Friday, November 5, 2021

We interrupt this program again...Two Hard Frosts Probably Thwarts the Second Coming for This Evening


"Prophecy Update
Greetings again, brethren!

The picture is actually better than you think going into this evening. Everything still appears to be on track.

If we are still here tomorrow, then God wants a brief message given because of things we have learned. For the record, we had two hard frosts since the last email, and harvest has ended (Jer 8:20).
(Jeremiah 8:20 20"The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved.")

In any event, it no longer seems possible that we could have much more time!"

In Christ’s service,

David C. Pack

LCG: Are you an effective team player or do you promote yourself while criticizing us?


Well, the Friday Night SmackDown is back after a relatively benign few weeks of platitudes after the Feast. Looking at what is posted below sounds perfectly logical on the surface, but when you take into consideration this is a Church of God saying this, and given the track record of the LCG/GCG over the last couple of decades, this is just one more thing that LCG members are doing wrong. They are NOT team players, nor do they respect others and treat them gently. Remember this is a COG saying this which causes one to stop and think about when the church did not criticize members, treated them gently and respectfully, AND was willing to listen to members. Really listen.

Are You a Team Player? Members of successful teams (families, churches, etc.) develop skills to function together to accomplish goals. As Christians, we must develop the same qualities. We need to be focused on the same goal—the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33) and doing the Work of God (Mark 16:15). Effective team players avoid offending others (Matthew 18:7), they forgive and overlook slights and insults (Proverbs 17:9), and do not accuse or criticize other members of the team (Matthew 7:1–5). Effective team players are peacemakers (Matthew 5:9); they treat others gently, respectfully, and patiently; and are willing to listen (James 3:17; 4:11). They do not promote themselves at the expense of others (Matthew 20:20–24), and they appreciate that team members have different talents (1 Corinthians 12:4–12). In short, good team players have learned to love their neighbors. Let’s strive to develop these vital qualities.

Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

We Interrupt This Program to Bring You This Special Report:

 It's Friday Night Live!


"Dear brethren,

A note to clarify timing is needed. Every indicator now points to Friday night, not Thursday.

In fact, more points could be added to what we know per the Sabbath, not a new moon, which Paul said would be a shadow.

It had not occurred to me or anyone that every point you heard could apply to the very next day, with more besides.

It would take too long to lay out all that has been learned, but this is simply to say the picture carries one more day. We could certainly hope for Thursday, but the chances are possibly zero.

Continue your patience, and God speed the day!

The Member/Co-Worker letter will arrive soon.

In Christ’s service,

David C. Pack"