Thursday, November 26, 2020

Discerning right from wrong when listening to your minister

Ever since Herbert Armstrong hit the scene and in the subsequent years after his death, the Church of God has been filled with men who claim to have direct access to God, that their words and writings are God-inspired, and that we as members are to heed every word that comes from them as the "truth." The problem lies when men like Pack, Flurry, Thiel, Weinland, and others say things, they expect us to take it all as being true when the vast majority of us know they are liars and blasphemers.

In the churches of God, we have heard over and over that God ordained the ministry and, therefore, they are the only ones who have the ability to interpret scripture. Bible studies held without a minister present are frowned upon, if not outright forbidden. 
But what does scripture say? 
Scripture says when we’re baptized, all of us whom God has called and chosen have the same two things: God’s spirit and God’s word.

Nothing irritates many of today's COG leaders than the laity sitting around and discussing scriptures. How dare they! They have not been educated at God's College, whatever and wherever that may be, so how can they know the proper meaning of scripture!

One of the amazing things about Judaism is that many of them regularly sit around and discuss and argue scripture. So many in the COG think it is blasphemy to argue over scripture, but if you look at the different COG leaders today, they all do that in their own unique way. The main way is when they each declare that God has delivered to them the CORRECT version of how things should be. That immediately negates every other COG leader out there. Then those offended COG leaders ramp up the discourse and clam revelations and dreams sent by their god to them. It is all one huge mess.

Jesus Christ, in Matthew 11, invites us to learn from Him. Luke tells us that the Bereans poured over the scriptures to compare what they were hearing preached with the word of God to see if the preaching matched what God says. 
Paul repeatedly admonishes us to study to show ourselves approved by rightly dividing the word of truth and to prove all things and to work out our salvation (this indicates an intimate relationship with God and Jesus Christ, which is impossible without being in the word of God).

Many COG members, regardless of the group they are in or not in, know far more about scriptures than most of the COG leaders today. There are women in the COG who can up to shame most of the present-day COG leaders, which I think is hilarious! 

The diaspora (this was all the Hebrew Christians, not just some) is admonished in the book of Hebrews that they should be spiritually mature enough to be teachers, but that they are not because they haven’t learned how to discern between right (God’s word) and wrong (everything else) and good (godliness) and evil (worldliness). 
Scripture does not say what we often hear in the churches of God. However, this belief among the church of God ministers is (although most of them probably don’t realize it) designed to make the non-ministers dependent on them for everything. 
But we are supposed to be dependent on God and Jesus Christ for everything, not another human being just like ourselves. 
Although this may be unconscious, it is a perversion of the word of God.

The belief that COG ministers and leaders are the direct conduit from God in all matters, both spiritual and physical is not only a perversion of the Word of God but utter blasphemy. Look at the perverted things they say and how members suffer under their leadership.

I wonder how many COG members out there actually study the Bible WITHOUT any HWA booklets or writings of any other COG leader? There are Christians in the "world" who are far better versed in the meaning of Scripture than many COG members because they are willing to look at many sources. Sadly though, far too many sit there month after month, year after year waiting for their minister or leader to tell them how things should be.

We, as followers of Jesus Christ, bear responsibility as well. Many of us aren’t abiding in the Vine continually by digging into the word of God and reading it (the words on the page, not the words we think are on the page), thinking about it (as the source against which we compare the words we have heard, not the other way around), learning it, and applying it. 
Instead, many of us look to human words (in writing, in sermons, etc.) for knowledge, instead of to God’s words. We are not guiltless in the perversion of the word of God either.

You can read the entire article here which includes two examples of subtle deceptions of a couple of current COG ministers.

Concretized Christianity: “Huh?!?” Things We Hear…


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Bob Thiel: No Christian Needs To Celebrate National Holidays (Thanksgiving) Nor Should They Watch Vile Filthy Satanic Football On That Day!

It is that time of year as people in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving, though this year will particularly unique due to the COVID restrictions. It is also time to remember the silliness that comes forth out of the resident fools leading various Churches of God, particularly in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. 

Sadly, we miss James Malm's yearly rant on pagan Thanksgiving, but Bobus Thiel makes up for that loss.


Almost Arrested Elisha Elijah Amos Joshua Doubly Cursed Bob Thiel is back again his yearly meltdown.  Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving and watching evil Satanic  American Football.   Oh, the horrors!

This time around the self-appointed false prophet is also taking a swipe at Thanksgiving.  Real Christians do NOT celebrate national holidays.  Of course, his 1,997 members on the dole in Africa don't celebrate it anyway, so I don't know what his beef is...other than he has to complain about something every day of his miserable negative life.  Has the church ever produced a man who is filled with such negativity?  Does anything please this delusional false prophet?

The Doubly Delusional false prophet starts out by smearing Thanksgiving:

Today is national holiday in the USA called Thanksgiving. And despite certain claims, its specific origins are not pagan. But, of course, no Christian needs to celebrate national holidays like it. And the Bible does condemn gluttony. 

I have never seen anyone sit down and make gluttons of themselves on Thanksgiving, and even if they did it is NOT a sin for that meal.  Gluttony is a life long process of greed, not a single meal.  If that were the case that almost every single minister that has ever eaten in a Feast of Tabernacles Ministerial Hospitality room is a glutton.  Having worked in several of these exclusive areas I have witnessed first hand the over-indulgence of the ministry in food and alcohol.  They deserve the best! It is owed them!

Then the Doubly Cursed delusional false prophet gets to the gist of his entire Debbie-Downer's prime tool in turning the masses away from the "truth once delivered."

One thing that I have noticed on the day called Thanksgiving by those in the USA, is when I have been at many other places than the home I lived in, American football has been playing on television.
For many, other than food and family, football is a major focus of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Oh, the horrors!  God come quickly and save humanity!!!!!!!!!

The Doubly Cursed false prophet is doubly incensed at what Youtube did with his video "sermon" on their channel:

When I was posting a video on YouTube several weeks ago on giving thanks (watch Ingratitude and Giving Thanks), apparently because it mentioned ‘giving thanks, YouTube suggested that a ‘key word’ for the video should be ‘American football’ (which was not in the description).

Then Rod Meredith's wayward "son" trots out his "jesus" as proof his stance on football is correct:

While I have even heard some people thank God for football, it is not a sport that I believe that the God of love would condone.
The person that Jesus stated was greater than all others born of women (Matthew 11:11), John the Baptist taught:

14 Do violence to no man (Luke 3:14, KJV)

What do sports like American football and boxing do? They harm people. Even if played according to all of its rules, American tackle football is evil because it actually physically harms many its participants...
The truth about the harm the sport causes is something that professing Christians, and others, who think that they should watch American football should think about. 

WCG Beaverton/Portland between 1974 and 1985


I have a contact looking for information from anyone why may have attended the Beaverton/Portland Oregon, Worldwide Church of God churches between 1974 - 1985. We are still looking for anyone who may know Steven Lynn Ross who wrote a lengthy article on Petra.  Email me at no2hwa@ (without the space).