Sunday, January 30, 2022

The "Dr", falsely so called, Flapping and Projecting His Way Through His Ignore-ance.

BibleNewsProphecy: Increasing Secularism Will Not End Well

Bob is obviously heavy on the right side of the political spectrum. Obviously anti-vax, anti-vax, anti-current administration and mostly likely in love with the last one. Most if not all of the splinters or at least their pastors are such as well as are the majority of alumni on the Ambassador College Alumni site. 

I rarely, if ever, comment on politics. I don't care much for it all. But I do find the personalities that rise to the "top" and their disorders quite fascinating. This includes the "I see me in scriptures" types we are all so familiar with. Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry and Ron Weinland being our most beloved examples of this kind of mental illness and personality disorders. 

To me, here is Bob's best ignore-ance on display presentation yet on atheists, agnostics, secularists and those who don't tremble at Biblical perspectives on how, long ago, the authors thought their world worked and who were the main problems.  Bob spits out the word "secularists" so fast it comes out "securlists" as he flaps away.  The man is an ignorant "raca" himself, stuck in his WCG routine of scripture mining to promote his choce to be ignorant of reality and opt for  all things Bible..  IMHO of course. In many topics, I personally don't care one bit what the Bible says about who or what the problem is or what the supposed cause or solution is in an age where we can know better.   But you knew that. 

"God said it, I believe it. That does it for me" is Bob's excuse to stay judgmental, foolish, ignorant and hardly the scientist he imagines himself to be. 

Bob notes: 

"Secularists and atheists are not truly scientific. They tend to deceive themselves that they are, but the Bible says something else"

Let's go to Psalm 53...The fool..."

"Secularists claim they believe in science and observable facts, but yet they fail to accept certain facts about the creation. "

There are very good reasons for that Bob!

Bob quotes:

"Where for leftists your freedom is their misery. Your slavery is their joy. There is a certain level of madness required to reach the state of our country it is in today.  The political left is now the side that is most appealing to narcissists, sociopaths the emotionally unstable, etc...and this attraction is attracting a mob that can easily be exploited by the establishment..."

Kettle black...


Saturday, January 29, 2022

LCG Finally Decides It Is Part Of Their Christian Duty To Help Others, With One Condition Though


Gerald Weston had an epiphany the other day in that as Christians it is their duty to help those in the world around them, in addition to their primary purpose of preaching some kind of gospel that they think the world so desperately needs. Though, as usual in COGland, there is a condition to that assistance, those people that LCG magnanimously decided to help had to be subscribers to their magazine, The World Tomorrow. Due to the recent rash of damaging tornadoes, LCG was so moved that they decided to give people some money.

Weston had to be very very careful in how he helped people as he did not want to jeopardize their great mission. 

I have already shared with our Living Church of God members something that we did recently, but I want to share this with you who are co-workers with us. As many of you know, a series of terrible tornados last month cut across the central part of the United States. One plowed across the landscape for 227 miles, destroying everything in its path, including several small towns. Mayfield and Dawson Springs, Kentucky, were especially hard hit, and I think we all desired to do something to help the individuals whose lives will never be the same. 
We know that we cannot rebuild houses or replace destroyed vehicles, nor can we help everyone who suffered a loss. We also know that our primary calling is to preach the good news of Christ’s Second Coming and warn the world of what will happen if we do not change directions. At the same time, we have the example of the Good Samaritan, and when we see a specific need to do what we reasonably can without jeopardizing our primary mission, we should do so. 
Several of us discussed how we could provide some direct help and concluded that we could offer a small amount of financial assistance to Tomorrow’s World subscribers to cover some incidentals they may need in the aftermath. This offer went out to 93 individual households. Only a handful of grateful people have so far responded, and the amounts we give for this come out of our Disaster Relief Fund, so this will not impact our primary commission. And, by the way, my mention of this fund is not a veiled request to contribute to it as we have sufficient resources from past member contributions, and we do not want to tie up funds in an account restricted to only one use, as this special account is. And on another note, we will not announce any of this to the world, but I want to share this with those of you who are in our inner circle of members and co-workers.

Friday, January 28, 2022

PCG: Are You Ready To Run And Tug On Their Garments So You Too Can Have Abundant Life?


The lunatics are loose in the asylum in Edmond Oklahoma. Lil'Stevie thinks that the PCG is so important that people will be running to them tugging on their garments to find out the awesome truth that the PCG has to preach. Once more, Bob Thiel was seen whimpering in the corner because he never thought of this!

Apparently, PCG believes they are living life so abundantly that everyone will want to join them when they see this. Unfortunately, the only people living life abundantly are the elite and their children/grandchildren. 

Stephen Flurry Goes Off the Rails Again:
January 22, 2022 
Just to show how far off the rails Stephen Flurry is getting, he gave a Bible Study titled “Ask and You Shall Receive” where he talked about how we members (including the PCG youth) should know how to answer questions. He said the following which I thought was more than a little ridiculous: 
“There is going to come a time when people are going to be chasing us down, pulling at the hem of our garment, to get answers to life’s most important questions. And we’ve got to be ready to answer everyone that asks.

On the other hand, if a member were to ask a minister (especially your highness SF or GF) something that they don’t like, don’t want to hear, or can’t answer, you can be sure that person will be suspended on the spot. 
In this Bible study, SF took a long time to brag non-stop about Herbert Armstrong, ad nauseam, raising him up as the whitest of white saints.What would PCG ever do if they didn’t have HWA to continually refer to? The Bible, and especially the Christ of the Bible, wouldn’t be enough for them. 
Even though this Bible study was about how we should know how to ask and reply to questions, SF said God doesn’t want us to question His authority (Translation: PCG ministers), His leadership (Translation: Gerald Flurry and Stephen Flurry), His Truth (Translation: GF’s teaching promulgated to the exclusion of all other groups).

He told about the “abundant life you all have in God’s church” and “why would you want to give that up?” 
The only ones I know who have the “abundant life” are the higher up ministers and their pampered, rich kids. The rest have to endure split families, financial problems, and fearing what’s coming in the future. 
I wonder how SF thinks his loud, nerve-wracking, voice (which crescendos in the middle of all his speeches) is going to get anyone to focus on asking any kind of question. But his behavior is all part of mind control which he is very good at. –G. E. Exit and Support Network