Thursday, December 31, 2020

Wadsworth Ohio in Panic Mode As Its Citizens Prepare For Trumpet Blast

Shocking scenes from Wadsworth's Giant Eagle as its citizens prepare for the imminent return of Dave Pack's creature he calls "christ."  Of course, the first thing flying off the shelves is the booze! This is confirmation that Dave is telling the truth that his god is looking to see who gets drunk tonight.

Because that this store is named "Giant Eagle" and is next to the holy campus of Dave (in distance), this is further confirmation that he and his boys will be transported on Eagles Wings to the Place of Safety! Nothing is by chance in Dave's World!


Tonto said...

Maybe the high voltage power lines and "5G" are affecting Davey's brain waves!


I think I just understood the possible root of Mr. Pack's problems by viewing that picture. I just wonder if he was holed up in his house for 9 weeks with Corona in a bottle? That might explain how the Greatest Story has gotten bigger and broader and expansive and even sometimes lost in a wilderness of observations.

All we are asking for is a coherent prophecy without the massive interjection of the titled righteous servant as key and mandatory for fulfillment. It would also help if the day and the hour(s) was not specified unless qualified specifically with a "thus sayeth the Lord."

The poor Wadsworthians in the direct path of the trumpet blast. If it wasn't too late and too far, I would gladly drive there and hand out ear plugs. Maybe Dave in the goodness of his heart and in a great love thy neighbor moment will do it for me.

Anonymous said...

A couple of us went by the RCG grounds last week at night and took a leak on Dave's HQ sign.

Anonymous said...

You are now cursed, obvi.

Anonymous said...

You do know that Dave has cameras installed there, don’t you?

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

If the Giant Eagle sells hot wings, that's all the confirmation we need!

Anonymous said...


With face masks on and dark clothes they will never identify us.

Ronco said...

Time is running out in Wadsworth...

Tick Tock!

Anonymous said...

Why was there no flight to the place of safety? And then three and a half years of tribulation. See, this has gotten a long ways off from good solid Armstrongism. I guess Gerald Waterhouse wasted a lot of pulpit time.

Anonymous said...

All hell is about to break lose in Wadsworth, I'm counting down!

Buthoe surfer said...

Armstrongism is a good ways off from good solid sanity.

Retired Prof said...

Anonymous Dec. 31 at 5:48 PM supposed that "Gerald Waterhouse wasted a lot of pulpit time."

He wasted many times as much ass-on-folding chair time. What I still resent is that one of those asses wasting time on a folding chair was mine.