Tuesday, October 27, 2020

LCG Exciting News! Church is ramping up for "faster pace" in gaining new members


Exciting times are ahead for the boys in Charlotte! This is so exciting that they CANNOT stand still and let other COG's pass them by!!! The boys have added 4 more issues to their Tomorrow's World rag and this is guaranteed to being in the searching masses. Woo hoo!

Magazine subscriptions are rocketing downwards across the publishing spectrum. With more and more people reading things online, magazines are less and less important. Never fear though, since those brilliant boys in Charlotte are always a year or two behind the national trends they WILL make this work! Untold thousands are waiting eagerly for 4 more issues to fill their mailboxes. It is an open door and those eager boys are jumping at the chance. So send in that excess 2nd tithe and that tithe of the tithe you are still holding on to. Important things are ahead and the church needs it!

In addition to the new issues for the magazine, they need MORE employees! After decades of nepotism and hiring of the Meredith clan to fill all kinds of spots, the church now needs more employees to actually do some work. With all those thousands of new members soon joining the church it now needs more employees to handle the influx. The Church of God is so amazing! What an amazing work!

Greetings from Charlotte,
God has greatly blessed His Church this year and has opened doors that were not previously available. We have significant personnel needs and are working to fill some of those positions in the field ministry and in understaffed departments here in Charlotte. And now I am able to make a very exciting announcement. Beginning in 2021, the Tomorrow’s World English-language magazine will increase from six issues (one every other month) to ten issues per year. This is a major step forward! This will give subscribers more regular contact with the Church. We will drop four pages, from 36 down to 32, and make some other alterations, but overall there will be more content each year. While we cannot know at this time, as this is something not easily measured, we believe this will bring people along at a faster pace. Other Tomorrow’s World language magazines will stay on the six-per-year schedule for now, but this will give translators more articles from which to choose. We cannot stand still, and when God provides the means and an open door, we must walk through it. We are also increasing the impact of our social media efforts and television coverage. Please continue to pray for God to open doors, provide the means of going through them, and bless our human efforts to His glory!—Gerald Weston

Monday, October 26, 2020

Dave Pack: Dave Only Has One Thing On His Mind As Employees and Members Struggle with COVID and His "christ" Failed To Appear


From an RCG source:

Meanwhile, Dave Pack is pretending that all is well in Dave World. No mentioning of the COVID cases in his 'church'. No mentioning of any heartfelt concern for the RCG members that are sick. No mentioning of ministers (and members) leaving his 'true church'. What does Dave do? What he always does, asking for more money, like in this weeks announcements. Be good slaves and don't forget to send Dave your money boys and girls:

“Third Tithe Reminder: As many are aware, third tithe years begin after the Feast each year. At the bottom of the homepage in Member Services, you can find a link titled “Calculate Third Tithe Years.” This webpage will automatically calculate your third tithe year cycles for you. The cycles are based on your baptism date. Remember that one’s third tithe year occurs every three years in a seven-year cycle.

Those who have questions about third tithe years should contact their local minister.

Tithe of Tithe, Excess Second Tithe, and Holy Day Offerings Reminder: Many will recall that, before the Feast, an announcement was made for brethren to calculate and send in any tithe of tithe and excess second tithe ahead of time, if possible. We thank those who were able to do this. Now that the Feast is over, however, all excess second tithe should be calculated and sent to Headquarters, along with any tithe of tithe that was not already sent, noted as a separate amount. Please notate on your checks or money orders “excess second tithe” or “tithe of tithe,” whichever is applicable.

In addition, those who have missed services on any of the four fall Holy Days and have yet to mail in their offerings should do so as soon as possible. It is vitally important to God’s Work that all Holy Day offerings are accounted for. Please feel free to contact the Business & Accounting Office at bao@rcg.org if you have any questions concerning your offerings.” 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Living Church of God Still Silent On COVID Infections From Branson Feast Site


From an LCG source:

The Living Church of God still refuses to acknowledge that COVID was passed around at one of their Branson feast sites.  They have had two weeks to mention something in their weekly update that's sent out to the church, but nothing so far.  Word from the beginning of this outbreak was that they wanted to keep it hush, hush, and not let it leak out on social media.  But as more and more cases started to appear, prayer request started to surface on Facebook.  However, not a word from HQ on the matter.  One would think they would want the church to pray for those who were sick, but no.  No love from HQ to those infected.