Gerald Weston wrote to the membership of the Living Church of God on February 16th. Like all good Church of God leaders it is a letter filled with doom and gloom. It is filled with death, destruction, Herbert Armstrong, jackbooted Germans, concentration camps, British Israelism, and not one original thought from mind. Everything that comes out of the Living Church of God is stuck in the past.
But a man by the name of Herbert W. Armstrong was warning about the downfall of America and the British-descended peoples of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the democratic countries of Northwestern Europe long before I heard any of this from my father. Mr. Armstrong was seeing the world through the lens of biblical prophecy and an understanding of the KEY to those prophecies—the biblical identity of modern nations! Even when Germany was lying in rubble following the Second World War, he predicted it would rise again to challenge the Israelite- descended peoples. And now, from we read the following: “The weekly ‘Die Zeit,’ once considered a liberal journal, carried an article on Chancellor Merkel entitled, ‘Leader of the Free World? Of Course!’ claiming the German Chancellor could even become ‘the savior of the free world’. . . major German media organs again depicted Merkel as ‘US President Trump’s adversary’” (2017/01/26).Weston, like Bob Thiel, Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry have to invoke Herbert Armstrong's name and teachings as validation for their respective groups erroneous beliefs.
But a man by the name of Herbert W. Armstrong was warning about the downfall of America and the British-descended peoples of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the democratic countries of Northwestern Europe long before I heard any of this from my father. Mr. Armstrong was seeing the world through the lens of biblical prophecy and an understanding of the KEY to those prophecies—the biblical identity of modern nations! Even when Germany was lying in rubble following the Second World War, he predicted it would rise again to challenge the Israelite- descended peoples. And now, from we read the following: “The weekly ‘Die Zeit,’ once considered a liberal journal, carried an article on Chancellor Merkel entitled, ‘Leader of the Free World? Of Course!’ claiming the German Chancellor could even become ‘the savior of the free world’. . . major German media organs again depicted Merkel as ‘US President Trump’s adversary’” (2017/01/26).
Dr. Roderick C. Meredith was an early student of Mr. Armstrong, and he has continued to proclaim the same message: if our modern Israelite nations do not repent, we will be overthrown and go into captivity! Once you understand the identity of modern-day Israel, not merely the tiny Middle Eastern country called Israel, but the descendants of Joseph who were given great promises of incredible prosperity and power at the end of the age, the world suddenly comes into clear focus. As a man from Colombia once passionately told me after reading our booklet, The United States and Britain in Prophecy, “Finally something makes sense. I’ve always known you guys were not smarter than us!”No Church of God leader has ever been as great as Rod Meredith. This has sent Almost arrested Bob Thiel into the major butthurt zone.
Dr. Meredith, the Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God, has for more than 64 years fearlessly and powerfully warned where we are heading. It saddens me to tell you this, but he is not well and appears to be coming to the end of his days. His mind is excellent, but his body is not. He and his family would appreciate your prayers at this time. However, he put in place a fine team of men and women to continue this warning, as well as to proclaim the wonderful news of the coming Kingdom of God, the time when Jesus Christ will return to straighten out this mess. That is the time when the true servants of God will be resurrected to assist in solving mankind’s fundamental problems.With Rod Meredith on his deathbed, Weston is gearing up to become the face of the LCG.
I wonder that "work" Weston is talking about? LCG is virtually unknown by everyone. No one knows who Rod Meredith is, what he has said or anything about his message. World governments have never heard of him.This Work will continue with that mission. As Dr. Meredith has always emphasized, it is not any man, but Jesus Christ who is the Head of this Church, the Living Church of God. We believe you are a co-worker with us because you believe in that mission!
Weston will inherit a divided church that will rupture. He will never be able to preach any significant gospel message. No one will listen to him. No one will care.
Weston's "god" is getting ready to wreck havoc on the world. Apparently God has been refrained from wiping us off the face of the earth, all thanks to Herbert Armstrong
God is incredibly patient, and He gives mankind more time than we deserve, but time IS running out. Even though my father foresaw the coming downfall, I doubt that he understood just how morally degraded we have become. Storm clouds are on the horizon for any who have eyes to see. A time of darkness is coming and our time to finish this Work is limited. Please pray that God will open the doors and give us the strength and the courage to walk through them. May God the Father and Jesus Christ be with us to finish the Work He has commissioned us to do!
I bet, like Loma before him and as Dave is said to have said his wife said nearing death, so RCM will be said to have said..."You men go on now and do the work...." I did hear, but can't confirm it, that Joe Tkach upon his death bed said, "I have been so foolish..."
If I get to utter something before the end, and I almost didn't as not long ago I met a F350 at the top of hill as he attempted to pass others, nose to nose, I hope it will be something grand and not the "oh shit" I said at the top of the hill.
:) I know ..."Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?"
church that will rupture
So, there will be a pre-tribulation rupture! Changing doctrines already...
Gerald, the work and how members are treated are not unrelated, as supposed by the ministry. There is no dichotomy between the work and behaviour of the ministers. Should God bless any group where the leaders behave like despots?
“Gerald Weston wrote to the membership of the Living Church of God on February 16th. Like all good Church of God leaders it is a letter filled with doom and gloom. It is filled with death, destruction, Herbert Armstrong, jackbooted Germans, concentration camps, British Israelism, and not one original thought from mind. Everything that comes out of the Living Church of God is stuck in the past.”
That sounds like sort of a compliment to the LCG, though personally I do not think that it really, fully deserves it.
One certainly does not want any so-called “original thoughts” from any of the self-appointed division causers.
Look what happened when Gerald Flurry had so-called “original thoughts,” including the ones he plagiarized for his little book, and other ancient demonic thoughts about destroying families.
Look what happened when David Pack had all the usual so-called “original thoughts” about robbing his followers more efficiently and thoroughly than ever before.
Look what happened when Ronald Weinland had so-called “original thoughts” about prophecy, and had all the usual negative results.
Look what happened when Bob Thiel had all the usual so-called “original thoughts” that he was someone special.
Look what happened when James Malm had so-called “original thoughts” that he wanted everyone else to adopt as their own original thoughts.
Again, one certainly does not want any so-called “original thoughts” from any of the self-appointed division causers. To desire any such perverse things is just asking for more trouble.
Does this dink have an original thought in his head?
"Jesus Christ who is the Head of this Church"
It doesn't seem to dawn on all the COGs (or other churches for that matter) how weak that makes their god Jesus Christ appear.
This all-powerful cosmic being (the universe is very big), and being the head of their little church is the best JC can do?
Hey Dennis, contrary to the hype,...
Dinks who drive F350s are, generally speaking...dinks with small dinks.
Jesus Christ has nothing to do with that church.
says the gospel has been preached all over the world, to everyone under heaven
The gospel was preached to the world
Colossians 1:23
Of course these men believe the apostles didn't know what they were talking about.
It is these ministers who don't know what they are talking about.
And yes, the gospel is not about a tribulation but about Christ Jesus and him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:1–2
And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. 2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Why do you people rubbish Mr. Armstrong. Why dont you look you self in mirror and see what kind of person are you.
LCG has been lying to it's members by telling them they have 10,000 members. This isn't even close to the truth. They don't have an open-door policy. Ministers and members have been exiting LCG especially since the 2005 shooting in Wisconsin. What number is closer to the truth?
Rupture? Isn't there a med for that? Preparation H.
9:47 didn't go back far enough. Look what happened when Herbert Armstrong had the original thought that you could combine the theory of British Israelism, the theory of 6,000 years for man and 1,000 years for God, and the theory that the churches in Revelation are actually eras, and roll them into an understanding of prophecy, timed with Ussher's chronology to give us 1975! Look at all of the evil people allowed into their lives by imagining that God had confirmed this in their prayers!
The problem being that so long as there are new generations of people continuing to be born that never heard it, the preaching of the gospel around the world can't just be a one time event, and then be considered done. Whether this task was completed during the early apostolic era in the first century of the C.E., or allegedly during the ministry of HWA (sorry, he only preached half of a gospel), millions of people continue to be born that never heard it.
Any ACOG that speculates that "Oh, Mr. Armstrong completed the work" would be kidding itself. If your commission is to warn the world, then the gospel must be preached around the world to all who live in the present. This preaching combined with the actual end would constitute the two events that would make it possible to state that the work had been done. Although the person who stated several months ago that HWA had fully warned the baby boomers was far more reasonable in his or her assessment, if that were even true, it would still mean that the work had not been done.
The ACOGs can't use this specious argument to explain away their nearly complete invisibility.
We have, Ilija. We're his victims. He brought a spiritual holocaust into our lives.
Weston's stupid pronouncements are really bad science fiction.
If you want better science fiction, instead of listening and watching LCG tripe, why not go on over to Syfy and watch The Expanse. Season 1 looked rather unpromising, but season 2 really raised the bar and some of the visuals are stunning, the story has improved and, really, the plot is far more expansive than this limited little small minded Weston can produce from copies of copies of what G. G. Rupert wrote in his science fiction tome which turned out to be more fantasy than science fiction.
Weston is an unnecessary waste of flesh with a mind tuned to rubbish -- and that's just not a good combo to produce a successful next season of the science fiction ho-hum production of as the Church Turns alternative earth science fiction soap (or maybe sop) opera -- another soap for saps.
If you still persist and insist on watching the Weston science fiction production, please save your money and don't pay for it -- it's boring and dystopian.
Did HWA really believe his doctrines or did he just patch together a bunch of ideas from other religions and made them his own? If you wanted to start a religion and wanted to see it grow, why would someone include the observance of the Holy Days, exclusion of Christmas and Easter, three tithes, dietary restrictions and avoid doctors? Why make it so difficult? If he wanted to get rich, he could teach tithing and the rest, well, only keep "the fun stuff." Oh, he did keep one good thing, everyone can drink booze. Perhaps he was thinking, "If I make them observe all of these draconian teachings, they are going to need to be able to drink." I think the problem with all of these churches is that they claim to have the truth. How can any of them change any teaching without opening up the floodgates? How could they retain any credibility? The RCC is in the same predicament.
God did not confirm 1975 in any Christians prayer request. What the holy Spirit did confirm was my suspicion that Herbies 1975 date was his attempt at bullying/coercing Christ to return prematurely at that date. So 'thy will be done' became 'my will be done.' Like Satan, Herbie tried to nock God off his throne, and become the real boss.
Herbs motive in the 1975 return, was to cover up the becoming obvious failure of Warsaw block communism. He outwardly condemned communism, but that was self protection against the Soviet gang that would not let him play church. But if one looks at church culture, one finds communism with biblical window dressing. Tyrannical government and the 'give way' are two examples of this.
Oh, he did keep one good thing, everyone can drink booze. Perhaps he was thinking, "If I make them observe all of these draconian teachings, they are going to need to be able to drink."
Herbert Armstrong didn't 'keep' it because the ministers of the Church of God Seventh Day were generally very much against use of alcohol (more recently, they seemed to have softened). Who knows? Maybe that's the real reason he bolted from the CoG7D.
As an incentive for a boozing alcoholic, that, after all, takes precedence.
The 1960s and early 1970s were such wonderful times in the Worldwide Church of God where everyone seemed to be making beer and wine (and a few had stills)... and people were complaining of hypoglycemia with their extreme migraine headaches, the very picture of the third (and last) stage of alcoholism, just before death.
Yes, Herbert Armstrong was a genius....
No, wait!
He was an alcoholic!
Not the same thing....
Say, does that picture make Weston look like Vladamir Putin?
11.27 PM
The gospel is that people can qualify for eternal life. All these other 'gospels' are meaningless if one is dead. Why do people have problems with the obvious.
Power hungry ministers unsurprisingly insist that the gospel is more government which Christ will bring with His return. This is the same song the liberals sing with their ever expanding nosey government and accompanying debt.
We have looked in the mirror and decided that we will not be taken advantage of by a abusive cult again. Thanks for the reminder.
Byker Bob said, "9:47 didn't go back far enough."
MY COMMENT - Byker, you forgot to add 19 year time cycles. That was an original thought coinciding with the first week of January, 1934 when God's Work through The Radio Church of God was launched and began proclaiming the lost True Gospel of the Kingdom on radio station KORE in Oregon for the first time in 2,000 years. God's work was to culminate with the second 19 year time cycle in the first week of January, 1972 when the Germans would attack America - a time of Jacob's Trouble. The Philadelphian brethren - God's very elect - would be taken on the wings of an eagle to a Place of Safety for further education and training by listening to Gerald "Go Water The House of God" Waterhouse for hours and hours on end. This is the time we prayed to be delivered from and accounted worthy to escape all these things while the Laodicean brethren went through THE GREAT TRIBULATION!
No Splinter Churches; No HWA wannabees: and No Philadelphia remnant in America or anywhere else other than Petra during the Laodicean Church 3 1/2 year era. These are the "original thoughts" of the Apostle of God, Herbert W. Armstrong....and what we believed in the 1960s Radio/Worldwide Church of God.
Funny how Roderick Meredith forgets all this stuff and trivializes it all away.
Lake of Fire Church of God
If there is such a thing as the gospel going to all the world before the end comes, then Billy Graham did it. He is not perfect, but he has far more integrity than either of the Armstrongs or their imitators.
All these many references to Petra by Banned, but no mention of my contribution. Using a combination of satellite and Wi-Fi internet, members in Petra will be able to observe the tribulation from the comfort of their caves. All thanks to my invention, the internet. Cheers Al Gore.
Thank you Mr. Weston for your dedication to God's work. Glad to have you own our team.
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