Saturday, April 13, 2019

Passover Funk and the COG

I have always found it interesting how Jewish people, Adventists, Mormons and people of other faith groups can have fun with their beliefs and yet when it comes to Armstrongites, they have major hissy-fits  if anyone dares joke about their beliefs.

Armstrong Church of Godites take themselves far too seriously!
Can you imagine James Malm ever smiling or joking about his zealotry?  Lord have mercy!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Gerald Flurry Declares Fast To Coerce His God Into Giving PCG More Money

This weekend the dwindling faithful of the Philadelphia Church of God are fasting in order to coerce their god into opening the financial floodgates so money can pour into the church. While people are trying to blackmail their god into action, Flurry is spending  hundreds of thousands of dollars on a 144 month inspection of his plane.  One estimate I was sent states it could cost around $475,000.00!  PCG has suffered financially since buying this money pit, and now they are ripping it apart and making costly repairs and updates.

Declaring a fast for money is a time worn Armstrong Church of God tradition and yet NOWHERE in scripture is there any example of people fasting for financial gain.  It was always for personal examination.  But then this may be PCG's excuse to fast.  It is the members fault that money is not flowing into PCGs coffers.  One must always remember everything that goes wrong in a ACOG is the fault of the membership and NOT the self-appointed idiotic leaders leading the groups.


You can quickly see why PCG is in such financial trouble when you see the basic costs to operate a Gulfstream G450.

COGWA: The Young Persons Guide In Tracking Down Jesus...Oops!...Leavening

It is business as usual in the Church of God a Worldwide Association at this time of year.  The focus is still upon the physical with an emphasis upon the law.  So in that vein, COGWA has an article up for young people on how to track down leavening this time of year.

The article is geared towards 'young people" in COGWA and is written by Karen Meeker.

Have you ever wondered exactly what is wrong with leavening? Why can we eat it all year long but not during the Days of Unleavened Bread?
Here’s the reason: Sometimes God uses normal, everyday things to remind us of things that are important to Him. If you read 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 you will see that leavening is used to picture negative characteristics like wickedness (doing bad things) and malice (wanting to hurt someone). During these seven days in the spring, leaven pictures breaking God’s laws—or sin. When we hunt for leavening and throw it out before the Days of Unleavened Bread, we picture our willingness and desire to search out and remove sin from our lives. 
Tracking down leavening
To put sin out, we first have to know what it is and how to look for it. The same is true of leavening. This calls for expert detective work, and labels hold the key.
The main words to look for are: 
  • Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate.
  • Baking powder.
  • Yeast.
These ingredients can be sneaky, hiding in things like biscuits, bread, cake, cookies, cereals, candy bars, ice cream cones, cornbread, crackers, breading on chicken nuggets, donuts, muffins, pretzels, some tortillas, pancakes and waffles. The more labels you check, the more leavening you will discover. It seems to be everywhere—just like sin. 
Even more elusive to COGWA members and the ACOG as whole, is Jesus. He is just sooooo inconvenient at times!

Round it up, eat it up or throw it out

Before the Days of Unleavened Bread begin, your family will probably try to eat up all the food containing leavening. But don’t be surprised if you’re sent out on a last-minute search party to look in spots around the house for leavening.
A good leavening tracker is always on the lookout.
The youth and adults of COGWA are spending its time looking for leavening in their lives and totally missing the One they should be following.  It is much more shocking to find a cookie in a pocket or under a car seat during Unleavened Bread time than it is to be at rest, with the assurance of forgiven sins, in the very One the church claims to follow.    

A good Christian is already safe and sound in the assurance of Jesus, not in the practice of removing leavening.