Showing posts with label Dr Bob Thiel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Bob Thiel. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

Adult Sabbath School: The Unteachable Robert Thiel


This Posting is for Robert Thiel, only, 

as I am sure he will read it shortly.  

Whatever the context, you Robert, as head of God's one surviving True Church, keep taking Isaiah 28:10 out of it.

On August 31, 2020, you repeat, for the umpteenth time, your mistaken exegesis on how one is to study the Bible. In classic WCG mode, you once again make Isaiah 28:10 mean what it never meant.

Today, and once again, you perpetuate the error...

"The Bible Supports the View that It Tends to Literally Interpret Itself"

Notice what the prophet Isaiah taught:

Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message?…For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little”… But the word of the LORD was to them, “Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little,” (Isaiah 28:9,10, 13 NKJV)." Should you literally believe the Bible?


In the past, you complained....

Dennis Diehl, and many others, have ignored and/or despised the following instructions as to how to understand doctrine: 
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: (Isaiah 28:9-10,)" 
It is you, Bob, who ignoring the context and making this mean what it does not.

so once again...

How NOT to Study The Bible
(Or at least which scriptures not to use explaining how)
By The Apostate Former Minister
(Your label Bob)

Peer Review Sucks
Isa 28:10 (KJV) For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. 
The above scriptures, very familiar to all COG ministers and members alike, have been misquoted, misused, and misunderstood for decades. Ministers of every denomination quote them when asked "just how should we study the Bible?" It is taken to mean that one studies the Bible line by line, topic by topic, skipping over here and then over there to find similar ideas and phrases that one can simply stitch together and come up with God's eternal truths on all things.

The modern term might be called "Proof Texting". Often it is simply the "hunt and peck" method to showing what you already want to be so is so.

In our common COG experience we have the Dave Packs, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland types, along with the bit players in the form of yourself, who employ this tiptoeing through the Bible, "here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept " and coming up with pure trash and self-righteous drivel instructing good men everywhere how to interpret scripture through their mistaken notions about them.

Dave Pack can wander all over the Bible, Old Testament and New and come up with his weird and strange ideas about himself as spoken of by the Prophet Haggai, like anyone ever heard of Haggai, and get members gyrating in their seats. You can spend all day making Bronze Age weather explanations the modern-day ones and tell us it is how God "tries" to get our attention. They all do by looking here a little and there a little, putting line upon line together, and coming up with weird and strange explanations galore.

...they and you are mistaken.

To begin with, Isaiah is written to the drunken priests of Ephraim. I know "context" is not a word most COG ministers are familiar with, but context is important. In verse 7 we see the priests and prophets are being chided, to say the least, for being drunk with beer and wine, whether actually, figuratively or both, befuddled and stumbling while they are seeing visions and making rather important decisions. Not exactly the way to go but with the Assyrians beating on the door, understandable.

Drunk Homer Wallpaper 1920x1200
And these also stagger from wine
    and reel from beer:
Priests and prophets stagger from beer
    and are befuddled with wine;
they reel from beer,
    they stagger when seeing visions,
    they stumble when rendering decisions.
All the tables are covered with vomit
    and there is not a spot without filth.

Agavephobia" | East Side Patch
Not a very pleasant sight and the information they come up with is, to both Isaiah and Bible God, puke.

In reality, it is Isaiah mocking these fools with the following which has been taken as "here a little, there a little, line up line, precept upon precept" and how to study the Bible. Some commentators feel this is what the priests are saying to Isaiah for chiding them. They definitely are NOT having a discussion on how to study the scriptures!

9 “Who is it he (Isaiah to the Priests or they to him in scoffing) is trying to teach?

To whom is he explaining his message? to those just taken from the breast?

To children weaned from their milk,

10 For it is:
Do this, do that,
a rule for this, a rule for that[a];
a little here, a little there.”

Transitions | SpecialNeeds.

Who are you talking to? (Either Isaiah to the drunken priests or they to Isaiah ) Children? You sound like children. (Or Isaiah sounds like a child to them in "Who does he think he is?" mode)
blah, blah, blah, nah nah-nah nah nah, do this, do that, rules here, rules there. Always the rules!

Bible God is mocking these men and accusing them of baby talk. In context, to me and others, it seems more of Isaiah mocking them in their drunken state than they him but either way, it is not a treatise on how to study the Bible. It's an accusing blow out between Isaiah, Bible God, and the Priests with the Assyrians waiting in the wings.

In the original Hebrew, the phrase in Isaiah 28 verses 10 and 13 is: "sav lasav sav lasav, kav lakav kav lakav" It is pure gibberish and akin to our "la la la la" and "blah blah blah." It is a mocking tone imitating the drunken gibberish of the priests and prophets of Ephraim and Judah as Assyria knocks at the door to scrape them off the earth. It might also be that the drunken priests are mocking Isaiah as It is NOT a scripture one should use to teach how to study the Bible that's for SURE!

"You want baby talk? I, the Lord, will give YOU baby talk. Want to make more fun of Isaiah? Get ready for this..."

13 So then, the word of the Lord to them will become:
    Do this, do that,
    a rule for this, a rule for that;
    a little here, a little there
so that as they go they will fall backward;
    they will be injured and snared and captured.

14 Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scoffers
    who rule this people in Jerusalem.

So then mister priest and prophet, you want to make fun of me for warning you? If that's the way you want to be then that's the way the Lord will teach you. Blah...blah...blah...nah nah nah nah this, do that. You like rules? I got rules! You will be over run by your enemies, you who rule Jerusalem. I will arrange for Assyria and the Babylonians to take you away.

(They would have no matter what, but Israel, being in the way between Africa and Europe, was always going to get overrun by someone. They spent a lot of their time trying to figure out why God was punishing them when in fact they just were in the way to the major nations seeking control as major nations are wont to do.)

Peer Review Sucks
So, there we have it. Short and simple. The next time you hear a Church of God Minister, Member or any devotee tell you that you study the Bible, "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little," just slap your head and explain it to them.

Isaiah 28:10, in CONTEXT, is Bible God/Isaiah mocking the drunken Priests of Israel (Ephraim) for issuing their rules to the people to "do this, do that" which sounds like baby talk and stupid, being drunk, while the enemies of Israel approach to take them away. It can also be viewed as the drunken priests scoffing at Isaiah first for warning them. Depends on the commentary. It cannot, however, be taken as the premier scripture on how to study the scriptures.

CONTEXT BOB.... It's not about how to study your Bible

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Fake COG Prophet Upset Over Another COG False Prophet

People should not support leaders that claim to be faithful, 
yet have the fruits that they are of the synagogue of Satan 
(so says Bob Thiel - prophet and savior of Africa and 299 Caucasians)

It's a sunny day here in California and the Great Self-Appointed Prophet of Grover City and Dreamy Overseer of 3,000 Africans and a mere 299 Caucasian members worldwide, has his holistic buckwheat kernel knickers in a twist over Gerald Flurry.

Bob Thiel is mocking Gerald Flurry for his failed prophecies concerning Trump regaining power after Biden was elected President. Add to that mix the absurdities coming from Dave Pack over the imminent return of his creature called "christ" and Bob is in his element in comparing these two men as bumbling idiots compared the holy and righteous endtime leader to the Church of God that Bob Thiel dreams he is. No COG leader has ever been more perfect and accurate than Bob Thiel.

I have long expected that the mistakes of PCG’s Gerald Flurry and also RCG’s David Pack would become more obvious (David Pack did not make a wrong election prediction to the best of my knowledge, but made several last year that Jesus would return which never happened–and years ago he seemed to me to have blamed God for being wrong on one or more of his predictions). We have seen this over the past several months. As I have publicly written before, I do not believe that PCG’s Gerald Flurry and RCG’s David Pack are truly Christian–they claim to be in the Church of God, but I do not believe that they are. I believe that the following are applicable to them:

Bwana Bob then goes onto quote scripture to prove that they are wrong, but what he actually does is slap himself right across his self-righteous face with the same verses. 

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. (2 Peter 2:1-3
9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie — indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. (Revelation 3:9)

Never have two verses described Bob Thiel more than these do. He self-appointed himself so he could rise up among the Living Chruch of God as the true end-time leader of the church. He has spent years preaching heresies and outright lies meant to deceive sincere people.

He then makes this priceless comment:

People should not support leaders that claim to be faithful, yet have the fruits that they are of the synagogue of Satan (cf. Deuteronomy 18:17-22; John 8:44).

For once I have to agree with the apostate Thiel. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE should be supporting this foolish man. Add to that he had to anoint one of his African leaders in order for the man to anoint him as a prophet and leader of the church. Talk about ass-backward!

Bob technically has no standing in the COG ordained stratosphere. He was never ordained by any minister over him who had been ordained through the succession from HWA's ordination process. If one wants to say Bob lacks apostolic succession, they would be absolutely correct.

Just weeks before he started his own splinter personality cult, he spent over a week haranguing Rod Meredith DAILY with calls trying to get Meredith to change his doctrines and church stances on prophecy. In a bitch slap heard across the COG landscape, Rod Meredith kicked him out of the Living Church of God.

...I have been trying to resolve many matters with those in Charlotte and telephoned Dr. Roderick C. Meredith every day this week. 
Instead of speaking with me, a few hours ago I received a factually incorrect letter from Dr. Roderick C. Meredith. Based upon its tone, numerous inaccurate statements, accusations, and his unwillingness to address the real issues that I wanted to bring up, this letter is 100% proof (to me at least) that my view that the Living Church of God lost the ‘Philadelphia mantle’ in 2011 or 2012. I am saddened by this development and had hoped to avoid having to make a variety of decisions. But, God’s will is to be done (Matthew 6:10; 1 John 2:17).

"God's will" was never part of the start up of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God.  That was just one more subtle deception used by apostate Thiel.

At that time even James Malm saw through Bob's lies:

It appears that Bob Thiel has received a letter from Rod Meredith disfellowshipping him, and Bob never a man to admit coming in second is saying that he left LCG months ago.

Bob just cannot stand playing second fiddle to anyone. Nothing irritates him more than someone more powerful than he is. With his African followers and leaders looking to him as the Great Bwana and savior of the truth, Bob is in his highest glory. He has always demanded respect and received nothing by derision from other COG members, so now he has reached the pinnacle of his greatness.

The problem with Thiel, in most people's eyes, is that his ministry is all about himself. Never have we seen such a converted and educated prophet in the church than we have in him. Even Jesus pales in comparison if he is ever mentioned.

Notice this justification on why he started his personality cult. It's all about him and NEVER about following Christ.  Everyplace Bob talks about himself, in the 3rd person, it will be highlighted in yellow. Everywhere he talks about Jesus and the gospel will be highlighted in green.

12/28/12 p.m. For the past year or so I have wondered if perhaps the Living Church of God had lost the Philadelphia mantle.  To be 100% certain, I have been trying to resolve many matters with those in Charlotte and telephoned Dr. Roderick C. Meredith every day this week.

Instead of speaking with me, a few hours ago I received a factually incorrect letter from Dr. Roderick C. Meredith.  Based upon its tone, numerous inaccurate statements, accusations, and his unwillingness to address the real issues that I wanted to bring up, this letter is 100% proof (to me at least) that my view that the Living Church of God lost the Philadelphia mantle in 2011 or 2012.   I am saddened by this development and had hoped to avoid having to make a variety decisions.  But, God’s will is to be done (Matthew 6:10; 1 John 2:17).

About an hour ago, I signed various notarized documents to declare the start of a new organization.  It is legally to be called the Continuing Church of God Overseer and successors, a corporation sole.  Next week, the corporate documents are to be filed–but legally it now exists as a real church.  The late Herbert W. Armstrong formed a corporate sole in the 1970s and this seemed to be the best available option for me in California.

We expect to best represent the true remnant of the Philadelphia era of the original Church of God that began on Pentecost in Acts 2 (c. 31 A.D.). Beliefs of the ContinuingChurch of God.

The following may help show how I could be possibly qualifiied to do this:

  • The Apostle Paul wrote, “Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy” (1 Corinthians 14:1).  This is something Bob Thiel has attempted to do, as well as pray about, for decades.  
  • In 1996/1997, the then local GCG minister figuratively twisted Bob Thiel's arm to get him to start the website that is now COGwriter.   In 1998, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith and others with LCG encouraged Bob Thiel to expand and continue COGwriter, etc.   It later became the most popular member website of any associated with the COGs and has long functioned as an evangelistic tool.  COGwriter, directly, as well as indirectly, has helped bring many to the COG in general and LCG specifically.   Since 1998, the website’s focus has been to support the Philadelphia remnant and to expound prophecy.  It has produced fruits (Matthew 7:15-16). 
  • On January 6, 2007, after hearing about a reference to a Catholic prophecy about a former Roman Catholic rising up and causing the Church of Rome problems at the end times, Dr. Meredith told Bob Thiel, “That is you.”  During this particular visit to Charlotte, Dr. Meredith discussed both the evangelical and other fruits of Bob Thiel’s writings.
  • In August 2008, Bob Thiel told Davy Crockett, that if LCG was not going to deal with certain matters that he felt needed to be corrected (and that Dr. Meredith had seemingly agreed to  correct), that part of its top leadership (likely Dr. Meredith) was about to be hit with something bad.
  • In September 2008, Dr. Meredith had his mini-stroke.  Davy Crockett seemed to feel that this could have fulfilled Bob Thiel’s warning.  
  • On October 3, 2008, Dr. Meredith (who was unaware of that August 2008 warning), told Bob Thiel, “God may consider you to be a prophet.”  This came from the Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God.
  • Later in October 2008, Bob Thiel tried to counsel with Dibar Apartian and Dr. Jeff Fall about this.  Dibar Apartian initially strongly denied Dr. Meredith said this (but of course, as he was not part of it; he did not hear the conversation).  A couple of days later, he calmed down, came up to Bob Thiel, and said that he was either “the one” or the “biggest threat to the church.” 
  • In January 2009, Dr. Meredith told Bob Thiel over the telephone that if he (Dr. Meredith) was raised to the office of apostle, he was considering ordaining Bob Thiel as a prophet.
  • On February 4, 2009, Dr. Meredith told Bob Thiel over the telephone, “You have an in-depth understanding {of prophetic matters}—you could be a prophet.”   
  • After Bob Thiel asked him for a reminder announcement related to a fast, Dr. Meredith sent out a Church Fast Reminder email to ministry, March 20, 2009, which stated: 

Also, we are told to pray for the Holy Spirit. And God shows us in His Word, “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:7-10).

  • Shortly afterwards that fast, perhaps after gaining more wisdom and prophetic gifts, during the Spring of 2009, Bob Thiel acquired a difficult to attain book that he did not know existed previously (not available in regular bookstores or Amazon) on Byzantine (Greek Orthodox) Catholic prophecy.  While he had been aware that certain old Roman Catholic prophecies seemed to possibly point to him personally, one or more ancient Byzantine ones, combined with certain biblical ones, seemed to be too specific to ignore.  And they got him to look more into related biblical prophecies on the subject.
  • In late Spring/early Summer 2009, Dr. Meredith told Bob Thiel he was praying for the success of Bob Thiel’s prophetic book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.
  • In the Summer of 2009, Dibar Apartian told Bob Thiel, in quite a positive tone, that Dr. Meredith had been stating in meetings that Bob Thiel may be a prophet.
  • Because of Dibar Apartian's statements, later that Summer or perhaps early Fall, Bob Thiel asked Dr. Douglas Winnail, if he was part of top LCG level discussions stating that Bob Thiel may be a prophet.  He said yes.
  • Around this time Bob Thiel had an apparently prophetic dream perhaps reminiscent of Joseph's dreams (Genesis 37:5-11) and Isaiah's vision to be sent (Isaiah 6:1-8), that somewhat like Peter's vision (Acts 10:17) he did not immediately understand, but like Peter (Acts 11:4-17), it seemingly became clearer once circumstances in the time since presented themselves and began to confirm it.  
  • To reduce the possibility of misunderstanding the Catholic and Byzantine predictions, as well as biblical prophecies related to the King of the North and God's witnesses, Bob Thiel asked all the HQ evangelists as well as his then pastor (Dr. Fall) if they thought that it was possible that Satan or some of his demons could have seen any of Daniel’s visions or the revelation that the Apostle John observed.
  • Sometime after he got “possibly” or “perhaps” as an answer, in 2010 Bob Thiel mentioned to Dibar Apartian that there seemed to be certain Roman Catholic and Byzantine prophecies, viewed in the light of Bible prophecy, that pointed to himself personally.   Dibar Apartian then instructed Bob Thiel to speak to Dr. Meredith.  So, he contacted Monica Cormier who arranged for Dr. Meredith and Bob Thiel to later have a private lunch meeting at the Feast of Tabernacles in Panama City.
  • In the late Summer of 2010, Bob Thiel asked Dibar Apartian if he still thought Bob Thiel was “the greatest threat to the church or 'the one.' “  He said Bob Thiel was not the threat and said that he would try to talk to Dr. Meredith about Bob Thiel’s prophetic situation, but it is not clear how, or even if, he did before he died later that year.   But what was clear to Bob Thiel was that Dibar Apartian believed then that God had a top prophetic role for Bob Thiel.
  • In Panama City in October 2010, Dr. Meredith and Bob Thiel met.  In that meeting, Bob Thiel mentioned one or two of the non-biblical prophecies to Dr. Meredith that seemed to point to Bob Thiel—and Dr. Meredith advised caution (basically waiting for additional confirmation).
  • At the Feast of Tabernacles in Glenwood Springs in a private meeting related to literature corrections that Bob Thiel requested, Bob Thiel and Dr. Winnail also discussed the idea of Bob Thiel being a prophet and one of the two witnesses (Dr. Winnail mentioned he had felt that he once thought that he, Doug Winnail, would be one of the two witnesses).  Dr. Winnail stated that he wanted to see additional confirmation related to Bob Thiel and that this should be clearer over time.  Dr. Winnail also commented that he felt his evangelical fruits were comparable to the evangelical fruits of Bob Thiel.
  • In November and December 2011, Bob Thiel counseled with his pastor Dr. Fall and Gary Ehman about these matters.  Bob Thiel told both of them that he thought that he needed to have hands laid upon him again in order to validate the view that he might be some type of a prophet.  They both told him that, in their view related to being a prophet, baptism was scripturally sufficient.  While that sounded logical, the statement from the Apostle Paul to Timothy about getting hands laid upon him (1 Timothy 4:14) gave him personal pause.  And that caution led to him pray more about it.  Thus, instead of concluding that he had sufficient anointing, especially considering the relative enormity of some of the ramifications of this as a conclusion, he searched the scriptures and concluded that, perhaps like Gideon (Judges 6:36-40), that he would seek further outside confirmation, and preferably God would provide that from Charlotte.  
  • On the morning of December 15, 2011, upon arriving at the Charlotte HQ of LCG, Bob Thiel asked to meet with Gary Ehman as he wanted to get anointed for some non-debilitating matters as well as to ask him to pray that he be granted wisdom for his meetings with the HQ evangelists.  But he was not in.  So instead, Bob Thiel asked to meet with Gaylyn Bonjour (with whom he never had any discussions prior about him possibly being some type of prophet).  Bob Thiel asked Gaylyn Bonjour if he would do the anointing and pray that God would grant him wisdom for the meetings.  He agreed.  But while laying hands upon Bob Thiel, Gaylyn Bonjour also happened (it was not planned nor did Bob Thiel say anything to encourage this) to ask God to grant Bob Thiel a “double-portion” of His Holy Spirit and anointed him.  Bob Thiel then attended a meeting with the evangelists and he did not then have time to discuss what this might mean with Gaylyn Bonjour.
  • At another meeting with the evangelists on December 16, 2011, Richard Ames prayed, with “Amen” concurrence from Dr. Meredith and Dr. D. Winnail, that Bob Thiel would continue to do the work that God has had him do, etc.  He also specifically called Bob Thiel's writings/work “an additional witness.”  Hence, there was a concurrence with the evangelical and prophetic fruits of that work.  The Charlotte evangelists again promised to get to certain literature corrections that Bob Thiel had brought up repeatedly over the years.   
  • At this 12/16/11 meeting, other matters related to Bob Thiel and prophecy were discussed, including the fact that by then world events had already aligned with at least 20 predictions in Bob Thiel’s book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.   Additionally the fact that some of his speculative predictions about Karl Guttenberg and Julia Gillard that had come to pass since the October 2011 meeting with Dr. Winnail was also brought up.  Since Dr. Winnail asked the most questions related to the prophetic fruits, he and Bob Thiel also met privately about it.  Bob Thiel's private comment to Dr. Winnail was that perhaps the evangelists should consider if those accurate speculative predictions are just coincidental or possibly the fruits of a prophet.  Dr. Winnail seemed to discount that then, and later, despite the biblical admonition to not despise prophecies (1 Thessalonians 5:20). 
  • From sunset 12/16/11 to sunset 12/17/11, the able faithful in LCG fasted, etc.  A passage of scripture that Bob Thiel read and re-read then was 1 Timothy 4:14-16 which he felt was more personal than ever then.  
  • On Sunday 12/18/11 night at a family wedding reception, without discussing the matter, Bob Thiel stared at Gaylyn Bonjour for a few moments, without saying anything and then asked, “Do you have any idea of what you may have accidently done?”  Gaylyn Bonjour said, “Yes, I think so.”
  • The following Monday morning was Bob Thiel's first opportunity to speak with Gaylyn Bonjour privately for more details about the anointing.  Bob Thiel asked him if it was his practice to pray that God grant a double-portion of His Spirit to people that he anoints, he said, no he had never done that for an individual before.  Bob Thiel asked him if he had any idea of what he may have been inadvertently led by God to do, and he said yes.  Gaylyn Bonjour also said that the only “double-portion” he recalled from the Bible was when Elisha became the replacement prophet and ecclesiastical leader for Elijah (2 Kings 2:9)—Bob Thiel told him then that this was his recollection as well.  Notice it was Gaylyn Bonjour, and not Bob Thiel, who first stated this as a conclusion.
  • Later on 12/19/11, Bob Thiel felt compelled to try to meet with Dr. Meredith and tell him that it seemed his wife was to be hit hard with something and to discuss other matters.  Because of other meetings he and Bob Thiel both had that day, this type of meeting did not happen.  
  • A few weeks later (Dr. Meredith’s letter dated 1/12/12), Bob Thiel learned that Dr. Meredith's wife was stricken with stage four cancer.  This seemed to confirm his earlier view (cf. Jeremiah 32:6-8). 
  • In March 2012, it seemed time to mention the 12/15/11 anointing and what Bob Thiel had tried to tell him about his wife to Dr. Meredith and he was able to do so in telephone conversation.  Yet, first Bob Thiel called Gaylyn Bonjour to let him know that someone may end up talking with him about the anointing.  Gaylyn Bonjour was fine with that and also said that he felt that the “double-portion” was related to “the passing of the mantle.”  This gave Bob Thiel a lot of pause to consider since that time.
  • On March 23, 2012, Dr. Meredith called Bob Thiel and Bob Thiel mentioned the anointing, some of Gaylyn Bonjour’s comments, and the prediction related to Dr. Meredith's wife.  The biggest concern Dr. Meredith seemed to raise was that the anointing was from someone below evangelist or regional pastor level.  But biblically, as he knows, only a member of the eldership is required to anoint one as a prophet (cf. 1 Timothy 4:14) or apostle (cf. Acts 9:10-17). 
  • In April 2012, during normal personal Bible study, Bob Thiel was reminded about the time when Jehu dismissed an anointing to become king by one of God’s servants because he thought the man was some kind of a nut (2 Kings 9:11).  There were apparently higher ranking ecclesiastical authorities at that time that God did not as directly use.  Yet, that did not change the fact of the ordination, and Jehu became king (and no, this document is not trying to say that Gaylyn Bonjour is some kind of a nut, only that when he performed the anointing he was a duly ordained minister of the Living Church of God and once hands are laid upon someone, this cannot be undone)—hence Bob Thiel concluded that it would be wrong and quite presumptuous of him to overlook or somehow discount what was done.  He personally had been cautious about whether or not he was possibly some type of an evangelizing prophet and getting an unexpected anointing suggesting that role from someone who had no idea that Bob Thiel was praying about that, or possibly in that role, indicated that this could not be ignored.  This seemed to be God’s timing and answer.  Especially because Bob Thiel had prayed about this so much in November and December 2011.
  • On June 3, 2012, Bob Thiel sent Dr. Meredith a letter urging him to get involved on various literature and other matters that he and the other Charlotte evangelists had agreed to in the December 2011 meetings (as well as earlier).  Dr. Meredith had Dr. Winnail respond, which he did with a letter dated 6/28/12, but which contained various improper statements (including improperly condemning Bob Thiel for improper presumptuousness), and which did not resolve the matters--Dr. Winnail suggested various officially published errors were unimportant (cf. Revelation 3:14-19).  
  • On June 29, 2012, Bob Thiel conveyed to Gaylyn Bonjour, Dr. Winnail's written comment in that letter suggestion that the conclusion as to what happened when he was anointed by Gaylyn Bonjour on 12/15/12 was “presumptuous.”   Gaylyn Bonjour found it astounding that Dr. Winnail would have indicated that Bob Thiel may have been presumptuous about this.  Gaylyn Bonjour felt that Bob Thiel was exercising proper caution and that to ignore what happened would seem to be against the will, and possibly plan, of God.  Gaylyn Bonjour also stated to Bob Thiel that it is God, and not men, who “appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets“ (1 Corinthians 12:28).
  • On July 14, 2012, Bob Thiel watched Dr. Winnail's “falling away” sermon, saw that Protestant commentaries were often the basis for many statements made, etc. and it made him more strongly wonder if the mantle had been dropped and passed.  Watching that sermon quickly resulted in changes at the website and resulted in personal changes--including privately suspending my membership in LCG (he continued to cooperate with LCG and had hoped that they would properly address matters so that he could decide to reinstate his membership).
  • Later, on August 1, 2012, Bob Thiel read a December 1986 Good News article by Leroy Neff who wrote how to tell the differences between a true prophet and an imposter; and the next week, he found a Q&A titled “How else can we know if a person is a prophet of God?” covered in the September 1965 edition of the Plain Truth and an article on the laying on of hands in the April-May 1965 Good News.  It seems that according to them, Bob Thiel meets the true, not imposter, prophet criteria.  Including having the fruits of a prophet like Jesus discussed (Matthew 7:15-16) (more on this matter is in an article at titled How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God).
  • On August 7, 2012, LCG spent money in a seeming attempt to try to prevent Bob Thiel from possibly taking certain website steps, while Bob Thiel continued to try to assist Charlotte in making various literature corrections.
  • On August 26, 2012, shortly after agreeing that a variety of errors that Bob Thiel brought up needed to be corrected, Dr. Winnail told Bob Thiel, “We all think that you might be a prophet.”  In order in order to determine who “We all” was, on September 7, 2012, Bob Thiel asked if this was a reference to all three of the LCG Charlotte-based evangelists and Dr. Winnail concurred.
  • Yet, on September 6, 2012, with possible disregard of Matthew 18:15-17 and matters of prophetic authority (1 Corinthians 12:28), Dr. Meredith publically criticized Bob Thiel without previously discussing the related matters with him; nor did Dr. Winnail take certain steps related to promises related to doctrinal matters (Revelation 3:14-19).
  • During the Feast of Tabernacles in October 2012, James Meredith made a public statement in a sermon that seemingly contradicted Dr. Winnail’s testimony on August 26 and September 7, 2012 regarding prophets.
  • On October 8, 2012, Bob Thiel briefly met with Richard Ames to try to figure out how to get various matters (Dr. Winnail’s “falling away sermon,” literature errors, and the final phase of the work) dealt with.  Bob Thiel followed up and over the next two or so months provided information to Charlotte as he promised Richard Ames.
  • On December 14, 2012, Bob Thiel sent the Charlotte-based evangelists an email, with an attached paper, on the Final Phase of the Work. (this was the last item to finish those that he promised Richard Ames on 10/08/12).  In the email, Bob Thiel asked if those in Charlotte would correct various errors and asked if they wanted to work closer together or become more distant.
  • On December 15, 2012, Bob Thiel saw a sermon from Dr. Winnail titled “Watch and Get Ready,“ in which Dr. Winnail, after referring to Protestant “commentaries“ declared that those who did not agree with his “falling away“ position were “blind to reality.“  This resulted in additional changes to some of the pages on, etc.
  • Throughout the next week or two, Bob Thiel put together a variety of items that he wanted to go over with Dr. Meredith concerning improper statements to the members, literature errors, broken promises, etc. to give Dr. Meredith a last opportunity to try to explain how LCG could possibly have not lost the Philadelphia mantle, but the real issues were not dealt with. 
  • By December 22, 2012, reported events in the news had aligned with at least 32 predictions in Bob Thiel's 2009 book titled 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.  Many, many more, not in the book, but in various posts on the internet, have also been confirmed.  And while many (in the book or on the internet) would be considered common COG beliefs, many were more specific than the COG has tended to proclaim.
  • After receiving a letter emailed to him from Dr. Meredith (12/28/12) where he denied making statements that Bob Thiel had documented in notes over the past several years, Bob Thiel informed the regional LCG pastor for the Arroyo Grande, CA area that he would no longer host a videogroup on behalf of LCG, other than to have a final service for those who are part of LCG on 12/29/12, as it was now 100% clear to Bob Thiel that the Philadelphia mantle was not with LCG.

The fact is, that unlike the self-appointed leaders with COG-ties (like Ron Weinland, etc.), Bob Thiel was told by the Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God that God may consider him to be a prophet, to continue his evangelical efforts (and was also told to do that by others, including Richard Ames), that he (Dr. Meredith) possibly should have anointed Bob Thiel to the office of a prophet.  It seems that, perhaps because Dr. Meredith personally did not anoint Bob Thiel, God took steps to get that anointing done by a properly ordained member of the eldership.  

While God did have Ananias (described with the title of “disciple“ in Acts 9:10, probably a minister-level individual) lay hands upon Paul, no title was recorded as being given to Paul at that time (Acts 9:17).  Yet later, Paul wanted to make it clear that he was an apostle because Jesus chose him, not any human organization (Galatians 1:1). Nor did he feel “inferior“ to the more “eminent apostles“ (2 Corinthians 11:5). Does this not have some parallels to what happened to Bob Thiel? No man or group had gotten together to agree to anoint him with a “double-portion” of God’s Spirit in December 2011, but it did happen.

Dr. Winnail and others have stated in the past that Christians should “connect-the-dots” and that is something that seems to make sense here.  

As far as “prophetic fruits” go, Bob Thiel has asked all the Charlotte evangelists, “How many accurate speculations does it take before it counts?,” without getting an answer.  He has also asked, “If I have ever shown myself to be a false prophet, please explain how or why,“ also without getting an answer.

What humans conclude related to Bob Thiel's role does not, in one sense, matter.  It is God who appoints true church leaders (Ephesians 4:11) “for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12).

What really does matter is God's will (John 7:17) and our submission to it (James 4:7).  And it has not totally unfolded how He will work all the details out—but God’s plan will be accomplished.

The Bible is clear, “God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets…” ( 1 Corinthians 12:28) “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers” (Ephesians 4:11).

To the pure, all things are pure (Titus 1:15).

If you read through the list of justifications that Bob Thiel uses to justify his status as prophet and leader of a splinter group you will have been exposed to the biggest mess of outlandish speculations and lies that any COG leader has ever dreamed up. Even Pack and Flurry don't make this many excuses about why they started new groups.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Dr Blatheronias Thiel (Scientist Falsely So Called) Wanders All Over the Topic of "Race"


“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
― Soren Kierkegaard

"Racial variety will result in more love in more ways in the future coming Kingdom of God. That's why there are different races, hair colors, sizes, and shapes."

Mystery of Race

Dr. Thiel Asks...

"Where did the various races come from?"

Response: Aside from your shallow and confused all over the map explanation, they evolved out of Africa over the Past 200,000 years. And melanin production is different from getting a sun burn Dr Thiel.

" Did they evolve?"

Actually, they did.

"If God created them, why?"

He didn't so don't keep yourself up at night wondering why.

"What is a Cushite?" 

Who cares. A small cushion?

"Is one race superior to any other?"

No. And there are no chosen people either unless they choose themselves then made up stories about being chosen by the gods to give the small cultic people they actually were a huge pedigree. This concept gets humans into nothing but trouble

"Why are people different shapes and sizes and with different hair color, etc.?

Evolution in their environmental situations over tens of thousands of years works its magic. Neanderthals evolved as they did due to Ice Age challenges. Modern humans as they did in the walk out of Africa 130,000 to 115,000 years ago.

"Were Adam, Eve, Noah, Noah’s children, and their wives involved?"

Actually no. These folks never existed in reality and are Sumerian mythologies given a Hebrew spin in the very recent past of total human history.

"From whom did coastal people descend according to Genesis 10?"

Small cushions evidently according to you 
"Why are some weaker and others not?"

Chips, beer, ice cream and cigarettes. Others go to the gym more often and take better care of themselves. The less bulky types evolved intelligence to outsmart the stronger ones. Environmental factors powered by time, location and evolution of the species did what it does.  

"What is the purpose of multiple races?"
"How could this be part of God’s plan?"

It isn't.

"Does God have a plan for each INDIVIDUAL?"

We'd like to believe that wouldn't we? No. A nice thought but in reality "The Universe has not given us Center Stage"

Friday, January 15, 2021

Fake COG Prophet Proves He Is A Coward When His Latest Book Proves Too Embarrassing For His "church"


It is always fascinating listening to self-appointed COG prophets, apostles, pastor generals, and church overseers run off at the mouth on how they are boldly going forth into the world without any fear to preach what they think is the gospel. That all comes to a screeching halt real fast with 99.99% of them, They all end up being loudmouthed blowhards.

The latest loudmouth is our very own Elisha Bwana Bob Thiel. This should be no shock to anyone here. For many years now he has been running off at the mouth on how he is the only one preaching the truth to the world, no holds barred. Until today. 

The wimpy,  hand flapping prophet of the so-called Philadelphia era of the church stuck his tail between his legs and is cowering in his homeopathic pill-pushing studio office in Grover Beach, CA.

Bobiniah had this to say to his African members and 299 worldwide Caucasians:

A Non-CCOG Book? 
In order to attempt to get radio interviews in order to reach all we can, I have been working on a new book: Biden-Harris Destruction & Prophecies.

Because of various reasons, including potentially legal ones, this will NOT be an official CCOG book (while we do not consider the book to be “political,” items of morality such as abortion and LGBT matters, are considered to be by secular authorities–so some official distance seems to be wisest). 
However, we do expect to make it available for free to EVERYBODY at Amazon Kindle for a few days. Why only a few days? Amazon Kindle does NOT allow books on it to 1) be available free indefinitely OR 2) to be available online for free. Once we have it available via Kindle, we plan to send a separate email to all of you with a link. Note: You DO NOT have to have a Kindle reader to access it.

This is all about this blowhard getting his mug on the radio and in different interviews. It is always about Bob. But this time Bobiniah has proven he is a coward and is looking for the easy way out in publishing his latest book. He feels his book is too controversial to be associated with his cult church. Just like Herbert Armstrong was embarrassed by his message and his god and thus invented the Ambassador Foundation, Thiel is diverting attention away from his cult church due to his embarrassing message in his new book. Just like all the other COG false prophets he puffs his chest up and beats it trying to impress us all. Then when his wimpy ass is on the line he retreats like the coward he is. This is not government persecution, this is of his own making.

What a useless prophet!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Fake COG Prophet Still Butthurt Over Tina Englebart And Role Of Women In The Church

In 2017, Tina Englebart wrote and had published in The Journal, a series of well-written articles on women in ministry and speaking in church. 

She wrote:
Corinthians 14:34-35. Here are the two verses in the King James Version. “Let your women keep silence in the churches; for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience [Gr. hupotasso], as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame [Gr. aischros] for women to speak in church” (Emphasis added). 
First, some observations: The italicized phrase “they are commanded” was an addition by the translators; it is not in the original Greek. Further, hupotasso is more correctly translated “submission” rather than “obedience.” And the word translated as “shame” in verse 35 is the Greek word aischros— the same word translated as “ filthy” elsewhere, as in “ filthy lucre” (1 Timothy 3:8). 
Most churches, and most Churches of God, and Mr. Mokarow say this means women must be silent in the church. UCG specifically said in their paper “The Biblical Role of Women”: “‘ Women should not speak,’ ” that is, preach or teach before the congregation” (emphasis added). It is interesting that women are allowed to sing before the congregation, which is not exactly being silent. … 
There is only one law that specifically forbids women to speak in the assembly — and that is the Oral Law of the Jews, later written down and known as the Talmud. 
What a shame that our churches, in imposing the silence injunction on our women, are actually following the dictates of the Talmud instead of the Apostle Paul!

These comments sent our self-appointed prophet, Bob Thiel, into a major meltdown. Thiel likes nothing better than to mansplain to women why they are not worthy of doing anything in the church. Only masculine he-men like him are to do the work of the church.   

Let me make a few points. 
First, while Tina Engelbart is entitled to her opinion about what she thinks the Greek means, the reality is that there is no record of Christian women preaching in either the New Testament nor in early Christian writings. While it is possible that the apostate Simon Magus may have had a female preach, and maybe did some other apostates, people who understood koine Greek at the time apparently did not feel that the Apostle Paul was allowing women to preach. 
Second, UCG is correct that women should not be preaching. This is confirmed by the following passage that is in the Bible (hence, even allowing for a different translation of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, this is not something only to be derived from the Talmud as Tina Engelbart indicates): 
11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. (1 Timothy 2:11-12). 
Third, as far as the Talmud goes, Tina Engelbart needs to consider that the Jews DID allow women to sing and hence the prohibition they had related to women speaking before the assembly did not include singing. That is the same in the Christian church as well. 
In the (improperly named) Continuing Church of God we do not believe that women are to preach.

These comments made by Tina were rehashed by the discredited prophet yesterday due to the Pope's recent announcement that women could perform liturgical duties in the church, i.e. serve in positions of service and read scriptures. That disgusted apostate Thiel to no end. How dare women read bible verses to men!  How dare they!

Women have a certain place in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God and that mainly is in the kitchen, performing secretarial duties, singing occasionally, and do a little writing. The Bobster writes these because this is what his wife is doing for him now. Since he only has 99 caucasian members in the entire North American Continent, his wife has to step up to the plate and do Bobster's dirty work as he is too busy waving his hands and bouncing in his chair and/or posting to his countless blog and news sites where he spreads his disjointed message across on.

In the Continuing Church of God we do not believe that women are to preach nor to read services (although if there are no men available, they can read announcements, etc.). 
Women have other roles. Some are deaconesses. Some, for the CCOG, edit, manage websites, manage Facebook pages, do translations, assist with festival planning and coordination, maintain our online radio presence, and/or host groups where we have no males. They also sing, provide music, help put together items related to the Study the Bible Course, and do some writing.

It should come as no shock to those of us on this blog that there are women in the church, and some who post here, that are more Biblically literate about scriptures that the Great Bwana is. They put him to shame.

Perhaps it is time for Bobiniah to repent of his mansplaining and let women preach in his church. They would do a FAR better job and might actually be more interesting than Bobiniah leading them to draw in new members for him. But no, women have a certain place in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God and they need to acknowledge that.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Fake COG Prophet Claims Youtube Is Preventing His Videos From Going "viral"


It's another day in Church of God land and somewhere out there, is a splinter group who is screaming PERSECUTION! 

Satan, being the crafty dude he is, is constantly looking for ways to stop COG splinter groups from getting their message out. Satan is particularly ticked off with our very own homemade, self-ordained and self-appointed prophet, apostle, Elisha, Bwana Bob - the great savior of Africa and 299 Caucasian members.

This time Satan is using Youtube to thwart the greatest work that God has ever sent to earth since the dawn of humankind. Satan is ANGRY! ANGRY, I say!  ANGRY! 

Because of that anger, which directed towards Bwana Bob, the end time Bobiniah, the truths of Bobiniah are being throttled back by Satan's TV Network, Youtube.

"Starting a few weeks ago, we began experiencing a type of censorship on both the ContinuingCOG (sermons) and BNP (sermonettes) YouTube channels. 
The speed of both uploading and downloading on these two channels has been throttled back to about 3% of its previous available speed. Uploads and downloads that previously took about 30 seconds are now taking 16-20 minutes each. When testing with other youtube channels, we see no speed degradation. It seems that we have been singled out for some special attention. Initially, we thought that this was limited to just the uploading and downloading of videos. If that were the case, it would have little impact on our use of YouTube. However, it seems that this throttling affects the entire channel including the bandwidth required for viewers to watch videos. 
What does this mean? Well, it would seem that given the bandwidth limitation, perhaps only 1 or 2 people can view videos on our channels simultaneously without speed / quality issues. Once 3 or more people are watching simultaneously, they would begin to experience speed or quality issues. A typical listener experiencing video quality issues might just stop watching and move on.

There is no reason for this channel behavior other than we are being quietly censored. This is especially pernicious in that this implementation has the effect of limiting viewers of our content while doing so in a way intended to go unnoticed. As such, it is another form of shadow banning. 
"Bill told me he could not believe it at first, but the more he looked into this and did some tests, the more convinced he was that YouTube has intentionally been making it more difficult for people to watch us."

"But I have been convinced that what YouTube has been doing has prevented our videos going ‘viral’ in 2020."

How dare Youtube throttle down the greatest preacher the COG has ever had! For shame! I just cannot understand how they cannot see that the Great Bwana is God's heaven-sent messenger to the world. It is SHOCKING! Do they not realize that NOT ONE SINGLE COG is doing the work now, except for the Great Bwana - He who is called Bobiniah?

As the church that best represents the Philadelphian remnant, we go through doors that Jesus opens (Revelation 3:7-8), while realizing that some doors can also close (Revelation 3:7). 
Or, to use an American expression, we try to turn lemons (representing a sour event) into lemonade (representing a sweet result). 
The various platforms we are on are all part of our efforts as we work to fulfill Matthew 24:14, Romans 11:23-25, Romans 9:28, Ezekiel warnings, and Matthew 28:19-20
Despite the fact that places like YouTube are not heeding warnings in the word of God (cf. (Isaiah 30:8-14), we continue to utilize many methods to reach those that we can.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

COG prophet says that a 'voice' confirmed to him that we are in the final phase of the work

With all of the insanity going down in Wadsworth, Ohio with the imminent return of Christ, we can easily forget that out here on the West Coast we have an equally disturbed little man who is preparing for the final phase of the work, just as Dave is. Both men are being consumed by visions dancing in their heads, both of which interpret as coming from their god.

It has been fun watching our favorite self-appointed prophet to the COG, the Great Bwana to Africa, and savior of 99 white Americans talk about all of the dreams he has as if God delivered them to him. His latest is trit and silly yet he thinks it is spiritually significant to write about it and impress  his African members:

As the Bobiniah travels around back from the depths of Africa (at least we assume it was him, if not, he is being sneaky and using someone else's story) his god intervened at the airport. Such a magical god!  

Just like Jeremiah, our Bobiniah says he must ell his dream, just like the prophets of old did. 

The Bible teaches that unlike with Moses, God speaks to His prophets in a dream (Numbers 12:6-8). 
I am writing this section from Doha, Qatar on December 28, 2020. 
After going to bed on the night of December 26, 2020, I had a dream. 
Because of airline connection issues, I was concerned whether or not I would be able to make the flight to Qatar. 
In my dream, there were complications that made it look like I might not make the connecting flight. In the dream the complications were stressful, but without details. In the dream I prayed about this. I also prayed that if this trip and other trips I have made related to behind-the-scenes aspects of the final phase of the work was God’s will, that: 1) if there were stressful problems which looked like might cancel the trip 2) that I would make my connection to Qatar, and 3) that I would pass negative for the airport required COVID test. 
(I did not want to be quarantined for two weeks in the event of a false positive. Recently, CCOG evangelist Evans Ochieng got a false positive COVID test which delayed his ability to fly back to Kenya from Malawi.) 
As it turned out, there were two different people with two different, yet seemingly very serious, health issues on that first flight, which delayed it. It looked like one or both of them (they were not related) may need to be taken off the flight or even treated on the ground as some came aboard the flight related to each of them. While their situations appeared treatable, I was concerned that this may cause me to miss the connection to Qatar, so I began to make contingency plans (as one flight I was on years ago was delayed over 10 hours because of a health-concern of one passenger). Anyway, today was the best time to go on this trip as far as a lot of details were concerned. Plus because how short the trip was, I would have had to completely cancel it if I missed the connecting flight to Qatar. Yet, although my first plane left late, I was able to make the connection. 
So, since the first two parts of the dream were confirmed, I strongly suspect that the dream was from God.

Jeremiah was inspired to write:

28 The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; (Jeremiah 23:28
That is why I am doing so. 
Slightly before midnight, I got my required COVID test.

The next day the prophet is agonizing over the test results and BAM! he has another dream from his god as he was on the final leg of his trip where he was preparing the groundwork for the final push of his church into getting its message to the world...or more of Africa since no one else cares about him.

December 29, 2020

It is now December 29, 2020. I have been wondering about the results of my COVID test as they were delayed. I had been told that they were supposed to take five or six hours, but instead after thirteen hours they have not arrived. 
So, I wondered if perhaps something was wrong and perhaps the results would say I had COVID-19. I was NOT worried about the disease itself (as I have successfully treated several with it), but was concerned about God’s will for something I believed His Spirit, consistent with John 16:11-12, led me to do. I did not want to be working on something of my imagination, but wanted to be sure that the groundwork we were doing was what God wanted us to do. 
Anyway finally, after much waiting I got the results of my COVID test. 
It was negative. And on this trip I was able to accomplish some things that I believe will have long-term impact on the final phase of the work. 

Yes, brethren, this is how Bobiniah's god operates today as it sends dreams to his chosen one.  With the multitude of problems in this world,  the suffering of real Christian martyrs in Iraq, India, and elsewhere, this god chooses to send dreams like this to Bobiniah. This is truly an awesome god! 

So, yes I believe that the dream did come from God. 
Should I have not known before it was fully confirmed? 
Not necessarily. The VAST MAJORITY of dreams are not from God, even if they have some accuracy. 
Notice also what the prophet Jeremiah wrote:

6 And Jeremiah said, “The word of the Lord came to me, saying, 7 ‘Behold, Hanamel the son of Shallum your uncle will come to you, saying, “Buy my field which is in Anathoth, for the right of redemption is yours to buy it.”‘ 8 Then Hanamel my uncle’s son came to me in the court of the prison according to the word of the Lord, and said to me, ‘Please buy my field that is in Anathoth, which is in the country of Benjamin; for the right of inheritance is yours, and the redemption yours; buy it for yourself.’ Then I knew that this was the word of the Lord. (Jeremiah 32:6-8
So, even though Jeremiah wrote that the word of the Lord had come to him, he was not certain until it came to pass. 
Now that that all three parts of the dream were confirmed (which reminded me what happened with Gideon for him to do a certain aspect of God’s work involving him and others: Judges 6:36-40), I consider that God has confirmed that the behind-the-scenes aspects of the final phase of the work we have been working on for many years was God’s will and should continue. 
Essentially, this has to do with making mainly low-level contacts with leaders and others on most of the continents of the world which I have long believed will assist in future aspects of the final phase of the work that God wanted done. 
While the latest overall trip accomplished much of what we felt needed to happen, one thing I can share was a meeting I had hoped to have with CCOG interested parties from Algeria in Qatar did not happen because of COVID and travel issues–but perhaps God will open the door to Algeria in a different way. Jesus often opens doors (cf. Revelation 3:7-13) in ways we do not always expect.
For those wondering about CCOG and Israel, some behind-the-scenes work has included contacts with Jewish leaders in Israel as well. And, it may be one or more in Israel that will become the first of those that will go from ‘behind-the-scenes’ to public in the next few years. 

Anyone who does not believe in Bobiniah's dreams is NOT a Christian.  

While the elements of this dream will not seem dramatic enough for most who call themselves Christian, God sometimes goes with “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:11-12). And that “voice” (via a confirmed dream) confirmed for me to continue what I have considered to be long-term aspects of the final phase of the work. 
Yes, even if not dramatic enough for many, God said He would use dreams in the last days(Acts 2:16-17) and has been doing so within the CCOG.