Ever since this blog started I have had various COG members in various groups as readers. As time goes by, more and more share information about the abusive ministers and leaders of their churches.
The Internet has been a major thorn in the side of many COG groups. No longer can they sweep under the rug the abusive things they do and say. People talk, people leak information. From the Ambassador Report, the Good News Grapevine, the Painful Truth, Ambassador Watch, Silenced, and many other sites, the Church of God has had to continually do damage control. Members no longer trust their leaders to tell the truth or to do what is right. When abuses happen, people quickly spill the beans. This infuriates ministers so much that they stand in front of their congregation and tell members to NOT read things on the internet. The moment they do that, their members start reading blogs and websites with a fervor. This what happened when Rod Meredith stood in front of his congregation and told them to not read this blog. Within hours the readership here increased dramatically and has remained so ever since.
People share things because they are disgusted by what is happening. They share things because they care about their church and want things to change. They share things about the abusive ministers of other groups because they see how their family members and friends lives are being ripped apart. They share things when they see self-appointed pissants proclaiming themselves as God ordained leaders when they know for a fact that these men are outright liars and don't have a godly bone in their bodies.
LCG members and members of other groups share here because they have a platform that allows them to comment. All of the deluded COG leaders out there do not allow members to question or criticize things on their web sites or blogs. If these men were really preaching the truth, then they would be secure in what they teach, but none of them are. They cannot handle anyone questioning them. They all seem to think they are immune to criticism because they are "God's" ministers.
Many in the Living Church of God know lots of things about self-appointed Bob Thiel and what a hypocrite he is and they feel free to comment. This has not made the doubly-blessed prophet and future second witless witness happy.
The world renown Mayan and Fatima authority has this to say about LCG members who read and comment here, particularly against those that mock him. Elijah Thiel cannot wrap his head around the fact that LCG members do not like him and have no problem stating so here.
P.S. In my 06/29/17 a.m. post on this page, I accidentally omitted that according to the Banned by HWA site, the first three sets of comments I reported about from that site were supposedly "From an LCG source." In other words, an unnamed coward who claims to be a Church of God Christian. That person should consider the following:
16 "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (Exodus 20:16)
18 Whoever hides hatred has lying lips, And whoever spreads slander is a fool. (Proverbs 10:18)
8 ... all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. (Revelation 21:8)This is not the first time someone who claims to have been in the Living Church of God has sent the Banned by HWA site false information about me (see the 6/15/17 a.m. post on this page). Anyway, presuming it was someone in LCG, it is distressing that any who claim to be a Church of God Christian would make up such falsehoods. Such a person needs repentance.
Furthermore, why would anyone in LCG actually want to help the Banned by HWA site?
The site is not only anti-COG, it seems to relish being anti-CCOG and anti-LCG. Although I do not know LCG's top evangelist, Gerald Weston, well, it is not likely that he would want his members to encourage the Banned by HWA site at all, let alone want his members to post falsehoods.
But it is distressing when any who claim to be in the COG spreads falsehoods to get the way of truth blasphemed (2 Peter 2:2). But in this age we keep seeing it. Many do not have the proper love of the truth.PS Brother Bob
I am NOT anti-COG. What I am against is abusive liars and self-appointed false prophets who preach abusive bullshit and wreck people's lives, like you are doing. If a COG member is grounded in their faith and have a relationship with Christ, then there is not one single thing I can say here that will cause them harm. It is abusers of the brethren like you, Flurry, Pack, Weston, Kubik, and others that are the issue. I am an issue because deep down you know you are a fraud and cannot handle the criticism.