If you now leave this church for even a splinter, you are almost suicidal without knowing it.
I don't even know if you can hear all of this and get included if you blew it off and went to a splinter.
Maybe you could.
Maybe God would be merciful.
You hear 5 years or most of it and then left.
And finally, if you go to the world, you go back and give up everything, you have a death wish.
You are a sow or a dog who has returned to the mire.
I am just warning you.
I'm warning you...to more, to vomit.
Dogs are far more loving and more faithful than Dave Pack.
Dave sounds kinda desperate.
Trying to talk ever more fear into the members in an ultimate attempt to keep a firm grip on the last members ‘standing’. Not sure if Davey himself beliefs that this little cult trick will still work on the members or not. He’s stumbling and mumbling..
Where is your confidence Dave?? Too many members left the RCG lately? You didn’t get your big Christmas bonus?
Scary associations made here by Pack , that should be noted deeply. It is well known that people who actually DO commit physical suicide, talk about it before actually doing it.
His comments do not sound like loving concern, but more like a threat and a dominance statement. Pack's group is scarier than heck!
"you are almost suicidal without knowing it."
That's typical minister behavior. They claim to be like God knowing what's in others hearts, and claim that members are dumbos who don't know themselves. It takes a Big Person minister to tell members who they really are.
Five years ago when the exit doors were starting to get used frequently, Dave Pack stated: "If any of you leave now without hearing the end of it (Greatest Story Never Told), you are a fool".
Now five years later and hearing the end of "it" any member who leaves has (will) committed spiritual suicide.
I just went back and listened to 30 minutes of the last 45 minutes of Jim Jones speaking to his almost 1000 members. Here are a few of the quotes.
"It is too late"
"Without me life has no meaning"
"I am your best Friend"
"Your life has been extended only because of him" (Jim Jones): Said by another.
"I am a prophet"
"I was born out of season"
"They are going to parachute down on us and take our children"
"They are going to torture our children and the elderly"
After the mass murder, a congressman's aide who had been shot 5 times at the airport and survived, said this: "They had been psychologically destroyed to the point that they lost their free will". And this: "We knew Jim Jones would test his members by their willingness to take or not take the the suicide drug"
Are we witnessing here with Dave Pack's words to his congregation, Christ's sheep hearing His voice or the alternative message from a known source who has no life in him?
Things must be falling apart and going South by the time you get to threats. Only children would respond to such intimidation.
Spot on. Totally agree. DennisCDiehl
Jim Jones' victims had LITERALLY been through suicide drills many times before that fatal one. In fact, many of them had grown a bit cynical about it, as Jones' aides would pass out what they SAID was cyanide-laced fruit drink, but it never actually killed anybody because it was a fake, a stunt, intended to condition people rather than kill them.
So, for the first couple of minutes after the fatal drink was circulated in Jonestown, people assumed that they were going through just another of the fake drills. Part of what you hear on the tapes is the horror when people began coming to the awful realization, "IT'S REAL THIS TIME!"
For all of his manipulation, Dave Pack hasn't to my knowledge done anything of that caliber to condition his followers for physical suicide. From a Christian perspective, however, he is certainly conditioning their SOULS for spiritual suicide.
Pack just delivered parts 275 and 276 yesterday. Insane as ever. RCG members who read this blog, why do you still stay?
I wonder what the city of Wadsworth will pay for this property when Dave goes belly under?
Dave has become another desperate and tragic figure, as did Bob Thiel. Having scuttled his church with wild claims and delusional prophecies, Dave is trying to cling to his deluded congregation.
With Dave, he threatens members with imaginary consequences to their leaving; with Bob, he tries to attract members with imaginary consequences if they don't heed his warnings and join CCOG. Two tragic products of HWA's defunct empire.
Perhaps the city and other taxing authorities will eventually be able to take control for unpaid back taxes. Then auction the place off.
Hoss said,"Two tragic products of HWA's defunct empire ".
I believe their "issues" existed well before HWA.
The COG was an ideal adjunct and a most fertile environment for their illnesses to grow and develop to the point where they are now manifest and impacting so many so terribly.
Mental illness often just needs the right ingredients to flourish, religious activity is not necessarily the answer to deep seated narcissistic characteristics but it does indeed allow it to grow, sadly.
The line between sanity and insanity or delusion is a very fine one.
To the membership, get the hell out of there!
Evil exists and to the deluded can appear as light.
Anonymous December 27, 2020 at 2:01 PM
I was aware of the trial runs. I didn't go as far listening to the tape where reality happened - once in a lifetime is enough.
Do I think Dave Pack will lead his congregation into a mass suicide event? No, but there should be a great concern from those of us on the outside concerning what might just take place. Men like himself paralleling other men of tragic infamy and perpetrating egregious acts against the weak and gullible usually just don't disappear quietly.
Dave Pack is hell bent on achieving world renown. There are only two ways for that to happen in a religious context. He somehow gets Jesus Christ to return to Wadsworth or the Devil empowers him to be able to call fire down from heaven and to perpetrate the mass terror that he has said he is going to do with the edge of his sword. In a non religious context, anything is on the table for a man operating in only certain possibilities.
For the RCG member just like the Peoples Temple member, the narrative is; there is no place to go, there is no way to leave, and there is no time to escape. So they continue to drink the poisoned theology of a man detached from reality.
‘Dave Pack hasn't to my knowledge done anything of that caliber to condition his followers for physical suicide’
Wrong Anon 2:01
Dave lets his followers commit suicide slowly. He tells them they don’t need heat, a comfortable home and good nutritious food, because they need to give that money to the church. He tells them they don’t need to see a doctor. All they need is an anointed cloth. And oh btw, any money you save that way? Hand it over to Dave!
And they do. Have a good look around at any FOT and you’ll see people with all sorts of (easy treatable) health problems, decaying teeth and a lot of second hand clothing.
The majority of the RCG members ooze poverty. And poverty kills. Guess who’s responsible for that?
Not to mention the members that actually do commit suicide because they are told time and time again what ‘sinful’ people they are by Dave and his ministers. I’ve seen that first hand in my former RCG congregation..
Dave is a madman. He doesn’t care about people or God. And I fear for my family members that are still in that cult. They are getting more and more isolated every day.
Why are you putting down Herbert w Armstrong. Its the tares that get in and bring down the cog. Truely vile men took charge after his Death. If Mr Armstrong didnt come about then all life would of been ended has it mentions in malachi. The laodiceans are spewed out by christ for there unbelief and lack luster ways. After the falling away then Antichrist shall come.
Pack has allowed the Devil to rule him. His false and could be the Man of Sin.
If Mr Armstrong didnt come
HWA wasn't the only game in town, just the only one most of us knew about.
Yes, Anon 635, the seed was there, and the COGs provided patches of fertile soil, but now they are drying up...
Why is Dave Pack so full of hate!? Hate against other COG’s and their leaders. Hate against people ‘in the world’. Hate against other religions. Even hate against the members of the RCG.. Everyone and everything is ‘filthy’, ‘horrible’ and ‘wicked’..
Why? How can ‘a man of God’ be so full of hate?? Aren’t we supposed to love our neighbors like ourselves? Do the RCG members even see and hear what Pack is doing?
When you don't teach the Bible all you can do is threaten people. Fear and intimidation are one of Pack's biggest weapons. What a lunatic! Left over 16 years ago, and NEVER looked back!
Snrbn says:
The laodiceans are spewed out by christ for there unbelief and lack luster ways.
Revelation 3:19-21
Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.
Contrary to what Snrbn says, the Bible rewards victorious Laodiceans with the right to sit with Christ on his throne. That's something God doesn't give any other era, not even the Philadelphians who are stuck on the floor as pillars holding up the roof while the Laodiceans sit on the throne and rule.
Yes, the Laodiceans who fail get spewed. But look at the last 30 years and ask yourself about the tens of thousands of people who proclaimed themselves as Philadelphians but are instead heading for the Lake of Fire. The people who brag about how rich they are as Philadelphians are usually the ones who are poor, blind, wretched people headed for the Lake of Fire. Ordinary Christians in the Laodicean era aren't the ones who are bragging about their specialness, and many of those victorious Laodiceans will sit with Christ on his throne to rule, while the Philadelphians hold up the roof and watch the failed Philadelphians burn to embers in the Lake of Fire.
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