Saturday, March 4, 2017

Dave Pack: " have to disagree with the Bible to follow the truth"

Superfantabulous Dave, Lord and Overseer of the First Dominion, has this to say about the apostles and the Bible.   Dave has to say this in order to make his convoluted "new truth's" make any sense to his members.

Do you realize you have to disagree with the Bible to follow the truth? Think on that one! If you agree with the apostles, you have to believe THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD CAME 2,000 YEARS AGO. You CANNOT GET AROUND THAT or you, literally, disagree with all the 12 apostles and with what they wrote in God’s Holy Word. Think on that one. There are those who do believe that the Kingdom did come 2,000 years ago. We call them…Catholics. They believe it did come then and that they are it.
Now, the Protestants spun that a little bit, and the apostates of 25 years ago also got a similar idea from the Protestants that the Kingdom is here, but not yet in its fullness. So when you pray “Thy Kingdom come” you are praying for it to come in its fullness. It’s here and a good Evangelical, a good Protestant spreads it. The job of a Christian is to spread an already existing Kingdom. But of course, we never believed that. We know better.
All the people that want to hold to Mr. Armstrong, who tried to interpret and understand the Bible, never think of it the way I just explained it. Peter, Paul, Jude…I mean, Peter—“The end of all things is at hand!” No it wasn’t. He says it later in this book in another couple of chapters. Did he lie? How would you put it? He spoke falsely? Oooh…no! It’s the way God wanted the Bible written. It’s absolutely what God wanted the apostles to say. Mr. Armstrong understood this much for sure—and said it—it’s as though the Bible was written to the Philadelphian era of God’s Church, to the last generation. Almost, I’m tempted to say, little did he know…but he did know, so I don’t want to say that. But if he knew all that we know, he would know he was…Let’s put it this way…more right than he knew.
But still, on its face, if you look at Peter and Paul…you know, John says “we live in the last time.” How many times did Paul say “It’s the last days?” Told Timothy to continue and be strong. Perilous times would come in the last days, and Timothy, here’s how you act during that…except Timothy died 2,000 years ago or thereabouts. You see? So I’m trying to help you understand. In order to believe the truth, you have to believe that the apostles were wrong. It just so happens though, the apostles wrote the Bible and they thought they lived in the last days. So you have to reject, not just one apostle, but 12, in that one narrow, little regard—and you have to reject what they wrote in Scripture, not in booklets. Do you see what I’m saying? I’m trying to get you to think differently.
Don’t lock into what Mr. Armstrong said. He would not want that. He said, “If I can be shown I’m wrong, please show it! Come and show me the proof—but I have to see proof.” I can’t wait to talk with him about this. I know him. Initially, he’ll say “How did I not see it?” and it will be pretty easy to say that…“You weren’t supposed to yet.” Knowledge would increase. He did not have any idea that he was…Can you imagine Mr. Armstrong coming up and finding out he was over three decades off, and the Kingdom isn’t here yet? Over three decades? He’d say “What?”

Thursday, March 2, 2017

COG False Prophet Ready To Turn His Ministry Over To The Two Witless Witnesses

James Malm, the Church of God Official Pharisee, has always pictured himself as the most important man doing a zealous work that sticks 100% to the law.  Through his bastardization of the law he has turned his back on Jesus Christ and placed all of the emphasis on obey 613 commands  over the two commands of the New Covenant.

Pharisee Malm considers all other Church of God leaders as heretical pond scum who have turned their backs on God, the law and truth.  No human on this earth is as zealous as the Chief Pharisee.  His work outshines all the idiotic malarkey of the Doubly Blessed Chief Overseer Bob Thiel and Superfantabulous Dave Pack.

Pharisee Malm's site is the most miraculous in the world and is filled with such outstanding truth that he is getting ready to turn it over to the Two Witless Witnesses.  As these two persons are preaching in Jerusalem does he really think they care about some idiotic web site filled with heretical legalistic bullshit?  Is he going to turn his web sites over to Ron and Laura Weinland?  They claim they are the Two Witless Witnesses.   Or is he set to give his web site to Bob Thiel and Dave Pack?  This two lying false prophets both think they are hot stuff that  somehow figure into end time prophecy.

Why is the church filled with so many lying fools?  Herbert Armstrong had no idea the theological and spiritual destruction he has wrought on the church through his narcissistic disciples.

The legalistic bullshitter also expects his few acolytes to give him money to keep his servers up as the tribulation roars around the world.  He has his servers in Iceland due to the belief that the nation will not suffer as much punishment by Malm's angry god as other countries will. Because Malm thinks he knows the approximate date of the return of his false "jesus" he therefore wants to pay upfront several years worth of money to keep his web site running, all so the Two Witless Witnesses can use it to spread the truth.

As you see these events unfolding, please do not forget to support this work with your prayers and contributions.  
God’s Two will have their hands full and I would like to have enough funds to pay several years in advance for our web hosting from Iceland so that the material will remain available for as long as possible after the tribulation begins, and remember there will be prosperity in Europe for about two years before they also begin to fall so there is the rest of the world to think about.  Of course I would give God’s Two the sites to do with as they please.  
As soon as God sends His Two I will wholeheartedly support them.  

Dave Pack's "christ" Will Kill The President

Dave Pack, the superfantabulous Restored Church of God leader in Wadsworth, Ohio, says his "christ" has to "take out the garbage" when he returns and will therefore need to kill the President in order to cleanse the White House.

When Christ comes, if I can use a term so you can appreciate it, He’s got a lot of trash to take out. He’s going to be very busy and so are all of us. Before He can set up a world government, there’s a lot of people still alive, in His way, and He takes them out before He brings His government in. That’s why the tribes are wailing and mourning when He arrives. He’s got to deal with some people. You can’t go into the White House and replace a president, whose policies you’re going to change, until he’s gone from the White House…Men know that much.