The mind boggling campus of Super Dave
Millions upon millions of people drive by the Restored Church of God cult compound ever week. They are in such awe that they just keep on driving on even though Dave's "christ" will soon return to this "high place" and wreck righteous havoc.
Dave is so good at brainwashing his people that his staff unquestionably believe everything he says. They too believe that hundreds of thousands COG members and others will soon be streaming into the campus and church as they are flown in on the wings of the Giant Eagle.
“[You’re] the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid” (vs. 14). Literally, brethren, the very location of this magnificent—magnificent—World Headquarters that will come to absolute completion—absolute completion…Everything is going to be not “lights out,” but it’s literally going to be “lights on.” A beautiful city with every four days…maybe now, it’s about every three days…seen by a million people who pass by on two highways.I’m not going to say here all of what I’ve told the staff, but the staff knows what’s coming. All of you here and everybody coming for the Feast, and everybody, who ever comes from anywhere in the world, I’m telling you, if you can get to Headquarters and see this amazing city on the hill as it will exist in just 40 more days, you’ll be glad you could get here. Don’t try to do what you can’t do…I’m speaking literally, but also in a way rhetorically. I know most of God’s people can’t come. That’s why I’m committed, we’re all committed to showing films of the campus from every angle. But everybody who comes always says the films don’t do it justice. Now I shouldn’t say that for all the people who are going to see nothing but film. But we’ll try to do the best we can.
The "city of the hill" wants to make sure
you do not get too close
Hype. That's all it is.
The mall about a mile from my house is more beautiful than this. I'm in and out of corporate headquarters and office buildings every day of the week that are more beautiful than Dave's hall of administration. There are views from the interstate and the freeways that are more attractive and compelling than Dave's campus. Once again, somebody's ego is very active, and he's just got to share. You'd think it were the Huntington Library or something!
"A beautiful city with every four days…maybe now, it’s about every three days…seen by a million people who pass by on two highways."
What malarky. A million people don't pass by on their way to Giant Eagle every three or four days. But if they did, only the ones who happen to be RCG members would have a clue what that empty field was, and the rest wouldn't even care. And since when did three dinky buildings amount to a "city"? I guarantee you that Pasadena City Hall alone has a lot more enclosed square footage than Dave's entire "city."
Nobody is noticing the campus. Not with all the trees they've planted along the highway. I used to notice before the trees went up, but I knew where to look and what I was looking at. Sally Commuter is too busy texting clients on the way to the office or fiddling with the infotainment system to even glance over. No one knows what RCG is or that it even exists. Sorry Davey Trees!
Shrouded in secrecy.
In their hey day glory years, any one of Herbert Armstrong's Ambassador Colleges in Pasadena, Ca., Big Sandy, Texas and Bricket Wood, England would all dwarf Dave Pack's little low wattage campus.
To paraphrase a famous line in a U.S. V.P. debate, "I knew Herbert Armstrong. Herbert Armstrong's work was once a friend of mine. You, Dave Pack, are no Herbert Armstrong!"
Not even close!
Lake of Fire Church of God
Do you suppose that if it's not putting out enough light, it could be set on fire?
Out of Dave Pack's mouth came some more boasting about what he considers as being "LIGHT":

"But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"
"The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of LIGHT; BUT WHEN thine EYE is EVIL, thy body also is FULL OF DARKNESS."
) and then to judge by the outward appearances of matter and materials, the work of the hands of many human beings, as if he did something so fantastical, but that is NOT "a good thing."
"...[You’re] the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid” (vs. 14). Literally, brethren, the very location of this magnificent—magnificent—World Headquarters that will come to absolute completion—absolute completion…Everything is going to be not “lights out,” but it’s literally going to be “lights on..."
Really? REALLY?
What kind of light might that be? Could it be what Job had in mind? Could that light be darkness?
"The LIGHT shall be DARK in his tabernacle, and his candle shall be put out with him." Job 18:6
Satan comes as an angel of light too, but his light is darkness.
Once upon a time, Job looked, rather waited, for light, but what happened?
"When I looked for good, then evil came unto me: and when I waited for LIGHT, there came DARKNESS."Job 30:26
Dave Pack, who also teaches that Mickey Mouse Millennium of "light" (darkness?), may have one of them evil eyes? A "dark" eye, if you will?
To God, light and darkness are the same, but to Dave? What might Jesus Christ ask this professed leader, who thinks his mind is full of light? Would Jesus Christ ask this leader, Dave, and his followers, something like the following?
"O generation of vipers, how can ye, BEING EVIL, speak GOOD things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Matthew 12:34
Not my words! Speaking, as a "good thing," about a failure, about a "soon to come" reign of Jesus Christ and His followers for 1,000 years on earth from Jerusalem...that fails at the end of that 1,000 years, and Jerusalem is overtaken, split up, women ravished (You know the song!), etc. when Satan is loosed out of some "bottomless pit" is evil...of darkness!
Speaking about that kingdoom is not a "good thing." Martha Stewart would not say that Dave's words are "a good thing!" Well, second thought, maybe she, in ignorance, would say: "That's a good thing!"
Oh, and what about that good thing regarding them soon to come 10 kings? Oh, no time to go there! Keep looking!
James Mahm, BThiel, the Rod Meredith, Westin, Winnail, Franks, Flurry, Hulme, Kubik et al, think Dave's kingdom is a "good thing," but again, what might Jesus Christ say about that "light" from any of these men's mouths and their writing pens?
Matthew 6:23
Huh? Here it comes: that best form of emphasis!
Luke 11:34
Dave expects us receive his evil boastings (James 4:16
And time will tell...
Yin and yang?
If one is familiar with the concept of good, one is automatically conscious of its opposite, which would be bad or evil. Existence is full of examples of polarity.
I can accept the phrase "light on the hill" in reference to Pack as long as "light" refers to intellectual, moral, and spiritual weight, and not luminosity.
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