Friday, June 22, 2018

PCG: We Possess That Purer Symbol: The Stone of HWA

Now that we have established that Gerald Flurry thinks he has the new "coronation stone" we move on with more of his mindless justifications and wild theories on what it represents for him and the Philadelphia Church of God.

Because the English nation was too stupid to know they should have kept the Stone of Scone in London, Gerald's god had to go searching for a new stone to use.  Low and behold that stone was found in a field in Oregon and was reportedly used by Herbert Armstrong to pray at in the early days of the Radio Church of God.
Hosea prophesied of a time when Britain would be “without a king, and without a prince ... and without an image”—referring to the coronation stone. We are in that time now! Britain doesn’t possess the image—the stone—any longer. We in God’s Church now have an even better symbol of King David’s throne.
This is what God wants. I realize it is radical to say that there is a new stone of destiny. But it is also radical to say that God’s people will have the throne of David, and that is straight out of the Bible! And the stone is a symbol of the throne.
God had a divine purpose for Flurry digging up that rock.  God had deliberately led HWA to that rock to pray and dream up a church and to set it apart as the rock Jesus Christ would come back to sit upon. 

But there is a problem with the Stone of Scone.  Besides being Jacob's pillar stone that he slept upon and had his dream, it was also the stone that UNCONVERTED Kings and Queens had been consecrated upon.  The Stone of Scone was essentially unclean.  This allows for Herbert Armstrong's rock to become the new consecrated stone that only CONVERTED people have prayed at and used.
Jacob’s pillar stone ties back to Jacob when he was unconverted. God changed his name to Israel upon his conversion (Genesis 32:28). That stone has been witness to generations of coronations of unconverted men and women who have carried on the royal line of David. In the final phase of His Work in this end time, surely God wanted to have a different stone—apurer spiritual symbol found within God’s Church, where His people possess the Holy Spirit. This symbol embodies so much more. I believe that is why God made the change. God’s faithful people today are following through on what Mr. Armstrong did as he prepared the way for Christ’s Second Coming. We are raising up the ruins of his work and magnifying him and what God did through him.
Herbert's prayer rock is now the purest thing on earth today and those in its possession are also pure.
God is certainly concerned about purity. As Mr. Armstrong wrote in Mystery of the Ages, when Jesus Christ came to Earth the first time, He “was born of the tribe of Judah, and it was necessary that He be of the original pure racial strain, even as Noah was.” As God prepares for Christ’s universe-shaking Second Coming, He is surely thinking about representing and preserving spiritual purity! God wants more purity there; and He achieves that with the prayer rock and all that it means.
The god of Gerald Flurry had a divine plan in action from the foundation of the world when he created the stone HWA would kneel at and set into motion the birth of Herbert Armstrong so he could become the end time messenger.
God makes a blanket statement here: “[H]e shall prepare the way before me.” Period! No caveats or qualifications. What an endorsement of this man! God made a covenant with Mr. Armstrong, and He knew that Mr. Armstrong would do the job. Did he ever! What a messenger!
The birth and life of Herbert Armstrong was one of the most significant events in human history. HWA's life will be honored FOREVER because of the prayer rock.
Mr. Armstrong’s life is one of the highlights in the history of man. God really was moved by how he delivered His message. He was moved by how he used the prayer rock to keep himself fervent and stirred to do God’s will! So now, Mr. Armstrong is going to be honored forever through the prayer rock!
Instead of humanity being blessed forever by the work and life of Jesus Christ, we have been blessed by Herbert Armstrong being in our midst. If we show HWA obedience and loyalty we will be blessed. Who knew!
Isn’t it wonderful that God will bless us so richly for being obedient and loyal to Him?
It is more important for COG members today to pledge obedience to the new stone of destiny vs that dirty old rock used to crown unconverted Kings and Queens on.  How could anyone imagine Jesus Christ coming back and sitting his holy posterior on that dirty old Stone of Scone! Jesus Christ can only return to sit upon the Stone of Herb!
Christ is pleased with His messenger! How God is honoring Mr. Armstrong with this new stone of destiny!
Because Flurry and his band of minions no claim to be the true heirs of Herbert's legacy, they are the new Zadok's of the world today. Flurry's god is so pleased by PCG's actions that it has instructed them to be the caretakers of the Holy Rock of Herb
God is also pleased with the spiritual “sons of Zadok” who, like Zadok the priest to King David anciently, remain loyal to God’s throne from beginning to end. He trusts His people to take care of the prayer rock—the new stone of destiny. This is a noble and worthy cause.
The weight of this heavy burden weighs heavily upon Gerald Flurry.  He realizes he is only a man filled with vanity and sins, but he has the life of Christ Herbert as his example.  Forget Jesus lifting that burden off of Flurry's shoulders, HWA is the only way!
God has commanded us to raise the ruins. Now, I am a man with vanity and sins just like anyone else. If I ever begin to think that I can do my job without following Mr. Armstrong’s example, I will be falling into a fatal way of thinking! But I have realized that every time I honor Mr. Armstrong, God honors me. Isn’t that wonderful? This is God’s government. It is a wonderful truth that we all must learn deeply.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

PCG: Gerald Flurry will soon be sitting on a throne passing out judgment and hastening righteousness

The Philadelphia Church of God recently sent a new booklet out to their members called, The New Throne of David by Gerald Flurry. This book is now more important that Mystery of the Ages and Malachi's Message, the foundational books of the PCG.  This book was so important and significant that the loyal PCG volunteers came into help send out the booklet to the faithful.

Never has the Church of God received such an important revelation from God as this.

Every year before the anniversary of  Herbert Armstrong's death, PCG members seem to fast.  In November of 2017, Flurry called a fast to urge his god into making the PCG grow as a church.  It was on January 14th of 2018, that Flurry's god entered into his mind and revealed all kinds of new things.

Gerald Flurry writes:
In November 2016, I called a Church-wide fast for the growth of God’s Work to be held on Sunday, January 15, 2017. Those who had to work on that day fasted instead on January 14, the Sabbath day.
I have said before that I have never received a vision from God outside of the Bible, and I still say that. But on January 14, I did have some interesting words come to mind about several scriptures. It has happened before that words come into my mind and lead me to a scripture. But this time, I heard a strong voice. That had never happened to me before. This voice said, 
“There is a new stone of destiny and a new throne of David.”

The stone of destiny is the stone over which British monarchs are crowned. It is also known as the stone of Scone, or Jacob’s pillar stone (read its origin in Genesis 28:10-22). We have written a lot over the years about the importance of the British monarchy and how it is actually a continuation of the royal dynasty of biblical King David. God promised to preserve his line forever (2 Samuel 7:12-16). The Bible shows that Jesus Christ will take over that governance Himself at His Second Coming! The stone has always been connected with the throne, so it is very important, biblically and historically. The stone is a symbol of David’s throne. It is also a symbol of our Rock—Jesus Christ—who is about to rule on that throne forever! You can read all about this in my book The Key of David.

God has shifted the symbol of David’s throne and that royal line to a new stone, and there are scriptures to prove it.
Flurry then recap's his version of the church under Herbert Armstrong. The glory days never seems so rosy as they do coming through the pen of Flurry, until his bitterness shines through when he tells us he and John Amos were fired and disfellowshipped on December 7, 1989.

Flurry then goes on to write how he had to take a pilgrimage to the holy sites that HWA occupied, visited or touched.

...Umapine, Oregon. Mr. Armstrong wrote about Umapine in his autobiography. In this town, he and a minister from the Sardis era of God’s Church held evangelistic meetings. The meetings were a failure. But then that minister hastily left to tend to some business elsewhere. Only then, when Mr. Armstrong was left alone, did his efforts begin to produce fruit!
The Autobiography describes the building where the meetings were held, so I traveled to Umapine to see if I could find it. It is quite a small town—you can drive through it in about a minute and a half. I found the only building that could have been used for Mr. Armstrong’s meetings.
It was very inspiring for me to visit that place, which resonated with the fascinating history of God’s end-time apostle.
Apparently, Herbert Armstrong was such a holy and important man that the PCG set out to find every single place HWA mentioned in his autobiography.  COG members love to mock Christians for their supposed devotion to "holy" sites that Jesus and the apostles supposedly had used, but this is exactly the same!
I mentioned this experience to David Todd, a man I had known in the wcg and who became a minister in the Philadelphia Church of God (pcg). “That kind of sparked my interest to investigate,” Mr. Todd later told the Philadelphia News.“I always wanted to see some of the sites Mr. Armstrong spoke of. I thought it would be inspiring.”
In August 1998, Mr. Todd moved to the eastern part of central Oregon, and he took the opportunity to begin searching for the sites described in the Autobiography. He enlisted the help of some local Church members, and they began looking for every site they possibly could. In every case—sometimes only after intensive investigation—they succeeded.
Philadelphia Church of God members regularly make pilgrimages to these sites every year around Feast of Tabernacles time, much to the chagrin of local residents who occupy the homes and buildings.
Their discoveries led to the development of a substantial and fascinating tour through Mr. Armstrong’s history in that area, covering the early beginnings of the Philadelphia era of God’s Church. We have members still giving these tours.
One of the more important things in HWA's autobiography, at least according to the PCG, was the rock that HWA supposedly prayed at in the woods of Oregan. Because it was on private land, that presented a problem for the PCG faithful.
It was 1933, and Mr. Armstrong was holding a series of Bible lectures at the Firbutte school in Eugene, near the Fisher farm where he was staying. “To the rear of the Fisher farm home was a fair-sized hill. Running over this hilltop for exercise I discovered a rock about 14 inches high,” he wrote. “It was in a secluded spot. It came to mind how Jesus had dismissed the multitudes, and gone up into a mountain ‘apart’ to pray—alone with God. I dropped to my knees before this rock, which seemed just the right height to kneel before, and began praying earnestly for the success of the meetings. It became sort of a daily pilgrimage, during my stay at the Fishers’, to this, which became my ‘prayer rock.’ I’m sure that I drank in much energy, spiritual strength and inspiration at that prayer rock.”
After gaining permission, Flurry and his devotee's traipsed through the woods till they found a rock that fit HWA's description. It was the most mind-boggling thing they had ever seen! "Inspiring" was a word that hardly described it. They were on holy ground!  There was only one other stone on the face of the earth that Armstrongites stood in awe of, and that was the Stone of Scone, now located in Scotland.

Mr. Todd found the former Fisher farm. He walked over the whole area and examined it closely, and there was only one rock that could have been Mr. Armstrong’s prayer rock. Remarkably, its dimensions were precisely as Mr. Armstrong had described.

In April 2002, Mr. Todd took me on a tour of the sites of Mr. Armstrong’s early days in the Work. When I saw the prayer rock, I said it was “the most inspiring rock I’ve ever seen, second only after the stone of Scone.”
from page 5 of book

But trouble was afoot! It seems another COG group was looking to take the rock.  Imagine that! PCG quickly sprung into action. Plans to film it flew out the door and all attempts were made to negotiate in taking the rock into their possession.
We thought that the rock was something we ought to have. We were going to hold off getting it until we could do a little filming there. But Mr. Todd said that someone else was trying to get it.
Can you imagine the conversations the landowner had with his family and friends about all of these crazy Armstrongites traipsing through his land to stare at a dirty old rock!

Flurry quickly opened up his tithe filled wallet and offered to buy the rock from the landowner.  Flurry's god had other plans and planted a seed in the man's head telling him to give the PCG the rock.
So we hurried along. We offered to purchase the rock, but the man who owned the property gave it to us free of charge, and he was happy to do so. We brought it to our headquarters campus in Edmond, Oklahoma, and put it on display.
Flurry's god has been sooooooooo impressed by PCG's devotion to HWA that it made sure that they got the rock as "tangible proof" that the work of HWA started at this rock.  It was the greatest work in human history.  Even Jesus, Dave Pack, and Bob Thiel pale in comparison.
God wanted us to have this rock. The Bible has many examples of God using stones for special purposes (e.g. Genesis 28:10-22; 31:45-52; Joshua 4:1-9; 8:30-32; 24:26-27). A stone is tangible. Here we have something that I think is supremely precious to God and the Philadelphia Church of God! I believe God gave it to us because we honor Mr. Armstrong and believe in what he did. It is meaningful to us because it is a tangible symbol of the infinitesimal beginning of the Work of God in our day—the greatest Work ever on Earth in terms of the impact and the number of people reached! Mr. Armstrong reached millions of people with God’s truth, and it started at this rock. For this reason, the prayer rock holds great significance to God’s people. It also seemed so unusual that Mr. Armstrong had accurately recorded such precise details about it, and that we were able to find it. Surely God had something important in mind.
Flurry's god had something important in mind.  Bigger and better things were ahead.  Flurry's god was not happy that the British government relinquished the Stone of Scone, which had formally been in the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey in London, to Scotland. The day they did that, Flurry's god took his blessing off the stone and place it on another rock.
Mr. Armstrong’s prayer rock has replaced the “stone of destiny.”
The date on which I came to recognize this is signifi- cant. It was yet another example of God making something momentous happen on or near January 16, the anniversary of Mr. Armstrong’s death in 1986. God is continually reminding us that we are continuing the work of Elijah. We have proved that Mr. Armstrong was the end-time type of the original Elijah
We must follow Mr. Armstrong’s example. The understanding that God has given me about this stone underlines this point emphatically!
Just as Flurry's god took the mantle of the true church from the Tkach dynasty, it took the significance of the Stone of Scone and placed it upon HWA's rock.  Jesus Christ now loves this rock and is looking forward to the day he can come back and sit on it. Just imagine the warrior Jesus Christ coming to sit on HWA's dirty old rock after he slaughters most of humanity.
This new revelation about the prayer rock will have far-reaching consequences. It is a major step toward establishing the rule of God on Earth!

Jesus Christ is about to return, and when He does, He will take His place on the throne of David (Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1:31-33). On that throne, He will rule and bring salvation to all humanity! We are living in the final phase of David’s throne just before Christ returns.
Apparently, since HWA was a direct descendant of David
After he realized how incredibly stupid it was to think that Scotland would give him the Stone of Scone to take to Petra, Flurry had to have another trick up his sleeve. One of the reasons Flurry bought his new multi-million dollar jet, was so he could fly HWA's rock to Petra and prepare the new throne for Jesus Christ to sit on.
The stone of destiny is really the symbol of David’s throne—not the chair that sits in Westminster Abbey. ... God said there would never lack a man to sit on that throne—and here He says the throne will be established in a temporary, Tribulation setting, with God’s loyal people dwelling in a rocky fortress!
Notice what Flurry says above,  "...there would never lack a man to sit on that throne..." so just who is that man? Is it Jesus Christ, a "god" or a human physical man? I will give you just ONE guess as to who that man is... That man is also a king.
Isaiah’s prophecy says the individual sitting on the throne at that time will be “seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness.” I wrote how this implies it will be occupied not by a member of Britain’s royal family, but by a Spirit-led member of God’s Church. I then pointed to the prophecy in Micah 2:13 referring to the leader of God’s Church as “their king.” “It shouldn’t be too upsetting to think of God calling a man in the Church a ‘king,’” I wrote. “After the 31⁄2-year period of the Tribulation, every converted member in God’s Church will be a king and a priest forever!” (ibid).
King Gerald will soon be sitting upon that throne passing out judgment and hastening righteousness. 

What Church of God member, Christian or fellow human being would EVER want to have Gerald Flurry passing out judgment upon them? There is not one single COG leader in ANY of the splinter groups that has that capability now or will ever have in the future.  That is a fact.

Satan attacks Philadelphia Church of God by using Hamas and Orthodox Jews

The Philadelphia Church of God has been working overtime in promoting their Hezikiah find from their archaeological dig in Jerusalem.  They claim that one miracle after another is happening because this dig has been blessed by their god.  However, Satan is also busy at work attacking the dig and the PCG.

Satan hates the Philadelphia church of God!

One day, Brianna Weeks was helping the dig registrar, Alexandra, collect and register finds. One small animal figurine leg had gone missing—the fear was that it had been thrown out near the washing area. Alexandra was desperately looking for the piece in that location, but returned without finding it. Brianna said a silent prayer, asking God to help Alexandra find it. I’ll let Brianna summarize the rest:
It wasn’t long before Alexandra got up to go look for the leg again. She looked in the exact same spot that she had looked before—only this time, I heard a gasp. She had found it! She brought it over to me with a look of total disbelief on her face. She couldn’t believe it. She told me over and over how she just couldn’t believe she’d found it. Then she said that she knew it was a miracle. I was throwing a little party in my head; it was absolutely amazing to see God answer my prayer like that and to see that even she realized that this was a special thing that had happened. She came back to me for days after that, telling me over and over about how she had found the leg and how she still just couldn’t believe it.
The miracles kept on coming.  
Another was the general energy on the dig site. It is a rigorous routine, especially for the students: waking up around 4 a.m., beginning the dig at 6:30 a.m., finishing at 2:30 p.m., taking college classes throughout the afternoon and on into the evening. Yet somehow, we felt more energized than one would expect, considering the regimen. Callum Wood (a 2012 digger) recalled trying to maintain the (incredibly productive!) schedule after the dig was over—in his words, “Not a chance.” The ability to handle the intense workload “was one of the biggest miracles I remember from the dig,” he said. There are the general aches and pains, but it is common for the students to report that, upon entering the dig site, the aches and pains disappear—until the dig day is over and we walk back out of the gate. 
Of course, anything that God loves, Satan hates. And so there are the clear satanic attacks that come with digging—particularly on this excavation. For that initial 2017 meeting for the dig to start, Stephen Flurry was originally intended to go—instead, he was grounded in the Philippines, his wife sick and unable to secure a doctor’s note to fly. One of the students who came in to participate on the dig was hassled at the airport by an immigration officer. Despite having the correct paperwork, he was lambasted as a “liar.” Archaeologist Brent Nagtegaal, waiting on the other side of Customs, talked on the phone with this officer—he was also castigated as a “liar.” One day there was a massive gas explosion just down the road from our apartment. We noticed what had happened as we neared home, returning from the dig site. The hunt for survivors was being conducted in the parking garage where it had happened; one person was killed and three injured.
One day, a sinister event happened. A man stopped by the dig site to meet with Dr. Mazar—he had worked with her and us about 10 years ago during the City of David excavations. The meeting was nothing unusual. But just two days later, he was stabbed to death a few hundred yards away in the Old City. The tragedy struck us as particularly unusual—we had no contact for a decade, and within two days of meeting him, he was killed. It was a stark reminder of how much Satan hates these excavations and that we must pray for God’s protection. 
And who could forget Operation Pillar of Defense, which occurred during our 2012 excavation? Hamas had, for the first time, fired long-range rockets at Jerusalem from Gaza. The air around us was sporadically filled with the howling of air raid sirens and the thump! of the rockets as they crashed in the distance, fortunately causing little harm or damage. Hearing the sirens was an eerie experience—that was the first time they had ever been used in Jerusalem. 
Then there was the strong verbal abuse and protests by Orthodox Jews attempting to shut down the City of David excavation in Area G, accusing us (falsely) of digging up tombs. Hundreds of Jews had succeeded in shutting down an excavation there a decade before, pelting the excavators with rocks. This one, though, they couldn’t run us off. That area yielded up the important finds of the Gedeliah bulla and the exciting tunnel continuing underneath the Stepped Stone Structure. During later digs on the Ophel, we were on the receiving end of rock throwing—from Arabs atop the southern wall of the Temple Mount. The stones could have done immense damage had they hit their mark—yet we were protected and the dig was allowed to continue.