"That absolutely godless book…The Book of Easter.
I don’t even want I’m never even gonna call it Esther again. It’s the Book of Easter. "
(Dumb things COG preachers say)
Not So, Fast.
David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God was so out of things to say last week because the Mystery of God was ended, speaking for two more hours makes perfect sense. "The Greatest Unending Story!" Parts 425 and 426 graced former members' inboxes to continue the illogical madness disguised as revealed knowledge.
The Tales of Opposite Land continues in Wadsworth where the Liar of Iyar is Elijah, missing a deadline means you are still on time, the Bible is purified seven times but corrupted with hidden mistranslations that hamstring understanding, the impossible is possible with just a bit more time, a church founded in 1999 on preserving the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong continues to dismantle them, and the brethren have faith in God, but more so in the man.
Instead of the day and hour remaining unknowable, Esther’s Fast of Purim took center stage after being abandoned four years ago.
The Kingdom of Dave Arrives on Purim
perhaps Monday, March 6
but maybe Tuesday, March 7
This article is published “in the midst” of two David C. Pack failures. A micron after he spoke. But, no need to rush that out because it can be made plain any time this week.
A few other nuggets from Parts 425 and 426 include:
A third invocation of his own death.
Redefining what it means to “prophesy.”
Herbert W. Armstrong was even more wrong.
A lot of setup “proved” everyone was waiting for a micron after a "final message," and it was no “coincidence” Purim was a multi-day moad a few hours away that God had no respect for.
I just condensed an hour for you.
Part 425 – March 4, 2023
@ 1:24:42 So, this will not be a surprise (in one way) to those of you who can go back to March of 2019. Esther’s Fast is the 13th of Adar, ending Monday morning our time…Now there’s a lot more that confirms, buttresses, fortifies (if you will) what I covered so far.
Esther’s Fast of 2019 is known in RCG as “The Night Watch.” It is still a sore subject for many. We were not instructed to fast but to stay up all night waiting for angels to bring us together.
This was the straw that broke a few camel backs. It was the “What am I doing here?” moment everyone who ever fled RCG recalls. I know one Canadian family that was utterly distraught when they were not “taken” by sunrise and feared they were “left behind” while everyone at Headquarters was whisked away by the angel chariots to a central location.
The Headquarters ministry did not feel it necessary to make a formal announcement they were still in the office at 9 AM so brethren in the field could be reassured they were not rejected by God. Whether out of disregard or shame, they let the field brethren stew in their anxiety for a few more hours. It was up to individuals to let their friends know outside Wadsworth that the Headquarters parking lot was not empty.
In their exit letters, John Wilson and Jessica Brown noted how eye-opening that event was for them. I walked the Campus that night and went to bed at 3 AM. I did not believe it would happen, but if all I would lose was a full night's sleep, then a “just in case” was worth it.
The next morning, my discernment was confirmed. The Night Watch clarified that all was not well inside The Restored Church of God. David C. Pack did not know what he was talking about. Again.
And four years later, it has only gotten worse.
In March 2019, “The Greatest Unending Story!” Parts 164, 165, and 166 covered Esther’s fast intensively.
The proper way to examine the present is to remember the past. Those who lived through it probably forgot some of these points. It is sobering what you can see after your eyes are open.
Flashback Part 164 – March 9, 2019
@ 00:25 These are historic sermons…
Part 165 opened with a few minutes of Chicken Little Fear Mongering. It is incredible to think we survived those "horrendous" world conditions four years ago. Then, Dave railed on Esther.
Flashback Part 165 – March 9, 2019
@ 1:07:18 And when you study Esther, nobody ever talks about that. That absolutely godless book…The Book of Easter. I don’t even want I’m never even gonna call it Esther again. It’s the Book of Easter. Reared by a worshipper of Mars who was a Jew. But, it wasn't added to the Bible until the mid-90s A.D.
@ 1:21:20 So, I’ve wondered, Did God even want this in the Bible? The Jews added it when Revelation was added…It allows us to understand for the first time as knowledge is increased, another book that is absolutely unsealed. The Church did not understand this. It was in the Bible. We gots Children’s Bible Lessons that talk about Esther. Esther’s a horrific example. She was a monster. And Mordecai, the same.
Cooler heads prevailed at Headquarters. The Monstrous Easter Children’s Bible Lesson is still available today for download at rcg.org. Nobody takes Dave seriously over there.
Flashback Part 166 – March 16, 2019
@ 00:02 I'm sitting down again. I feel fine. But I've got so much paper here on this last message. I don’t know if we should even give it a number. We’ll just call it “The Last Part uh [throat clear] 166.” Now, (you could well) brethren, find this the most encouraging and (maybe) electrifying sermon you have heard. It will certainly be up there among the most encouraging you’ve ever heard. But I don't know that I've covered subjects in my lifetime or heard any in my lifetime that are more encouraging but also, at the same time, electrifying.
History painfully repeats itself for those who refuse to learn from it. This was the last message from four years ago. How little has changed.
In honor of Dave’s fixation with math, there is a 260-Part difference between “Last Part 166” from 2019 and “Last Part 426" in 2023.
Some brethren were comforted and electrified by over six hours of lies and speculation. How little has changed.
After The Night Watch fiasco, no repentance was found in the Main Hall.
Flashback Part 167 – March 30, 2019
@ 00:17 My sudden, very sharp, and acute illness…was a godsend.
@ 00:42 …more big dots clicked…and I knew when I woke up Sabbath morning in a bad way that there was some reason God did not want me to speak. I could not have dreamed of why.
Time and chance are for us little people. Everything happening to Dave is biblical or God-ordained. His COVID-19 was a type of Ezekiel shut in his house. The 2019 kidney stone cooled Dave’s heels so God could reveal more information before he ran off half-cocked. How little has changed.
@ 01:32 God wanted this Watch.
God intentionally misled the leader of His Church and got him to lie to His sheep. Nice. Lessons learned via deception are always the most effective in any church.
Sitting in that room, this was a screaming red flag for me. Dave just had his biggest debacle since Elul 24 of 2013. He built an imaginary narrative causing significant emotional distress to members worldwide. Instead of showing any contrition, he pointed his finger at God and ushered any criticism His way.
Wow. Hearing these words again after four years really shocks the system. He was full of malarkey then, but I did not see it clearly. He was a fraudster and sorcerer for much longer than I understood.
@ 01:35 All the men here knew that I, WE, all of us together, had no choice with the knowledge WE had at the time. WE had no choice. There was no other way to see it.
Having a firm grasp on Dave’s mental disorders puts a spotlight on his WE-blame defense mechanism.
Dr. Jaco Viljoen wants the brethren to “let the past go.”
Kenneth Orel wants the brethren to “stop remembering bad memories.”
This was all in the past. Now, live in the present.
After the meal on Saturday, the Bible study was all about Esther and Purim.
Part 426 – March 4, 2023
@ 00:18 So, Esther’s Fast is the 13th of Adar. Again, ending Monday morning our time…Now, that’s gonna come with a twist later on.
By now, we know "twist" is code for Dave hedging his bets by wimping out to give himself a margin of error in the triple digits.
Dave’s prophetic amnesia forgets the stench of failure after his head hits the pillow. The 2019 event was a massive disappointment to The Restored Church of God. But here we are again.
Jessica Brown texted me that this Esther's Fast will end like it did in 2019. Nothing will happen. A prophetess has revealed herself.
@ 02:06 I wouldn’t necessarily encourage you to go back and listen to six hours because we’ve grown beyond where we were.
Dave does not want you to realize how embarrassing it would sound now. However, if anyone is interested, write exrcgwebsite@gmail.com.
Those three sermons would be biblical smelling salt for anyone attending The Restored Church of God. They should listen to them again. Remember that Night Watch. Remember how you felt in the morning, questioning what was going on. Then, look in the mirror and say, "That was four years ago, and I'm still here."
The you from then did not know it was a total waste. The you from today should be wiser than that. If not, then you are in a seriously unhealthy headspace.
@ 02:14 But, we didn't know we didn't know that we didn't know yet. But it's not new.
Copy and paste this for Dave in 2027.
The repackaging of Esther’s Fast should be a wake-up call to all the sleepyheads in RCG. Brethren, why can you not hear the alarm sirens bleeding through the walls? The house is on fire. Are you determined to burn up with it? Dave would not do that. And do not expect him to risk his own skin to run back in to get you, no matter how loud you scream or close you are.
He cares not for the sheep. He feeds none that stand still nor looks after the lost ones. He “cares” for you as long as he can fatten himself on your substance. When he pans the room, he gazes upon a sea of foolish green envelopes. Think otherwise to your own chagrin.
@ 02:20 So, the question is…Were we wrong four years ago when the church went through this extraordinary all-night…watch…we didn’t even know that you didn’t have to stay up. Or were we right, but four years too soon?
And the answer he spends the next 40-plus minutes proving is YES. Right, but too soon.
He sees it so perfectly since nothing else has worked out for the past four years. It must be Esther’s Fast. Or Passover. Or Unleavened Bread. And…wait for it…Pentecost. Those ideas will surely come as reliably as the new moon.
@ 02:48 I remember all the comments that people sent in that they loved it. They felt unified with the church around the world. And so, it was a wonderful experience.
A wonderful experience built on lies and speculation. Finding the good in a bad situation is different from experiencing God-breathed true knowledge.
No doubt, some wrote Headquarters with those ideas. Those were the type of letters I dreaded. Those people did their fellow brethren a great disservice by encouraging a false apostle.
Others remember the Night Watch very differently. It was a signal RCG was off track. But Dave shrugged off all those negative letters. He dismissed and blotted them from his memory.
Even with all I knew, it took me another two years to leave. But things have accelerated far past Ludicrous Speed now. I cannot fathom how people stay. Nice people. Good people.
Brethren must love to believe his lies.
Dave’s trickery is now light-years beyond where he was back then. The frequency of his blunders should rock the boat of his most-staunch supporters. This is why I believe only three Headquarters hirelings are actually on board.
Edward Winkfield • Carl Houk • Kenneth Orel
Those are the names I repeat to people who ask me who I think at Headquarters still buy into Dave.
I could write a whole paragraph for every other name as to why they are the fakey-est fakers in RCG. Dave is more alone on the third floor than he could possibly imagine.
@ 03:15 We’re now on a very short clock…is this a coincidence that we’re so close to it? If so, what a coincidence it is. That’s what you’d have to conclude.
That is precisely what every thinking person should conclude.
I can save Dave a lot of time and trouble. Any day at any hour can be a short clock about anything, anywhere at any time. Whatever is nearest is the big deal. That is his pattern.
And like all his leading questions, this answer is always the same: YES. It is a coincidence because the circumstances for timing exist only in your mind, Dave. They have all been coincidences through your fifty-plus year ministry and whatever days remain for you. Coincidences that bookend other coincidences that amount to nothing.
To further pile on another coincidence because every event in Dave’s life points to biblical significance, he reminds everyone that Joseph W. Tkach of The Worldwide Church of God “marked him as an enemy of the church” on Adar 13 in 1993, thus activating his dormant decoder ring.
@ 35:17 Is it a coincidence that I believe I became the Seventh Messenger [of Revelation] on the 13th day? I believe, I literally believe that on the 13th day of Adar exactly 30 years ago. I was certainly smitten by the fist of wickedness.
This is a life lesson for anyone who dares to cross David C. Pack. He will never forget it. Thirty years later, even after you die, he will dig you up to punch you in the face when it suits his purpose.
Wow, Dave. Even Jesus forgives.
Jaco, after thirty years, Dave still cannot let the past go.
Ken, even your apostle keeps dredging up bad memories.
He must not have been in the room when you guys preached that.
@ 36:10 And there’s one other possibility for exactly how this may play out.
His right cranial hemisphere says "exactly," while the left cranial hemisphere says "may." The possibility may be exactly. He is a man at war with himself. With such certainty, who would doubt?
@ 36:21 …this could easily (in fact, you could make the case) probably go one day longer, and it would not be at the end of the 13th, but rather the 14th, and I wanna tell you why.
Adar 13 was this morning. Adar 14 is tomorrow morning.
And just because Dave is Dave, he speculated on the potential for this to drag on as far as Adar 15. As the clock ticks toward Wednesday, he will grasp onto that and suckle with all his might as if it had a nipple.
Nom nom nom. “I was right.” Nom nom nom. “I said it could be Wednesday.” Nom nom nom.
@ 42:54 When you’ve waited as long as I have…just the comforting knowledge that I know exactly what God is going to do.
I guarantee you David C. Pack is far less comfortable here on Monday afternoon than he was Saturday night. Cold, harsh reality will further encroach on that comfort, turning it into a panic.
All that knowledge will be proven to be more speculation and supposition.
Dave finished the message with more timeline pillows by stating he would wait all the way until next Sabbath. He and everyone else in RCG will need to wait much longer than that.
The man is a living, breathing fraud. He lies to himself, and he lies to the brethren of The Restored Church of God. Today will pass. Tomorrow will pass. Wednesday will pass. Saturday will pass.
A biblical anvil will fall from the sky, striking him on the head with more new truth, further extending the torture for as long as the money continues to roll in. Part 427 will explain more electrifying details we just never saw.
If you think the Kingdom of Dave will arrive during Esther’s Purim, I caution you, “Not so fast.”
Marc Cebrian
See: Not so, Fast