Friday, June 8, 2018

It's "Extremely Unlikely", but "Possible", but really "Impossible"....

Below is a prime example of what some men in the COG do to bastardized the law to fit their absurd and idiotic belief that the law is more important than Jesus, grace, justification, and mercy.  They never talk about Jesus but come up with this asinine bullshit to manipulate their followers into believing they are actually following some creature they claim is god.  Even Herbert Armstrong finally realized that this idiocy was unnecessary!

This is the latest from the Chief Pharisee and bastardizer of the law, James Malm.  It is more important for him to weigh down his followers with heavy yokes of burden than it is to revel in grace.

The next High Day is the New Moon Feast of Trumpets.  The first possible date that the New Moon could be observed from Jerusalem is after sunset ending 10 September.  It is impossible that the Feast of Trumpets 2018 could occur before 11 September by the calendar that God gave to Moses. Please see our articles on the Biblical Calendar which God gave to Moses and how HWA accepted that calendar but was later led astray, believing that the modern Rabbinic Calendar was scriptural when it is not; go ahead and read his own words on the subject! 
In fact a sighting at sunset ending 10 Sep is extremely unlikely and if not seen that evening the Feast of Trumpets will be on 12 Sep. I will have more information about local conditions closer to the anticipated date.
If that is not confusing, get a load of this legalistic mumbo-jumbo where the Chief Pharisee expects his followers to set aside TWO days to keep the Feast of Trumpets, just in case.  Seriously? Jesus weeps!
What to do?  
Since the first day of the seventh month is a high day I always recommend that two days be set aside ahead of time. First the expected day and second the next day, just in case the moon is not seen as expected.
The High Day is still only ONE DAY, but for advance scheduling it is prudent to set both days aside, unless the day happens to be the first day after a 30 day month; and then to observe only the one day as the sighting is confirmed.  
This year I think that the chance of a sighting on the first day is improbable and the second date is the most likely, but I must cover all the bases to avoid misinforming people.
Personally I do expect Christ to restore the planetary cycles with the original creation of twelve 30 day months making one solar year when he comes, as part of the restoration of all things [again please see the calendar articles for more on this]. If that happens all of this difficulty will vanish and if not I am quite certain that he will instruct us further.

Galatians 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

Acts 15:10 Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke (the law) upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear.

Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled in the yoke of bondage. [the law]

Desperately Searching For Jesus In The Improperly Named "continuing" Church of God

Where's Jesus in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God?

Below is the latest list of non-salvation topics that Almost arrested, but not arrested Bob Thiel has posted on his site.  Not one single mention of Jesus, but loads of irrelevant topics about nonessential things that have no relevance to one's salvation or relationship with God.

Why is it that almost all of the self-appointed men who lead the various splinter groups are so ashamed of Jesus?

  • Brexit and the ‘Doomsday Brexit Plan’
  • EU proposes billions for ‘Digital Europe’ surveillance: This would assist 666
  • Bilderberg 2018 conference beginning
  • Certain Jewish military solutions and prophetic understandings for Gaza are in conflict with what the Bible teaches
  • EU decides on anti-USA tariffs and seeks to increase European Space Agency budget
  • The Tribe of Judah is NOT lost
  • Vladimir Putin: ‘Russia does not want to split EU’
  • Genesis Q&A
  • Department Of Homeland Security Compiles List Of All Bloggers, Journalists, & “Social Media Influencers”
  • Two pontiffs named Boniface
  • Good health as a law of success
  • Eric Peters: In The Global Trade War, America Has “All The Cards”
  • The Catholic ‘cathedra’ is NOT in Vatican City
  • Mahmoud Al-Habbash: Muslims cannot give up any part of Jerusalem
  • Are you sure you know the meaning of life?
  • BibleNewsProphecy: End of the Eurozone?
  • De-Dollarization Escalates: “African Economy Needs More Usage Of Chinese Yuan”
  • Sermon: Great Monarch in 50+ Beast Prophecies
  • SDAs vs. Bible on the Millennium
  • Denmark is the 6th EU nation to ban burqas: Will there be war between the Europeans and the Arabs?
  • Finance expert says Europeans are in ‘over their heads’ as Trump TRADE WAR begins
  • Jesus FAQ and ‘Gay Pride Month’
  • World War 3 and the Time of the Gentiles
  • Justin Martyr: Saint or Apostate?
  • USA to impose tariffs: Mexico, Canada, EU upset: Germany’s Maas wants EU first to replace America first
  • Mathematicians conclude that the Universe had a beginning
  • Bill Nye has beliefs contrary to those of a real ‘science guy’
  • Synthetic vitamins and false religion are harmful: But many swallow both
  • Could there have been humanoids before Adam?
  • Did WCG and the Bible predict loss of ‘freedom of the press’?

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Church Science Falsely So Called: : A Whale of a Tale Revisited and Updated

Ambassador College and all offshoot versions were not and are NOT places to learn anything about how the real and natural world works.  Ambassador did not teach one how to make a living, how to think critically or anything remotely true about science and how the world came to be.  It also did and still does a terrible job with theology.   Reading the Bible and endless comments and speculation on mythological tales and Bronze Age perspectives do not, and cannot lead to truth in the sciences.  

"A Whale of a Tale" was the Churches clever and easy to read answer to what some perceived as the impossibilities of whale evolution.  A quick read and "poof!" , the average church member and student had THE answer to it all.  Of course, they did not.  They had a scientific apologetic to get them through the need for the Church to be correct and scientific inquiry mistaken, but they failed miserably and do to this day. 

We have learned more in the past 25 years than in the previous 25,000

"A Theory of for the Birds" was also the shallow church version concentrating mostly on just how could a woodpecker not knock itself out pecking and just how could feathers not just poof into existence to facilitate flight.  We now know feathers, evolved long before they ever were also adapted to flight.  Feathered dinosaur fossils are a regular discovery these days and it was not because they needed to fly.  But that's another story.

The totally discredited and long ago outdated text for Second Year Bible At Ambassador
The deep study of the topic was to outline the book and hand the outline in at years end.
But that's another story too....

The Shallow and Mistaken Church version debunking Whale Evolution

"Disagreements between incompatible beliefs cannot be settled by reasoned argument because reasoned argument is drummed out of those trained in religion from the cradle."
 Richard Dawkins

(Sorry, I think this is hilarious)

A Short Course in Whale Evolution for those so inclined

For those willing and able to pay attention for more than two minutes

"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." Richard Dawkins

Correct! The Bible tells me so.

Hebrews 11:1 
Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen.


"Now faith is the assurance of what we hope is true, based on absolutely no evidence that it is true."

Faith has no place in Science and true scientific inquiry does not rely on faith for its conclusions. 

Church or Church Schools may be a place to muse on the Wonderful World Tomorrow, but they fail miserably in their understanding of the Wonderful World Today, and always will.