Friday, January 6, 2023

Little Waffling Self-Appointed Prophet Claims HWA Only Had "Misunderstandings"


Now we know how God's most perfect latter-day prophet makes excuses as to why none of his prophecies ever come to pass. They are only misunderstandings, like HWA's false prophecies apparently were.

According to Bob Thiel, the greatest prophet the church has ever seen and who was deliberately sent by God in these perilous end times, HWA never was a prophet because he never said he was one. Soooooooo, his utterances were only "misunderstandings".

As far as false prophecies go, Herbert W. Armstrong had misunderstandings related to WWII and sometimes pointed to dates that he should not have–and we do not attempt to defend his errors. To his credit, however, he asserted that he was not a prophet. 

It makes no difference to God whether a prophet has false prophecies or utters misunderstandings. They are still false teachings. Men filled with deceitful manipulative lies. Lies meant to mislead people.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ESV / 

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

Thiel continues:

We in the Continuing Church of God, believe that God used Herbert W. Armstrong to raise up the Philadelphia era of the the Church that Jesus discussed in Revelation 3:7-13. We believe God used him to restore various truths that the true church lost by the early 20th century.

The god of Thiel and many others in the COG is the weakest, most impotent, powerless god ever imagined. It has been incapable down through the centuries in its inability to preserve through the power of the Holy Spirit, his own word.  For nearly 2,000 years, God could not preserve his truths, meaning millions upon millions of Christians died in vain for what they knew and understood as the unshakable Word of God. The entire world was deceived until Herbert Armstrong spent six months in a public library to rediscover God's lost message. Does anyone realize how stupid this really sounds?

Now, Bob Thiel expects us to believe that he has stepped up to the plate after the Worldwide Church of God's supposed apostasy and Rod Meredith's refusal to change doctrine, to restore God's lost truths once again that had gotten lost. It's like an endless Groundhog's Day.

The waffling prophet then says this about himself, which is not unusual since almost all of his articles are about himself and his super-dupper understandings:

And I will take it one step further. Irrespective of how any may view the role that God has for me, unless I am directly quoting the Bible, or preface a statement to something of the effect of “thus saith the Lord,” I am NOT necessarily stating anything that is not subject to later correction. 

Apparently, we are to give the Great Bwaana a free "get out of jail" card every time he lies. After all, what was said was only a little misunderstanding.


Dave Pack: Three COG Ministers (Shepherds ) Might Die Before Saturday

Mistakes Were Made


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God delivered “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 413)” on January 4, 2023. During his 85 minutes, he announced Tevet 21 as the start of the Day of the Lord but mentioned Sabbath morning.


To be super-thorough, in case he meant at sunrise instead of sunset the night before:


Tevet 21 – Sunrise in Jerusalem is Saturday, January 14, at 6:39 AM.

Tevet 21 – Sunrise in Jerusalem translates to Friday, January 13, at 11:39 PM EDT on the east coast.

Tevet 21 – Sunrise on the east coast is Saturday, January 14, at 7:50 AM EDT.


Maybe this is why Jesus said no man knows the day and the hour because time is relative to your location. The author of confusion must have a field day with these dates factoring in the sunset the night before, midnight, sunrise, and Jerusalem time versus local time.


This was not the only “time sensitive” declaration Dave made during Part 413.



The Three Shepherds of Zechariah 11:8 might die before this Sabbath. But more importantly, Parts 411-413 fulfilled a prophecy of Zechariah 11:7.

@ 1:14:44 So, Bands is broken to start the ten days. Then, who got fed while the two staffs were both in God’s hands?...but it's impossible now to read it other than things were made plain. The Mystery of God was cleared up. And it looks like three messages over a period of 14 days


@ 1:15:41 Now, if it's sequential, and I say if. 'Cause, this is a cryptic verse. If it's sequential, let me tell you something that would be true. God says, “I fed them," and “I also cut off three guys in one month.”…They haven’t died yet. Do they die in the next three days as a signal?


@ 1:16:46 God would know that I would know them. And, ultimately, be able to deduce some things. Three that I think of do abhor the true God…And I’m certainly not going to say to you. But RCG might need to know this. If these guys die in the next three days, we've removed all doubt. And God would know this, and I can't tell because it's so cryptic. If they die in the next three days, nobody will doubt that Christ is coming.


Anyone in RCG from 2012 on knows about the Three Shepherds very well. Zechariah has been covered so much that some Bibles probably look like coloring books.


The younger, bolder Dave dropped hints of who these men were over the months before Elul 24, 2013, but never declared them. He was more open with the staff than the church. Among the Headquarters members back then, the top contenders were: Gerald Flurry, Dennis Luker, and Roderick Meredith. Two of those men are deceased. For the last one, slipping in a bathtub two months ago does not count.


More recently, Dave all but said the names of three ministers who left RCG around Trumpets during “A Non-Prophetic Sermon” on September 25, 2020. That message was retroactively renamed "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 268)” if anyone wants to find it in the Sermon Library of Member Services.


I already talked to Dennis Diehl to cover all the bases. He assured me he is not planning any scuba or skydiving excursions until after Sunday. Just to be safe.



Dave finally addresses what went wrong with Christmas and New Year’s Eve. He admits to making mistakes, which is unusual for him. I cannot help but wonder if external influences are necessitating that behavioral shift.


Regardless of his motivation, the Dave-Whisperer in me screams he is trying to win the sympathy of RCG members, so they do not bolt out the door in increasing numbers. Property Tax season is upon us, and that has a loud financial voice.


@ 37:31 I was haunted, we'll say, by God's Spirit guiding me. Now, haunted is a bad word, but troubled. Just uncomfortable. Unsettled about what did we have Daniel 7 right? So, I just stayed with it. I started looking at it from a kind of a whole-earth perspective. Are we looking at the right year?


That uncomfortable feeling is back. Interesting that Dave did not describe it as being vexed. He must avoid the King Saul comparisons.


@ 40:46 So, it became obvious that I had that wrong. I had Daniel 7:12 wrong. It did not have anything to do with New Year’s on a Roman calendar…we’re gonna look at the midst of the years. It became clear.


Though he starts in Daniel, he realizes that some parallel verses in Revelation used the word "to," and therefore, he was in error. So, without saying it, his piss-poor reading comprehension is the reason for his public embarrassments.


@ 41:21 This is TO a season and year. It’s like, “Come on. Don’t miss this. This is easy.”


Maybe instead of rushing, he should have slowed down and read carefully, accepting every word in the Bible as if they were meant to be there.


Speeding through with terrible reading comprehension skills does not a Bible scholar make.


@ 41:29 So, there are other things I could walk you through, but you’re not authorized to jump out of context.


"You're" not authorized instead of "I'm" not authorized. Nobody throughout the membership of The Restored Church of God took upon themselves authority that was not granted.


Everyone listening said to themselves, “He’s not talking about me.” No, he was not. It only applies to him. But do not say it that way, ye rebels.


@ 43:16 It's impossible to believe that you could have Tevet 10, and it's some type of new year of God. Impossible. My mistake, coming off of Daniel 7:12 wrong…was it does not say that’s when it happens. It just told you when it was. Which is interesting. It does not say New Years IS the day. I had to accept that.


But, out of every mistake and error comes a new pathway toward the ultimate truth.


@ 47:24 So, I’m gonna give you about six or seven places that will just flat change you. You’ll just change you. You’ll feel much better. You’ll realize we’re right on track.


There were no “changes” for anyone else in the audience, just Dave. He finally understands what a Bible word means, catching up to the members. His great crime causing these mistakes is “overreading.” He repeats that word throughout the message. His overreading was the cause of timing problems.



To read over, or peruse. (transitive) To interpret something to a greater degree, or in a more positive way, than appropriate; read too in-depth; over-interpret; overanalyze. To read too much or excessively.


This summarizes The Greatest Unending Story! It creates a toxic cocktail when blended with psychosis and demonic influence, which is what the brethren in RCG have been drinking for a long time.


If overreading sounds mild, think of your doctor or mechanic telling you that and see how comfortable you feel.


@ 50:44 It’s [midst] just a general term. Finally, and now I hope you’re still here at Habakkuk 3:2. Well, here's where we might feel a little silly. But fun. Three verses before this, and I never saw it. Right before 3:2 in 2:19, the word “midst” is used. Midst. There it is. Wow, why didn’t we just look there?


This is how the Spirit of Error operates. Skip words right in front of you. Add words that are not there. Misinterpret. Misapply. Misunderstand. Overread. By his own admission, this is what happened.


“We might feel a little silly,” instead of “I should be filled with shame.” No, this was a collective mistake and not the fault of any one man.


The admission of mistakes may come into play right here, but critical thinking applied to dozens of other doctrinal teachings will be exempt from the same level of scrutiny. The can of worms was opened, but he just picked a few out and threw the rest away.


That would be too frightening a road for Prophetic Ichabod to travel upon.


Overreading Revelation and Daniel had further implications, but Dave still found a way to be right when he was wrong.


@ 52:33 This doesn’t mean it’s New Year’s Day. Those all stay the same. You know, go up year to year. There’s two ways that it’s correct. Two ways it’s correct. And both of them take you to the exact same place. It’s somewhere between God’s year and what was a new year…


This is what funneled him into Tevet 21 being in the midst of the years and the calendar's reset to Shevat 1.


@ 54:07 So, there's a new year, and somewhere between that and The Day of the Lord, ten days begins. All you gotta do is know the month. And it’s easy. But not if you’re splitting hairs like I was trying to be faithful. I’m trying to be faithful.


Dave was trying to be faithful, which was another motivation for his errors. Just like when the field ministers parrot, “Mr. Pack sometimes gets overzealous,” when members ask questions.


Let's summarize David C. Pack's reasons for all the timing errors of the past seven years: He was trying to be faithful. He was overreading. He was overzealous.


The concept of being a biblical fraud is not brought up. The idea of being a false apostle and a false prophet cannot be entertained. That would be the most straightforward answer that is never considered.



Dave revisits the New Year’s Eve debacle in light of his mistakes and troubled spirit.


@ 1:21:55 Now, I was surprised. I was trying to figure out Sabbath morning [December 31]. Where are we? Friday night, I just had this funny feeling before we ever got to the moment I was hoping for…all of a sudden, everything just appeared right at the perfect time. All these things lined up.


His latest biblical deadline is approaching. He is troubled in his gut. The handle on the escape hatch magically appears. How can anyone not trust this methodology for prophetic understanding?


I recommend Dave starts reading these articles rather than the summaries. If he wants a dose of reality and a voice of reason, this might be as helpful to him as it is for current and prospective RCG members.


@ 1:22:40 I’ve done the best I can. I know that. Every endeavor has a reasonable and natural limit. I know ten days, seven years, a thousand years, and winter, and I can tell you everything about the resurrections and all the internal spaces inside there. I know all the other dates and spaces, yet the saints were never to know.


Look at all he knows. Yet, he knows nothing.


@ 1:23:22 So, now it appears we did back into the only option. [Tevet 21] Or we must be willing to break or bend or discard metrics. And I'm not willing to do that, and I don't think any of you are. So, I’ve done the best I can. I know God’s plan.


412 Parts filled with mistakes. 36 failed dates since June of 2022. But is #37 a lock?


@ 1:24:16 There’s no way these are gonna line up again. They’re just not going to do it. Not in any way this man can understand.


@ 1:25:05 …we wait for what no one else knows ‘cause you’ll never ever, a nuclear blast wouldn’t change me, and I think, most of you from the simple fact that it's ten days, seven years, a thousand years, and winter. You can't change that. But I think we backed into the date, and it's not far away. Good night.


Tevet 21. Mic drop. Suck it, haters.



Three men will not die biblically before tomorrow. Tevet 21 will come and go. Dave will lumber forward, stumbling over his arrogance from one embarrassment to another.


The question is not whether Part 414 is coming but how soon. There is no way Dave will sit quietly until the Tevet 21 deadline passes eight days from now.


Oops. As with quantum physics, my observation may have just affected particle behavior. Dave will talk if I say he won’t. Dave will sit when I point out he stands. A Pathetic Update won’t be posted when I say it will. From now on, my guesses about the future need to consider that.


I may be an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic, but I possess no preternatural insight. Other former RCG members see what I see and can guess, with a fair amount of accuracy, what Dave will do next. Jessica Brown and Elizabeth O'Leary-Noble have independently, at differing times, commented, "I knew that was coming."


When you have seven years of behavioral models to draw from, extrapolating a predictive outcome is not magic. David C. Pack is reasonably predictable. The more you pay attention, the more you can see where he is heading.


Unless God intervenes or Dave's chest pains are far more severe and frequent than he lets on, 2023 will burst at the seams with more failed prophetic dates. The Restored Church of God will continue to bleed slowly as more members anoint their eyes and exit. The fascinating thing about bleeding is that with enough time, an anemic can die from a pinprick.


The fate of David C. Pack and The Restored Church of Another god is in the hands of the brethren. Their decisions set the course for the future. They hold the power as a collective body. Their action or inaction moves the tide.


Do the brethren accept what their eyes and ears perceive, or do they ignore it? Do the brethren believe what the Bible says, or do they make excuses? Do the brethren accept the prophetic errors as simple mistakes or as a fraud?


Their answers will shape what 2023 turns out to be for RCG.


You might be waiting on God, but He might be waiting on you.

Marc Cebrian

See: Mistakes Were made

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Dave Pack: Great Tribulation Begins Thursday, January 21


52 Pickup


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God announced a new date for your calendar: Tevet 21.


Depending on how you calculate, it could start at 5:21 PM EDT on Friday, January 13, or at 9:21 AM EDT if this is based on Jerusalem time. That remains a mystery because he did not say. He just threw the date out there and walked away.


That is the most significant point of "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 413)," given on January 4, 2023. So, if that is all you have time for, thank you for stopping by.



Dave opened with five “interesting” little points he discovered recently. They will not be listed. However, the first one was strange for a few reasons.


Part 413 – January 4, 2023

@ 00:54 Everyone knows that the Two Witnesses are going to prophesy in Revelation 11, it says, in sackcloth. In sackcloth.


@ 01:24 We know they’re in the God Family, and they're dressed in black cloth, more than sackcloth. Now, the reason people think that is no one, including me and I’m sure none of you ever looked up the word “sackcloth.” Did any of you ever do that? Anybody ever look up “sackcloth?”


How the Two Witnesses are in the God Family and yet, will be murdered three and a half years into their testimony is something I missed from previous parts. Have fun thinking about that, though.


This is another contender for entry in David C. Pack’s Gallery of Stupid for stating that no one ever looked up the word “sackcloth” in Revelation. Do not make me Google search that, please.


The most fascinating angle was the classic Dave-taking-a-poll maneuver. The former members at Headquarters remember this well. If you could even understand the question, raising your hand could have consequences if he did not like the response.


With the way this question was worded, if NOBODY in the room raised their hand, he would have commented because it would have shown how correct he was. With neutral questions in the past, if some raised their hands, he would comment, “Okay, a few.”


He already set this up as an absolute he was sure of. The pressure was on for members at the front of the room to decide whether to make him look foolish by expressing the truth or quietly be still and deny it.


If some did raise their hands, Dave could not comment, “Okay, a few,” because it would have thrown egg on his face and stolen his thunder.


The audience is not visible, but I theorize at least one raised their hand because he opted to move on without commenting. (Dr. Ranney, let me know if that is true. If not, I will retract it.)


Of course, people in RCG looked up that word. The Packian Triad of Fraud are not the only ones deeply studying their Bibles. What a stupid and condescending thing to assume on Dave's part. He is the only one in any room who cares about whatever it is he cares about. That is stupid.


This poll is another Dave all-or-nothing concept. If he never read it, nobody else ever did. If he never looked up the word, nobody else ever did.


If you let the moment pass by, it may seem insignificant. But this is unfiltered hubris at work.


Due to his unique office, his superior mind was moved by the Creator of All before any other human being on the face of the earth to see that the Two Witnesses are dressed in Angora goat hair. Incredible. Why the members of RCG are worthy of such bestowed knowledge is beyond me.


This quick moment is a flash of light, exposing what kind of man he is.


Part of me thinks he used his five points to pad the message to show the brethren how much he has been studying the past week. “See how legit I am.” You are such a good boy, Dave. Because you doodie in the toilet, not in your pants.



This is a summary for those who want to know what their family members are learning.


@ 13:25 So, the Mystery of God is already resolved. I mean, it simply is. It’s done.


@ 14:04 The plan of God is ten days, seven years, a thousand years, and winter. That’s all inarguable. But timing would just never settle down. It wouldn’t. Partly because it took us a while to figure out the number of Kingdoms and durations. But, integrating many timing points was sort of like Einstein having to sort out relativity.


Dave is a Biblical Einstein, and his fraudulent prophetic construct is as factual as relativity. Ha.


Even he admits the challenge all along has been timing. Harold Camping feels your pain, Dave.



Meat Puppet explained on Saturday how difficult Bible prophecy can be. It is more challenging than competitive chess but also ever-changing, with infinite possibilities like a kaleidoscope.


In Part 413, Dave uses an unintentionally laughable analogy.


@ 16:30 So, sorting out all of the timing points was like 52 Pickup. If you open the deck, there are all the diamonds, clubs, hearts, and spades. All lined up perfectly. Shiny and new. But, once you play 52 Pickup which is what God did when He threw all these timing points into the Bible. There they were. And I was left with, “How do you sort these out?”


Wow. Just…wow. Sackcloth is not the only thing Dave never looked up before.


52 Pickup

52 pickup or 52-card pickup is a humorous prank which consists only of picking up a scattered deck of playing cards. It is typically played as a practical joke, where the "dealer" creates the false impression that a legitimate game will be played, then simply throws the entire deck into the air so the cards land strewn on the floor and instructs other players to pick them up.


Out of David C. Pack’s own mouth, God played a prank on him and the entire ministry of The Restored Church of God. This admission is on the scale of Dave admitting God blinded him, he repeatedly spoke presumptuously, and called his own previous teachings ridiculous.


It really was a ruse by Dave’s god. That same god is a prankster playing practical jokes on all the members of RCG. I thought “The Greatest Unending Story!” was inspired preaching. So, inspired by what?


Are you reading this RCG on-the-fencers? Did you hear what the man said? Do you consider his words?


Here it is again, condensed:


@ 16:30 So, sorting out all of the timing points was like 52 Pickup…But, once you play 52 Pickup which is what God did when He threw all these timing points into the Bible.


Is this the god you want to worship?


52 Pickup is the PERFECT analogy. It is perfect. Ironic and spot-on. David C. Pack and the enabling hirelings at Headquarters are creating a false impression of a legitimate endeavor. They keep members away from preparing for the Kingdom by focusing on building holy, righteous character—but instead, get them wound up and off-balance by shoving prophecy and timing and date after date after date in their faces.


Now, get on your knees and pick up that mess.


The Greatest Unending Story is an unending practical joke. But this is serious business.


Consider for a moment that David C. Pack is God’s chosen apostle commissioned under penalty of death to teach God’s people the truths of the Bible and to reveal the Mystery of God so that Jesus Christ can return. Instead of carefully guiding and correctly inspiring him, God sends Dave running to and fro, never to get any date correct to the point some sheep are disheartened and leave the flock.


Instead of answering his prayers with truth and knowledge, God sent him on wild goose chases, keeping him and the brethren constantly confused and in motion. Then, He throws a cruel fake-out here and there, so His chosen servant works late into the night, struggling to understand and obediently serve Him.


Instead of rewarding the faith of His people, this god compels his apostle to falsely declare, “Salvation will come in November of 2022,” then takes a step back to snicker. This god whispers in Dave’s heart, “It’s Christmas. Totally Christmas. Look at the math.”


Boink. Got ya!


“It’s New Year’s Eve. Totally for real this time. New Year’s Eve. In the midst of the years.”




This is the god David C. Pack presents to the brethren of The Restored Church of Another god. This god plays practical jokes at your expense. This god is playing 52 Pickup with the Bible.


The most amazing things fall from the lips of David C. Pack. His own words expose what he is. His own words expose which spirit he serves.


There is the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error. Which one plays 52 Pickup with God's people?



Dave created a sixty-point list concerning timing that gave all the members a chance to rest their hands and ponder if the iron was left on this morning.


These all funneled into Tevet 21 being the start of the Day of the Lord.

@ 1:01:31 In other words, the 21st of this month [Tevet – January 14], which is next Sabbath, ten days away, not quite ten, the 21st begins the Great Tribulation.


@ 1:01:54 So, there's a three-and-a-half-day period that God carefully depicts as starting on the 24th [Tevet – January 17]. And it ends when the 24th does. And a new month arrives.


@ 1:02:23 A new moon and two weeks. 7th and 14th [January]. Longer than we thought. We needed patience.


And a healthy dose of denial sprinkled with willful blindness.


The reset of the month and year is still in play. Instead of Tevet 8 going back to Tevet 1, Tevet 24 now jumps to Shevat 1. Doc and Marty no longer have to worry about time travel paradoxes.


@ 1:03:43 Not next month and not last month, and not next year. It doesn’t even sit right in Tevet next year. These are the problems I balanced. I been studying the calendars for years to come. The next time all of just what I’ve told you lines up is 2034. But, the Mystery of God is over now.


@ 1:21:34 There is no math, none, that allows even one more week, or you burst into Shevat and "in one month" crashes. You only have five days left. You can't go another week.


This has to be it. No more chances, according to Dave. Yet, somehow I see Part 414 in our future.


As a professional unordained non-prophet/non-psychic, I use Magic 8 Ball and not a deck of cards. Maybe that is why calling David C. Pack a biblical fraud and every date he declares a failure before it happens stands at 100% accuracy.


Nothing will happen on or around Tevet 21 and I do not need 85 minutes to prove it.


I would never want to worship a god who plays 52 Pickup with his word or his people. Would you?



Part 413 coverage will continue tomorrow.

Marc Cebrian

See: 52 Pickup