Good morning, ministers and wives.
I trust this email finds you well.
When God called me in 2008, I never thought I'd find myself writing an email like this one. But if we can agree that God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor . 14:33), then we can also agree that what's currently being taught by our pastor general is not of God.
To say that there's a lot of confusion in the Church would be an understatement. Brethren no longer know what to believe because they simply can't keep things straight. If you don't know this already, talk to the brethren about prophecy. Or for that matter, talk to a fellow-minister.
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but TRY THE SPIRITS WHETHER THEY ARE OF GOD: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. ... (6) We are of God: he that knows God hears us; he that is not of God doesn't hear us. HEREBY KNOW WE THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, AND THE SPIRIT OF ERROR” (1 John 4:1, 6).
John wrote a lot about truth and when we read the books he was inspired to write, we can know it is truth. But, we are also supposed to be able to distinguish truth from the spirit of error! If dozens of failed prophetic scenarios is not the spirit of error, then I don't know what is! What does it matter if the spirit of error is being introduced by the top man or someone else? The spirit of error is the spirit of error!
We frequently say in the Church that we shouldn't get hung up on prophecy being wrong. However, technically speaking, anything taught is doctrine. It's the very definition of the word. So there is false doctrine being taught. And besides that, we often touch on foundational doctrines and change them to fit the latest prophetic narrative anyway.
For example, we recently said that the God that Moses , Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel saw was the Father (Ex. 24:9-10.) But how can we ignore plain scriptures like John 1:18? “No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared [Him].” What allows us to sweep aside SUCH A SIMPLE scripture like that? When establishing doctrine, are we not to start with the simplest scriptures first?
Our understanding of who and what God is has changed dramatically in recent months. When is the last time we properly referred to God as a family? Do we really think that the most spectacular era of God's Church, the Philadelphian era, who God said NOTHING bad about in Revelation, had the wrong understanding of who and what God is? Did our predecessors not know God in the same way that we now do? On logic alone, it's inconceivable!
Then there are the verses that we flat out ignore. 2 Cor. 5:10 says that we must ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ. But not us? Somehow we've made it already? Most, if not all of you, care for more of God's sheep than I do. When you heard Rev. 22:11 explained (“He that is unjust, let him be unjust still...”), did you honestly think that everyone in your pastorate was sealed at that time? That people were done growing? That it was time to relax? What spirit influenced such a thing to be taught?
As ministers, we represent the Church. Especially the Headquarters ministry. I, for one, can't look brethren in the eyes anymore and explain the latest prophetic scenario to them. What's taught is plain strange at times. We always start with the belief that there's no way Christ could come beyond the current week we're in and then we wrest the scriptures to fit that bias.
I want to go on record to say that I'm not following anyone or any group. Some of you may know that an old friend of mine, Riordan Dennis, was removed from the Church recently. I made the mistake of being too friendly with Riordan after he left and was ultimately used by him, and the group that he's a part of, in a way that appeared to lend credence to their movement. I do not follow them. I have no interest in attending a splinter that has compromised on the truth of God even more than The Restored Church of God has. I don't claim to know how the prophetic pieces of the jigsaw puzzle fit.
Let me state that it's wonderful to be here at Headquarters. I love the home we're in. I love living on this beautiful campus. I love you and all the friends I have here and in the wider Church. I love the job I have. I love being the minister over Pittsburgh. But at the end of the day, THE TRUTH HAS TO MATTER MORE THAN ANY OF THIS! It's the only reason we came to the Church in the first place.
I understand that this email will likely lead to me being fired. I'm OK with that. I hope you will also stand up for the truth as ministers of God, no matter how uncomfortable that might be at times. I trust that God will sort out this mess in His time, however, I wasn't prepared to look Christ in the eyes and explain to Him why I didn't stand up for the truth and for His people.
In Christ's Service,
Alex J. Groen