As if it never happened: The Return to Cobble Beach
25 years ago I took my LaStone Hot Stone Massage training and receive my set of basalt stones from the Pacific Ocean. I always promised myself when I was finished with them, I would return them to the Pacific out of gratitude and respect for them being so good to me and my practice as used on hundreds of clients over that time.
I could not just sell them to someone or even give them away. They had too much of myself and clients in them through some difficult times of transition and challenges as my own WCG crisis unfolded personally. If I have a soul, these stones contained part of it.
I never could imagine how I would end up in a position to actually return them to the Pacific being in the Carolinas, but... end up there I have and so back they went this week.
At 17 million years old they gave me a mere 25 years and now seeing them on Cobble Beach, it's like nothing ever happened.
Cobble Beach just South of Yaquina Head Lighthouse
I found myself there alone at sunrise. Not a soul in sight but pelicans and the occasional sea lion.
Cobble Beach is quite the unique and violent rock strewn part of the Oregon Coast
Guarded by Dinosaurs...
Cobble Beach is made up completely of smooth basalt cobbles, no sand, that are eroded from the cliffs over thousands of years. Trying to walk on them is almost impossible and is like walking on snow during an avalanche. A hiking stick is all that saved me. When the waves wash over the cobbles and retreat, it causes the stones to click against each other on every outgoing wave. Very nice sound.... ticka...ticka..ticka...ticka........
My massage stones, hardly discernable from those already there and giving minor hints as to their having a past unlike those that have ever been only on Cobble Beach.
Once I put my basalt massage stones down on the beach, they immediately started their return to the sea. They are the line from bottom to top of somewhat elongated and a bit off color stones but fit the beach cobbles nicely. In a few hours, the high tide will remove any residual oils from massage and they can spend the next million years with their budds and keeping the secret they hold as to what they were up to in the past.
In many ways, it is like it never happened.
It was a meaningful experience to me, alone on Cobble Beach at sunrise in a place I never thought I'd ever see again. A few years back I placed some of my parents cremains at low tide in a tide pool there and watch the tide come in and take them away. Another meaningful and deeply profound experience personally.
Cobble Beach, to me, is a very special place, a metaphor of sorts, for the brevity of life and the respect we should all have for each other and the time we have to enjoy it.
Sunset that evening on the Pacific...
Thanks for tolerating the share. I am sure there will be more COG BS to report on shortly! :)