Sunday, January 9, 2022



COGWA: Mark Fike Has Condemnation For All Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be Warned Reprobates!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Another love bomb tonight:

Mark Fike commented on "Gerald Weston…Oh, before I forget, let me add this..."

My name is Mark Fike. I am a member of COGWA. I've read the garbage that you people post here and it is all LIES! I know for a fact that people such as Dennis is a reprobate who couldn't stay in the church because he couldn't stay true to the Word Of God. I doubt any of you were ever real saints of God.


Gerald Weston…Oh, before I forget, let me add this...

Gerald waxes eloquent about the great things the church is doing and then quickly inserts a zinger before going quickly back to his backslapping. 

Greetings from Charlotte,
We had an enjoyable Young Adult Weekend in Delavan, Wisconsin, last week, with 33 in attendance. It was marked by profitable group sessions, warm fellowship, and a bit of recreation. The weekend format was similar to our previous “Living 4 Tomorrow” (L4T) program, and we plan to revive that program once again. We have Tomorrow’s World Presentations scheduled for this weekend in Spokane, Washington; Jacksonville, Florida; Tacoma, Washington; and Ocala, Florida. Follow-up presentations are scheduled for next weekend, as well as a first-time presentation in El Paso, Texas. Brethren, we understand that there is a very contagious COVID variant going around, but we will continue to do the Work while there is time. Last year, we had 523 guests attend TWPs in person with another 199 connecting online, and we have a very aggressive schedule planned for 2022.— Gerald Weston