So, coming off the end of a catastrophic failed prophecy, Dave has now manipulated circumstances to his advantage. He is now shifting focus onto the no doubt very dramatic events that EVERYONE knows are going to unfold at the US capitol this week.But just remember, you heard it from Dave. No one else could possibly understand or interpret world events. No one.
Good Afternoon Everyone
This will be brief. I wanted to make a quick announcement that everybody could hear worldwide ASAP. I am going to give a message on Monday as early as possible so that it can be mailed and everyone can hear it on Friday. I partly came up here because I wanted you to see my face and hear some encouraging words and points as opposed to another letter, But the last message declared of the end, you recall we talked about it of the end of the world, but there is more powerful knowledge that I must explain. There are things that need to be understood, including something I'll reference briefly. But when it is heard, all of you will hear this brief message tonight. When this is posted hear that message ASAP. Now I know that some will not hear it till Friday, but that is a very, very small select few. Let me just say again, All is well, Everything is fine. Everything is on track. Don't worry! But we will probably have a horrific week in prophecy ahead. I should say this now. I feared for a long time that would have to say this but I know some things that you don't even know, that are breaking, literally. right now. and we may finally learn why Christ speaks to the little flock just before they get the kingdom, fear not and don't be terrified. I believe things that will occur this week that will be terrifying. I know much more than can tell you. Why he said don't be troubled, and troubled is a stronger Greek word than terrified. Troubled sounds like you can't figure out a math problem. But it is much, much worse than that. There are perilous times. One is the seventh head and one proceeds Christ's arrival. Um..This is shall we say, no time to flag. But we nay find out what none of us have had to experience yet. Why so many warnings? Four by Christ, about things that may elicit fear, terror, troubling...which means, troubled - to the point running away screaming falling down terrified, as in civil war terrified. As in things beyond anything we see now terrified. I would urge you to go study things that are breaking right now. I will just say again this not a time to flag...I will see you on Monday.
Pack is definitely on a mission.. But WHAT kinda mission??
PS can someone warn the authorities in Wadsworth?
For the first time in the church, I am truly scared for COG members! I cannot see this ending well. While I don't believe he will lead people into suicide like Jim Jones, rather what he has done is destroy the psyche of the members and they may act on their own. Suicides and killings may soon happen and that scares me.
The authorities in Wadsworth have been told repeatedly about the cult compound and they ignore it. Several people contacted the religion news writer for the local Wadsworth newspaper several years ago and she turned a blind eye to it all.
I guess David Pack will finally announce that ‘God revealed to me that Christ isn’t going to come to us. Instead we need to go to Christ!’
David Pack better buy some white garments with widow's money because the emperor has no clothes! But then again what do wolves need clothes for?
If Dave Pack speaks with such authority, the ONLY person on Banned that needs to brace is Miller Jones.
My guess is that Davey has some inside knowledge from the evangelical community regarding Mikey Pence's next moves. Perhaps some shocking events will transpire that will shock the Western democracies.
My inside knowledge tells me that the Nimitz is pulled from being in target reach of Iran. So I'm clear regarding the international scene. Maybe another event if the Israeli vaccin was not safe after all and 15 percent of the population starts acting like zombies.
I'm betting on Dave's evangelical sources and pastors circulating missives that they should prepare their flocks for civil war.
If I had to place a one million dollar bet I would bet that this monday message will be Dave's wettest fart sofar(t).
I don't care, I'm pretty sure I am in Gods "nice to know on friday" category" anyway. I forfeited the "monday briefing category" s long time ago and my sole purpose in life is to be the "annoying smug face in the online congrgation" to the wordfarting pastors out there.
This is indeed truly terrifying:
“..... I believe things that will occur this week that will be terrifying. I know much more than can tell you ...”
I’ve been worried about my loved ones that are trapped in that cult. Reading what maniac Dave is coming up with now, I fear for the worst.
RCG is my FAVORITE Armstrong-doomsday-cult (makes LCG/CCG/UCG..boring by comparison)
I hope Pack's daugther snd son-in-law can make the authorities aware of the potential danger. The more I read about Pack, the more I'm convinced he could end up doing something dangerous.
I hope this just means that Pack watches too much right-wing media. January 6 will come and go and President Biden's inauguration won't be stopped, and Pack will offer another reason why the end isn't quite yet. Nothing to see here, just like all the other panicked warnings Pack has spoken over the years.
The point at which I would worry is if Dave ever calls all of his members to come to the Wadsworth compound. THAT is when a Jonestown scenario might unfold. I can't imagine Dave killing just his Wadsworth congregation and leaving other congregations untouched.
Pack keeps going further down the rabbit hole. I guess all that phoney baloney Herbert and Waterhouse shoveled out has come home to roost. Maybe Pack can go to Edmond & steal Flurry's throne and Herbert's rock .
If there was any doubt about what spirit is guiding Pack, this should be the determining proof. The NT says God doesn't give us a spirit of fear. Pack does not believe that Christ can deliver him out of anything, why else promote this type of thinking? Control, he wants total control.
I am a known cynic. When some read this post, they will see a tragic event brewing. I don't. My thoughts are off in skeptical direction. This is based on my theory that predicting the Parousia has become a kind of liturgy for apocalyptic Millerites. It isn't a real event. It's a repeatable symbolic ritual. Because it is yet evolving, I am not sure that everyone in Splinterdom recognizes this. It might be compared in liturgical principle to the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi when all the pets are brought to church to be blessed. Of course, hyping the Parousia has an overwrought Millerite twist and focuses on getting jacked up about prophecy.
While I may be wrong about all this, I think it is worth considering that we as concerned critics are being played. This splinter group has a serious problem with leaks. Everything their leader says becomes public and is subject to review. An unhappy condition.
Armstrongism is about, in part, controlling information with an iron fist. So they want to find out who the leakers are. What better way than to float some alarming disinformation and, like following a radioactive isotope, see where it goes - who mediates it to outsiders. The aftermath of this intelligence gathering action is more likely to be a flurry of disfellowshipping rather than some dangerous cultic drama.
Just saying . . .
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"I believe things that will occur this week that will be terrifying. I know much more than can tell you."
I wonder if anyone sitting in his audience hears this and wonders, "But why can't you tell us?"
What's preventing him?
Has he got inside high-ranking government sources? Of course not.
Is he afraid that if he tells the members this, his life or their life will be endangered in some way? Of course not.
There's no reason for him not to tell them at this point. So why do this? Simple. It adds to the prestige in their eyes. But if they only stopped and asked, "But why can't you tell us?" they'd realize he doesn't know much more, that he's just making this shit up as he goes along.
Somebody is a few french fries short of a happy meal!
@5:51 AM
"I can't imagine Dave killing just his Wadsworth congregation and leaving other congregations untouched."
Why not?
Non-HQ members are pseudo-members anyway... unless of course they are foolish enough to give big bucks.
When does the Space Ship take off?
Not necessarily Anon5:51.. Dave could tell his local ministers to round up the local members during some ‘special service’ and play a final video ‘sermon’ with a for-your-eyes-only final message/order.
It’s been done before!
"But I can't tell you" is a common ploy either consciously or unconsciously to remain special, more so, in the jaws of defeat. I generally suspect that they say that not really knowing anything but it sounds powerful and a hook of some kind for "stay tuned".
And correct! Why can't he tell them? He's playing games again
Most of the members that don’t come to services are not attending because they’re too sick and/or old to do so. AKA, not bringing in any money anymore. In Dave’s eyes these members are worth nothing..
1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
January 16, 2021, will be a weekly Sabbath AND the 35th anniversary of Herbert Armstrong's death. It will be Shevat 3 on the Hebrew calendar.
In Packworld, with his strange new theology, is there anything of special Biblical significance about the number 35 or about Shevat 3? Or will Pack let the date and the anniversary come and go without comment?
The secular authorities are not concerned about nut case cults unless they are breaking secular laws.
I you choose to believe that Christ is coming tonight or the earth is flat, that is your right.
Dave just brought me down to the delta, Muddy Waters style. What was Muddy singin about back in the day?
Got my mojo working, but it just won't work on you
Got my mojo working, but it just won't work on you
I wanna love you so bad till I don't know what to do
I got a gypsy woman givin' me advice
I got a gypsy woman givin' me advice
I got some red hot tips I got to keep on ice
Got my mojo working
Got my mojo working
Got my mojo working
But it - uh uh - just won't work on you.
What is the definition of mojo?
a magic charm, talisman, or spell.
"someone must have their mojo working over at the record company"
magic power.
"the name has no mojo"
Dave Pack told the story once how the snake charmers and magic men of India in the early 20th century had quite a following, that is until World War I started and all of the evil spirits departed them to go to where the battles were taking place. Evil spirits head towards wars he said. According to him, the diviners immediately lost all power to perform any "tricks", levitation being one of them.
Dave's mind is now ready to leap into civil war and civil disobedience and anxious to start world calamity. The dynamic of two days ago of prepare to: "you are going to see the Father and Christ and we are going to participate in the wedding supper" is now changed lightning fast to the introduction of "The Seventh Head" of the Roman Empire ready to barge onto the scene possibly this week, preceding the return of the Father and Jesus Christ.
Take note: this is a man who said he is personally going to start the Great Tribulation and that in one of the soon coming incarnations of his kingdoms, he and six of his fellows will with the edge of their swords, murder 7 million people and 2.5 million Israeli Jews.
Dave(mojo)Pack leaping into action could be a whole lot of trouble for a whole lot of people.
Take note: this is a man who said he is personally going to start the Great Tribulation and that in one of the soon coming incarnations of his kingdoms, he and six of his fellows will with the edge of their swords, murder 7 million people and 2.5 million Israeli Jews.
Headline in the Akron Beacon-Journal, Sunday, January 19, 2021:
Anyone is mistaken if they think there is an over-arching plan to any of this. Dave just leches from one concept to another with nothing other than failed predictions that leads him to the next.
None of the HQ ministers believe him and joke about it behind his back but always add some sort of disclaimer after the joke like..."but really, we believe Christ is coming soon" They stay for a variety of reasons, one of which is they don't want to lose their jobs or houses. However, it's hard not to call them hirelings because of this. They compartmentalize and try to keep going, hoping he will stop soon.
Their "Work" is dead, ironically that is why many of these men went there in the first place but can't seem to come to grips they are victims of a bait and switch. Several know that deep down but are to weak to act on it now. Ironically, their "work" is going out with more "power and authority" here on Banned, than on their official channels.
It's a bad situation, but men can still leave his group and salvage what is left of their families and lives! It's not so bad of a jump!
Dave's keeping his members mentally drugged with endless gibberish.
Looking at Dave Pack, and listening to all his crap, I can’t make up my mind whether he’s a dangerous maniac, a sad nutcase or just a genuine guy lost in his own delusions..
When you hear the audio of the message, you can tell something is really wrong with Dave. He may be in meltdown.
Mr. Pack is vexed because the same spirits that move him to preach heresy are discomforting him about the events to unfold this week. 77% of Trump voters believe there was electoral and voter fraud. 77% of 70+ million (the number that voted for Trump) is a big number. The protests planned in DC this week won't be small. Mr. Pack is capitalizing on this. His hope is that people don't understood how big this week could be in American history. And because he “predicted” chaos, it will legitimize Mr. Pack in the eyes of his followers.
Anonymous 11:15
You speak as someone who may know firsthand about this. Are you also an RCG ex-minister?
I hear there is an opening for a salesman at Larry's Used Cars in Downtown Wadsworth.
“BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Dave Pack Says Terrifying Week Is Ahead for RCG Members 'things that may elicit fear, terror, troubling..which means, troubled – to the point running away screaming falling down terrified, as in civil war terrified.'”
Terrifying week behind them in the RCG. Terrifying week now in the RCG. Terrifying week to come in the RCG.
It sounds like things are just terrible.
Unless you are on the outside of the RCG and just laughing at all the satanic stupidity.
Who isn't an ex-rcg minister these days? There is so much turnover...
I sat in those prophecy meetings for way too long. After a while they all sound the same. Dave basically employs the same fear based tricks over and over. He interprets scriptures in the same cyclical ways, and can only tell on "government" to keep people in line. He seems to be trapped in the prison of his own mind and can't escape, is a dad place to be. He is dangerous, don't get me wrong, (maybe demon led who knows?) but he isn't a mastermind or genius. Mostly a delusional narcissist, who is vindictive and nasty. Definitely not let by God and he can't keep his own story straight.
My understanding is they have totally given up on having people follow along to "prove these truths" you just need to accept them. Look out.
Anon 11:15
“.... None of the HQ ministers believe him and joke about it behind his back but always add some sort of disclaimer after the joke like..."but really, we believe Christ is coming soon....”
In other words, the RCG ministers are a bunch of lying cowards.
Men of low standards, giving away their sanity, handing over the members to evil and a man led by a satanic force.
My bet is on The Great Packster ‘doing a Houdini’: one last message and he’s gone. His suitcases are probably already packed, one way ticket to the Bahama’s in his pocket.
It would be really good for the RCG on multiple levels; the MYSTERY of him disappearing would add to Packster’s Greatness, he would finally be off the members backs and it would provide the ministers staying behind with a perfect opportunity to ‘clean house’ and get rid of all the madness.
Whoever is in favor say ‘Aye!’
"My bet is on The Great Packster ‘doing a Houdini’: one last message and he’s gone. His suitcases are probably already packed, one way ticket to the Bahama’s in his pocket."
Thinking that Pack's motivations are simply just about greed is a far better scenario than what I think is actually now going on and about to happen. All of Pack's recent incoherent sermons with all the hemming and hawing is soon going to flip to a much more confident and decisive tone demanding even more faith and complete trust. Imagine his "two aides" suggesting the unthinkable which would then lead to this polarity shift. The only reason Christ has not yet returned is solely because of Dave's extreme humility. Maybe this is when the David Christ then emerges to take HIS pack home!
***nightmare scenario mode activated***
I am here for the comments.
Where is Basil Woverton when you need him.
And? What happened in Dave World so far? Everybody still there?
I believe things that will occur this week that will be terrifying.
And on Wednesday, a crowd of people stormed the U.S. Capitol building. At least five people died.
Did he know THAT was coming?
I said jan 3:2:41
"...... that will shock western democracies.
I'm betting on Dave's evangelical sources and pastors circulating missives that they should prepare their flocks for civil war."
You can send your common to me.
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