Saturday, January 9, 2021

God's Only True Prophet Suffers Meltdown Today After Being Soundly Rejected By The COG As A Prophet


Right on cue, our favorite self-appointed prophet suffered major butthurt today with the post about COG leaders lying. God's most highly favored prophet just CANNOT be a liar, can he....?

Never has the Church of God seen a more insecure prophet in its midst as we have with Bobiniah Thiel. He is in a constant state of butthurt due to all of the rejection and criticism thrown his way. That rejection runs so deep through the U.S and Canada that he can't attract more than 99 followers. Worst of all, the Living Church of God as a church and its membership have wholeheartedly rejected him. When his spiritual daddy, Rod Meredith, turned his back on Bobiniah as a prophet, it was more than he could take. The mental breakdown started with this rejection and has weighed heavily on him ever since.

Bobiniah writes:

Satan does not want people to be in the Kingdom of God.
He wants to dissuade you are others from doing so.
How does he do that?
Through lies and false witnesses.
While you might think you are immune to Satan, remember that the New Testament teaches:

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, (1 Peter 5:7-9
Satan does not want you to truly have faith in God or His word.

Satan has to be the most powerful creature in Armstrongism. That dude gets blamed for more stuff than anyone else! Instead of looking inwardly at themselves, their actions and words, COG leaders drag out Satan to cover for their asinine stupidity that they create themselves. Satan is more powerful because they deny the one they are supposed to be following and prostrate themselves at the feet of Moses.

If you think Bobiniah's butthurt is only surface deep, take a look at this:

Some of Satan’s allies at Banned by HWA website continue to post lies about those of us in Continuing Church of God (CCOG) as well as other COGs. 

So Bobiniah, you acknowledge that Meredith was right to lie about Leona Mcnair, that Dave Pack is not a liar, that Ron Weinland is not a liar and most assuredly Gerald Flurry is not a liar. Everything that people post about these guys is just a satanic conspiracy to stop people from joining up with their churches. Thanks for clarifying that.

That is consistent with Satan’s hope as he is called the “accuser of the brethren” which he does do day and night (Revelation 12:10), so it is no great surprise if his lying human assistants spread lies regularly. 
If you are not part of a COG (Church of God), Satan hopes you will dismiss the true Christian faith as a false cult–this is something he and his followers have done throughout history.

The TRUE Christian faith is NOT found in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. That is a fact. While there may certainly be a few sincere followers of Christ in Africa, they are being blinded by the lies and false teachings of Bobiniah himself. Satan isn't doing it, Bobiniah is!

Then to cover all bases, Bobiniah takes a direct slam against all who believe the Bible and understand it so well that they can easily denounce him as a fraud and a false prophet.

Jesus, Himself, said that people who claimed to believe the Bible often denounced God’s prophets:

11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12)

The butthurt is deep today!

Notice the following evil that was posted at Banned by HWA today:

Bob Thiel has lied to us from day one about God speaking to him in dreams, that he is the only COG doing the work, that he is a prophet, that he is Elisha, Elijah, Zephaniah, Joshua, and many other appropriated personalities (about the only thing left to call himself is Legion). Has Bob ever apologized and will he EVErRapologize for lying to us? 
Now the above is false witness from Gary Leonard (the webmaster of the above site and the one who posted that).
Satan hopes you will believe lies.
One of the Ten Commandments is, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16).
Yet once again, Gary Leonard has borne false witness.
There is no point in me, Bob Thiel, apologizing for telling the truth.
Gary Leonard and those who believe his lies need to repent.

Bobiniah then goes on with his regular slobber fest about Gaylyn Bonjour supposedly "double blessing him" so he could start a new splinter cult. This is Bobiniah's main proof of his authenticity and the reason behind his rebellion and apostasy from the Living Church of God. 

Bobiniah then writes:

Satan hopes that YOU will be lazy and not believe. Satan hopes YOU will not take the time to check out the truth on this. Satan does NOT want YOU to accept that God really has been providing and fulfilling dreams in the 21st century. Satan wants YOU, like most Christians these days, to be Laodicean and not see if these things are so?

Satan has no part in anyone denying Bobiniah as fulfilling any dream that he or other delusional people have dreamed up. Any rational thinking person can see that Bobiniah is not of God. Confirmation bias is a strong tool of deception in the Church of God and has been used effectively by splinter group leaders for decades. Bobiniah is no exception to this.

Bobiniah just cannot get over the fact that I and most others here DO NOT accept him as a prophet. He then attacks those COG members who don't believe in him by trotting out another scripture as proof of their deception.

Well, although all real Christians claim to believe the Bible, some do not take it all seriously.
Like, for example, the following:

6 “Hear now My words:
If there is a prophet among you,
I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision;
I speak to him in a dream. (Numbers 12:6
Notice that the above says that God will speak to His prophet in a dream.
People may say they believe it, but most Christians do not believe that God has done that with anyone in the 21st century.

Someone, please tell me how this has anything to do with Bobiniah? The New Testament and the words of Jesus make it clear that no more prophets are necessary for the church. People are to place their faith and trust in Jesus and not some self-appointed prophet waving his hands in Grove Beach, CA.

Those who believe the false assertions at the Banned by HWA website are among those that love and practices lies. 
Those who do so should repent.

Anyway, what Satan continues to hope is that you will believe lies, not believe that God actually has sent fulfilled dreams to those in the Continuing Church of God, and that you will not look into the details to see if it is so–like the Bereans of old did in Acts 17:10-11.

If you are not part of CCOG, Satan wants you to stay away from it.

He does not want you to be dedicated or noble enough to see if what is written here (and in the related links) is really true.

Can you accept the truth or do you prefer the lying assertions from sites like Banned by HWA?

The truth of the matter, Bobiniah, is that GOD wants NO ONE to be a part of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. Satan is not keeping anyone away. God is! 

I have no qualms about continuing to expose th lies and falsehoods coming out of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God or any of the other splinter cults out there. Continue to say stupid things and we will hold you and them accountable.

If any of you are interested, you can read the entire Thiel spiel here.



Anonymous said...

Bobus doesn't seem to realize how he comes across as a manic drama queen to most observers.

Posts like today's however, suggest that the end-time Bobaniah may actually be manic-depressive.

Maybe if Bobus someday travels to Jerusalem the authorities will institutionalize him like they do many others they diagnose with "Jerusalem Syndrome." Perhaps with a few days of anti-depressants in him Bobus would stabilize and be able to repent of his illness-caused rantings. Let us hope for the best, and that he doesn't go further in the direction of Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack.

Anonymous said...

I think Bob needs to grow a pair of man balls and act like a man instead of a pussy-whipped whiny Karen. Or is that, Ken. One thing is for sure, men in leadership positions in the COG aren't what they used to be.

Unknown said...

You are royally messing up these discussions with your word "lies".

Anonymous said...

Good grief! What did I just read? Bob has to be the whiniest man I have ever seen. You are right, he needs to grow some balls and act like a man.

Anonymous said...

Bob needs to research the "sunk cost fallacy" which explains why people stay in Armstrongism long after they have proved it to be false.

Anonymous said...

Bob is obsessed with himself. That is why he reads this blog.
REAL LEADERS don't give a 'toss' and LEAD.
Perhaps that is his problem,too much 'toss' and certainly no LEAD.
That aside,when in the public eye, expect sh@t to come your way.

Anonymous said...

Bob isn’t a real leader. He has no formal theological education. He has never been mentored by real leaders. He basks in his own glory as a pathetic whiney little man incapable of being a prophet.

Anonymous said...

The veil in holy of holies splitting in two on Christ's death means that the era of prophets is no more. People now have direct access to God the Father via Christ's sacrifice. God directly communicates to individual Christians and visa versa. Power hungry ACOG ministers still hide this fact. They endlessly preach obey, yield, surrender, submit, but Christ and God the Father are pushed to one side.

Anonymous said...

We are to get our truth from The Bible ONLY! It is the ONLY source of God's truth. Bob please show us chapter and verse where a man from a COG organization anoints a "future leader", to a "prophet", so he can later form his own group.

Yet, I found this:

Hebrews 1

1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

See there is no need for a prophet like Bob, GRF, DCP, and others. All they do is create their own story lines outside of the Bible and make it all about them, and their work.

Hoss said...

As expected, Bob is upset with the blog - attacking the messenger and ignoring the message. Byker Bob commented that we are "troubleshooters" - we're providing feedback. You could liken this to Spokesman's Club, and we are evaluators. Then, as (Dr) Bob said, he didn't agree with an evaluation and overall reaction to one of his Club speeches, so why should we expect anything better?
Bob should really consider the basis of each of our critiques - he could find some truth in them, and use that to clean up his act. Only 99 "members" in the US? And he doesn't see that he has a problem?

DennisCDiehl said...

The most amazing thing in all of Bobus H. Schist's blovations about Satan is that there is no such entity. All literary construct to be the yang to the ying. It's a nice way not to accept one's mistakes and blame others for making them.

James said...

January 10, 2021 at 4:50 AM

Dennis, can you elaborate on " All literary construct to be the yang to the ying".

Interesting. I never thought of the concept in such a manner. Yin and yang. Yin being cold and yang being hot. In between is what is known as "balance".

Anonymous said...

Possessed people speaking fluent Latin who have never studied Latin in their lives. Hard to explain without reference to demons.

Anonymous said...

Possessed people speaking fluent Latin who have never studied Latin in their lives. Hard to explain without reference to demons.

True. And yet, there's also the phenomenon of a priest who knows Latin hearing gibberish but interpreting it as Latin, just as you occasionally hear a non-verbal sound that "sounds like" an English word or phrase. Don't underestimate the human brain's ability to impose logical patterns on random inputs. Yes, there are genuinely inexplicable cases (like the famous Bridey Murphey, who was assumed to be reincarnated until many years later when investigators discovered a childhood connection that gave her the information that seemed to confirm her reincarnation). But for every demon who has spoken fluent Latin to a priest, I'm sure thare are a hundred cases in which the victim unknowingly heard and retained some Latin or the priest perceived Latin where none was actually spoken.

Tonto said...

Ok, Bob, you have convinced me, and I hereby DO ACKNOWLEDGE YOU! ...

I acknowledge that you are in dire need of a STRAIT JACKET!

nck said...

It is a scientific fact that if you read latin stories to babies and toddles every night they become more rational persons.

The brain will wire that way.

Speak mother tongue in day time if you please. No need to understand Latin just read it.


Anonymous said...

Bob Thiel said: "...Those who believe the false assertions at the Banned by HWA website are among those that love and practices lies. Those who do so should repent..."

I believe Bob Thiel preaches lies. One of them is Bob's (Doug's, Jim's, Victor's, David's, Gerry's...xcog hirelings of former WCG) belief in a Mickey Mouse Millennium where he/they tells/tell us about "another Jesus" with "another gospel" of Him and "his "little helpers" to very soon return to reign on planet earth."

Is that loving and practicing a lie? Time will tell. Should I repent? For Bob Thiel: look at the remaining fingers on your hand as you point your finger at those on Banned.

What else did Bobby say? He said: "...Satan does not want people to be in the Kingdom of God...Satan does not want you to truly have faith in God or His word..."

So what? Is Satan stronger than God, The God? Bob Thiel, by another spirit, continues to preach another Jesus with another gospel. How do we know? Bob Thiel thinks he can do something to impress God and qualify to earn salvation by his "righteous (self?)" works and be in the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said this: "...Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:" Matthew 25:34

For Bobby, those words of Jesus regarding that kingdom are a done-deal from "the foundation of the world!" Bobby, will you be "blessed" that way? Time will tell.

If Satan is the father of lies, then where does the likes of Bobby get his/their ideas about a soon-coming "second coming" Jesus to reign on planet earth? From some dream?

Bob Thiel also wrote the following:
"...Satan does NOT want YOU to accept that God really has been providing and fulfilling dreams in the 21st century. Satan wants YOU, like most Christians these days, to be Laodicean and not see if these things are so?..."

What 21st century dreams? Wasn't the Bible enough? How does Bobby really know what Satan wants? Perhaps Satan, the father of lies (one of many sins: I John 3:8, first 8 words) has deceived Bobby and the xcog hirelings about some "second coming," where those deceived cannot detect it in themselves!?!?

God's Church over about 2,000 years is to be composed of Laodiceans...just as sure as being with Ephesians and others (Rev 2-3), so why be condenscending towards Laodiceans. If they don't exist, then God is a liar. If they exist, they will be part of God's Church. Any dishonor in that? Who knows how long they will be in that lukewarm situation? It's God's business: not Bob Thiel's. Where is Bobby going to be? If Bobby puts down Laodiceans, then he might as well put down the rest of God's Church (Rev 2-3), especially where scripture (not dreams: duh!) indicates that Satan was busy doing something among them.

When will Bobby, xcog hirelings of former WCG, repent? Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

I acknowledge that you are in dire need of a STRAIT JACKET!

Are you implying that CCOG's Mincing Messenger is presently in a GAY jacket?

TLA said...

I think Bob's biggest lie is that an anointing for healing turned into being anointed as a prophet - unbeknown to the anointer.

Anonymous said...

Bob Thiel suffers more humilation as his Africa members do nothing for the good of their countries while GCI's pastor Kalengule Kaoma works to help people in Ghana along with Christian Council of Churches. Since Bob's group is considered a cult, they do not do any good works for the citizens of Ghana but only do things for their own.

Anonymous said...

Dire straits.

Anonymous said...

I think it is hilarious how Booby is being taken for a ride by his followers in Africa. He is being used and is too stupid to know it.

Anonymous said...

I don't the church has ever had a leader as mocked and ridiculed as Bob. He is such a sad case. I can see what Rod Meredith kicked his sad little ass to the curb.

Anonymous said...

kicked his sad little ass to the curb

Yes, rather than another COG franchise, Bob opened his copy of Lucy's Lemonade/Psychiatric Help stand.