Sunday, June 9, 2024

Navigating the Journey: Life, Hope and Truth AFTER Exiting Armstrongism (LCG)

Have you left a cult of Christianity like Mormonism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, or any other high-control religious group that claims to be Christian? 

You're not alone. 

In this video, I share what my wife and I experienced after leaving Armstrongism, a cultic branch of Christianity. 

Join me as I recount the challenges we faced, the insights we gained, and the enduring hope that sustained us throughout our transition. 

Inside the video: - Breaking free from false theology - Lack of Specialized Support within mainstream churches - Finding support outside mainstream churches - Dealing with cognitive dissonance and doctrinal disagreements - Building a new faith journey focused on Jesus 

If you're questioning your church or faith, contemplating leaving a high-control group, or struggling after leaving a cult of Christianity, this video offers valuable insights and encouragement for your path ahead. Subscribe for more content on faith, personal growth, and spiritual journeys. Find my Blog site and Social Media at:

Dave Pack: Burning Branches


Burning Branches

Breaching into a biblical danger zone, David C. Pack can now stamp God’s name on anything he thinks because he discovered he does not need to hear an utterance from God to know he received an utterance from God.

He may or may not be fulfilling prophecy. He may or may not be prophesying. He may or may not be Elijah (wink, wink), but he just knows how right on track things are for The Restored Church of God.

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 515)” on June 1, 2024, the prophetic hamster wheel kept spinning as Dave rushed to call out recycled information repackaged for his sleepy, memory-challenged worshippers.

·      David C. Pack is NOT the Branch. Jesus Christ is.

·      David C. Pack reiterates that he is NOT Elijah while making the case that he is Elijah.

·      David C. Pack cannot declare the date for the return of Jesus Christ. But it is Pentecost.

·      The 7-Year Kingdom is back to being the Kingdom of God.

Some of this may feel like walking in circles. But that is precisely what the brethren of The Restored Church of God are doing. They are learning, unlearning, then relearning, and re-unlearning powerful knowledge ad nauseam as the return of Jesus Christ remains just out of reach.

That is a form of a living hell.

The glass dishware of 7 and 1000 currently representing the plan of God on the Tammuz Cooking Table has also been quite challenging for him. Those helpful visual aids force him to sit each time he speaks despite how "perfectly healthy" he protests to be.

This two-year-old clip reminds us how the table came to be.

Wow, things have really changed. But what has not changed is more changes.

Listening to the man attempting a single sentence without stuttering is sometimes quite painful.

Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 22:14 But, I like to cover a few other things here in this message that are that are most powerful, and they’re they’re gonna they’re gonna rock they’re gonna rock your planet that we're all in the same one. So, here we go. They're gonna rock your world as as the saying goes.

Dave spent 42 painful minutes teaching something he had already taught as if it was new before getting to the point he could have covered in 30 seconds.

@ 1:04:38 Now, it’s impossible to argue with the fact that’s [7-Year] the Kingdom of God. The implications are rather extraordinary.

Yes, the extraordinary implication is that The Restored Church of God just walked in a big circle, reverting back to what they believed during Part 511. Dave just changed the Seven-Year Kingdom from the Kingdom of God to the Kingdom to Israel during Part 512 on May 11. That fantastic discovery survived less than one month.

@ 1:17:13 There’s no way we were done with this Series until we understood that’s [7-Year] the Kingdom of God.

If true, the Series could have finished at Part 511 when the First Kingdom was the Kingdom of God. This theological loop-de-loop is not unusual for the members of The Restored Church of God.

@ 1:24:05 By the way, the Mystery of God, the ultimate Mystery of God was that this dismal swamp nobody ever knew about was the Kingdom of God. That was the ultimate Mystery of God. Full on. Veil off and everything.

Dave's version of the veil coming off is hitting the doctrinal rewind button, traveling back in time to Part 511, and then skipping to Part 515.

If the veil is now off, then he inadvertently put it on during Part 512. He also actively thwarted the ultimate Mystery of God by teaching heresy for a few weeks. Those wires never get crossed in his head.

I wonder if Dave longs for a simpler time back when he thought there was no Seven-Year Kingdom at all.  

Flashback Part 493 – February 17, 2024
@ 29:01 So, the idea that there is a 7-Year Kingdom is as dead ‘n gone as yesterday. I mean, that’s gone with the wind.

It was gone, and now it is back. It was the Kingdom of God, then the Kingdom to Israel, and back to the Kingdom of God. $20 says this is not settled.


David C. Pack proves who and what he is when you listen to what he says. From his own mouth, he has revealed himself to be a hypocrite, liar, blasphemer, oath-breaker, manipulator, and biblical fraud. And he can do all of that before 10 AM.

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 465)” on September 2, 2023, David C. Pack sank to a new low when he taught that Jesus Christ was not the Branch and that Elijah was. Despite the recent protests from his deceptive lips, David C. Pack knows and knows that he knows he is Elijah [nudge, nudge].

During Part 465, David C. Pack taught that David C. Pack was the Branch, not Jesus Christ.

The Branching Out article covered this in detail.

Flashback Part 465 – September 2, 2023

@ 25:29 So, I’m gonna ask you, Who is the Branch? Not Christ. He’s the Vine.

@ 29:28 “Behold, I will bring forth My servant, the Branch.” Now, there’s a number of problems right here that make it impossible this is Christ.

@ 39:45 Now, this Twig is a descendant of Jesse and David. And I am…

@ 43:23 “…behold the man.” The man. That’s the key. “Whose name is the Branch.” You could never say Christ’s name is the Branch. You would reduce Him, practically defile him to say that…

@ 54:26 Whether you call him Elijah or Joshua or David or the Twig or whatever you wanna call him, he’s here [the now-dissolved 1-Year Kingdom].

During Part 515, David C. Pack reads some of the same verses as Part 465 but makes the opposite point, proving that a warped mind can twist the Bible to say anything. The same verse and the same word can prove both yes and no.

This is one of the reasons why Part 518 will be given on Monday.

Gracefully walking back from outright blasphemy is not one of David C. Pack’s skillsets.

Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 1:08:01 One of the things that has troubled me greatly (turn over to Zechariah 6) I have had great difficulty believing that a human being is the Branch of the Lord. Christ is the Vine, and we are branches off of Christ, the Vine.


David C. Pack was troubled and had great difficulty…when? Certainly not during Part 465 when he taught it. It is sometimes hard to fathom this is the same man speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God has a long history of teaching things that make him uncomfortable, yet he keeps preaching it anyway. His unease is never fully expressed until after the fact when he walks it back.

Flashback Part 465 – September 3, 2023
@ 43:31 You could never say Christ’s name is the Branch. You would reduce Him, practically defile him to say that…

Based on his own words, did David C. Pack defile Jesus Christ then, or is he defiling him now? One of those options is correct. Which one are you leaning toward, Ed?

Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 1:08:18 But I’ve I I’ve had occasion to study other places where Christ it where the where they’re the Branch of the Lord (Christ is a Branch off of the Lord. We are branches off the Vine). And I do not believe Elijah is the Branch anymore.

David C. Pack knows he is Elijah but will not say what this really means. He is actually saying he does not believe HE is the Branch anymore. He did not always have such a lenient attitude.

Is “That Prophet” Alive Today? The Rise of False Prophets – David C. Pack

If he claims titles belonging to the all-powerful living Jesus Christ, then he is no less than a BLASPHEMING IDOL, seeking to replace Christ with himself.



@ 1:09:03 “Thus speaks the Lord of Hosts, ‘Behold, the man,’ that could be the Son of Man, ‘whose name is the Branch.’” Now, when it’s talking about me, it usually uses my name. Or Joshua.


Does David C. Pack even have the capacity to discern when he lies anymore? The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God has claimed so many titles and sees himself in the Bible in so many places that it is hard to keep track.

David C. Pack proves he is a blaspheming liar.

He sees his name on the page only because he wants to. Not because it really is there. His false statement is two-fold because he has no problem reading a verse and seeing himself in it, whether a name is in the text or not. He "just knows" that is him and teaches fantasy as doctrine.

And the Headquarters enablers let him get away with it.

David C. Pack believes he is the Seventh Angel, the Faithful Priest, the Goodman of the House, the Righteous From the East, the Shepherd and Stone of Israel, the Plant of Renown, the Fig Tree, the Messenger of the Covenant, and the Star Out of Jacob with none of those instances being associated with his name. And there are a bunch more.

Flashback Part 470 – September 23, 2023
@ 17:43 He's a man called a servant and various other things, and he's Elijah. Lot of different terms for him. I wrote up thirty-four of them, and somehow, the scribes knew the difference.

What does David C. Pack of yesteryear think about the lunatic things David C. Pack says today?

Is “That Prophet” Alive Today? The Rise of False Prophets – David C. Pack
No description of false prophets is complete without explaining one final characteristic. These deceivers always seem to find new ways to elevate themselves to greater offices and roles!

This never-ending acquisition of more titles better secures the false prophet’s followers under his spell.

When you have a pest problem, consult with an expert.

David C. Pack provides one of his signature non-apology apologies.

Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 1:09:43 Christ is the Branch. And I am sorry for ever being confused about that.

That is not an apology.

David C. Pack is not sorry for blasphemy and theft of a divine title belonging to the Son of God. He is only sorry about the “confused” part. That is like a man who cheats on his wife and is then sorry for getting confused about his feelings.

In ancient Israel, did the Prophets of Baal apologize for being confused about which god they served before they were slain at the brook Kishon?

While speaking in God’s name and claiming His authority, David C. Pack stole a role belonging to Jesus Christ and appropriated it for himself. He took the Lord’s name in vain, lied, stole, and blasphemed. Just another day in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium at The Restored Church of Another god.

David C. Pack is a human idol teaching antichrist doctrines to a spiritually bankrupt organization. He will have no consequences at Headquarters, and the broken, compromised brethren will not hold him accountable.

Move along. Nothing to see here, folks. Oh wait, there is another non-apology coming.

@ 1:10:27 What we’re waiting for (and I apologize, but God said the Mystery would end at the end). We’re waiting for what we’re waiting for is way better than anything we thought about. And we’re learning it kinda right on time.

The Restored Church of God's members have been learning kinda right on time since 2012. Sivan 1 on June 7 failed to manifest, and Dave is doubling down on Pentecost being the horse to back. But nothing will happen on Pentecost this year.

David C. Pack built a Branch bridge leading away from Jesus Christ to Elijah. Now, he turns right around, crosses, and burns that same Branch bridge leading away from himself back to Jesus Christ. There will be no earthly consequences for that at Headquarters.

But I do wonder. How many times can an arrogant man defiantly cross the same burnt bridge before it collapses beneath him?

Marc Cebrian

Saturday, June 8, 2024

PCG Members Disturbed By Enormous Amounts Of Tithe Money Being Spent On Jude Flurry And Celtic Throne Stage Show

Exit and Support Network reports:

Celtic Throne Performances One of the Biggest Scams Ever:
June 5, 2024
PCG is flying its VIP’s around to their Irish dance performances as they are touring the U.S. this summer. The cost for this is astronomical! I know there are many members who are furious about this, but are afraid to express it. Others are just so brainwashed that they believe everything they are told without question. They are made to believe the Celtic Throne performance is “the Work.” In reality, it is not. It’s Amy Flurry’s dream for Jude [her son]. No concert goer is being converted or “warned” or even enlightened about the PCG cult’s beliefs. Not a single person! No one even knows that it is affiliated with the PCG. Don’t believe me? Just check out the Celtic Throne’s website. This has to be one of the biggest scams Armstrongism has managed to shove down their members throats! –Former PCG member. (highlights, Banned)

For many years now the Philadelphia Church of God has been producing staged productions about various Old Testament characters and heroes of the PCG. They have done David the Endless Throne, The Book of Isaiah Musical, The Morning Star Musical about Peter Waldo, The Book of Ruth, The Widows Mite, Undefeated–The Story of Isaiah and Hezekiah, and its latest touring extravaganza The Celtic Throne. Musicals on all kinds of Old Covenant heroes and none on Jesus.

Celtic Throne is based upon the rock that Gerry Flurry went to Oregon and dug up which is supposedly the every rock Herbert Armstrong knelt at in the wooded glen and prayed. If this sounds suspiciously familiar recall that Joseph Smith also went into the woods to pray and then supposedly received heavenly visitation and revelations from the godhead. Herbert did the same thing praying to his god for revelation. 

PCG has placed so much significance on this rock that it is now the most sacred thing the Philadelphia Church of God owns that has reported ties to Herbert Armstrong. It even has its own special display case where it is enthroned on a royal purple dais so the faithful can gaze in wonder. 

The idolatry of the PCG with this rock is appalling and even worse, Flurry has convinced his followers that this is now the every stone Jesus will return to when he establishes the Kingdom on earth. 

Jesus was supposed to descend and sit on the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey until the British returned the stone to Scotland. That was blasphemy to certain Armstrongites. With Herb's prayer rock that terrible tragedy has been averted, Jesus will return to sit on Herb's rock encased in PCG's throne. That is why the PCG uses it in the touring stage show, Celtic Throne.

Celtic Throne is the stage show that tours the midwest and eastern states that showcases Jude Flurry, other Flurry relatives, and children of PCG elite as they sing and dance Irish Dance numbers. Irish Dance is now the official dance of God that Flurry has said that David danced when he was naked dancing in the streets and is the official millennial dance approved by God himself.

Celtic Throne is also a stage production especially commissioned to showcase Jude Flurry and other PCG elite children. Millions of dollars have been put into the production and touring of this show over the past few years. All of this was paid for with tithe money. Every single bit of it. Even worse, the PCG uses its corporate jet to fly Jude and some of the elite children around the country so they can dance in propaganda stage shows presented to the unsuspecting public.

Jude Flurry is admittedly a talented guy and has won several competitions. PCG is trying to promote him as the next Michael Flatly.

PCG, for some strange reason, is also using this stage show to court Republicans, even though the PCG refuses to vote.

Stephen Flurry gloats to the faithful where he had lunch:

Tithe money paid for ALL of the flights of the PCG jet to Florida for Lil'Stevie to hob knob the elite:

Multiple trips to Florida at church members' expense for Stephen Flurry and other PCG elite to hobnob with the Republican elite and for the stage show. This is how you spread the gospel message in Armstrongism today. Poor Bob Thiel was left in the dust once again.

All of this has a strange twist in that Flurry has said that Republicans would be the ones to kick the PCG faithful out of the country when the times of trial hit. It would be them forcing the church to flee to Petra or Pella or whichever idiotic place Flurry has dreamed about.

PCG members cannot understand how this is proclaiming a gospel message and more importantly how does this portray Jesus Christ to the world? 

In the PCG Jesus is always left on the back burner when it comes to how great and glorious Old Testament prophets and heroes are. 

Imagine one's entire gospel message centered on a dirty old rock and an Irish dance stage show. But what can we expect when we have UCG with its blue puppet and Bob Thiel's animations proclaiming a supposed gospel message. Isn't Armstrongism the grandest thing ever!!!!

One thing is for sure, Armstrongism has no limits to the depth they will descend before they have to acknowledge Jesus Christ.

As the person wrote on Exit and Support:

"No concert goer is being converted or “warned” or even enlightened about the PCG cult’s beliefs. Not a single person!"