Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy 10th Anniversary To Dr Robert Thiel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The proper gift for a 10th Anniversary is aluminum and since this is the 10th Anniversary of the so-called "continuing" Church of God, we have made the Great Bwana to Africa an aluminum gift:

Happy 10th  Anniversary 

to Bob Thiel 

The greatest human Church of God leader to ever walk the green hills of this earth. The only one preordained before creation to come in these perilous end times to give the church and the world a final warning.

The only man alive on earth who will know the CORRECT time 
to flee to Petra.

The only Church of God leader to ever self-appoint himself as a church leader and then have one of his followers ordain him as a prophet.

The only Church of God leader never once considered for ordination by any minister in the 
Worldwide Church of God, Global Church of God, 
or the Living Church of God.

The only Church of God leader to get his theology degree 
from a diploma mill in India.

The only Church of God leader that has been rejected by 99.98% of the people with COG affiliations.

The only Church of God leader who can "preach" a sermon on 40 different topics in an hour and a half and still leave his followers wondering what the hell he was talking about.

All seriousness aside, this is the 10th anniversary of the so-called "continuing" Church of God. It came into existence on December 28, 2012, when Bob Thiel, in a bitter act of rebellion, apostatized from the Living Church of God after Dr. Roderick C Meredith refused to heed the demand from Bob to change Living Church of God teachings. Appalled that Meredith would ignore him, which just added insult to injury after the people of the Living Church of God refused to follow him into another version of apostasy, The Dr then had to turn to Africa where he poached disenchanted Adventists, Sabbatarians, and former Worldwide Church of God related groups for members. Once they started showing him blind devotion, Bob bounced forth as the greatest leader the church has ever seen, and here we are today, the only Church of God that is restoring lost things to the church.

The Great Bwana writes:

December 28, 2022 marks, on the Roman calendar, the tenth-year anniversary of the official declaration of the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) as a separate entity, a corporation sole.

Is the CCOG just another COG that has popped up or could it be the Philadelphia remnant that it claims?

Has it been restoring things that were lost?

How is the CCOG unique.

Well, the CCOG has been unique in its start, prophetic ordination, connections 10 Acts 2:17-18, its growth, its literature, and its focus on the final phase of the work.

The Great Bwana says:

The old Radio Church of God (RCG) formed after a woman (Loma Armstrong) had a dream and a man (Herbert W. Armstrong) wanted to teach doctrinal truths that his then COG agree with, but decided not to teach.

That is consistent with the start of the CCOG.

A lady named Fesilafai Fiso Leaana of New Zealand had a dream after going to bed on December 8, 2012. 

Where would we be if Bob failed to mention that HE, the Great Bwana also had a dream... 

But before I get to that, let me relate a dream that probably happened in 2008 or 2009.

I was about 50 at the time (which essentially makes me an ‘old man’ per Numbers 8:25; cf. John 8:57). At first the dream made little sense. Yet, the Prophet Jeremiah at least once wondered about a message he received and later determined it was from God (Jeremiah 32:6-8), and the Apostle Peter at least once had a vision that he did not understand (Acts 10:9-17) until later as well (Acts 11:5-17). The same goes for Daniel (Daniel 8).

In my dream, there seemed to be two parallel lines. The then presiding evangelist of the Living Church of God (LCG) Roderick Meredith was on the top line and I was on the line much below. In the dream, I kept calling up to Dr. Meredith, but he never would respond. This lack of response made no sense to me during the dream. Then after what seemed to be a long time, the lines-crossed with his line dropping and my line going up.

One reason that I did not understand it at the time was that I was on relatively close speaking terms with Dr. Meredith then (he repeatedly told me he considered me to be his friend, plus he had appointed me an adviser to LCG on matters of doctrine and prophecy), so that aspect made of the dream made no sense. Also, since I had no intentions of leaving the Living Church of God then (and certainly no plans to start a separate church), it was not clear what the dream was saying. Over time, Dr. Meredith became more distant from me, would not keep various promises to me, and ultimately stopped speaking with me. 

After watching a couple of inaccurate "must play" sermons from Charlotte--the last one I saw was December 15, 2012, it became apparent that LCG had to change its direction and keeps its promises to make corrections or I could not stay there as it was not the place for the Philadelphian mantle. Somewhere between December 15th and December 24th, the name Continuing Church of God was discussed and agreed upon to be adopted, if needed.

But I still held out hope that it would not be. Despite being promised a telephone call with Dr. Meredith on 12/28/12, he sent a nasty letter. After reading it was clear to me that there was no way that the Philadelphia mantle could be with him or any of his remaining leaders (see Roderick C. Meredith's Accusatory Letter to Bob Thiel). These subsequent events showed me that the dream was being fulfilled. This dream gave an outline of what would happen in the future and that has happened.

Anyway, let it be pointed out that the then three evangelists at LCG's Charlotte headquarters admitted I was right on a number of docrtinal and prophetic matters and that they would fix LCG literature to correct them in December 2011--but on 12-28-12, the top evangelist made it clear that they would not--and they have not seemingly made the corrections yet.

The Bob also believes he is the final Elijah sent to restore all things:

Jesus prophesied the restoration of all things when He stated:

11 ... Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things. (Matthew 17:11)

In Matthew 17:11, the term translated “will restore” is the Greek term apokathistemi which means “to reconstitute” or “restore (again)” (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.) and is preceded by the Greek term men which means “truly” in the asseverative sense.

The final Elijah must be on the earth and restore "all things" prior to Jesus' return. 

The Bob then has to make excuses as to why all of his followers are from Africa...

By the way, it should be mentioned that I did not go out and seek growth from Gentiles per se. Basically, what I did was to put out websites, articles, literature, sermons, and messages to reach around the world (Matthew 24:14, 28:19-20), and various ones contacted me.

Laodiceans, however, often refuse to accept the biblical need for the African Gentiles.

In the CCOG we have 8,000 who claim to be part of us.

And yes, the bulk of those are people in Africa.

And yes, many do not have the depth of doctrinal understanding that we want them to have--but we have been working on that. 

The Bob then says his group is the only COG to have a real prophet...

The only x-WCG group that claims to have a prophet, that has the substantial fruits of a prophet, is the CCOG.

On that note, the prophet situation in CCOG is different than all other groups we are aware of.

First, although God says He will pour out His Spirit and have prophets in the last days per Acts 2:17-18, most COG groups do not recognize any as true prophets.

Second, the claimed COG prophets we are aware of have all made demonstrably false prophecies, which eliminates them.

The Bob then is not happy that COG members lump him in with false prophets like Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack:

Now, many play a "guilt by association" game and try to lump me in with the false prophets. Guilt by association has been used throughout history--the Pharisees used it related to Jesus and various ones have used it since. 

Sadly, instead of concluding false prophets are false or cold, but that true prophets are right and true, most endtime Christians were prophesied to be lukewarm and feel that they are fine and do not need any prophet. 

The Bob thinks COG members are too stupid to understand he is the chosen one:

Most endtime Christians are lukewarm and will not except how God is working during this Laodicean age.

The Laodicean churches tend to have major errors in prophetic understandings. 

After 10 years of being rejected by the Church of God, The Bob has this to say:

Jesus also said:

40 "He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. 41 He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward. (Matthew 10:40-41) 

The Laodiceans refuse to accept true prophets in this age.

The factual reality is that the CCOG has been the fastest growing x-WCG group in the 21st century--and is the only COG with a prophet without making false prophetic pronouncements and was anointed for that role. 

These are the 10 unique things The Bob believes about himself and his little group:

10 Years

Unique start: consistent with the separation of Philadelphia from Sardis. In CCOG's case a separation of Philadelphia from what had became Laodicean.

Restoration: We have restored much--my previous COG almost nothing--and seems to be losing that (having to do with Daniel 9:26-27)--and it lost Habakkuk 2:6-8 and some other matters I helped them restore.

The bringing in of Gentiles has resulted in unique growth--faster and more than any other xWCG group. And we restored the teaching on the fulness of the Gentiles.

God restored dreams--as His word promised in the last days.

God restored a prophet--as His word promised in the last days.

That one prophet has restored truths, pointed out errors in the remnants of Thyatira and Sardis, as well as the numerous Laodicean groups.

A prophet has called out and warned about prophetic errors of the those groups.

A prophet has not uttered false prophecies.

CCOG has the literature in the most languages to help prepare for the short work--and more is coming.

CCOG has a significant electronic media presence via websites, video platforms, radio stations, and even one television station.

CCOG is leading the final phase of the work.

CCOG has had ten unique and productive years.

Most readers here know a bullshitter when they see one and that's what we see in the Great Bwana to Africa. Instead of reading Bob's literature, and watching him bounce and flounce in his chair with crooked bookcases, threadbare curtains, and out-of-place door knobs, I would recommend reading this book, you will learn more useful things than you ever will reading or listening to Bob Thiel.

If you want to read the entire narcissistic post by the great bloviator himself, check it out here: CCOG: 10 Unique Years





Sunday, January 1, 2023

Dave Pack And His Kitchen Staff Desperately Crank Up Damage Control On New Years Eve

New Year’s Damage Control


The Restored Church of God Headquarters hirelings are counting on the brethren being docile imbeciles. The 2023 budget projections require they remain passive idiots who willingly eat fecal matter spoon-fed by corrupt enablers.


Professional Coward and Pastor General David C. Pack dared not show his face during his 36th failure in six months. Being contrite and embarrassed is beneath his office as a false apostle. Instead, he dangled his willing Meat Puppet, James E. Habboush, to spin a Damage Control song-and-dance on New Year’s Eve.


Everyone in RCG should be insulted by the “Brief Comments” posted yesterday. Meat Puppet was stalling as he offered recycled patronizing words while slapping the audience in the face. Some will be awake enough to notice he said nothing inside those four minutes.



To fully appreciate the comments on December 31, 2022, revisit the past.


The Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy have evolved beyond their nervous buffoonery of the Tammuz Cooking Table in June. Developing into certified enablers devoid of integrity and dignity, both men are unashamed to stand before the entire church and offer false encouragement to the members of RCG.


Andrew “Meat Shield” Holcombe stammered through an introduction for “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 393)” on September 17, 2022.

“We've wrestled with many different aspects of prophecy…A lot has been cemented and is and is correct…We're just focused a little bit on timing…And truly, we can appreciate and understand the complexity, the difficulty that these verses have have given us…A lot has been resolved, and there is no reason to believe we're going another year.”



Just before the Feast of Tabernacles, Meat Shield got up again and told Five Lies to the members of RCG on October 8.

“Brethren, we are truly in an exciting place and time in prophecy…Much has been learned…That letter that Mr. Pack wrote is correct…we’re just right on track…Brethren, we could all just be looking forward to what’s going to happen.”



On October 29, James “Meat Puppet” Habboush drew the short straw and attempted to pacify the members of RCG. The investment was only worth 45 seconds of his time.

“We shouldn’t be surprised if we’re here next week…We understand the time we’re in. We understand and have confidence in what we’re about to embark on…We’re right on track, brethren. Let’s be confident of what God is about to use us to do.”


Everything those men said on three separate occasions proved absolutely false. Make a note of that.


These quotes provide a fuller appreciation of what was said yesterday. When you listen back to back, they reveal the desperate weakness oozing from Headquarters, exposing their glaring emptiness.



“Brief Comments” – James Habboush – December 31, 2022

“I'd like to make a few brief comments regarding our place in prophecy. The time we're in. This very exciting time, very expectant time.”


We are in a time of wolves and false teachers. We are in a time of unstable, unsound doctrines.


Jim, is this the same “time we’re in” that you just mentioned in October or a different one?


“We know we are in the month that we all expect events to unfold. But don't expect anything to happen tonight.”


The Headquarters congregation was privy to the removal of the 5 PM salvation arrival, though the rest of the membership was left to wonder.


I apologize to everyone because that was partially my fault. If I point out Dave sits a lot, he will choose to stand. If I theorize he will bitch-out and make a pre-deadline proclamation, he will decide not to even though he already had a “new case” for going later into Tevet.


The RCG ministry reads this blog and, more importantly, adjusts because of it. Dave and Company are making an effort to do the opposite of what is written or said in interviews. Yes, this website now influences RCG behavior.


(Brad, if that is not true, send me an email, and I will retract it.)


Moving up in internet search results and the increasing popularity among current RCG members and prospective members are being felt. If they were not fans before, Brian Jackson and Larry Cockshutt are now, just to see if their names are mentioned again. Hello, fellas! ;)


“As Mr. Pack likes to say, ‘All is still well. We're right on track.’ I've had opportunity to learn what he has found, what he has discovered, what God has shown him. And I can echo that. All is still well. We're still right on track.”


Wait, did Dave discover it, or did God show him? It cannot be both.


This paragraph should insult every member of The Restored Church of God. Salvation was not coming to them before the meal, yet all was still well. How is that well? How is that on track? Meat Puppet does not explain, but he can say that because he has insider information that gives him a warm-fuzzy.


Dave's god is always a day late and a dollar short when it comes to timing adjustments. The Packian Triad of Fraud (Dave, Jim, and Andy) have been wrong 36 times in six months. But somehow, God designed it that way, and they are right on track.


This entire announcement made me angry when I first heard it. Those poor people in RCG. Why do they sit and take it?



This analogy helped me understand.


You have a best friend who is in an abusive relationship. The guy cheats on her, calls her names, roughs her up occasionally, and is a royal jerk. But my friend loves him. I can be there for her to comfort her, and we can talk about the apparent issues, but I cannot press too hard. She considers breaking up with him but holds on to the hope that he will "just change somehow" and that things will get better despite the toxic relationship pattern.


When I hear he has hurt her, it makes me angry. I want to do something about it. If I get too aggressive, my friend will be mad at me, and I may push her away. I also recognize I cannot make the decisions for her. I can choose to be a friend and be there when she needs me, but she needs to be the one to find the courage and resolve to make the decision to leave.


I warn her that he has the potential to kill her. “Oh, he would never do that.” If he cheats, lies, insults, pushes, and gaslights, then extreme harm is the next natural step.



A murderous, lying spirit is gestating inside The Restored Church of God. All is not well. The Spirit of Error has taken root and is flourishing at Headquarters. The Pod People are in charge now.


Meat Puppet further practices his gaslighting skills.


“If you've been in the church for seven years, you know it's been a ride. A wonderful ride. A wonderful journey where we've learned new and exciting things.”


Seven years of disappointments and failures are not “wonderful” by any stretch. What is exciting about biblical fraud? The “new” things have been abandoned from a week ago. These prophetic teachings have no staying power. The sure words of David C. Pack wither within days.


Is another failed date cause for excitement?


“But at times, we think we see things, and it turns out that we have a little longer wait.”


So, it is not inspired preaching moved by God’s Holy Spirit, after all. The RCG brethren should be prepared to wait for the rest of their lives for David C. Pack to be right about timing. He is not led by God. He is a false prophet, and his two minions are equally guilty of prophetic deception.


Oh yes, you will be waiting.



Meat Puppet explains how difficult prophecy is, comparing it to playing chess.


“…and it [chess] required intense mental effort. Just hours upon hours of looking at similar things, not necessarily the same position each time, but similar positions. And it took extraordinary brain power. Well, that brethren in no way matches what this process is like.”


As mentally taxing as chess is, prophecy is harder. We get it. Andy said that in September.


Nowhere in the Bible does any man of God express how hard it is to get things correct. God puts the words into their mouths, and they come to pass. The Spirit opens their minds to understanding and knowledge. God had to back up Moses when he struck the rock, or it would have been over for him. True prophets can never be wrong. Not even once.


God always gives men the tools they need to fulfill the task He desires of them. A minister does not need “intense mental effort” to understand God’s word. Catholics do that. True understanding requires God’s Holy Spirit.


The Bible is only a chess game to those moved by the will of men. If God guides you to teach this, then you will be the Bobby Fischer of prophetic understanding.


“It's much like a kaleidoscope where you can see a beautiful picture through that lens, but then just the slightest turn creates a whole new picture seemingly just as beautiful.”


A kaleidoscope projects magnificent gibberish. A colorful mosaic of ever-changing illusions. The analogy was meant to convey the complex beauty of prophetic understanding but instead exposed the nature of infinite biblical possibilities.


That is the fuel "The Greatest Unending Story!" Series runs on.


Without God's Spirit, that futile journey begins and ends in darkness. Darkness has enveloped The Restored Church of God.


“We're learning the mysteries of the kingdom of God.”


How can you say that, Jim? You just announced salvation was no longer arriving at supper time. You clearly did NOT learn a mystery of the kingdom of God, or it would have happened.


Have you considered what else your human idol has taught that will also be proven false? Have you considered how many more concepts will later be proven to not be a part of the mystery?


Math must be proven to be correct. Facts must be proven to be valid. Until then, it is theoretical.


“We see the day approaching as we look outside.”


Ouch. But not today. Not at 5 PM. We thought we saw it approaching, but not so much. What an uncomfortable statement to make to that audience at that time.


“We're in an incredibly exciting time.”


More exciting than salvation coming within two hours? More exciting than when Andy said that in October, just before the Feast of Tabernacles? Were those the exact exciting times or different ones? What is exciting about failure, delay, and disappointment?


“And even if God chooses to show us a little bit more as He's want to do, and we have to wait a little bit longer, we, above all people, can be incredibly grateful for what we have access to.”


Meat Puppet is not afraid to lay this at God’s feet. If members of RCG need to be upset at anyone, they should be mad at God. Point your frustrated finger at Him, not His loyal servants. And certainly not at No-Show Try-Hard Dave.


Members of The Restored Church of God, not only does James “Meat Puppet” Habboush rub feces in your face, he wants you to be incredibly grateful for it.


Incredibly grateful for what? For seven years of excuses? For building up hopeful anticipation of eternal salvation only to snatch it away again and again? For vain teachings that change week to week?


I cannot fathom what Jim thought RCG members should be incredibly grateful for. Dude, what is wrong with you?


“So, having said that, I hope you find it encouraging. We're, again, still right on track.”


Are folks to be encouraged by that one last brain-dead insult?


There were plenty of shoulder-pats to go around at the back of the hall once he stepped down from the lectern. Mission Damage Control: Complete.



This boiled-down summary reveals what was really said.


Oops. Wrong again.

Prophecy is hard.

God is to blame.

Our Lord delays His coming.

Be warm and be filled.


None of these questions were answered.


What is all well about this?

How is this on track?

What is God doing?

What is there to be grateful for?

How is this encouraging?


This is why Headquarters needs the brethren to be blithering fools. Anyone applying critical thinking can see through this latest ruse by Dave’s god.


The continuing resignations from RCG are a growing concern. The entire “Brief Announcement” was Damage Control stalling. Nothing more.


The members of The Restored Church of God are not idiots. They are not weak. They are not blind. But, they feel trapped and do not know what to do, while others are simply asleep.


If you are still on the fence, re-read “Is ‘That Prophet’ Alive Today?” and re-listen to “90 Reasons to Follow the Truth.” Let David C. Pack explain who and what he has become.


You are in a tough jam, folks. The place you proved was God's True Church has been rotting around you, and you can feel it. The spoiled fruit is plentiful. The gospel is no longer actively being preached to the world. The Series is unending. Dates are set, but come and go with more excuses.


See these types of Damage Control messages for what they are: Pacifications lacking substance. Do not accept 2023 as you did 2022. You deserve better.


If any current members would like assistance with composing their exit letters, please reach out to exrcgwebsite@gmail.com. Also, you can ask me any questions, and I will keep our conversation confidential.


Let me know how I can help.

Marc Cebrian

See: New Year’s Damage Control

Those Pesky Critics

Don't let anyone lead you away from God's truth!

The ministers of the Armstrong Churches of God put a whole lot of energy into trying to convince their members that anyone who criticizes them is trying to pull God's sheep away from God's truth. In other words, "if you accept what they're saying about us, you won't make it into God's Kingdom!" Don't think so? Here are just a few recent examples from two ministers of the Church of God International: Remaining Christian in An Evil World and Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You.

It's an old tried-and-true trick that they've employed in the battle against their critics for many years now (stretching all the way back to the Herbert Armstrong days of the movement). This way, instead of actually acknowledging and answering their critics, all they have to do is threaten their members with the fires of Gehenna! The logic goes something like this: "You've already proven the truth of our doctrines from your Bible, so anything that contradicts those teachings must be wrong (and designed to lead you away from God and his truth)." They've learned too, over the years, that the tactic is pretty damn effective! The corollary, of course, is that "you shouldn't have been listening to/reading that stuff anyway!"

Hence, the poor little lamb under their control not only sees the fires yawning before them - they also feel guilty for even entertaining criticism of God's ministers and church! It's a double whammy! And, as I've already pointed out, the church doesn't even have to address the criticism - no additional research, reasoning, no additional effort of any kind required from "God's servants!"

In this connection, they love to equate themselves with the Apostle Paul and quote extensively from his warnings about false teachers and heretical teachings. Never mind that those passages are actually much more applicable to them and what they're teaching! They also love to quote Christ's Parable of the Seeds and Soils. From their perspective, the critics are obviously represented by any of the things which keep the seed from taking root and producing fruit! "Critics are the servants of the evil one."

For these folks, "growing in grace and knowledge" means immersing themselves in ACOG doctrines - reinforcing and repeating the same things over and over again! It could NEVER mean that they might have more to learn about something, or HEAVEN FORBID - relearn something that they didn't get right the first time around! When I hear these kinds of messages from these folks, I always think about that passage from the book of Revelation: "You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked." (Revelation 3:17)

Lonnie Hendrixs/Miller Jones