Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dave Pack: Herbert Armstrong will be the first human being resurrected.

This was originally posted in 2017 and here we are in 2024 and the idiocy coming out of Dave's mouth continues unabbated. Not one single thing he has said has ever come true.

His claim below is also as ludicrous as his return of Jesus every other day now.

Dave Pack claims:

Mr. Armstrong literally will have the honor of being the first human being, at the end of the age, to be resurrected from the dead. Now, there have been other people resurrected in different ages, but I’m talking about resurrected from the dead to go on within Christ’s government to a position of enormous authority. I just find that easy to understand.

Isn't it wonderful to know Dave has the answer to EVERYTHING!

Church of God International: Vance Stinson Was Given Authority To Terminate Political Hack Bill Watson But So Far Has Declined

Vance Stinson Joins Bill and Adrian and Embraces Trump!
Lonnie Hendrix

In a reaction to my most recent post, Vance Stinson revealed that the contest that has been raging within CGI for several years was never really any contest at all! The reason that Bill Watson’s, Adrian Davis’s, and Murray Palmatier’s political and culture war messaging has not been successfully curbed is that their views are shared by the man at the helm of CGI: Vance Stinson. I have it on good authority that Mr. Stinson was authorized by that organization’s leadership team to terminate Pastor Watson’s association with CGI, and he chose NOT to do that!

For context, here is an excerpt from the article I posted:

Why does the leadership of the Church of God International (Vance Stinson, Mike James, and Jeff Reed) continue to lose the battle over messaging with the Bill Watson-Adrian Davis wing of that organization? I believe that the reason is that this contest has reflected some of the same dynamics which have characterized the contest between Biden and Trump for the Presidency of the United States. How so?

Chauncey DeVega recently penned an article for Salon entitled Trump is all dominance, all the time. In the article, we read: “Political scientist M. Steven Fish believes that the Democratic Party’s inability, despite their many policy successes, to conclusively defeat the Republicans and the larger ‘conservative’ movement and American neofascists, is rooted in much bigger and systematic failings.” Continuing: “Fish warns that Donald Trump and the other Republican leaders use a high-dominance approach to politics and communication that allows them to set the agenda, which in turn puts the Democrats, who tend to be more passive and consensus-oriented, in a consistently weak position of reaction and defense.” In other words, it’s Trump’s style which makes him so attractive to white, working class voters.

Like their political hero, Watson and Davis use the same high-dominance approach to their messaging. They confidently assert (without real evidence) that God is on their side, and that the other guys are tools of Satan. Also like their mentor, they claim that things like Marxism, Globalism, abortion, homosexuals, and immigration are not only destroying the nation they claim to love, but that they are all part of a coordinated attack on Christianity. They warn that the other side is actively trying to pervert, deceive, and destroy. They argue in favor of authoritarianism and paternalism without blinking an eye, and their message is well-received in MAGA world and among the traditionalists within CGI.

If interested, you can read the full article here: It's All About Presentation!

Vance Stinson’s response:

After quoting from an article by leftist lunatic Chauncey DeVega (and apparently taking the nutcase seriously), Lonnie summarizes, "In other words, it’s Trump’s style which makes him so attractive to white, working class voters." 
That's utter nonsense! Is that what's also attracting a growing number of non-whites, including many immigrants (and, no, Trump is not and never has been against immigration)? If anything, the reverse of what DeVega (who cites Fish) claims is true. The party of the pathological liar who currently occupies the white house controls the mainstream media and has weaponized the justice system and even our intelligence agencies against their political enemies. And we're to believe that Democrats "tend to be more passive and consensus-oriented"??? Good grief! Should I laugh or smash something? If Lonnie believes that garbage, he really needs to pull his head out of the sand. 
The claim about why working-class whites support Trump is false, so it's not a very good premise for making a comparison. In any case (and for the record), I don't like being stuck in the "Democrat" category. 
Lonnie writes, "Check out CGI's website sometime." Yes, by all means, check it out. And then tell me if you see the "war" Lonnie thinks he sees. Does it look like there are different "sides," and that one side is losing? Or does it simply look like there's plenty of room for different approaches and even some room for different views and opinions? What you won't find is a lot of yellow pencils.
---Vance Stinson

As you can see, Mr. Stinson makes very clear where he stands within the context of the ongoing debate within CGI – He is firmly in the camp of the Armstrongite Traditionalists! Apparently, he was only pretending to be on the side of sanity and reason within that organization. So, we see that Bill and his allies really had NOTHING to worry about all along! They had a secret ace in the whole!

Moreover, this reality is clearly reflected in the latest edition of their The International News. Once again, Bill Watson has the lead article in CGI’s quarterly newspaper, “Is America Losing Its Heritage? (If so, what can we do?)” The article opens with this lead:

Interestingly, the history of the United States illustrates an obvious Christian influence that is remarkable beyond question. And yet, presently, there appears to be a “cultural shift” to cancel this connection. One cannot help but to ask, why? What is so wrong about admitting the United States of America has a connection to the God of Israel?

And, make no mistake, Bill Watson unapologetically embraces the teaching of Anglo-Israelism! For those who may be unfamiliar with Mr. Watson’s teachings, he believes in a golden age of American righteousness – a time when the United States embraced and followed the God of Israel. You know, back in the days when Europeans were stealing Native American lands, enslaving their African brethren, and ruthlessly exploiting America’s resources to get wealthy! You remember, the good old days – when men ruled and women and children drooled!

Pastor Watson continued:

Consider the tensions and conflicts currently experienced over the encroachment of the Federal Government against state laws regarding immigration, abortion, legalized cannabis, public education curriculums, sanctuary cities or states, LGBTQ+ laws, and equality [DEI] regulations often mandated in the work place or public educational facilities. 
These are just a few categories that cause contentions among ourselves and creates enormous cultural tensions, quarrels, and hostilities, which unfortunately lead to division and injustices inflicted upon the people.

The message is clear: Those nasty Gay and Transgender folks and all of those Pro-choice people and immigrants are destroying America! And, just so his message is not lost on his readers, there is a full-color picture of a “Gay Pride” parade with a big old pink tank rolling down the street! Bill then went on to decry the loss of state’s rights (a long recognized code word on the political Right for opposing any Federal action/policy which doesn’t fit their ideology).

And, just in case any of his readers were bothered by Romans 13, Mr. Watson continued:

However, what if the government begins to work ill toward the people it serves? What if the laws clearly infringe on your freedoms, such as healthcare choices, freedom of speech, or the right to defend yourself? These are important questions that go to the heart and foundation of our Christian resolve—of what is right, fair, and just! These are the very fundamentals of our Constitutional rights as U.S. and Canadian citizens—and as Christians! 
So when is it acceptable to take a stand, or pick a lane?

For Bill, Vance, and their allies, the current administration in Washington is clearly the problem. If their guy was in office, all would be well!

For the record, Vance, I’m NOT a Democrat either. My point has always been that everyone is entitled to their opinions, but that those who claim to be pastors of Christ’s flock have NO business telling that flock how to vote (which candidates to support). Unfortunately, for those within CGI who do NOT believe in Anglo-Israelism and that Trump is America’s savior, you are clearly red pencils in a box of yellow pencils. 

It seems to me that you have a decision to make. My only suggestion, follow the dictates of your own conscience led by the Holy Spirit!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024