Saturday, September 14, 2019

" If you no longer climb up, you slide back. If you no longer hold on, you fall away. If you no longer adhere to a set of rules or responsibilities, you have lapsed."

Hard To Become An Atheist: What Christians Don’t Realize (And Atheists Don’t Talk About)

There’s something many Christians don’t realize, and many atheists don’t talk about: it is very hard, scary, and time-consuming to leave your faith and become an atheist. Becoming an atheist (or agnostic, polytheist, etc.) tears at the fabric of your personal identity, rips out all the mental, emotional, and (il)logical safeguards you previously placed your faith in, and decimates your support networks and communities. As a former Christian, I know this firsthand. And it frustrates me that this isn’t talked about more, among Christians and among atheists. So here I am, talking about it on the internet.

Christianese and The “Lazy Atheist”

The Christian community has an extensive lexicon of terms and phrases, something I like to affectionately call “Christianese.” Christianese does some pretty silly things with the English language. It puts prepositions in strange places — only in youth group do you “love on” someone, a term that is both puzzling and slightly pornographic. Christianese also peppers sentences with unnecessary proper nouns and adverbs — “Lord, just…” is a common way to start every sentence in a group prayer.
Christianese also has a selection of phrases for people who leave the faith, including: “backslidden,” (primarily Old Testament) “fallen away” (primarily New Testament) or “lapsed” (primarily institutional). These words all suggest that to leave the faith is an act of laziness, weakness, or lack of trying. If you no longer climb up, you slide back. If you no longer hold on, you fall away. If you no longer adhere to a set of rules or responsibilities, you have lapsed. With this kind of language ingrained in the Christian community, it’s no wonder that they view people who walk away as being weak (either mentally, emotionally, or spiritually). This couldn’t be further from the truth, but the subtle negging of this particular mind game is admittedly brilliant.

Becoming An Atheist Is A Struggle

Listen, leaving a faith you grew up in is not an easy thing. It’s a painful, introspective, self-aware process wherein you strip yourself down to your elements and reassemble yourself piece by piece. It will inevitably include feelings of panic, loss, guilt, anger, frustration, and betrayal, none of which are pleasant and all of which need to be worked through sufficiently before finally coming to terms with your atheism. You will be forced to wade through conversation after frustrating conversation with other Christians — in small group, in church, over lunch with friends, in lecture halls — where the questions eating away at your mind are dismissed with the same Bible verses or institutional catchphrases. Even at my college, surrounded by some of the most intelligent minds in Christian academia, I walked away with either insubstantial fluff or mind-bending interpretive theories, both of which left me wanting to pull my hair out.
Becoming an atheist doesn’t happen overnight, either (although terms like “backsliding” and “falling away” make it sound like a quick, split-second kind of thing). The process of leaving the faith can take years. I started having those first deep, world-shaking questions about my faith four years ago. I’m still adjusting to this new life, weeding out old biases, teaching myself that cosmic guilt is unnecessary. I’ve listened to the many debates, read dozens of books, watched hundreds of videos, inspected multiple holy texts, exposed myself to innumerable worldviews, and exhausted most of my close friends (both religious and otherwise) with persistent conversations on the subject. It’s time-consuming and intentional. It’s not a slip-up, not a mistake, not a lack of attention or concentration, and certainly not weakness.

Choosing To Stay An Atheist Is A Struggle, Too

Once you become an atheist, choosing to stay one presents its own challenges, which require strength and mental clarity. If you come from a background of faith, you will find that the people who used to be your greatest support system either vanish, become hostile, or look at you differently. Sure, the lucky atheists among us might have family or friends that accept them and love them regardless of their lack of faith, but the point remains: you now embody everything they think is wrong with the world. You are now, more or less, the “enemy,” the thing their God said to watch out for. If you are not hated, you are pitied. And you are always, always to be disproved, by word, deed, or prayer.
There are also very personal reasons staying an atheist is hard. If you’re going through a difficult time in your life, it’s really hard to no longer be able to feel like a higher power is watching out for you. If something bad happens to someone you care about and you can’t be there, you feel at a loss to help because you no longer believe prayer works. If someone asks you “Why do I face this challenge?” or “What happens after death?” the answers get a lot more tricky. (On the other hand, questions like “Why do bad things happen to good people?” get a lot easier to answer.) These are trying experiences, especially when you used to feel connected, safe, like you had the answers.

Atheism Is Worth The Struggle

So, why become and stay an atheist? It’s different for different people, and I can only speak for myself. I went to a Christian college where we were encouraged to ask hard questions about faith and the Bible. (Note: Of course I didn't and wasn't)I asked the questions that didn’t have acceptable answers. Believe me, I looked for those answers. If you could have seen 20-year-old Vi staggering out of the library with a dozen thick tomes on the subject of God, you would have laughed. I decided I couldn’t logically come to the conclusion that God existed (at least in the form that Christians claimed He did). It wasn’t even a choice at that point. My brain literally wouldn’t allow me to reenter that warm, fuzzy world of faith, even if I’d wanted to. It was like waking up from a dream and not being able to fall back to sleep.
Once that happened and I came to terms with that loss, I realized that other things I had been living with — a pervasive sense of inherent dirtiness or unworthiness, fear of the corrupt outside world, the ghostly promise of societal persecution, the mental gymnastics required to morally justify Hell, the concept of sin itself — had been lifted from me. The freedom and lightness of being that I’ve felt since then is rivaled only by my newfound ease of mind and spirit. But the point is that this did not happen all at once, it did not happen without sacrifice, and certainly did not happen without years of critical thought and work that continues to this day.

A Call To All Christians With Atheists In Their Lives (AKA All Of Them)

Dear Christians, atheists know you will never agree with them about their lack of belief. Reasonable atheists don’t expect you to. We are grateful when we can have civil conversations about our differences without fear or anger. But the one thing you can do for the atheists in your life (and no matter how insulated in the community you are, I guarantee you have atheists in your life) is respect the intentionality of walking away. We are not weak. We’ve done a very difficult thing, something many people wouldn’t even dare to do. At least give us the courtesy of acknowledging that.
Originally published on Medium in November 2017. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

God's ONLY Prophet Lays Down The Law On Sex And The Day Of Atonement

Bwana Bob Thiel has spoken!  

No sex on the Day of Atonement! 

Furthermore, fasting and sexual abstinence is the norm for those who observe the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur.

Did Jesus Trick the Sincere Members of the Worldwide Church of God 1933-1986


In reading and musing on the "changes" that swept through WCG in the brief leadership of Joseph Tkach, I don't believe I have worked around or met a more sincere, friendly and dedicated to the cause a person as Greg Williams,  now President of Grace Community International, formerly the Worldwide Church of God. Greg replaces Joseph Tkach Jr, who still lurks from all I can tell.   Although formerly sounds lame as there is no comparison between the two.

As a pastor in SC I knew Greg and his family from the Asheville, NC area. All very fine and dedicated folk. Towards the end of my own time in WCG, I attended meetings on "the changes" etc with Greg and always found him to be probably the one pastor I'd ever wish to say was both friend and pastor of any church I attended.  He's a good man and very sincere in his doings.  We parted ways in every way but I respect Greg for many real ways, both for his personable self and for going on to better educated himself in all things theology.  Something most ministers, in the splits, splinters and slivers of WCG simply will not and cannot do.  

I spent time with Greg in ministerial meetings during the transitional times from what WCG was to what CGI now is.  Greg was on board from the start and almost relieved at the changes and I think that may reflect his having somewhat grown up in WCG.  I on the other hand felt I was just being dragged back into what I grew up with and my enthusiasm was not so apparent as you might expect. We parted ways in every way. I knew I wanted out of what most in the meeting seemed to want in on. 

During that time I also had a chat with Ron Kelley, evangelist in the WCG and now enthusiastic supporter of "the changes."  I have my own view as to why but I spare you. Our discussion took place after I had left the ministry but before I knew what direction I'd take with the rest of my life.  We talked about it all and I asked about some personal concerns to which he replied that the church was not able to meet its obligations because "Jesus worked a great miracle in the church and we simply do not have the funds anymore."   I did ask about the monies harvested with the sale of the Pasadena and Big Sandy Campuses, but evidently that was none of my business.  

Jesus worked a great miracle and Joe Tkach another one by being neither accountable for the resources gained in the sacking of the church properties nor remotely apologetic to the very sincere members whose lives he and his cohorts had turned upside down and over a very short time. The emotional and physical toll on the people never seems to have crossed Joe's mind. I guess when you are convinced you are doing the Lord's work, nothing matters anymore but getting it done and see what's left.

  Joe Tkach Sr. changed the church over in a couple years where historical Christianity took several centuries to do so.  I understand on his deathbed Joe Sr lamented that "I have been so foolish" , but who knows and nice timing Joe.  

I chuckle now at Joe Tkach yelling at my wife over the phone to squelch the rumor I had asked him about the day before, I was not home when he called back, about HWA getting divorced.  Of course about a month later it proved true.  I found the rule when talking to the Tkaches about what they had in mind to change and what not to that a "no not that" meant yes and a "Yes, that is the same" meant not for long.

I have always thought that the Tkaches and those of the same persuasion had an obligation not to change the church to their liking, but to leave it and go where they felt better about their theology. They had no right to hurt so many sincere people whose sacrifices and closely held faith and hope in all things seemingly also taught in the Bible and now rejected by them.  They simply should have left themselves.  It seems it was too difficult to change the church and lose the perks of their "leadership", so the rest is history.

Another grievous mistake was Joe Sr continuing the Herbert/Garner Ted pattern of nepotism by bringing comfortable family into positions of authority. But it was a good example of "The first generation founds it. The Second generation maintains it. The Third generation loses it and walks away."

My question then is, Did JESUS  Trick the Church and the incredibly sincere folk that made it up?  In all those decades of sacrifice both in material and spiritual ways, in all those prayers offered for God to bless the Work, guide the Armstrongs, give personal strength to get through the ups and downs of life and look forward to everything from resurrections of loved ones to the change they no doubt would experience themselves "in a moment in the twinkling of the eye and at the last trump" into the Wonderful World Tomorrow, was it a trick?  Some will say that "Jesus was never in the WCG" but that's not the point. The people were. They read their Bibles, prayed for the success and needs of where they were expressing their sincere faith in God, Jesus and the Kingdom of God to come as they understood it.  They scheduled their lives accordingly and for the most part participated freely and in faith.

If Jesus worked this great miracle, it implies he either was in the Church as a church but decided to play a different game at the expense of the people's faith or , not ever being in it, waited 50 years to intervene and bring the leftovers into the fold and set the course aright, again at the expense of the faith of thousands who can not be blamed for all that followed emotionally, spiritually and in their newfound skepticism of organized religion, which often proves to be an oxymoron in the extreme over time. 

Again I ask...

 Did the Cosmic and Resurrected Jesus, who was the supposed head of the church in all things and leader of the leaders as they followed him, trick the good people of WCG over all those years?  Or perhaps, like the Devil who "didn't do it",  Jesus "didn't do it either"?