The Importance of Doctrine:The Apostle Paul commended Christians in Rome because they “obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine [teaching] which was delivered [to] you” (Romans 6:17, KJV). He also urged Timothy, “Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine…. for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you” (1 Timothy 4:16
). Paul also warned repeatedly, “in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy…” (1 Timothy 4:1–3
). Paul also warned that as the end of the age approaches, one-time believers “will not endure sound doctrine,” but will “have itching ears” and follow various teachers—turning theirs away from the truth to fables and lies (2 Timothy 4:3–4
; 1 Timothy 4:1–2
). In order to avoid being deceived and misled, we need to study the Scriptures carefully so that we know what the Bible teaches as doctrine (see the Bereans in Acts 17:10–12
), and exercise spiritual discernment that comes from nourishing and being led by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 1:6–7
; Romans 8:14
). We also need to remember Jesus’ warning that not everyone who thinks he or she is on the right track, actually is (Matthew 7:21–23
). This is serious business, especially in these last days.
Have a profitable Sabbath,Douglas S. Winnail
Jesus is still missing. Can someone please find him? Proper church doctrine will save you, which is much, much more important than that inconvenient dude whom we seldom ever mention, and when we do it is in passing him by for weightier matters.
Is it possible that the COG leaders are getting scared? That they now see real end time signs, which they never expected in the first place?They never believed any of the bull crap they were feeding the members, but things seem to shift in the world..
And, what if? Imagine Dave, Booby, Doggo and all the others now thinking ‘Crap! What if this is really the end time?! And JC knocks on my door, really pissed about what I’ve been doing?’
Notice the wording. "We" need to study the Bible, exercise discernment and follow the holy spirit. Where is "I." "you," or "he/she?" That is, it's not mentioned that these are individual responsibilities. No mention that the holy spirit leads every Christian individually with no third party minister involved.
The "we" leaves the door open for the "we" being the ministers lording it over the members.
Too many of the Churches of the Worldwide tradition have suffered for following the false doctrines of church government, church eras, and the primacy of Peter while ignoring the basic teachings of Christ and really trying to minimize the importance of Christ. The Churches are withering away and the fault lies with the leadership. Pack & Flurry are the worst of the worst.
You all need a life. What is the purpose of making fun of churches?
Look at how these folks TWIST Scripture! Dougie references Romans 6:17
about the importance of doctrine, but he completely ignores the context. Paul was talking about sin as it relates to grace and was rejoicing that Roman Christians were no longer slaves to sin. God doesn't give a hoot about their pathetic little package of doctrines!
Any church could have written that to it's own believers. That's the beauty of the scriptures. Everyone thinks they all mean them and everyone's different truth is the truth and that's the truth! :)
Ministers are trained to avoid saying "I" and "you" even when they mean "I" or "you". For example, "We need to strive at obeying those Christ has put in charge of his church. If we criticise them it shows that we lack faith in Christ." Sometimes they say "we" and it sounds silly, like in a sermon, "As we mentioned earlier in the sermon...." Dude- there's only one of you speaking, who's this "we"?
"Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you." 1 Timothy 4:16
"Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son." 2 John 1:9
Anonymous 1/8 @ 4:16 said: "You all need a life. What is the purpose of making fun of churches?"
We have a life, and we'd very much like for the folks who have been hoodwinked by Armstrongism to have one too! Our purpose is to underscore the fact that the teachings of these people are harmful - that they are a real impediment to the emotional well-being, intellectual development, spiritual growth and financial security of all of those who have been ensnared by these FALSE teachings.
The purpose is not making fun of churches Anon4:16.
The purpose is to warn people about these CULTS. None of these ‘churches’ are what they pretend they are. They lure people in with the church facade, then grab their money. These ‘churches’ are abusive, deceitful, destructive. They do a lot of damage to people, tear families and marriages apart. Meanwhile the ‘minister’ do whatever they feel like doing.
I was in the RCG for years. I was left with NOTHING. They destroyed my life. And I wish that I would’ve come across a blog like this before I came in contact with the ‘true church’.
Im confused! Are these the LAST LAST DAYS, or are these the LAST LAST LAST DAYS???
Dennis wrote: "Everyone thinks they (scriptures) all mean them and everyone's different truth is the truth and that's the truth!"
First, I would like to assert a counterpoint to Dennis' view. There is diversity among denominations without a doubt. And this diversity supports Dennis' view. But that divergence is not all the data. There is also convergence on essentials among many denominations and this stands against Dennis' view. An example is the Doctrine of God which is remarkably similar across denominations.
This second point is not directly related to what Dennis wrote. It does not do any good for a splinter group to advocate dedication to doctrine with coarse zeal when that doctrine is in error. Heresy transforms advocating firm commitment to "sound doctrine" to persistence in the pursuit of error. At this point, it may seem easy to ask "What is heresy?" as if this idea is too soft and squishy for real analysis. Forthwith.
A place for Splinterdom to start is at the top with the Doctrine of God. Why are the splinterists polytheists? Why is their god a contingent rather than necessary being? Why is their god immanent but not transcendent? Why is their Doctrine of God so poorly documented and ad hoc that it is difficult exhaustively to analyze it? Because they do not recognize the perichoretic relationship between God and the Logos, they approach them as two separate beings. This bifurcation makes it possible for them to worship the anthropomorphic Yahweh of the OT, as seen through ancient Semitic eyes, and relegate Jesus of the NT to the sidelines.
I believe the Doctrine of God is the string that, when pulled, unravels Armstrongism neatly from the top.
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When I read the above scriptures as they are presented by Winnail, I read it as he means it and then I read it as I see it. Which is 180 degrees from the way he sees it. But in the past, in WCG, I saw it as he currently sees it, which is false teaching.
When my husband and I left WCG and garner ted, and we sat in our living room and read our bibles, especially the epistles of Paul, we were often staggered and dumbfounded because it was saying to us the exact opposite of what WCG doctrine said it said: that we were still under the Law of sin and death. At that time the VERY SAME epistles were showing us that we are Not under the Law of sin and death. The Holy Spirit can do wonderful things if given the opportunity.
We were so convicted of the GRACE of God and our freedom in Jesus Christ that we were again baptized, accepting Jesus as our Savior and Lord.
We even went to a charasmatic church for a few years because that was the only church where we could,singing the beautiful music, express our heartfelt joy for our freedom in Christ. (We stopped going there when they were caught up in weirdness)
I hope people can get away from the splinter groups and let the Holy Spirit teach them and free them. Life can be wonderful.
Anonymous 1/8 @ 6:28,
where Paul was specifically referencing teachings on marriage and food, not doctrine in general.
where John specifically referenced the belief/teaching that Christ came in the flesh, not doctrine in general.
Quoted 1 Timothy 4:16
Quoted 2 John 9
Context is crucial to a proper understanding of the scriptures referenced.
6.25 AM
As 8.41 AM points out, context is crucial. In the 20th and 21st century, collectivism is the world's biggest false god. The true God is replaced a malevolent false god that claims that the individual is of no consequence. All that exists is the group. Which is why the commies constantly use the words "we" and "the people." People who have lived under communist rule often cannot use the word I. They use expressions such as "we bought this" or "we like this." In this context, today's ministers should challenge these lies by honoring the word I, and emphasizing individual responsibilities. But instead they tag along with the commies by remaining silent, since an attack on the individual increases ministers power.
As if Winnail or any of the other jerks have a clue about biblical doctrine. Those fools think they're going to a place of safety, Rev. 12 is clearly talking about Israel, the woman with the twelve stars in her crown is not in Charlotte N.C.
Weston, Winnail, Smith you all delude yourselves!
"Anonymous said...
You all need a life. What is the purpose of making fun of churches?
January 8, 2021 at 4:16 AM"
It's fun!
Lonnie, if you feel that you have a purpose then you might want to start at home. Daddy dear is an Armstrong pusher is he not? He even tries to talk and act like GTA!
"I was in the RCG for years. I was left with NOTHING. They destroyed my life. And I wish that I would’ve come across a blog like this before I came in contact with the ‘true church’.
January 8, 2021 at 7:19 AM"
Hilarious! If you were foolish enough to join RCG then you never would have listened even if Moses himself had warned you. Oh, am I mixing my metaphors? You obviously aren't the rich man, not after years in RCG. lol
"I hope people can get away from the splinter groups and let the Holy Spirit teach them and free them. Life can be wonderful.
January 8, 2021 at 8:01 AM"
Don't be so sure that it was the Holy Spirit leading you!
"Because they do not recognize the perichoretic relationship between God and the Logos, they approach them as two separate beings. This bifurcation makes it possible for them to worship the anthropomorphic Yahweh of the OT, as seen through ancient Semitic eyes, and relegate Jesus of the NT to the sidelines."
Stephen sees Jesus Christ standing at the right hand side of God in heaven.
Is this the bifurcation you are referring to?
Acts 2:55
Are you saying Stephen should have seen one being?
January 8, 2021 at 8.01 AM
"We even went to a charasmatic church for a few years because that was the only church where we could,singing the beautiful music, express our heartfelt joy for our freedom in Christ. (We stopped going there when they were caught up in weirdness)"
Ha ha. From the frying pan to the fire. GRACE, it seems.
Anonymous (2:16)
were our only descriptive statement about God and the logos, yes, that would be the bifurcation. But the Bible states in John 10:30
is implemented only through God and Christ being members of the same family and the term "family" refers to the human nuclear family. In other words, the Father and Christ are one just like you and your father are one. Armstrongists see no deeper spiritual meaning in this statement of unity. But the scripture in John 14:11
clearly asserts a deeper spiritual relationship:
perichoresis or coinherence as if we understand this well but these are terms that really refer to a divine mystery. Despite Christ's direct plea in John 14:11
that we believe that he and his father have a deep spiritual relationship and this plea has been included prominently in the Gospel of John, Armstronigsts disbelieve this divine revelation about the persons and essence of the Father and the Son. This is why Armstrongists are bi-theistic (polytheism involving two gods) and not binitarian (two persons, one essence).
If Acts 2:55
"I and my Father are one."
You should see two beings in this theophany but understand that these two beings are of the same essence.
Armstrongists assert that John 10:30
"Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me"
You are not in your father and your father is not in you by means of a human family relationship between father and son. In Christianity, we may call the relationship in John 14:11
Like I wrote, Armstrongism unravels in the Doctrine of God.
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"if you were foolish enough to join RCG then you never would have listened even if Moses himself has warned you."
This is called blaming the victim. I once heard this accusation by a minister on a member who suffered serious loss because of the 1975 deception. It's a unjust personal attack, and it's cruel. It sounds like attack-guy Kevin.
A person opens up, giving a personal account, only to have their openness betrayed and used as a club against them. It's heartless and morally sick. This is why the lake of fire exists.
Hi all. This is your typical ACOG minister
This is just a reminder that doing your own thinking causes cancer. So be sure to let your minister do your thinking for you.
Anon 6:15,
I don’t see where they went from the pan to the fire. Firstly, the fire was the COGs which they finally extracted themselves from. The charismatic congregation they attended apparently provided what they needed at the time, but it sounds like they didn’t have their identity tied to that organization— it is hard for Armstrongist to get that concept. They saw what they thought to be weirdness and decided the this congregation was no longer for them. Simple. Nor does leaving necessitate that you reject the Christianity of the group.
The pan and the fire is the authoritarian cultism that says you are incapable of recognizing errors in the organization and that you lose your salvation in leaving.
If I were Doug I would be reading Jeremiah 23 and Ezekiel 34...”*WOE* to the SHEPHERDS who *DESTROY* and *SCATTER* the sheep of MY pasture, says the Lord” “ WOE to the shepherds of Israel who FEED THEMSELVES!! Should not the shepherds FEED THE FLOCKS? YOU eat the FAT and CLOTHE YOURSELVES with the wool; you kill the fat ones, but you DO NOT FEED THE FLOCK. You have NOT made the weak strong, nor have you HEALED the sick, nor have you SOUGHT that which was LOST; but you have RULED them with FORCE and with CRUELTY!! Speak out against your WARPED hierarchy and you are OUT!! Well you CANNOT PUT ME OUT because I LEFT!! “My sheep hear MY voice”!! We do NOT listen to WOLVES such as yourselves!! We FLEE!!
You sound like one of these nasty RCG ministers to me Anon12:31. That is exactly something they would say. Full of hate, no mercy or love in them whatsoever!
Hallelujah, January 9, 2021 at 9:48 AM!
As if Winnail or any of the other jerks have a clue about biblical doctrine. Those fools think they're going to a place of safety, Rev. 12 is clearly talking about Israel, the woman with the twelve stars in her crown is not in Charlotte N.C.
The Place of Safety doctrine is crucial in keeping people from leaving their church. "We're going to be protected in the coming end times. If you want to be protected you need to be with us. And you'd better not leave our group or you'll be left behind when the call goes out." How many fools have stayed in WCG or LCG or PCG (or any of the others) longer than they should have because of this teaching? It is not sound doctrine, it is a means of controlling the people. Remember, the woman who is going to the place of safety gave birth to the man-child. The church gave birth to Jesus Christ?
All doctrine comes from the Bible.
Notice how lacking Doug’s doctrine and LCG’s doctrine is.
The doctrine of Doug is deficient on Jesus being a sufficient Savior capable of doing all the saving work.
Doug’s doctrine doesn’t fathom that Jesus justifies the sinner, endowing him with complete righteousness.
Doug doesn’t like to speak about salvation being a gift of God or how we are saved by grace.
Why would anyone be interested in Doug’s doctrines, if they don’t teach about salvation.
Winnail preaches about shadows and neglects the substance behind the shadows (Colossians 2:16-18

LCG doctrine is a mixture of mostly Old Covent, except the parts they find inconvenient and just a little bit of Jesus, so that they don’t have to mess with animal sacrifices. LCG ignores the realities of the New Covenant.
Hebrews 10:1
The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves.
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