Thursday, April 30, 2020

OH NOES!!!!! The tribulation will begin late this year! Run for your lives!

The longer our self-appointed Church of God prophets are cooped up in their homes, the more their minds wander into delusional thinking. Today, it is James Malm, the official Church of God Pharisee and Zealot. Between begging his tens of followers to send him money and tripping out to never-never land in search of new visions, he is predicting the tribulation will start this fall in order for his creature Jesus "christ" to return, soon.  This apparently means that Ron and Laura Weinland (the two witless witnesses) need to get their act together so they can go and preach in Jerusalem for 3 1/2 days and then be slaughtered on live TV.

In spite of all of this, none of our prophets ever take heed of the scripture that tells them to NOT make these asinine predictions.  They are always ignoring this scripture since they are the personal mouthpiece for their god. After all, how can the god of each of these men ever deceive them?

Pharisee Malm writes:
29 April:  Daniel was told by the angel Gabriel in the 2300 Day prophecy of Daniel 8 that Messiah would come to cleanse the temple mount and build the Ezekiel temple 2,300 years after the empire of Alexander was divided into four parts.  This clearly sets the coming of Christ in 2024 A.D. which means that the tribulation would begin late this year.  
Of course that date depends on an accurate starting date which was always a problem to find.  God also told Daniel by the angel that an understanding of the prophets was sealed until the very last minute (Dan 12:9) and that at the very last moment knowledge would be increased as the prophets were unsealed (Dan 12:10). Over the past few years God has revealed more and more and now has provided a way to confirm that date with a better understanding of other prophecies which also date the onset of the tribulation.  
This is now being worked on and a post covering the prophecies telling us when the tribulation will begin is coming on May 13. 
Which Church of God leader is right?
  • James Malm with his imminent tribulation resulting in his creature "christ" returning soon after?
  • Dave Pack with his return of this thing he calls Jesus "christ", last week to Wadsworth, Ohio?
  • Gerald Flurry with his Jesus "christ" returning to sit on his coronation stone, that he will fly from Edmond, Oklahoma to Jerusalem after they dig up Hill Tara and recover the Ark of the Covenant?
  • Bob Theil with his Mayan calendar and visions of Fatima that predict the 2026 return of his Jesus "christ"?
  • Ron and Laura Weinland as the two witless witnesses who will soon hit the streets of Jerusalem (after Laura hocks her diamond rings) so that his creature JC can return with vast armies to slaughter the people of the world.
  • Zerubbabel? He is so crazy I don't think he even knows when his creature is returning.
The answer is quite simple. Every single one of these men are liars and cannot be trusted.

"I Don't Know....Therefore ________"

Last week  we had a tree man come over to look at a limb that might need attention. Almost the first thing he said on arrival was "I suppose you have drank the Cool-Aid?"  Excuse me?  He then went on to assure me that "this flu" was not possible to catch from other humans. The six foot rule was because at 6 feet the "Govment" can hear what you say about them better and that all this is caused by radio waves, radar and now 5-G.  In that this was Angies tree guy I had a choice.  Tell him he was a fool or leave.  I excused myself and went into the house. Angie likes his work. 

Why do humans soak in Conspiracy Theories. Hypothesis would be a better term I suppose as most don't know the actual definition of "theory" in the scientific world. They think it means "opinion" which it does not. 
From Psychology Today:

"The researchers found that reasons for believing in conspiracy theories can be grouped into three categories:
  • The desire for understanding and certainty
  • The desire for control and security
  • The desire to maintain a positive self-image
Let’s look at each of these motives in turn..."
I will leave the complete article for those so inclined
and here;
I would add fourth reason based on my personal experience.  
 Religious Fundamentalists and Literalists filter their world through their ideas about Bible prophecy and the Second Coming of Christ. Everyone in this mindset sees the times they live in as "The Last Days" so all events have prophetic meaning with the appropriate scriptures, usable through all of human history, to back it up. This may reflect a deeper fear of death and the desire to be in the group that the Apostle Paul said "We shall not all die, but we shall be changed" I Cor 15:51. Paul later died like everyone else as have all completely sure that they were the actual people upon whom the ends of the age have come. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

PCG Continues to Arrogantly Flaunt Oklahoma and UK guidelines For Coronavirus Distancing

One thing Church of God leaders have always tried to ingrain in us that because we were sooooooo special and called out from the world that we were set apart and specially protected by God from all kinds of diseases and circumstances. Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Gerald Weston and other COG leaders all tell their followers this myth.

PCG sticks out above the rest for their blatant disregard to Health Dept rules in Oklahoma and the UK (which has stricter rules than the U.S does).

PCG carries on the COG tradition of using members and students as free slave labor during this time.

Meanwhile, in the UK, it is business as usual as the women trained to be docile and submissive as they cook dinner for the men who spend the day cleaning up campus grounds.