Dave Pack, the superfantabulous Restored Church of God leader in Wadsworth, Ohio, says his "christ" has to "take out the garbage" when he returns and will therefore need to kill the President in order to cleanse the White House.
When Christ comes, if I can use a term so you can appreciate it, He’s got a lot of trash to take out. He’s going to be very busy and so are all of us. Before He can set up a world government, there’s a lot of people still alive, in His way, and He takes them out before He brings His government in. That’s why the tribes are wailing and mourning when He arrives. He’s got to deal with some people. You can’t go into the White House and replace a president, whose policies you’re going to change, until he’s gone from the White House…Men know that much.
It seems Dave doesn't understand the various U.S. laws pertaining to Presidential succession.
These people know no moderation, and no mercy. Every act has always got to be the most extreme and dramatic possible. Why is that???
A God with the keys to unlock anyone's mind would most certainly be able to reason with presidents and other leaders, especially considering that by this point in time, in accordance with the Armstrong scenarios, this president would have witnessed countless game-changing supernatural acts. Jesus could simply tell the president who He was, and what was going on, and the poor president would be putty in His hands. But, no. Dave's got to kill him.
Now, granted, a false prophet who had been brazenly manipulating people with untruths might need to be put down like a dog. Like maybe an Armstrongite "prophet" who actually knew what he was doing, yet did it anyway? I think Dave may be indulging in a little transferance here!
Pack better be careful about what he says. He might get a visit from the secret service!
This is the typical immaturity of the WCG ministers. All the talk of AC teaching people how to live, was a lie to cover up the truth that AC graduate s are like teenagers. Believe the words and look away from reality.
I never thought it would happen! Finally I agree with Pack on something. The White House is indeed filled with trash right now. White trash, mostly, but some orange too. Beyond that and he's back to batshit square one.
Anon 9:48...If the White House is filled with white trash then take your bitter hate up with God, it is God who allows in power and sets up whomever he will for whatever reason he has at the time, even though we may not like to agree at the time, so instead of making stupid comments, try praying about it, and as God tells us, also pray for those in authority instead of slamming them, and mostly because you can't see what God is doing through them. As far as the orange comment goes, that was just dumb.
I doubt that the president and congress will be alive at Christs return. Today's hunkers can't withstand a direct nuclear hit.
There is an interesting surge in funnies lately. Well done!
For the sake of "alternative facts". I only read the words "take out." So according to established rules of interpretation:
Christ might just
-"take him to the cinema."
-might just get something official from the bank (making the people cry)
-remove something from his pocket
-Make the clothing of the president looser
Or he might just refer to the Obama coup bringing about world government, soon to take place according to some pundits.
So far, I go with the "making the clothing of the emperor looser.
Why should Christ bother when the Democrats seem to be doing such an excellent job of it?
If Christ returns, one would suspect that the first thing he would do is kill off all the false prophets first.
Chuckles said...
is a later insert into the text which from Romans 12:1-21
, skipping 13:1-7 and picking up at :8, makes sense just fine without it. Another example of this are the birth narratives of Jesus in Matthew and Luke. Excise them from the text and the books read just fine pointing to them being added to address a problem of the day, which in this case must have been to rebut the charge Jesus was born of fornication etc.
Anon 9:48...If the White House is filled with white trash then take your bitter hate up with God, it is God who allows in power and sets up whomever he will for whatever reason he has at the time, even though we may not like to agree at the time, so instead of making stupid comments, try praying about it, and as God tells us, also pray for those in authority instead of slamming them,"
Romans 13 demands that Christians be in submission to the state. Some scholars feel that Romans 13:1-7
Romans 13 may have been added to assure the Roman State that Pauline Christians were no threat to Rome. That could be fatal after all. It's a basic "kiss up" to Rome.
We all know that governments are not really here for our good punishing only the bad . We all know they don't only terrorize the evil doers. We also know they do wield the sword in vain, lots of times. This is an idealistic and contrived portion of scripture . No one would resist the evil , religious or political , that can arise at times if this were literally true and from a God to men.
This is men writing to men. Follow it , at times, at your own risk. There would have been no American Revolution or resistance to Nazi Germany had this been taken literally.
If today, God chooses leaders, then he must be drinking while making up his lists of leaders. If God really chooses leaders of countries then He is playing a game with us all as well. The admonitions to honor the ministry and obey them etc, is the same as these to obey the government and be in submission to them. The admonitions are written by ministers and politicians and not any Deity.
And praying for them does no actual good in keeping them off your backs or going sour on you.
Romans 13 demands that Christians be in submission to the state
And speaking of science fiction, this sounds a lot like Colony where extraterrestrial aliens have their agents persuading humans to be in submission and cooperate for a bright new future while the aliens are plotting to kill off the human race.
Resistance is necessary.
All of this, though, sort of becomes a moot point, since Chronicles clearly (well, actually, you have to do some digging) shows that there was no Israelite captivity in Egypt and no exodus. Hint: Blame Ephraim. If Chronicles is true, then the rest of the Old Testament can't be -- and remember: Chronicles was written last.
Ephraim wasn't born in Egypt, his descendants didn't exodus from Egypt and they certainly weren't some 'lost' tribe. The whole thing is bogus... if we believe Chronicles. If we don't then a part of the Bible can be parted with and that invalidates the entire canon.
Sorry, but Paul probably wasn't a Benjamite either.
Is this a problem to anybody?
If today, God chooses leaders, then he must be drinking while making up his lists of leaders
Disagree. Judges talks of wine cheering the hearts of God and men (and strong drink as in distilled didn't occur until the what, 9th Century A.D.?). Clearly wrong. Some boozing alcoholic made that up to make himself feel better and knew nothing of God (just like the rest of us).
No, if today, God chooses leaders, then he must be put in a mental ward for the criminally insane (particularly considering the previous Assessor-Treasurer for this County who some how couldn't be impeached). [In the United States, we often wonder what role the CIA has in choosing leaders -- or at least deposing them.]
Just a nit though.
It doesn't preclude God from being a boozing alcoholic, it's just unlikely.
The good news is that it does appear that God is letting us work out our own government salvation ourselves, so don't blame God....
"The White House is indeed filled with trash right now. White trash, mostly..."
If you can say that, then I can say that under Obama it was filled with black trash--Obama and his "family". And under Hillary it would have been filled with feminist trash.
"Christians must be submissive to the state"
It also says to 'obey God rather than man.' You can't just cherry pick scriptures.
"Christians must be submissive to the state"
It also says to 'obey God rather than man.' You can't just cherry pick scriptures.
Kant tried to solve that puzzle through German rationalism.
Generally, governments deal with groups and people seen as subversives based on the size of potential influence or magnitude of potential damage. Neither the original WCG nor any of the ACOG splinter groups rise to any definition of this level. There are far, far more flagrant groups which pose greater threat to national security. In order for the types of scenarios embraced by Armstrongism to take place, either 1) The government would have to veer strongly in the direction of totalitarianism., 2) Armstrongism would need to suddenly appear as a greater threat than such currently visible activities as Islamic Fundamentalist terrorism, or various issue-related protests or riots.
Let's face it. The largest ACOG splinter groups are not even as large as some of the mega-churches in larger metropolitan areas. So, the numbers just aren't there. The effectiveness in proselytising is simply nonexistent. There is also a tremendous negative presence on the internet, the primary source of information in the civilized world of today. So, growth is highly unlikely.
No Armstrong events compare to their counterparts in the mainstream. It may be an apples to oranges comparison, but the events fomented by Terry Ratzmann are largely forgotten, while the name David Koresh lingers in nearly everyone's lexicon. Harold Camping is very much remembered, while Ronald Weinland is virtually unknown. The name Billy Graham rolls off nearly everyone's tongue, while Herbert Armstrong has been forgotten. Amongst those who remember it, 1975 is even more widely associated with the Jehovah's Witnesses than with the much smaller WCG. At best, it's just another entry on the list of failed dates for the apocalypse.
Much the same as kids playing basketball on their local playgrounds fantasize about playing in the NBA, Armstrongites fantasize about being the chosen ones to have a key role in end time events. There has been nothing over the past 80 years to suggest that that is even remotely possible, let alone probable. And the fact is, some of those kids playing neighborhood basketball actually have skill to support their dreams.
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