Showing posts with label Booby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Booby. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2021

Fake COG Prophet Claims Youtube Is Preventing His Videos From Going "viral"


It's another day in Church of God land and somewhere out there, is a splinter group who is screaming PERSECUTION! 

Satan, being the crafty dude he is, is constantly looking for ways to stop COG splinter groups from getting their message out. Satan is particularly ticked off with our very own homemade, self-ordained and self-appointed prophet, apostle, Elisha, Bwana Bob - the great savior of Africa and 299 Caucasian members.

This time Satan is using Youtube to thwart the greatest work that God has ever sent to earth since the dawn of humankind. Satan is ANGRY! ANGRY, I say!  ANGRY! 

Because of that anger, which directed towards Bwana Bob, the end time Bobiniah, the truths of Bobiniah are being throttled back by Satan's TV Network, Youtube.

"Starting a few weeks ago, we began experiencing a type of censorship on both the ContinuingCOG (sermons) and BNP (sermonettes) YouTube channels. 
The speed of both uploading and downloading on these two channels has been throttled back to about 3% of its previous available speed. Uploads and downloads that previously took about 30 seconds are now taking 16-20 minutes each. When testing with other youtube channels, we see no speed degradation. It seems that we have been singled out for some special attention. Initially, we thought that this was limited to just the uploading and downloading of videos. If that were the case, it would have little impact on our use of YouTube. However, it seems that this throttling affects the entire channel including the bandwidth required for viewers to watch videos. 
What does this mean? Well, it would seem that given the bandwidth limitation, perhaps only 1 or 2 people can view videos on our channels simultaneously without speed / quality issues. Once 3 or more people are watching simultaneously, they would begin to experience speed or quality issues. A typical listener experiencing video quality issues might just stop watching and move on.

There is no reason for this channel behavior other than we are being quietly censored. This is especially pernicious in that this implementation has the effect of limiting viewers of our content while doing so in a way intended to go unnoticed. As such, it is another form of shadow banning. 
"Bill told me he could not believe it at first, but the more he looked into this and did some tests, the more convinced he was that YouTube has intentionally been making it more difficult for people to watch us."

"But I have been convinced that what YouTube has been doing has prevented our videos going ‘viral’ in 2020."

How dare Youtube throttle down the greatest preacher the COG has ever had! For shame! I just cannot understand how they cannot see that the Great Bwana is God's heaven-sent messenger to the world. It is SHOCKING! Do they not realize that NOT ONE SINGLE COG is doing the work now, except for the Great Bwana - He who is called Bobiniah?

As the church that best represents the Philadelphian remnant, we go through doors that Jesus opens (Revelation 3:7-8), while realizing that some doors can also close (Revelation 3:7). 
Or, to use an American expression, we try to turn lemons (representing a sour event) into lemonade (representing a sweet result). 
The various platforms we are on are all part of our efforts as we work to fulfill Matthew 24:14, Romans 11:23-25, Romans 9:28, Ezekiel warnings, and Matthew 28:19-20
Despite the fact that places like YouTube are not heeding warnings in the word of God (cf. (Isaiah 30:8-14), we continue to utilize many methods to reach those that we can.