After making a complete ass of himself by declaring his creature "christ" was returning on the Last Great Day this year, Dave has been machine gun firing one idiotic excuse after another as to why his "christ" delays his coming. His excuses have been so fast and furious even his own ministers can't keep up with his nonsense.
Transcript 02:48:51-03:05:43 Sermon 273
[Ezekiel 3:16
] “And it came to pass (verse 16) at the end of (a week) seven days that the word of the LORD came to me, saying (again, So here we go), son, a man, I have made you a watchman to the house of Israel...” I'm just telling you again, I know we've gone over all this, God says, but in effect, I'm telling you again. “Therefore, hear the words in my mouth and give them warning from me.”
Then it says, “When I say to the wicked...” And then it talks about what he's supposed to say, that they're going to die, and so for, you tell 'em. Speed-read it, brethren, go on down. The wicked man may die in his iniquity, but you better tell him. “But his blood will I require it your hand.”
You could say in a way I'm telling all of God's people, with or without ears to hear, I'm telling all of God's people do not go into this fire and do not leave this church. If you leave this church, you just wrapped your hands around a death star. Don't do it, it's a suicide. It's a. It's a suicide wish – a death wish. Don't do it.
But I'm just putting my own twist on this for the moment.
Verse 19, “If you warn him and he turn not, then he'll die, but you've delivered your soul. Again, When a righteous man does turn from his righteousness, commit iniquity, (and so forth”), and then you warn him, and he can do the right thing at the wrong thing, 20 and 21. “And the hand of the LORD was there upon me; and he said...” Now, look, here's what God told him, and I never understood this. Where does it, how does it fit. “Arise, go to the plain, and I will there talk with you.” So he spoke with him again! “...the river Chebar: and I fell on my face.” Verse 24, “then the Spirit entered, made and he stood me up. And here's what he said in verse 25 – I wonder what, you know, I’d read this since I was a kid in college – “But you, O son of man, behold, they'll put….” I'm sorry, verse 24, “Then the spirit entered me, and set me on my feet, and spoke to me, and he said unto me, go shut yourself within your house. (I want you to go isolate yourself). But you O son of man, behold, they'll put bands on you, and shall bind you with them, and you shall not go out among them.” It's almost like we're going to lock you down. You're not going anywhere.
And I did I had COVID. It wasn't pleasant. My wife got it and I was stuck for a few weeks. Then I wanted to be careful, and by then I saw this, but I wasn't sure exactly how to apply it.
“… and you’ll not go out among them. And I'll make your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth, that you shall be dumb, and shall not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house. But when I speak with you (how? Moving by the Holy Spirit), I'll open your mouth and you'll say to them, thus says the Lord God, (and so forth).” And then the application is explained there.
Now it's not exactly the same today. But I just found it interesting: I went longer than I had after speaking for nine straight years, or five straight years. I went nine weeks and didn't speak, and I've never done either, and I will never do either one again. But it's just interesting that circumstances threw me away from the pulpit and it was because I was supposed to really think a lot about this. I'm even on a campus, by the way, where I didn't go off the campus. I don't know if I've been off, maybe, I don't even know if I've been off the campus in nine, in nine weeks. I'm not sure if I have. We live in paradise, why would, why would you? I, maybe I did, but I can't remember.
Now we could ask why would God clear up all of this? Let's do some summarizing. Why would God clear all of this up after so long unless less he is ready to send Christ now? The picture is clear - I guess if Christ doesn't come then maybe next week I'd be back and we drill deeper on things that we went through about like bullets come out of a machine gun. I know that and I apologize, but it's gone a while so I want to be done.
There is a final ration. If there was something else to be said, what would it be? It has to be a final message. We've seen all the verses. How might we know this is the last message? There's a few additional things that I find interesting, I'm gonna lay them out, that create a powerful narrative. Or we'll say, call it, call it a supposition. First of all the big 25 had been here for a long time. We could just start by saying the twig is due – just start there.
I was shut up in my house for 9 weeks. You give that whatever value you want to give it. Never happened before. And it was beyond my control until about the 5th week or so. And then I realized I was learning some things, and I waited, and I wasn't sure I was supposed to speak again. I wasn't sure, and I thought, well, maybe the wait could go on. I talked to several men. And, um, so, uh, that was that.
Poor Vernia.. Can you imagine what it must be like, being locked up for 9 weeks in a house with this maniac?
Is that a Star Wars death star that he's referring to? At any rate, it smells of desperation.
Never shut Dave up with a fever for weeks, not sure where he is and searching through the Old Testament to figure it all out.
What he needs to do is say "I was sick. I was mistaken. Please forgive me. Let's turn to I Cor 13."
The new recruit in this, yet another Millerite Pre-Millennial Doomsday Cult, receives glossy magazines: ostensibly 'free', but could end up costing more than a set of Encyclopedia-Britannica!
Dave says: ". Why would God clear all of this up after so long unless less he is ready to send Christ now? The picture is clear - I guess if Christ doesn't come then maybe next week I'd be back and we drill deeper on things that we went through about like bullets come out of a machine gun. I know that and I apologize, but it's gone a while so I want to be done.'
Dave has said this at every stage of his ever changing time table and so called prophecies about himself and Jesus return. "Why would I not understand it if it wasn't time for it to happen. Why would God reveal this now if it wasn't supposed to happen now? The answer of course is that Dave hasn't gotten anything right yet and there probably is no right to get in this time as nothing he quotes was ever meant for this time to begin with. That's another story.
This is also a nice bit of wiggle room. Dave does not say "If I am wrong I will admit it" To Dave, being mistaken just means he has to dig deeper until the dirt collapses on him once and for all.
Also, Dave wanting "this done" shows he has no other explanation for his failures except misunderstanding his God's timelines for him as still the sure and true Apostle. He's getting tired of his own schtick. Since he seems incapable of returning to any simplicity that is in NT views or just the common stuff of faith, hope and love, who knows what he'll come up with next. It won't be that and it will be equally self serving and out of the mainstream. Dave will have to always make the collapse of the pit walls he has dug himself into seem to be God's further revelation to him and then we'll hear "WE did not understand" avoiding the great "I" on this one.
According to Dave’s latest rants (275 & 276) it WILL happen next year! It will! Really! He knows!
And (finally, I thought that day would never come), number 275 is ‘the last of the series’. Dave’s words, so it must be true. Rant.. erm sermon.. number 276 is only ‘to clarify a few things’.
This means that Dave will finally shut up. Thank God for that.
For some people everything is meaningful. These are people you have to watch out for. Every small event of their lives is imbued with profound meaning that others had better focus on. I am not sure what causes this unnecessary self-parsing. I have had bouts of it myself. "The unexamined life is not worth living," someone said but I would add that the over-examined life is a burden to everybody.
For the Jivaro Indians of the Amazon Basin everything means something. (At least that was true decades ago and may still be. I read about it in an anthropology text when I was an undergraduate.) If a poisonous snake creeps into a village and fatally bites a member of the tribe, a witch doctor examines the event and proclaims that someone in the neighboring village sent the viper to execute this treachery. And all the men in the village get their spears and they go over to the neighboring village and kill a bunch of guilty malefactors, who didn't even know that snakes could be recruited, just to right things. So these little villages of people who look alike, dress alike, eat the same food and speak the same language are constantly caught up in a lethal web of vendettas.
It would be a relief if some people would recognize that some of the things, at least, that happen to them don't mean anything. The events may be hurtful and inconvenient to the befallen person but the world doesn't pivot on these happenings.
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Worse thing Pack is infecting people with is himself... DAVID , not Covid!
David C Pack is a Reprobate
David Pack sounds more insane than ever. Are there still people following him? How many members are left in that cult? And are they all in Wadsworth? If so, the authorities should go and check on them.. Pack sounds as if he’s ready to do the unthinkable!
Anonymous at 6:30 AM said...“This means that Dave will finally shut up. Thank God for that.”
Sadly, you have misinterpreted and misunderstood what it means.
Dave Pack will never shut up.
Dave Pack: I'm even on a campus, by the way, where I didn't go off the campus. I don't know if I've been off, maybe, I don't even know if I've been off the campus in nine, in nine weeks. I'm not sure if I have. We live in paradise, why would, why would you? I, maybe I did, but I can't remember.
If the man can't even keep straight in his mind whether he left his house or property, then what chance is there that his 7 years of prophecy babbling is accurate?
Nine weeks is a lot of time to think and with a church primed with the excitement of the possibility of an any moment return of Jesus Christ they get a message all about Dave's own jumbled illusion-al and delusional biblical self importance. I mean come on, could anyone, child or adult open their bible to Ezekiel 3 and use Dave Pack's explanation of it to come to the conclusion that this prophecy just got completely fulfilled in the last month and half and that it all centered around what happened to and what was done by David C. Pack?
What is most concerning about this sermon excerpt, is the long awaited return (by me) of - lets let Mr. Pack introduce in his own words what is coming next: "We could just start by saying the twig is due – just start there". For those that don't know, the "twig" was introduced in 2016 which led myself and others to hurriedly run for the exit doors.
That the "twig" is now due will explain a lot in the near future for what is going to happen next in the RCG. Stay tuned, it is going to get a lot worse soon in the RCG.
Anonymous at 6:30 AM said...“And (finally, I thought that day would never come), number 275 is ‘the last of the series’. Dave’s words, so it must be true. Rant.. erm sermon.. number 276 is only ‘to clarify a few things’.”
All the satanic noise in that demon-inspired series of outrageous lying was simply brutal.
Wonder what the next series will be about, and if it will be Dave Pack's longest and strangest series yet?
"We could just start by saying the twig is due – just start there". For those that don't know, the "twig" was introduced in 2016 which led myself and others to hurriedly run for the exit doors.
That the "twig" is now due will explain a lot in the near future for what is going to happen next in the RCG. Stay tuned, it is going to get a lot worse soon in the RCG.
Please explain. Is David Christ the twig? Is the twig something that will start a literal Waco-style fire on the Wadsworth campus? Please don't make us guess. Just explain yourself. Thank you!
December 28, 2020 at 10:27 AM
Please explain. Is David Christ the twig? Is the twig something that will start a literal Waco-style fire on the Wadsworth campus? Please don't make us guess. Just explain yourself. Thank you!
Have some patience. If I get time soon I will dig up the CD and forward it to the moderator. Until then, stay tuned and WATCH!
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