to see that which is clearly there if we just know how to do it.  Once you could see the image, you could never unsee it.  If you could not see it, try as you might or would not see it because one believes it's not there to see,  you never saw it.

Small Candy Clusters

After the sermon the large image placed on an easel was available up close and a rather large crowd of people gathered around it. I stood back and listened.

"How's this thing supposed to work?"
(Didn't listen to the sermon)

"Looks like just a bunch of jumble to me"
(Flippant know it all who states the momentary obvious and isn't about to try to see anything differently or ask how to"

"Oh I see it!!!"
(That was fast!)

"Ok, kinda gotta just relax your eyes and cross them a bit."
(Apt to teach)

"You're nuts!"
(Their common response to everything not understood or provides no interest)

"I think I see it."
(Eventually did)

"I think I see it"
(Wanted to but I doubt ever did)

"Yeah I see it it. So what"
(Maybe saw it. Maybe not. Can't admit to learning anything they didn't come up with or not actually seeing it, who cares.)


"This is stupid"
(That's as far as they got)

"Oh , oh....that is so cool!"
(Went about teaching others how to see it too)

"Um...oh yeah, I see it"  
(leaves and didn't really)

"I didn't come to church for this crap"
(I went back to church crap the next week)

"Sorry, I don't see it. I gotta go."
(I think they wanted to but it just didn't work for them)

"Yeah, yeah...I saw it. Let's go to lunch"
(Didn't see it. Didn't want to admit they couldn't see. Changed the topic)

"Diehl is an idiot. I want our old minister back"
(Change is uncomfortable. Long for the past and attack the messenger)

"C'mon! Let's go to lunch!"
(More hungry than inquisitive. Or just can't see it and gave up)

(Just kidding...  Dave Pack sermon in 2D.  Nothing here to see no matter how long you sit and hope to see it)

Old or Young?
It depends on how you look at it...

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Dave Pack Befuddled By COG Members Who Ignored Him In Akron

Poor Dave.  He just does not get it.  How can any real COG member ever ignore his preaching?  Church of God News is reporting how befuddle Pack is over the fact hat hardly anyone followed him out of Akron when he got fired, yet followed the next minister into United and then ultimately taking more into COGWA.  How can people ignore the most significant man on earth?

David Pack, of the Restored Church of God, stated, in his sermon on Dec. 31st:
“I remember when I was fired (by the Worldwide Church of God in 1993), right here in Akron, and there were 38 people came with us. That’s the number.
Two years later, another guy was fired, who had bought into and taught the trinity. I had his sermon ... The TRINITY -  and 200 people followed him. He went on to be the President of United. Now he’s a top minister in COGwa.
Two hundred people followed him. Didn’t any of them remember, right there in the room, I told them where it was going, and they follow a guy that taught them the trinity? And these were ‘escapees’, you see? ...
I listened. I mean, the whole thing - eyeballs and elbows - taught it all; swallowed hook, line and sinker - and they followed him 
(to a newly formed church - the United Church of God), because they said, “Well, it’s just the nature of God. We’re not really changing anything.”