Thursday, December 22, 2022

Gerald Weston: Only the LCG Is Doing God's Work


"We are the only ones who understand..."

That broken record has been skipping in the same spot for decades. Just how many COG's out there do we need to each be claiming THEY and THEY ALONE are the one true work? They are just little blips on the internet and obscure cable network stations. None of them are doing public work that makes the public aware that they exist.

In LCG's annual year-end beg fest for more money from members and co-workers, LCG drags out the old phonograph and turns it on, and lo and behold, it skips in the same place as it has for decades.

Some experts from the letter:

Who would have ever guessed that Proverbs 24:11 was written specifically to describe the Living Church of God? Bob Thiel says the same thing. Dave Pack does too, and Gerald Flurry has been playing the same scratched record. All we have from these guys is a lot of chest-thumping and waving of their giggle sticks at each other.

The first page of the letter is all about the moral decline of this nation, that other broken record they have been screeching for decades.

The second page is the usual beg fest for money. Weston even trots out large money donors, thinking members will be impressed to know about these people.

I know you will be impressed to read about these people! If this doesn't make you whip out your checkbook and give more money, nothing else will!

The leader of the best Church of God in history (sorry, Bobbie Boy it's not you) ends his letter by reminding the faithful to put the church in your will.

Weston was so magnanimous that he even included a gift for the readers of his letter:

Letter submitted by an LCG source who had this to say:

Oh and on a side note, they say they have enclosed a little gift of a calendar with the letter....The only thing in the envelope was the letter and a donation envelope to send them money just can't make this stuff up.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

RCG: Friendship and Shunning


Godly Friendship?
By Elizabeth O’Leary-Noble

Being shunned after leaving The Restored Church of God has caused me to reflect a lot on the past six years of my life. I have had to face some really hard truths. One of them is about Godly Friendship. It’s been an eye-opening and difficult pill to swallow.

Upon entering RCG in 2017, after my father died, people I didn’t even know told me they loved me and would always be there for me. I took that to heart and thought, “Wow, how incredible and admirable it is to have complete strangers telling me they loved me when I hadn’t known any of them.” If that wasn’t the epitome of "love your neighbor as yourself," then I don’t know what is.

They taught me a great deal about unconditional love. Especially during my delicate state when I came into RCG. Anyone can understand that when you lose a close loved one, it’s traumatizing. The memories of WHO was there for you when it mattered are seared into your memory. You need support, comfort, advice, encouragement, counsel, smiles, and warm tight hugs. I received all of that, and it was wonderful.

As the weeks and months rolled by, I grew very close with many brethren, even from different states and countries though I had never physically met some of them. I had a sister-in-Christ send me a beautiful dress for my second Feast of Tabernacles. I never met her, but we talked often. Naturally, a comfortable bond was formed and cemented.

I shared the ups and downs of life with many brethren. We opened up about our secrets, pain, shame, and mutual dreams for the future. I hold that dear to my heart and will never speak a word of what was told to me in confidence. That’s what a true friend does. That is what a person who respects godly friendship does. They keep their word and are loyal, trusting, loving, and stand by you through good and bad. At least, that’s what I thought.

Since being shunned, cut off, and seen as a leper, I’ve forced myself to accept this behavior and move forward as gracefully as I can.

Some people come into your life for various reasons for a season. Some are for a few weeks or a few years, but some are temporary, while others are for a LIFETIME. They all teach you very valuable lessons, but sadly, not all of those lessons are Skittles and rainbows.

I decided to dig into God’s word for comfort and to "prove ALL things." Jesus Christ called all of His disciples “friends.” Even Judas, who betrayed Him.

John 15:15
Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knows not what his lord does: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of My Father I have made known unto you.

The apostle John referred to all brethren as friends.

3 John 14
I trust I shall shortly see you, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to you. Our friends salute you. Greet the friends by name.

The friends we have in the Church and in the world shape who we become.

Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

Christ spoke about the effort required to maintain close friendships.

John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give unto you, That you LOVE ONE ANOTHER; as I HAVE LOVED YOU, that you also love one another. By THIS shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one to another.

This love is exemplified by the time we give to each other, as Jesus stated: “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John15:13). The Bible refers to this deep level of relationship as, “a friend that sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24).


It’s sad knowing the truth of how The Restored Church of God operates and what the ministry is teaching brethren. The policy of shunning is fraudulently preached but has become a great lesson moving forward. I believe it will be a fabulous lesson for the current members and anyone reading this who doesn’t know RCG.

Let’s start with FACTS. The ministry actively indoctrinates members to stop all communication with ex-members. A cold stop. No texting, calling, emailing, and certainly no gatherings or face-to-face with them. It is as if you never existed, but all the while telling them, "But pray for them to repent."

In my case, there is nothing to repent of because I spoke the TRUTH using scriptures and quotes found in David Pack’s own book, “Is ‘That Prophet’ Alive Today?—The Rise of False Prophets.”

The ministry falsely twists Romans 16:17-18 to fit their agenda and tell brethren to "mark those" that leave RCG. As if leaving a man-made church building is remotely tied to eternal salvation. “Oh, it is here in this church!” The deception runs deep. Anyone adhering to God’s command to "prove all things" understands that these verses are in the context of Paul instructing brethren to beware of false teachers. His warning was against false doctrine, NOT brethren.

I understand that in certain instances, there are members who absolutely speak heresy and cause intentional division, sowing discord. This isn’t what I’m talking about. I’m specifically addressing twisting, adding, and subtracting from God’s holy word. The RCG ministers use their own personal interpretation, which God forbids us to do.

Now, take that indoctrination and add in glossy-eyed, infatuated, hardcore idolizing Pack worshippers with little ole me raising my hand to speak up. Do you think I have a chance? Does anyone? Nope. Nobody does.

Unless you are AWAKE. A Berean. A person who studies God’s word and does God’s commands to prove all things. Until then, you will NOT see the deception because you are asleep.


God absolutely encompasses LOVE and is merciful, forgiving, and mighty. I am grateful I serve a God so magnificent, omnipotent, and glorious. 

RCG set a new precedent this past Feast of Tabernacles by telling family ex-members to leave RCG events. On Family Day of all days! Ask yourself, If God were standing right there, would He approve of that? Is that loving? Is that letting your light shine? Is that something brethren should IGNORE?

What’s next? Divorce your spouse because you have differing beliefs? They already teach you should kick your teenage children out of the house if they no longer want to attend. What’s next? Disown them?

Where does it draw the line for YOU? When is something not godly? I’m sure more brethren will love that policy for future Feasts. That is IF RCG is still standing. That’s entirely up for the brethren to decide...


This verse best describes the current condition inside The Restored Church of God.

Matthew 24:12
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

David Pack proudly stands behind the lectern roaring about evil, wicked, devilish, murderous ex-members who will burn in the Lake of Fire because they left RCG. Those same people left for rejecting HIS false teachings.

But he wants to replace God. He is Elijah and That Prophet. He wants to create his own kingdom. Common has built the Headquarters Campus already. He is insulated from the world and insulated from the brethren who don’t even get to share a meal on the Sabbath with him. Only “the elites” are allowed to do that.

He wants to create mindless, robotic minions who agree with all his teachings no matter how often he changes them. Sadly, he has already done this.

The ministry is conditioning brethren to harden their hearts towards ex-members. And some are obeying this.


Imagine sitting in Sabbath services knowing you are hearing false doctrines. Brethren tell you they love you, but you realize that if you ever leave, they will cut you off and call you names or say that the devil got a hold of you.

That’s what happens in RCG.

Some leave knowing what is coming because they have to. The Bible says so. It still hurts when it happens. The people you think are your friends who turn their backs on you are shocking. The same people who said they loved me and would always be there for me abandoned me. That love was not so unconditional after all.

I feel like I never really mattered to them. I feel used, abused, and tossed aside.

But, I am HAPPY to be a voice for all brethren who are not able to speak up for themselves. I have no hate in my heart for anyone. I thank God for my parents instilling that in me. I thank God for speaking to me in that small voice to endure and LOVE.

Luke 10:25-27
And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

RCG is no longer where God’s truth is taught. David Pack is not what he claims to be. Please do not let fear overcome you. Let love abound. Believe what the Bible says you must do.

To those who have turned away from me, I am eager to be your friend again. You may have left me, but I have not left you.

I will always choose love. No matter what.


Marc Cebrian

See: Godly Friendship

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

LCG Does Not Like Your Opinion, Especially When You Express It On The Internet!


Opinions and the internet, are two things that do not belong together in the Living Church of God. Just shut up, sit back, pay your money and be good little boys and girls.

Wisdom with Words: 
Today, people are encouraged to “say whatever you think” —and everyone has an opinion to express, in conversations and on the Internet! However, the Bible offers very different advice. Long ago, Solomon observed that, “A fool’s voice is known by his many words” (Ecclesiastes 5:3) and “In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise” (Proverbs 10:19). We are also told, “A prudent man conceals [is reluctant to display] knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims foolishness” (Proverbs 12:23) and “Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles” (Proverbs 21:23). I once had an English teacher who used the phrase, “Remember to engage your brain before you put your mouth in gear,” which is the same advice we find in Proverbs 16:23: “The heart [the mind] of the wise teaches his mouth, and adds learning to his lips.” King David wrote, “The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue talks of justice” because “The law of his God is in his heart” (Psalm 37:30–31). God’s word provides sound advice about choosing our words carefully. 
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail