Moving the goalposts once again...
Prophetic Update TODAY
A brief update regarding timing can be summarized as follows: All is well! As of last night, everyone worldwide had received Parts 275 and 276 (isolated households included). God’s servants now have the full picture! Rest assured, we have to still be in the brief mahaah/mikron that follows everyone hearing it.
What we are waiting for has not changed. Everything scheduled to occur can happen fast! Consider just one question: How long will it take to invite Laodicea to the Great Supper? Luke 14:17
summarizes it in one sentence that Elijah will utter. It describes his assignment right at “supper hour”: “Come, for all things are now ready.” Christ mirrored this with, “If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him” (Rev. 3:20
). He is saying right now! This means a sudden decision is required that should take very little thought for those led by God’s Spirit, whose most basic priorities are right!

The powerful case for New Year’s remains unchanged. It is still noumenia today and will be through midnight. All who understand the dynamic of New Year’s know heavy drinking is scheduled to continue through tonight, and frankly on through what will be for many a “long, lost weekend.” It became clear that we needed to have this pagan festival behind us. It also became clear that God, as we have wondered many times in the past, may use the Sabbath in a big way. All evidence has come to point to sometime this evening.
That said, if time goes on, the series will not continue. There is nothing more to say. Mr. Pack has already explained “the end of the world”! What you heard was right.
Brethren, if this picture of timing is incorrect, then we simply wait day-by-day. Every indication says the acceptable year must start soon! Mr. Pack often finished sermons saying, “We are the people who wait—and watch while we do.” Keep waiting and watching, no matter what! We might say that the worst that can happen is that we have learned the entire Plan of God from start to finish—so many big things that we never knew!—but have yet to learn the final elements of timing…
P.S. Incidentally, the year 2020 finished wonderfully well for God’s Work in virtually every statistic you could imagine!
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. Where there is no joy, you can be sure the Holy Spirit is not present.
The joylessness of Packworld is plain for all to see.
Here is another quick "Dave Pack Video" to add to your collection
Many of us worked near Pack for years. Almost all of the fruits of spirit were absent in day-to-day life.
Obviously the "Pack Faithful" relish in all of the "insider terms" that are part of being in an exclusive insider club CULT. Gives attendees the feeling that they are special and know the "secret code".
Note the words Noumenia,mahaah and mikron.
The WCG also had a full vocabulary of "insider words" and even initials.
I believe that's the second time , of many to come, that he said the series was finished as he added more to the series being now finished. I'm sure next Sabbath he'll start the new series on I Corinthians 13, until "you people get it".
" If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
Dave will restart the series, however this is far from the first (or second time) he said it ended. There were about a dozen times he clearly declared it "ended" in 2018-2019. A problem is with Dave he talks so much you really can't post (or point out) all the crazy things he says. It's a full time job...
Since when do the slave members of any church of God group relish in code church speak?
Usually certain ones of the ministry do "insider church code words" with great gusto. I have yet to encounter a member who considers themselves special because of code church speech.
Is that what you think Tonto.
More B.S. from the master of B.S. Get out while you can!
It’s known as ‘Loaded language’ Tonto.
Wikipedia’s definition: “.... is rhetoric used to influence an audience by using words and phrases with strong connotations associated with them in order to invoke an emotional response and/or exploit stereotypes.“
And it is a well studied phenomenon. Sometimes loaded language used by cults can still trigger a response or a strong emotion YEARS after a person left the organization.
Loaded language used by the RCG: the world, lake of fire, the truth, true church, building character, change your attitude, doing the work, brethren, government of God etc etc
All these words have a deeper, more sinister meaning. E.g. ‘doing the work’ = pay tithes. ‘Change your attitude’ = forget what YOU want or think.’Government of God’ = the ministers are always right, even if they’re wrong.
And David Pack is a master in using loaded language. In every ‘sermon’ he gives about every other sentence he uses loaded language. That is why to an outsider it doesn’t make much sense what he says.
December 12, 2019 - Dave Pack: (paraphrased) "The season" in Luke 12:42
, is the Christmas season. I defy you to say that is wrong. Either when (Dave is) speaking or during the Christmas season Christ returns. Saturday night is my last message and I am sticking to it!"
Well, it didn't work out last year, so we will try again! Nope that didn't work either!
exposing Pack is like exposing 2020 voter fraud....those that need to hear it refuse.
@Anon 4:07
I disagree with you. COG members do use ‘the lingo’ also. Some of them don’t even fully understand what these words mean, yet they still use them. Because they want to feel a part of ‘that special group’; God’s chosen ones.
This letter was purposely framed with a simple opening statement of: "all is well". This letter was also purposely framed with an ending that said: "the year 2020 finished wonderfully well for God’s Work in virtually every statistic you could imagine!"
Everything in between is one of the greatest delusional doublespeak two step obfuscating fidgeting confusing misleading statements I have ever seen.
Just one example is these two apposing statements: "What we are waiting for has not changed. Everything scheduled to occur can happen fast ... and the powerful case for New Year’s remains unchanged." Versus: "Brethren, if this picture of timing is incorrect, then we simply wait day-by-day."
I guess the brethren are just supposed to throw out of their minds all of the evidentiary facts that have been presented shot like a "machine gun" into their heads hour upon hour, week to week and year to year explicitly detailing WHEN Jesus Christ is going to return.
They (we) are a "people that wait and watch". Unfortunately this is the truest statement in the whole letter. And what is very unfortunate is, they are a people who continue to solely focus on and watch every word that comes out of Mr. Pack's mouth. Then they excitedly wait for all of the revelations to come to a conclusion and repeat again and again, waiting and waiting and waiting and get nothing but "IF".
"the year 2020 finished wonderfully well for God’s Work in virtually every statistic you could imagine!"
Yes, Dave imagines most of his statistics, but he expects YOU to believe them!
"Inside terms" are a common trait in cults. They are words with a special definition only understood by that group or inner circle. Loaded language is typically defined as extra meanings added to words, eg, S-E-R-V-E, spoken loudly and stretched which really means slavery to others. There's a certain overlap, but they are not the same.
Pack may just steal from Ron Weinland's playbook...
The seven periods of 1260 days since Joe Tkach blah blah blah have passed, so there's no more need for countdowns- it's just a day to day thing now. Meanwhile, on to the next boring sermon series.
The MAN OF SPIN has been revealed.
Hold fast that you may keep your assets, your spouse, your job, and most importantly your sanity.
January 1, 2021 at 5:54 PM
"Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. Where there is no joy, you can be sure the Holy Spirit is not present."
All my years in WCG I found no joy, so the Holy Spirit was not present. I am still longing for joy but it eludes me. Must be my sinful life.
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