Friday, January 8, 2021

Fake COG Prophet Claims Youtube Is Preventing His Videos From Going "viral"


It's another day in Church of God land and somewhere out there, is a splinter group who is screaming PERSECUTION! 

Satan, being the crafty dude he is, is constantly looking for ways to stop COG splinter groups from getting their message out. Satan is particularly ticked off with our very own homemade, self-ordained and self-appointed prophet, apostle, Elisha, Bwana Bob - the great savior of Africa and 299 Caucasian members.

This time Satan is using Youtube to thwart the greatest work that God has ever sent to earth since the dawn of humankind. Satan is ANGRY! ANGRY, I say!  ANGRY! 

Because of that anger, which directed towards Bwana Bob, the end time Bobiniah, the truths of Bobiniah are being throttled back by Satan's TV Network, Youtube.

"Starting a few weeks ago, we began experiencing a type of censorship on both the ContinuingCOG (sermons) and BNP (sermonettes) YouTube channels. 
The speed of both uploading and downloading on these two channels has been throttled back to about 3% of its previous available speed. Uploads and downloads that previously took about 30 seconds are now taking 16-20 minutes each. When testing with other youtube channels, we see no speed degradation. It seems that we have been singled out for some special attention. Initially, we thought that this was limited to just the uploading and downloading of videos. If that were the case, it would have little impact on our use of YouTube. However, it seems that this throttling affects the entire channel including the bandwidth required for viewers to watch videos. 
What does this mean? Well, it would seem that given the bandwidth limitation, perhaps only 1 or 2 people can view videos on our channels simultaneously without speed / quality issues. Once 3 or more people are watching simultaneously, they would begin to experience speed or quality issues. A typical listener experiencing video quality issues might just stop watching and move on.

There is no reason for this channel behavior other than we are being quietly censored. This is especially pernicious in that this implementation has the effect of limiting viewers of our content while doing so in a way intended to go unnoticed. As such, it is another form of shadow banning. 
"Bill told me he could not believe it at first, but the more he looked into this and did some tests, the more convinced he was that YouTube has intentionally been making it more difficult for people to watch us."

"But I have been convinced that what YouTube has been doing has prevented our videos going ‘viral’ in 2020."

How dare Youtube throttle down the greatest preacher the COG has ever had! For shame! I just cannot understand how they cannot see that the Great Bwana is God's heaven-sent messenger to the world. It is SHOCKING! Do they not realize that NOT ONE SINGLE COG is doing the work now, except for the Great Bwana - He who is called Bobiniah?

As the church that best represents the Philadelphian remnant, we go through doors that Jesus opens (Revelation 3:7-8), while realizing that some doors can also close (Revelation 3:7). 
Or, to use an American expression, we try to turn lemons (representing a sour event) into lemonade (representing a sweet result). 
The various platforms we are on are all part of our efforts as we work to fulfill Matthew 24:14, Romans 11:23-25, Romans 9:28, Ezekiel warnings, and Matthew 28:19-20
Despite the fact that places like YouTube are not heeding warnings in the word of God (cf. (Isaiah 30:8-14), we continue to utilize many methods to reach those that we can.


Anonymous said...

Big Bwana Bob's obsession with himself is hindering the message he so desperately wants us to hear. Which is........
about Bob.
There's just something about 'Bob'.
Stop it Bob, obsessions can lead to blindness , and how many a young man has been told that?

Ronco said...

What does this mean? Well, it would seem that given the bandwidth limitation, perhaps my flailing arms might look like wings flapping...

Anonymous said...

I mean sure, if you ignore his utter lack of charisma, low production values and inane content that is relevant and of interest to nobody, then it must be YouTube's fault. It's always someone else's fault.

R.L. said...

I called up Dr. Thiel's CCOG sermon om "21 items to watch in 2021" just now. It came up and started quickly on a mainframe computer on a Friday night - no problem at all.

Has he perhaps thought to ask YouTube what's going on here? Or is he simply jumping to a conclusion, because his conclusion is always right?

Anonymous said...

Not to worry Booby, you will never have more than two watching your videos simultaneously.

Anonymous said...

With all the events of the past week, especially the storming of the Capitol, does Banned officials ever get tired of this blog. Is the a danger you end up more trapped in the church sub culture of the past than ever before?

Anonymous said...

Bob's sermons and sermonettes don't need to go viral - they already make me sick!

I'm using an old laptop on Windows 7 through wifi and a VPN and Bob's sermon on the language of the NT (a rehash of one of his old arguments against original Aramaic and Hebrew) comes over loud and clear - a gum flapping and arm waving shmuck!

Anonymous said...

Ah, the old ‘we are under attack’ trick:
Tell your followers that there is an outside enemy and the ranks will close. The oldest trick in the book to ensure that people will stay put if you sense there’s too much division amongst your followers.

“Us against them”.

Tonto said...

Thankfully, no need for a VACCINE for (so called) BOOBY VIRAL VIDEOS!

Just "click" the OFF switch !

Anonymous said...

Did Bobus prophesy the storming of his nation's Capitol by its own citizens?

No, it doesn't count if he said, "Bad stuff will continue to happen in the political arena." That's common sense, not prophecy.

Anonymous said...

4.31 AM
The church subculture has never changed. It's the same today as 60 years ago. This blog wouldn't exist otherwise.

Hoss said...

Did Bobus prophesy...

No. His fudge-factored wiggle-roomed generalizations and redictions (attempts to "predict" something that already happened) at best appear to him to be "fulfilled" or "align with current events". He did hint at a civil war - but it would take a broad brush to claim that "in a way" happened.

Sorry, but I don't think Bob has made any useful short-term prediction.

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

Maybe almost arrested doubly blessed Dr. from a degree mill COG Profit Bobby Thiel can use the open door he claims God opened for his mis-named COG. That would be the open door of animation. Thiel is far better as Cartoon Bob anyway. Maybe Cartoon Bob can make an animation on YouTube of YouTube preventing his videos from going viral.


Anonymous said...

Bob's sermon on the language of the NT (a rehash of one of his old arguments against original Aramaic and Hebrew

I don't have the patience or the stomach to watch, so please tell me: is Bobus screwing up those arguments? The vast majority of scholars will tell you that the New Testament (though containing tiny bits of Hebrew and Aramaic as quotations) was written in the same language that the majority of Jews spoke at the time: Koine Greek. People today forget that in Jesus' day there was a bigger Jewish population in Alexandria than in Jerusalem, and the people writing the documents that became the New Testament were writing to be read, so they wrote in the language most people could read. If Bobus is teaching something different, he's starting to stray from the old Armstrong reservation.

Hoss said...

Bob's sermon on the language of the NT

He's supporting the Koine Greek line. In an earlier series on Matthew he spent the first sermon arguing against the book Rauch Qadim by Andrew Gabriel Roth, which showed many NT anomalies could be answered by Aramaic originals translated into Greek.

Meanwhile, Bob has again lamented censorship and attacks Banned contributors as being "Satan's Allies".

Anonymous said...

many NT anomalies could be answered by Aramaic originals translated into Greek.

It's entirely likely that the Q ("Quelle" -- source) document was in Aramaic, and was drawn upon by the Gospel writers who rendered the material from Aramaic into Greek. Roth has an agenda that requires him to overstate his case for the evidence.

Anonymous said...

Oh please! YouTube isn't picking on Bob. His videos do not go viral because they are crap! Bad theology, bad drapes, bad bookcases, bad speaking skills, bad video presence, bad everything! Stop blaming others for your incompetence!

Hoss said...

Aramaic into Greek

A few weeks ago I saw part of a study that analyzed the OT sources, whether quoted from the Masoretic text or the Septuagint. I remember reading what I call "amateur critics" who said they couldn't find NT references in the English OT, as the references were quoting the Septuagint.

One claim of Roth that really surprised me was his assertion that Paul wrote in Hebrew and his letters were translated into Greek at their destination.