Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Using Rod Meredith's Death As A Membership Recruitment Tool

It looks like Gerald Weston has learned well over his decades in the church.  Church of God groups have used world events and tragedies as weapons of fear in order to scare people into joining their respective groups.  Now the Living Church of God is getting ready to cash in on the death of Rod Meredith.

Gerald Weston writes in the latest LCG Coworker letter the following:

Dear co-workers, while these letters often focus on world events and how this Work is doing, I believe it is appropriate at this time to focus on something more personal. There is nothing like death to wake us up to the reality of life. When we were young we thought it would last forever, but time seems to speed up with age, and we see the end coming as a train speeding out of control. The end of the track comes more clearly into sight, and the realization sets in that there is no way to stop the train. Life is short!
  It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God. He had been suffering from cancer and died peacefully late Thursday night, May 18, 2017. He would have been 87 years old in June and took his 67th Passover this year. He is survived by his 6 children, 10 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.
     Dr. Meredith was one of the first evangelists ordained by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong in 1952 and spent 64 years in the Work that Christ began through Mr. Armstrong. He was active in the Work until recent months. The Living Church of God, which Dr. Meredith raised up, has more than 350 congregations in 55 countries worldwide. He is succeeded as Presiding Evangelist by Mr. Gerald E. Weston.
     Even after the partial paralysis of a stroke in 2008, Dr. Meredith pushed himself to continue to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world and to shepherd the flock. His greatest wish was for the Work in which he labored for so long to go forward in unity and power under Jesus Christ. We look forward to seeing him again in the resurrection at Christ’s return. 
    I have often asked the question, “What is success?” If you live a hundred years, amass great wealth, have a wonderful husband or wife with dozens of children and grandchildren, but never know WHY you were born, can you truly claim success in life? If there is no life after death, no overall purpose for your existence, what difference does anything make? Once you die, you will never know what happens afterward. All your efforts, no matter how seemingly successful, will never matter to you. If we are a product of blind chance and if there is no God, mankind will eventually disappear from the universe, and it will be as if we never were. That is the hope of an atheistic world, but not the hope of Dr. Meredith and those who know the true God!
     God does exist! He has a purpose for you and me, and you can prove that to yourself. As we have brought out in Tomorrow’s World articles and telecasts, the proofs of God’s existence are there for anyone brave enough to look at the facts as they are. The very idea that mankind can arise from something as simple as a bacteria cell is preposterous. Scientists, even evolutionary scientists, tell us that a bacteria cell is more complicated than the most sophisticated machine made by man, and animal cells are even more complicated. They report that cells are constructed by hundreds of miniature molecular machines that work in harmony to make life possible. 
     But because God is rejected, His plan and purpose is totally unknown to almost everyone. How sad! Our world is rapidly moving toward a crisis of unimaginable proportions. Godless men and women struggle for solutions, yet find none. Note this CNBC headline:  “‘Looks as if the world is preparing for war,’ says former Soviet president Gorbachev.” Mr. Gorbachev is then quoted as saying, “Politicians and military leaders sound increasingly belligerent and defense doctrines more dangerous. Commentators and TV personalities are joining the bellicose chorus. It all looks as if the world is preparing for war” (January 27, 2017).
As usual for the Living Church of God, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Everything is evil and wicked and never has there been such a time in human history.
     This should come as no surprise to Tomorrow’s World followers. How many times have we reported what Jesus Christ warned in His Olivet Prophecy regarding the end of the age? “Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’” He answered, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet” (Matthew 24:3, 6). Of course, we have always had wars, but never has war been so potentially dangerous. This prophecy speaks of wars and rumors of wars in general, and when we look at the world as a whole that is exactly what we see in the Middle East, the Korean peninsula, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Rumors and fears abound! 
Weston attempts to send chills down coworkers spines that they are only "playing church" when they only give a few bucks here and there for some LCG booklet.  Real Christians must attend LCG services every weekend.
     Dr. Meredith often reminded us that we are not here to “play church.” Our lives are temporary, and we live in a dangerous world that is spinning out of control. Nations are more and more frequently turning to leaders whom they see as strong enough to make hard decisions that will solve our problems, but sometimes the result ends in disaster. 
Weston pretends to lay his heart on the line for these lazy coworkers.  He wants them to fear that they are not being called now.   The pathway of the LCG is not one for the weak and slovenly who cannot make it through the narrow gate.
     May I be totally open with you? Jesus tells us that “many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). He also tells us, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). 
The only REAL Christians and co-workers out there are those that send in tithe money of  20-30% or give substantial amounts of money. The LCG does not need your measly offerings to cover a couple of booklets. Your membership is required!  Members are tithe machines, plain and simple.
     Dear co-workers, we are very thankful for your dedication, your generosity, and the fact that you go beyond monetary support and offer up sincere, heartfelt prayers on behalf of this Work of God.  Never think that we do not appreciate you! However, I often wonder why many do not take the next step and become more intimately involved with those of like mind. The Apostle Paul wrote the Hebrews and reminded them of something very important. We are not to forsake “the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some.” On the contrary, we should be “exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).
Co-workers...our concern is NOT for your money, it is for your very salvation! Salvation does not exist outside the Living Church of God.  Of course the 
by-product would be that you would give more money to the church as members, but we really are not after your money...
     We often say, “You will not be asked to join anything” when you are invited to attend one of our live Tomorrow’s WorldPresentations, and that is true. We never want to pressure anyone to do what he or she is not ready, willing, or able to do. But I want you to understand that our concern is not for your money. You are already donating! Our concern is for you! While we will never come knocking at your door unless we are invited, we want you to know that we would love to meet you and offer to you what we enjoy—fellowship with others of like mind. So if you are interested, let us know. If not, we will continue to appreciate you as a faithful co-worker. We will continue to send you any, and all, of our literature free of charge. And we will continue to care for you in our prayers. 
Sincerely, in Christ’s service,
Gerald E. Weston

Gerald Flurry: Salvation Only Available through the Sabbath

Gerald Flurry has a new article up on his web site about the sabbath.  His byline starts off with this:

If we properly keep the Sabbath, we would never look to hopeless men.
The proper translation to that should be:   "If we followed Jesus, we would never look to hopeless men like Gerald Flurry. "

He starts by quoting Jeremiah  17:19-25 and then says this:
The Laodiceans can stop the curse. They must start with properly keeping God’s Sabbath day. The Sabbath is a sign that we are God’s royal Family.  
“Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your genera­tions; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed” (Exodus 31:13-17). 
Today we must look at these verses spiritually. It is far more serious now than it was anciently. We get to know the true God through proper Sabbath-keeping. Only the firstfruits are called to that honor today. If they turn away, they won’t just die physically as ancient Israel did. These saints entered into a covenant with God. Now their eternal lives are at stake!
No ones salvation is contingent upon Sabbath keeping or law keeping, regardless of what the apostate COG leaders claim.

"I look back now and I cannot believe how damn stupid I was!!! I KNOW BETTER THAN THIS!!!!"

The following is from False Prophet Ronald WeinlandDon't Drink the Flavor Aid Served by False Prophets

A question was directed towards a former follower of Ron Weinland to respond to.  It is a question that almost all who have left Armstrongism and the Churches of God get asked by people when they hear stories about the corruption, lies and aberrant doctrines that members were expected to overlook or believe.  It was a specific question concerning Ron Weinerdude Weinland's teaching that Christ did not preexist.  The preexistence of Christ is almost a universal understanding of Christianity, but not for some COG followers.

A person was asked why they got sucked into Weinerdude's teachings.  The same can be applied to how could people have been sucked into Herbert Armstrong's, Rod Meredith's, Dave Pack's, Gerald Flurry's, Bob Thiel's, Vik Kubik's and other COG leaders lies and deceptions.

I look back now and I cannot believe how damn stupid I was!!! I KNOW BETTER THAN THIS!!!! 
The only thing I will give nothingburger weinland credit for is this, “he is one hell of a salesman”!!! Until you realize that, this is all he is, a salesman!!  
The good news is that I am far wiser now than I was then. I stand on “what I know” and “what I believe” and I do not give a damn what someone like weinland has to sell. As a matter of fact, I would welcome a face to face encounter with weinland!! He knows and I know he would NOT stand a chance against me ever again!! weinland is a liar and he lacks the courage to face any opposition that would challenge him and/or embarrass him in public and/or in front of his remaining worshipers (they worship weinland not God). If they truly understood what God teaches they would have left long ago!!! 
Ask yourself this question, where the hell is he?? All of his boisterous claims about God’s only chosen one and how the world will tremble at his feet, well, where the hell are you nothingburger weinland!!??

"Salesman" is a good term to describe all past and present Church of God leaders.  They are selling their version of a product no matter how bad and stinky it might be.  Like people who buy products on late night TV, Christians get sucked in by "dynamic" preachers who make them feel special and set apart from the world with insider or exclusive truths that have been supposedly revealed by the preacher's god.

In Armstrongism alone, there are between 400 - 700 different splinter groups that have arisen over the last 80 some years.  Everyone of these blowhards claim an exclusive inside track to knowledge not reveled to any other COG minister.  From the bombastic big boys like HWA, GTA, Flurry and Pack to the latest pissant upstarts like Bob Thiel and James Malm, these men of deceit are destroying peoples lives.

In every single group out there today, there are members sitting there every week thinking, "Why am I here?" or "Why don't I have the guts to get up and walk out?" or "How can Dave say such idiotic things?"  We have all done it.

So the next time you are sitting there and hear something incredibly stupid or appalingly wrong, remember that you KNOW BETTER THAN THAT and take a bold move and set yourself free!