Wednesday, May 2, 2018

First World Feast of Tabernacles Housing vs Third World Daily Living

Bawana Bob Thiel, the Almost arrested, but not arrested, doubly blessed and dreamy visionary of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God sent a letter out to all of his followers on April 26th.  It included a letter from one of his so-called evangelists in Malawi.  This man describes how incredibly poor some of them are with nothing more than a mat to sleep and sit on.  Then immediately after this report, Bawana Bob has pictures of the luxury hotels he and his tens of members will be staying at during the Feast of Tabernacles this year.  Talk about a slap in the face at his Malawi members!

The letter below also discusses deep issues in Bawana Bob's African members:
"...major issues concerning the work in Continuing Church of God and about the congregational leadership, satanic deception and his ministry, counterfeit Christians..."

Evangelist Evans Ochieng sent the following report from Malawi:

Pastor Dr Bob
Greetings from Malawi.
I arrived Malawi safe and the trip was good. the weather was good.

On Friday I had leaders meeting . The meeting was very good. I met with all leaders from Malawi and Mozambique, I touched major issues concerning the work in Continuing Church of God and about the congregational leadership, satanic deception and his ministry, counterfeit Christians and the shepherding of God’s people.
The brethren were very keen to understand every topic and good notes were taken.
On Sabbath we kept Sabbath in Migowi. I wanted to hear from the leaders what they are teaching so I gave one of them to give sermon late. I want to tell you that the work in Malawi moving on well.
Today I visited 3 congregations in Malawi Namely. Ngunda with 24 members, Funuzi with 95 members and Namangale with 18 members. I want also to inform you that Hosea is back in CCOG. We discussed with him yesterday night for more that 2 hours. He said that nowhere he can get the truth which is in CCOG {Continuing Church of God}
The problem I find here pastor is that, these people are rich in truth but very poor. I visited 3 homes when I was going round. I found no chair, no mattress, and very little food. When we reach in these homes, the chair that they could give me to sit on, is the mat which they sleep on. I will send you the pictures. It was very sad and painful. But I was very happy in one way that they are rich in faith.
I will go to Mozambique tomorrow early in the morning to visit all the congregations there, And I will give you the report when I am back in Malawi. I am here till Wednesday … I want visit every congregation.
Bawana Bob writes:
There is tremendous poverty in Malawi and it is one of the world’s poorest nations. We sent funds to aid the brethren there twice this month (cf. Galatians 6:10; James 2:15-18).
Then he immediately goes into publicizing his improperly named Feast sites:
Feast of Tabernacles Reminder
The Feast of Tabernacles (including the Last Great Day) will be here relatively soon: starting the evening of September 23rd until sunset October 1st in 2018.
As mentioned last week, the USA sites are Alexandria, Virginia and Wichita, Kansas.
We now have signed agreements for both of the two Feast of Tabernacles’ sites in the USA for 2018.
They are the Marriott Courtyard Alexandria Old Town/Southwest, located at 2700 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA  22314-4553, (703) 329-2323 and the Wichita Public Library, Evergreen Branch, 2601 N Arkansas, Wichita, Kansas.
 Marriott Courtyard Alexandria Old Town/Southwest
Bawana Bob's second U.S. location is a public library since his group is so incredibly small.
Wichita Evergreen Library
Since the USA sites are ‘finalized,’ please email me to tell me which of those sites you plan to attend. Some of you have already done so, but others have not yet.

LCG: As Charlotte Continues To Ignore Problems, LCG Members Look Elsewhere For Sustenance

The big boys in Charlotte have long been monitoring this blog and know full well what LCG members think of the shenanigans going on there.  Yet, it is quite obvious that they do not care.  Or is it that with so much negative publicity about the odious conditions in Charlotte they feel that if they made changes it would be obvious that those who have complained were right after all?  Humility has never been a strong point with any of the leadership in the Church of God particularly in the more legalistic groups like LCG. What??? Acknowledging something was actually wrong and say "we are sorry" is not a concept that is a quality of the church.  Never has been and will never be!

An LCG member wrote on another thread:

Anonymous said... 
I've been on the verge of leaving LCG for years now because of the atmosphere in charlotte. It's toxic. 
I've attended with COGWA when I travel for work because I can keep it a secret (they take attendance in charlotte at LCG so it's difficult to miss without an excuse). 
I wish COGWA had a charlotte location. If they did there would probably be a mass exodus from LCG people like me who want to keep the Sabbath and the Holy Days but don't want to deal with men like Rod McNair and Gerald Weston anymore.
While I think COGWA is just as corrupt as the Living Church of God is, it is a sad fact that if COGWA did open a Charlotte church, LCG members would jump ship rather quickly!  Yet, the boys at LCG don't care.  Status Quo needs to be maintained in order to look unified and the governmental structure secure.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

COGE Jon Bisby: "[my] time is reserved only for those who believe in the teachings of COGE"

If you want to see how "loving" COG ministers are, take a look at Jon Bisby's response to a former COGE member who made a request of him.  One of the duties of any pastor who was a follower of Jesus was that they were to be agents of reconciliation and to always seek the "wayward" out and bring them back into the fold.

That is one of the interesting things that the church did through the ages with catechumens, who spent a year working with the minister and were then welcomed back into the church with great joy during the Great Vigil of Easter.  Of course, those are just vile pagans who don't know better.  COG ministers have a better!  Totally cut them off!  According to COG history, it is better to mark and destroy lives than it is to ever maintain some contact and continue to show love. The example of Jesus as the "good shepherd" is apparently lost on most if not all COG leaders anymore.

April 30, 2018
I wrote to you last time about two weeks ago. I have received a response from Jon Brisby of "Church Of God, The Eternal." Although I told him I would like to stay in touch every now and then (because I thought he and his family were kind people), he told me that his time is reserved only for those who believe in the teachings of COGE. He said that someday if and only if I return and fully embrace every doctrine and have complete belief in COGE and Herbert Armstrong's teachings, then he would befriend me again but until or unless that happens, then no, absolutely not! This is a tactic of mind control groups. Oh well, it is what it is. I will never go back. --Kandice Cunning (Former member of COGE)  Exit and Support

This is a companion post to:

Church of God, The Eternal's Jon Brisby Sinks To A New Vile Low

I wanted to write and thank you for helping people who have left or will leave the "Armstrong cult groups." I was born into the WWCG. It helped to destroy my whole family--my parents, my siblings, and up until this year, even me. We all made some mistakes and bad choices on our own but Herbert Armstrong and his ministers, splinters, and even some members, helped destroy my family emotionally, just with the judgmental attitudes, being made to feel we were in "hot water" with God, telling us that outsiders were of the world, etc. My most recent minister Jon W. Brisby (Church of God, the Eternal) has even told me that my lack of financial comfort is the result of my "not living in a pleasing enough way for God." I was also told that my family is the "church" now and no longer my kids, since they are not members. Luckily, my kids grew up against the Armstrong teachings and have their own beliefs. As for me, I am finally what I consider to be "out of the dark" of these Armstrong worshippers. I emailed my minister two weeks ago and explained my decision to leave. He has yet to respond.