Friday, January 8, 2021

Restored Church of God: If You Are Considering it - RUN AWAY As Fast As you Can




Excellent job Dee of portraying the essence of what the people of the RCG should be running from.

Dave Pack, in a moment in the past trying to stabilize a possible developing exodus, made a revealing statement. He said if any of you are considering leaving this church, that will mean you are leaving the work and you are leaving the campus and you are leaving the books and booklets and you are leaving the college. I immediately thought to myself, my God, this man is actually equating the physicality of buildings and property improvements and human concepts with God and by extension himself.

The shown ministerial campus procession is so symbolic because it portrays men and women drunk with Packism - "we all speak the same thing and are cemented together having the same mind". These same men and women then go out into their local congregations and create the same procession all acting and believing the same way.

Shortly before I ran, I had a good friend corner me in church and said to me; "I have a strong suspicion you are going to leave". I didn't answer. This person then said; "but it is the true church, you can't leave it".

That "true" church in Dave Pack's definition is a church that establishes doctrine via the Holy Spirit - the spirit of truth by the office of an apostle. A pretty straight forward concept that with it is the requirement to believe and obey it all.

The problem is the historical and present evidence of shall we say it bluntly, trash. That is not too harsh of a word considering Dave chopped up and threw away numerous sermons and heavily edited many more, and he discarded multiple books and booklets, all written by himself.

So in practical thought, Dave threw away into the garbage can and trashed the Holy Spirit. And every day is another day for Dave to trash the Holy Spirit anew, because the next day is always a day of "new" understanding.

Walking in an orderly procession through the "paint by numbers" campus you would never know. Participating in the orderly procession of a squeaky clean local church service, you would hardly know either. But looking in the trash can tells the real story and until the RCG member detaches themselves from the "work" - a trash theology, and sees that the campus was built with the trash of actually willfully breaking every one of the commandments to fund it, and sees that all of the books and booklets are subject to the trash can as soon as the next 2-4 hours of sermon messages come out the next Sabbath, and understands that the college is a dispensary of trash in a can with a lid which is brought back to the local congregation and opened and dumped upon them, then they can't leave Dave Pack who is the work, the campus, the books and booklets and the college.

To my good friend who ignores my phone calls and texts and emails, I have an answer for you. Did you ever personally ask yourself what about the truth?

Anonymous said...

not to steal Pack or RCG's thunder, but this is also true of Flurry and PCG. run away while there is still time.

Anonymous said...

The sad reality is, that some want to run but can’t because they have a spouse/kid/grandchildren/loved one that they don’t want to abandon.
They stay, hoping that their loved ones will wake up. They stay trying to prevent a spouse handing over their home and all their savings. They stay to protect their kid/grandchildren from the insanity.

To an extent that takes courage as well..

Anonymous said...

Excellent comment "What About the Truth" and funny video See! Thanks.

Just as a clarification though, Sam Baxter didn't run/leave RCG yet. He is still a minister there.

Anonymous said...

Hi, here are links to 2 reloads of DAVE PACK. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Samuel WANTS to run though.. He’s been planning his escape since the last FOT!

Anonymous said...

Run, Sam, Run! I, mean, Mr. Baxter. LoL!

Jeff said...

Sam is still there. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi, Here is the removed Kevin Denee video form Dave Pack. I think this is damning and I hope you do to. Please post if you will.