Sunday, January 20, 2019

Prophecy Addiction: Former WCG/UCG Members Claim They Have True Timelines Of Prophecy For Us

It has been a long time since we have featured Steve Collins here on this blog.  He is a former Worldwide Church of God and later United Church of God member who is wrapped up in British Israelism and prophecy timelines, as only an Armstrongite can do.  Like any Armstrongite addicted to prophecy, he has been an abject failure in his predictions.

Collins is also the idol of many COG members who feel the need to get wrapped up in conspiracy theories and outright lies of prophecy addicted COG ministers and members.  This addiction leads members into making their own prediction.  These prophecy addicts do not like having their pet prophecies made fun of.

A reader here was none too impressed with this blog and the opinions of others and made this comment before sending us over to read the prophecy gobbledygook of Collins:

Lee ClarkI appreciate objective journalism, but you guys are just plain slanted and evil, so go to your reward.
I'm setting dates: And if you don't like it, maybe you just shouldn't be in the game ... 

If you did not get your fill of the seven-year time cycles of Herbert Armstrong and other COG false prophets you will get your fill of it Clark's timeline.  Its all about land sabbaths, jubilees and other old covenant expectations.  You will see scant writing about Jesus, other than the dude is really pissed due to all of the delays he has been held back with by his angry Father.

A regular COG snooze fest.

Inculcating HWA

Inculcate.  Don't you just hate that word after spending a lifetime in the Chruch of God?  It was a weapon used by church leaders to force members into believing every single thing they said as if it came directly from Jesus Christ himself.

We were expected to take every single word uttered by and written down by Herbert Armstrong as if it was directly channelled by God through him.  Various COG's today have placed his writings and words on the exact same level as scripture.  None is more aggressive in this than the Philadelphia Church of God, as long as it does not interfere with Gerald Flurry's new revelations.

This idolatry is found very active in the PCG's "college" where they now have a class on the life and teachings of Herbert W Armstrong. Instead of discovering the life of Jesus, its all about Herbert.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

PCG: "How much time do you spend thinking about all those wonderful children that you’re going to have with Jesus Christ, your Husband?"

By now in 2019, we should never be surprised at the lunacy coming out of the Philadelphia Church of God, all thanks to the visions Gerald Flurry receives from his god.

Desiring Spiritual Children

Now, consider this inspiring parallel. It is natural for us to desire physical children. In fact, some women have such a strong maternal desire that they have children even when afflicted by grotesque health problems. Still they have children, because that desire is so strong within them. 
What about having spiritual children? We don’t naturally desire spiritual children. That is an unnatural desire. How much time do you spend thinking about all those wonderful children that you’re going to have with Jesus Christ, your Husband? How much do you yearn for sons and daughters in the Family of God? Do you desire with all your passions to have children in the Family of God? We must build that yearning for a spiritual family. 
That is so unnatural that it takes the Spirit of God to truly yearn for that; yet that is the purpose Christ’s Bride will fulfill!
The Bride of Christ must build a natural yearning, a natural desire, to have spiritual children! That desire, however, must come from God. Remember, spiritually we are the woman; we must be building this spiritual yearning within us, where we feel we must have spiritual children. The real family is the God Family! That’s the family God wants us to really get passionate about.
The physical family is here only to help us get into the spiritual family.
This God Family vision really stretches your mind. It is unnatural for us, but it is the way Christ, our Husband, thinks! We must think that way too if we are to marry Him! (Philippians 2:5). 
Imagine what Christ would say if we married Him and then told Him that we didn’t really want children. Of course, this is hypothetical; we would not even be Christ’s wife if we thought that way. If we don’t want children, then we are in the wrong spiritual family! And we won’t be the Bride of Christ.
Christ is determining now if you want to have a lot of children; and by a lot, He means all of humanity. Multiple billions of people will be given the opportunity to be a part of the God Family before this is over.