This is what you get when a Church of God ministers has no real theological education from real theologians who instead were taught by booklet queens. COG leaders would never be able to operate without a plethora of booklets telling them what to say.
From #275a00:32:45 "It's not the Book of Christ. People talk about, 'I worship Christ.' Fine, you can worship Christ, but the Bible teaches you to worship God. When you hold the book of the Lord it's the Word of God. You know, Zechariah 11:11says, 'And the poor of the flock waited for me (God) and knew it was the word of the Lord.. That's not Christ's word. So, anyway, that's kind of an aside."
On December 26, Dave gave two back to back sermons to his dwindling faithful in Wadsworth. Four hours total with a 30-minute coffee break in between.
Around the 00:25:00 mark of #276, one of the things Dave introduces to his people is a sort of transition period before they are changed fully into spirit. Sounds to me sort of like the opposite of purgatory - limbo while you are still alive. He says, "You get your penny," i.e. guaranteed eternal life, and are just waiting for the change. During this transition period you have the Kingdom of God literally in you and you cannot sin, but you are not yet "worshipable." After you are changed then you are worshipable. All this based on 1 John 3:9and Revelation 3:9
As if ANYONE would want to worship Dave and his crew of minions. What a pathetic group of people!
1 John 3:9Whoever is born of God doesn’t commit sin, because his seed remains in him; and he can’t sin, because he is born of God.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I give some of the synagogue of Satan, of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but lie. Behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
Wow! SuperDave now agrees with millions of evangelicals that you can be "born again" while in the present human flesh!
No 1:08. What Dave meant was "You can be bored again" if you want me to give any more sermons on all these buffooneries. I'm sure "born" was a typo.
Your caption in the picture is wrong.. Dave doesn’t expect his followers to worship him SOON. Dave ALREADY expects his followers to worship him. Which they do. Willingly and blindly.
That is why during the FOT members are told ‘not to approach Mister Pack’. He walks around like God, nodding his head to the members staring at him. And he loves that admiration!
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