Monday, April 3, 2023

Kevin Dean UPDATE: Lawsuit Proceeding...Were you abused by Kevin? A woman who was abused by him starting at age 14 is seeking information

UPDATE: Depositions are underway on a lawsuit against Kevin Dean for sexual molestation. See the newest comments. More victims are being sought to interview.

I received the following from a woman who was sexually abused by Kevin Dean when she was 14 years old while at SEP and continued on at Imperial Schools. She is asking if any other women out there were abused by him. Please contact for more information.

I have found information on your site over the years regarding WCG and specifically Kevin Dean and his arrest/sentencing. I was abused by Kevin beginning at the age of 14 while at summer camp - it then continued while I was at Imperial. I am looking for other women who were abused by him while he was employed at WCG. And also looking for those who might be able to confirm that the church covered up the abuse (by Kevin and SO many others). I see a few anonymous mentions in the comments. I am wondering if you have any further insight on his other victims. I had sought to pursue criminal charges years ago, however the statute of limitations had passed. The statute of limitations has been reopened in California for three years as a result of the overwhelming cases of clergy abuse to allow prosecution of old cases. I want to be sure that should Kevin survive his current prison sentence, he will not be released back into the world to continue to perpetrate abuse as he has done for the last four decades. Having others to add their voices and insight about the churches knowledge of the abuse would be very helpful.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Dave Pack: God talks to the earth all day long through {me}. It’s that simple.

 Dave preaching his latest sermon about himself

The Dave To Be Much Observed


It could not have been an actual April Fool's Day without David C. Pack giving a surprise Bible study on Saturday, April 1, 2023. “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 432)” finally settled the age-old argument about how long the First Kingdom to Israel will be and when it will start.


The Kingdom of Dave is seven days and begins on Wednesday, April 5, at 12:01 PM ET.


The Night To Be Much Observed was the answer hidden in plain sight because the ten days of tribulation were historical and already occurred, so not in our near future.


The ladies of The Restored Church of God have a tough decision ahead. Do they walk in faith by NOT planning for the meal because it will not happen? Or do they exercise hope but not faith by preparing for the most stressful cooking day of the year?


The Night To Be Much Observed just after Passover is the day when the Headquarters ladies take most of the day off work so they can be home cooking the meal for eight to ten guests that night. This is the one day each year that tension levels are at an all-time high for the estrogen-powered among God’s people.


On Wednesday, there will be plenty of soft, sweaty palms pushing shopping carts around Giant Eagle and Buehler’s after 12:02 PM. I can only imagine all the quiet looks across the table as people nibble unleavened bread and lamb, trying to pretend Dave did not disappoint them again.



Part 432 – April 1, 2023

@ 01:02 I said yesterday, and I haven't changed a bit. It's impossible that it's not Abib. I said yesterday that it's impossible that the Kingdom of God does not come on the last day of Unleavened Bread. And I said it’s impossible not to have a Sabbath on day three. Which precedes (I might add) a Easter.


@ 01:33 And it’s impossible that the whole period is not 10 ½ days.


Bookmark those impossible quotes for when the entire picture shifts within the next two weeks.


Dave "proves" the Revelation 2:10 ten days of tribulation are historical and, therefore, off our calendar. This is for the sake of the WCG prophecy nerds.


@ 02:55 So, we faced a false choice, and I wanna explain that. The ten days are ten historic years or ten prophetic days. Ten historic years, which is what the Church taught, and I believed for about 55 years or ten prophetic days. The answer is neither. It’s ten historic days.


How did he prove this? Because he said so. He even read many verses in Revelation, so it must be correct this time.



Dave plants the seed for his big NTBMO reveal later.


@ 12:49 I’m gonna absolutely (for the balance of this short message) just wipe out, just annihilate all idea that what we are waiting for is not one week. Seven days. I’m gonna just destroy it. Which means we’ve got a little over three days to go.


We already knew the theme was Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread from Part 431. He added more color to flesh it out but resorted to some verbal sophistry.


@ 13:52 Why does Hosea 5:6 describe Israel going, walking with their herds and flocks to seek the Lord? And then He departs from them. He’s gone. That’s Unleavened Bread language. It’s also Pentecost and Tabernacles language.


Notice how Hosea can be applied on three different occasions. Five bucks say Dave pulls that out again to use around Pentecost and another ten bucks when the Feast of Tabernacles rolls around.


The only way for the brethren to know what that verse is talking about is to take Dave’s word for it. He has them so well-trained by now they no longer piss on the carpet. He can easily change the context at will, and they will just accept it, like when he moves the 1335 a third time. That will surely come.



You cannot have a complete April Fool’s Day message without an Elijah Self-LoveFest. The following quotes are reinterpreted with their proper first-person perspective to rinse away the mind-control manipulation techniques. "Elijah" has been replaced with what David C. Pack is really saying.


Even though Elijah is not mentioned in Psalm 81:3, the “because I said so” is in full effect.


@ 16:18 And the context is blow a trumpet. Now, remember, {I} blow a trumpet. {I’m} about to blow a trumpet. Well, that day, the 15th of Abib, is just ahead.


@ 18:17 Why does Malachi 4:5-6 say that God will send {me} right in the face…of the great and dreadful Day of the Lord? And a bonus question: Why do the Jews seem to know that {I} will be present on the Night To Be Much Observed?


@ 24:01 “So, [Daniel] 10, 11, and 12 are {I’m} telling Daniel how all of this plays out.


@ 32:10 One time it says {I} prophesy again. Well, the last time {I} do it, {I} speak once. The previous time. The Gospel is first heralded to the world once.


@ 32:54 So, when does that happen? Why would it go all day long? It’s the first day of Unleavened Bread…So, from sunup to sundown, after a good night's sleep and a wonderful dinner, God talks to the earth all day long through {me}. It’s that simple. And then…dawn on the second day, 36 hours in, God withdraws. And people from early at dawn seek Him for two days, and that gets you to early dawn three and a half days in. That's Easter morning. At the split second the sun comes up.


If you think it is a mischaracterization to state that David C. Pack believes he fulfills Bible prophecy, think again.

@ 37:20 So, Revelation 10:7 appears to be fulfilled. Yesterday and today are the days of my voice before the Trumpet sounds. When the Mystery is over. The last ration given in a season.


Before you stuff your green envelope convinced he speaks the truth, consider this is territory already tread upon.


Flashback Part 170 – April 10, 2019

@ 1:11:18 A prophecy was fulfilled last night…I tell you, on God’s authority, it happened.


Flashback Part 187 – June 21, 2019

@ 1:15:40 “…in the latter days, you shall consider it.” That’s a prophecy being fulfilled in this room right now.


Flashback Part 268 – September 26, 2020

@ 57:23 The Gateway Prophecy, for all I can possibly see, has been fulfilled.



The Night To Be Much Observed is on Wednesday, April 5.


Part 432 – April 1, 2023

@ 29:31 But I feared God…And it clicked last night. What an amazing thing that all mankind will awaken into the Night To Be Much Observed [April 5]. Seven years later, you have the same moment.


The Part 431 Friday picture of the First Kingdom of Dave changed from ½ – 3 – 2 – 5 to the super-for-real-this-time-pinkie-swear 1 ½  – 2  – 3 ½. This is the seven-day Kingdom period.


The one and a half days of the “short word” Dave announcement period.


God withdraws for two days. Then, three and a half days of Great Tribulation.


The Kingdom of God begins with Jesus Christ as ruler on April 12, 2023.

@ 35:25 This allows us all to prepare in The Restored Church of God for all elements of the Passover. And to keep it ourselves with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth on that particular one night.


Sincerity and truth have zero in common with what David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God teach. David C. Pack is a false apostle and a false prophet. There is unanimity at Headquarters being operated by hireling enablers who will agree with anything to keep a paycheck as the Spirit of Error calls the shots.


Shame on the lot of them.


@ 35:45 To keep it before we expect Christ sometime before sundown Jerusalem time on Wednesday. Because He can’t come to us at the start of the Night To Be Much Observed, which is (literally) 12:01 our time here…Just think, right at noon is seven o’clock sundown in Jerusalem. Noon here. Just here. You have to calculate where you live. He has to come to us before that. He says He does. So, sometime before noon Wednesday, if you were here, is the time this has to happen.


How quickly Dave will back away from this before it happens is anyone's guess. If he can switch his 10.5-day kingdom to 7 days overnight, who knows what "knowledge" got dumped into his head this morning.



Preemptively defusing doubt, Dave posed the question we all have. But the answer was lacking.


@ 39:20 Why would this year be different than previous years when we thought Unleavened Bread was in play somehow? Well, I'll just say it would take an hour just to list the topics, the many, many topics of the Mystery of God we've learned in the last year, in order to put us in a position to place this seven-day week properly where it fits in God's calendar.


The answers were too many and too convincing to even say. If only he had more time.


This is like when a wife asks her husband why he still loves her. “Oh, baby. There are so many reasons it would take up too much time to tell you.”


I have never been married, but even I know that would not fly. And yet, the folks in RCG are righty-okay with that response.


@ 40:00 So, Christ comes to start Passover. Goes back to get His own Kingdom for the second half of the week. And then comes with His own Kingdom at the end of Passover. Now, that’s simplicity in Christ. And it’s utterly and absolutely inarguable.


The absolutely inarguable tune will change by Thursday. Like it has every year. Grappling onto the closest Holy Day has become a predictable RCG tradition long before now.


@ 41:40 So, then, it's this Wednesday. I wanna conclude like I said yesterday. So, then, it's this Wednesday, or we have a long wait. Good night.



After a drink and a long pause, Dave noticed the clock and made an after-message observation.

@ 42:07 Can I make a comment? I just saw the clock. I just realized that this Series went 799 hours and 59 minutes. Could you listen? I want to talk for one more minute…


No problem, Dave. But the Series is not over. You will be back with Part 433. The Night To Be Much Observed meal will be consumed, and RCG members will go home to stare at the ceiling with full stomachs wondering how you are going to spin your way out of this one.


Fine. Dave laughed his way into 800 hours. Hardy har har.


Consider the following by giving the overall benefit of the doubt.


For now, agree that everything he has taught that fits this final, correct picture is valid. The scattered bits and pieces spread over seven years woven in and out of 432-plus messages are part of the accurate plan of God that only came together right at the very end. Imagine it.


Also, consider that this information was a part of revealing the Mystery of God, which culminates this Wednesday at 12:01 PM ET when Jesus Christ returns to raise David C. Pack as Elijah the Prophet to rule a seven-day Kingdom to Israel, followed by a seven-year Kingdom of God.


Accepting and agreeing to all that to Dave's benefit still paints a very bleak picture.


Of the 800 hours of teaching, only an extremely generous 50 hours contains actual facts and inspiration of the True God. That still requires you to dismiss the other 750 hours of preaching even IF Wednesday were to occur.


Keep in mind this is the best-case scenario:


David C. Pack presented 750 hours of presumptions, contradictions, deceptions, distortions, delusions, disappointments, doubts, humiliations, errors, falsehoods, inaccuracies, miscalculations, paid staff distractions, worthless ministerial agreements, misunderstandings, piss-poor reading comprehension, broken math, self-aggrandizing exaggerations, false accusations, fallacious prophetic fulfillments, fraudulent statements, failed deadlines, mis-mistranslations, pointless note-taking, poor judgment, false hopes, faith-breaking trials, lies, untruths, heresies, blasphemies, self-curses, and ruses by god.


That is the most optimistic outlook for David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God.


The Dave To Be Much Observed is Wednesday night.


Be sure to come with an empty stomach and an empty head.

Marc Cebrian

See:  The Dave To Be Much Observed

Dave Pack Is Going To Need A Bigger Glass Of Water


Courtesy of COG Critic