Dave's boys from Wadsworth send out a weekly "Prophetic Update" to the declining membership of the Restored Church of God. This week is a doozy and willed with outright lies. these guys need to get off their knees in front of Dave and walk out the door as soon as they can!
Today/tonight/ (December 31, 2020) and early hours of January 1, is the time Dave's creature he calls "christ" is supposed to be returning.
Prophetic Update:
The Church is on fire after hearing the final parts of the series delivered Sabbath! Some quick additional details are helpful as the day we are waiting for approaches:
The first thing to expect is a blast announcing the Kingdom. The evidence still seems to be (6 verses) that this will happen around dawn, though we cannot know the precise hour. Depending on where brethren are in the world, some will be asleep and some awake. Of course, there is no need to stay up.
Seriously??????? WTF! If I was a loyal devotee of the Packster and truly believed the crap he is saying, that Jesus was returning at some point tonight or at dawn, I sure as hell would NOT go to bed! But, reality should tell every RCG member that they should go to bed and get a restful night's sleep because absolutely NOTHING will happen as Dave says.
Another reason not to stay up is that Christ does not come to everyone out of the gate. In the end, shortly thereafter, at least eight verses indicate that everyone receives their reward and work at the Great Supper.
Ah, there you go, boys and girls, some of you will not be taken at the arrival of Dave's creature. Only the most super loyal will get their reward first, which is sure to include the guys in Wadsworth who spend their time on their knees in front of Dave. Men first, and if there is any space left some of you women.
Finally, recall the noumenia (New Year’s) is a “shadow” (Col. 2:16-17). Events would therefore logically unfold after revellings of the previous evening (“shadow”) have ended and the world has crossed into 2021. God may want to see who got drunk the night before. (It is noteworthy that we have heard great numbers in the splinters are planning to gather on New Year’s Eve.) Remember, we must be the people who avoid even the appearance of evil!
This is an outright lie and these guys know this. As if a "great number" of COG members across COGland believe Dave's crap and will be gathering together to welcome in Dave's creature "christ." this truly is one of the stupidest things I have heard (today). Other than the more liberal members in UCG and a few LCG members, all the other splinter groups consider New Year's another pagan day and won't be gathering anywhere together.
May God speed the arrival of His Son and Kingdom!
May God speed the removal of Dave Pack from his self-appointed position!
P.S. When the Kingdom comes, the period before it describes an Israel whose “hands are full of blood” and describes Jerusalem as a city of “murderers.” A report today said that 2020 recorded the worst annual increase in murders in American history. The increase through September is listed as 36.7% over 2019—with the worst part of the year through December not yet included. This most awful statistic finds its place on the list of reasons that we have the year correct!
During the years SuperDave was in Global, Rod Meredith more than once hosted December 31 New Year's Eve gatherings with family members and friends. Maybe that's where he gets the idea that it's a common observance in the splinters?
Prophetic Update:
The Church is on fire after hearing the final parts of the series delivered Sabbath!
Fire will be out by morning...
COGs are old. There are not going to be large numbers of people having New Years Eve parties , or even staying up much past 8 PM.
Once upon a time, there was a party life for fringe COG members at things like the FOT , during their younger days back in the 1970/80s. That era is long gone.
COGs are tired , average age of 65 or so. Pack is so full of crap on this proclamation, and it will be interesting to see his back pedaling on still YET ANOTHER false prediction that will fail miserably.
PS I notice , as do others I'm sure, a decline in Dave's reasoning as well as having to stop and ask myself way more often, "what the hell is he talking about?" Covid is known in some cases to magnify psychosis for whatever reason. Dave seems more angry and frustrated than ever and yet the craziness intensifies daily now. His mention of "suicide", of others, is a new twist and to a psychologist might set off a few warning bells. I don't know.
I said long ago and several times, "this won't end well". Now more than ever this seems to be unfolding quickly to some kind of conclusion. I don't know how many more excuses, revelations and apologetics a man can come up with but either he will need yet another one tomorrow or...he won't.
Don’t mock them! For ones the RCG ministers are telling the truth: “Depending on where brethren are in the world, some will be asleep and some awake.”
Yep! You bet! It’s called time zones. Finally the ‘church’ discovered something that is absolutely true. We have time zones :)
Finally, recall the noumenia (New Year’s) is a “shadow” (Col. 2:16-17
If some of you remember, Dave Pack broke into and intervened in this past Passover night with an urgent message after he and his ministers had already taken the symbols and said Jesus Christ is coming tonight but is delaying a bit because he wants to see first if everyone is going to take the Passover worthily or not.
It must be a hard life to believe you are so infinitely righteous while everyone before you can't possibly please God with any of their actions.
I can still hear in my ears the echos of times past when Dave straight faced told the headquarters congregation that 80% percent of you will not make it into the Kingdom. Then he quoted HWA about him even believing that up to 90% of the people were not converted.
I think there will be a lot people standing outside the door of the wedding suppper knocking to get in, in Dave's eyes.
Who gives these prophetic updates? Dave’s slaves.. erm.. ministers? Or is Dave dictating them?
If it is his slaves, the RCG is even deeper in Satan’s pocket then anyone could’ve guessed.
Usually dictated by Dave but often with help from his closest servants.
It smells of desperation. Dave is increasing the dosage of bull that he's feeding his followers. It implies that other ACOGs are doing the same.
Dave is waaaaaaaaay too preoccupied with his Bible studies to write this stuff. He gets his servants to write these.
Sounding eerily similar to some if Jim Jones rants before he brought out the Kool-Aid. Shortly before his shot himself,Hitler blamed the Germans for his failures. Pack will most likely blame his flock.
Don’t they have to catch a red eye to get to Jerusalem so they can walk to Petra?
Were the wings of a great eagle really about a giant eagle within walking distance?
Time will tell
Maybe he is trying to drive away the people. Is the campus paid off?
Armstrong was well known all over the world and travelled to Kings and Governments ,why doesn't David Pack do the same if he thinks the word of God should be preached all over the world
@Anon 8:53
Because David Pack doesn’t care about preaching the word of God. Pack preaches the Gospel of Money: give me, give me. Give me all your money!
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