Now that we have established that Gerald Flurry thinks he has the new "coronation stone" we move on with more of his mindless justifications and wild theories on what it represents for him and the Philadelphia Church of God.
Because the English nation was too stupid to know they should have kept the Stone of Scone in London, Gerald's god had to go searching for a new stone to use. Low and behold that stone was found in a field in Oregon and was reportedly used by Herbert Armstrong to pray at in the early days of the Radio Church of God.
Hosea prophesied of a time when Britain would be “without a king, and without a prince ... and without an image”—referring to the coronation stone. We are in that time now! Britain doesn’t possess the image—the stone—any longer. We in God’s Church now have an even better symbol of King David’s throne.
This is what God wants. I realize it is radical to say that there is a new stone of destiny. But it is also radical to say that God’s people will have the throne of David, and that is straight out of the Bible! And the stone is a symbol of the throne.God had a divine purpose for Flurry digging up that rock. God had deliberately led HWA to that rock to pray and dream up a church and to set it apart as the rock
But there is a problem with the Stone of Scone. Besides being Jacob's pillar stone that he slept upon and had his dream, it was also the stone that UNCONVERTED Kings and Queens had been consecrated upon. The Stone of Scone was essentially unclean. This allows for Herbert Armstrong's rock to become the new consecrated stone that only CONVERTED people have prayed at and used.
Jacob’s pillar stone ties back to Jacob when he was unconverted. God changed his name to Israel upon his conversion (Genesis 32:28). That stone has been witness to generations of coronations of unconverted men and women who have carried on the royal line of David. In the final phase of His Work in this end time, surely God wanted to have a different stone—apurer spiritual symbol found within God’s Church, where His people possess the Holy Spirit. This symbol embodies so much more. I believe that is why God made the change. God’s faithful people today are following through on what Mr. Armstrong did as he prepared the way for Christ’s Second Coming. We are raising up the ruins of his work and magnifying him and what God did through him.Herbert's prayer rock is now the purest thing on earth today and those in its possession are also pure.
God is certainly concerned about purity. As Mr. Armstrong wrote in Mystery of the Ages, when Jesus Christ came to Earth the first time, He “was born of the tribe of Judah, and it was necessary that He be of the original pure racial strain, even as Noah was.” As God prepares for Christ’s universe-shaking Second Coming, He is surely thinking about representing and preserving spiritual purity! God wants more purity there; and He achieves that with the prayer rock and all that it means.The god of Gerald Flurry had a divine plan in action from the foundation of the world when he created the stone HWA would kneel at and set into motion the birth of Herbert Armstrong so he could become the end time messenger.
God makes a blanket statement here: “[H]e shall prepare the way before me.” Period! No caveats or qualifications. What an endorsement of this man! God made a covenant with Mr. Armstrong, and He knew that Mr. Armstrong would do the job. Did he ever! What a messenger!The birth and life of Herbert Armstrong was one of the most significant events in human history. HWA's life will be honored FOREVER because of the prayer rock.
Mr. Armstrong’s life is one of the highlights in the history of man. God really was moved by how he delivered His message. He was moved by how he used the prayer rock to keep himself fervent and stirred to do God’s will! So now, Mr. Armstrong is going to be honored forever through the prayer rock!Instead of humanity being blessed forever by the work and life of Jesus Christ, we have been blessed by Herbert Armstrong being in our midst. If we show HWA obedience and loyalty we will be blessed. Who knew!
Isn’t it wonderful that God will bless us so richly for being obedient and loyal to Him?It is more important for COG members today to pledge obedience to the new stone of destiny vs that dirty old rock used to crown unconverted Kings and Queens on. How could anyone imagine
Christ is pleased with His messenger! How God is honoring Mr. Armstrong with this new stone of destiny!Because Flurry and his band of minions no claim to be the true heirs of Herbert's legacy, they are the new Zadok's of the world today. Flurry's god is so pleased by PCG's actions that it has instructed them to be the caretakers of the Holy Rock of Herb
God is also pleased with the spiritual “sons of Zadok” who, like Zadok the priest to King David anciently, remain loyal to God’s throne from beginning to end. He trusts His people to take care of the prayer rock—the new stone of destiny. This is a noble and worthy cause.The weight of this heavy burden weighs heavily upon Gerald Flurry. He realizes he is only a man filled with vanity and sins, but he has the life of
God has commanded us to raise the ruins. Now, I am a man with vanity and sins just like anyone else. If I ever begin to think that I can do my job without following Mr. Armstrong’s example, I will be falling into a fatal way of thinking! But I have realized that every time I honor Mr. Armstrong, God honors me. Isn’t that wonderful? This is God’s government. It is a wonderful truth that we all must learn deeply.