Gerald Weston had an epiphany the other day in that as Christians it is their duty to help those in the world around them, in addition to their primary purpose of preaching some kind of gospel that they think the world so desperately needs. Though, as usual in COGland, there is a condition to that assistance, those people that LCG magnanimously decided to help had to be subscribers to their magazine, The World Tomorrow. Due to the recent rash of damaging tornadoes, LCG was so moved that they decided to give people some money.
Weston had to be very very careful in how he helped people as he did not want to jeopardize their great mission.
I have already shared with our Living Church of God members something that we did recently, but I want to share this with you who are co-workers with us. As many of you know, a series of terrible tornados last month cut across the central part of the United States. One plowed across the landscape for 227 miles, destroying everything in its path, including several small towns. Mayfield and Dawson Springs, Kentucky, were especially hard hit, and I think we all desired to do something to help the individuals whose lives will never be the same.
We know that we cannot rebuild houses or replace destroyed vehicles, nor can we help everyone who suffered a loss. We also know that our primary calling is to preach the good news of Christ’s Second Coming and warn the world of what will happen if we do not change directions. At the same time, we have the example of the Good Samaritan, and when we see a specific need to do what we reasonably can without jeopardizing our primary mission, we should do so.
Several of us discussed how we could provide some direct help and concluded that we could offer a small amount of financial assistance to Tomorrow’s World subscribers to cover some incidentals they may need in the aftermath. This offer went out to 93 individual households. Only a handful of grateful people have so far responded, and the amounts we give for this come out of our Disaster Relief Fund, so this will not impact our primary commission. And, by the way, my mention of this fund is not a veiled request to contribute to it as we have sufficient resources from past member contributions, and we do not want to tie up funds in an account restricted to only one use, as this special account is. And on another note, we will not announce any of this to the world, but I want to share this with those of you who are in our inner circle of members and co-workers.
He didn't have to "announce any of this to the world" - because you just did. :-)
WIFE: "Honey, look what we got in the mail. The nice church pastor from that magazine wants to send us some tornado support money; all we need to do is send him our receipts and he'll cover up to $500 of what the tornado cost us."
HUSBAND: "How thoughtful of him to offer, even though we're managing just fine and don't need the help as much as our Catholic and Jewish neighbors down the street. Let's show this Weston guy our gratitude by sending him $10."
Hmmm. I wonder what would happen if we all kicked in a check for $5.00 made out to the Living Church of God Disaster Relief Fund. Would we be considered co-workers then?
Actually, we should probably applaud this, even though it is a small step, he is moving in the right direction. One could only hope that this program will expand, and include all needy people rather than just those auditioning for the choir.
Isn't Weston aware of Matthew 6:1-4
? Jesus told us to do our charitable works in secret. Those tornado victims would be equally helped whether or not Weston told co-workers about the offer of help. By revealing to his donors this offer of charity, he is revealing that he cares more about getting a "reward" from those donors than getting a reward from God. Not a great example from a church leader.
How does one respond to comments such as these?
‘We will not be announcing any of this to the world’.
Well LCG. No one has heard of you. No one. You are invisible. You are nonexistent to the masses.
And your ‘message’ is summed up by the comments of your leadership.
LCG is doing God's work spreading the gospel of the kingdom, they have so much truth in their church it will blow your mind.
Actually, we should probably applaud this, even though it is a small step, he is moving in the right direction.
Don't be so sure. Weston doesn't want the world to know about this because he doesn't want any more money directed into the fund. Rod Meredith originally set it up as a slush fund for his son Jim to administer, but members found out about it and started making directed donations, which was great for Jim but awful for other LCG leaders who wanted money for their own projects. Now that Jim is no longer in Charlotte, LCG has more money in that fund than they know what to do with. Rod Meredith would have been happy to spend the money to replace "disastrous" carpeting or countertops in ministerial homes, but Weston is too much of a goody-two-shoes to do that. That means he needs to find ways to use up the money, but it isn't easy to do so in ways that won't upset either LCG hardliners or outside enemies like Dave Pack.
LCG is doing God's work spreading the gospel of the kingdom, they have so much truth in their church it will blow your mind.
Just as it blew Terry Ratzmann's mind.
That's definitely awkward.
Kind of Christian, kind of not.
Even for Weston/LCG.
Weston has admitted that LCG has ignored the example of the Good Samaritan and all of the many commands to help those in need - until this point at which they will finally offer some vague assistance to only those few strangers who are not too strange to the LCG.
This is definitely a step in the right direction - and hopefully there will be more steps out of dark Armstrongism, along the journey toward Christianity for the LCG.
However, the leadership of LCG is likely to remain fixated on the need for the people to adhere to Old Covenant commands such as tithing to (nonexistent) Levites than the New Covenant command to give as you are able and give with a joyful heart.
Yes, I'm glad Weston is doing this, but I do not hear the joy in his words.
On this point, I am sure that the vast majority of LCG members disagree with Weston and are more inspired to be generous toward anyone in need.
To those members, I encourage you to consider if Weston is your role model for Christian Charity - or - is he a pitiful, tight-fisted Pharisee whose stinginess, and narrow-way-of-giving embarrasses you.
To those outside of LCG, the answer is plainly obvious.
Weston wrote: "This offer went out to 93 individual households. Only a handful of grateful people have so far responded, and the amounts we give for this come out of our Disaster Relief Fund, so this will not impact our primary commission."
Thankfully, LCG's primary commission, the confusing preaching of a Savior-lite gospel, has never made an impact on their neighbors or the world. It's good that LCG is finally learning to give and help their neighbors; but, I'm sure groups like Catholic Charities, and the Salvation Army have been offering the type of help that matters from day one and beyond. LCG is too late, too little, and too Christian-lite.
Anonymous of January 29, 2022 at 6:37:00 PM said:
"LCG is doing God's work spreading the gospel of the kingdom, they have so much truth in their church it will blow your mind."
Since this giving is brand-spanking new to LCG, they have not had any fruit of truth related to helping, much less loving, as God so loved the world.
Despite LCG claiming to be original Christianity, their lack of true Christianity does blow my mind!
All of the COGs should assign 10% of their income to disaster relief. This small act would show that they are not just takers but givers. For years the COGs never gave financial help to anyone outside their organization. This boiled down to just lip service instead of actually helping someone.
I think that if they did do this Yahweh would bless them for it.
Why? COG's are supposed to be churches preaching and teaching the Bible not a nations government.
LCG is known for habitually mangling holy scripture and Weston lives up to that reputation by citing the example of the Good Samaritan and comparing it to his meager efforts.
The Good Samaritan took care of every need of the very needy victim who was completely unknown to him.
In contrast, Weston proposes to offer "a small amount of financial assistance to Tomorrow’s World subscribers to cover some incidentals".
Weston is hardly playing the Good Samaritan!
Fortunately for victims of disasters, there are plenty of truly Christian organizations that do help with all needs.
Furthermore, Weston is only offering to help those who have some slight connection to his cult - it's an obvious ploy to further engage these people, with the hope that they may become tithe-paying members.
However, these people will be able to compare the LCG's brand of Christian charity, to that of the Christian groups whose giving and loving is much deeper than LCG's incidental gift.
Weston mentioned he is giving cash assistance in the manner of the Good Samaritan.
One, among many, lessons Christian's glean from the parable of the Good Samaritan is Jesus is the Good Samaritan and we are each the stranger he rescues and cares for.
That lesson is missed by the COGs because they don't care to discuss Jesus as the redeemer, as they prefer to fulfill that role themselves through keeping their version of the law.
Galatians 5:4
You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.
Good points...
Jesus Christ isn't just the Good Samaritan - the helper - but He's also the one who fell among the thieves and was left half-dead in need of aid - the victim, for He too is being left hungry, thirsty, alienated, naked, sick and in prison today in the person of the member and common man. (Mt 25:35-36
Weston doesn't mention who initiated this charitable deed. Did the co-workers call for help first or did LCG take the initiative to give? The latter is more honourable than the former but I suspect that the case was the former.
Jesus Christ isn't just the Good Samaritan - the helper - but He's also the one who fell among the thieves and was left half-dead in need of aid - the victim, for He too is being left hungry, thirsty, alienated, naked, sick and in prison today in the person of the member and common man. (Mt 25:35-36
Weston doesn't mention who initiated this charitable deed. Did the co-workers call for help first or did LCG take the initiative to give? The latter is more honourable than the former but I suspect that the case was the former.
I feel compelled to comment on LCG elder Winnail's situation with his wife whom he divorced and later remarried a while back. Some have written about this from time to time on this blog. It's a serious matter when an elder commits adultery and, when that happens, the whole church should know about it -- not just the lackey fellow ministers who want to cover it up just to save the corporate face. Apparently Winnail did counsel beforehand with the "elites" who presumably OK'd his remarriage, even though Deut 24:1-4
Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) strongly proscribes against it. And not just Deut 24. In 1 Cor 7:11
Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) the apostle clearly shows that a divorced woman should not remarry and that THE HUSBAND SHOULD NOT DIVORCE HIS WIFE TO FREE HER TO REMARRY! If Winnail's wife was freed by him, then Winnail not only committed a great sin but he also caused his wife to sin when she remarried. (Mark 10:12
Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)) Jesus Christ's testimony in Mt 19:9
Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) shows that divorcing for reasons other than fornication is adultery, and that such a divorce tempts both the divorcee and another man to commit adultery as well. See how many times adultery was committed by Winnail's original actions, his, his wife's and her second husband? And there is a fourth sin if he took her back without any remorse or confession on her part.
Someone should tell this to LCG so that the deception and coverup doesn't continue and so that the sinner can repent. The pressure has to come from somewhere if the ministers continue to turn a blind eye and connive at a major sin.
Please post.
“My Kingdom is **NOT** OF THIS WORLD......” What book are you reading?????????????
Maybe you can institute a tithe of the tithe of the tithe of the tithe of the tithe or maybe even a 4th tithe. Or possible a tithe of the tithe of the 4th tithe. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good Samaritans just DO it and do NOT ADVERTISE it!! Otherwise you HAVE your reward. What book are you people reading, anyway????????????? Perhaps it is a SECRET!! 🤣
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