Tuesday, July 2, 2024

New Book: The Christian in the Cult – And How to Discover Humanity in Christ, By Jim Valekis

Buy it here: Kharis Publishing

The Christian in the Cult – And How to Discover Humanity in Christ, By Jim Valekis

Kharis Publishing announces the release of The Christian in the Cult: And How I Discovered Humanity in Christ, by Jim Valekis. He uses his life story to take readers deep into the culture of the Greek Orthodox Church,...
Monday, July 1st 2024, 8:46 PM CDT
News Channel Nebraska

Jim Valekis was born in Alabama with a “bouzouki” on his knee. His Greco-American parents raised their family as part of a thriving Greek Orthodox community in Birmingham. As a teenager captivated by the radio teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, Valekis defied his roots and eventually followed a call to pastor in the Worldwide Church of God. When the former cult transitioned into Evangelicalism, Jim followed, continuing to pastor in Grace Communion International. Most recently, Valekis co-founded the vision for the Tipp Center, a faith-based business and resource hub, where he is the chaplain. It this rich history of faith that informs Jim’s expansive and immersive narrative in The Christian in the Cult.

Jim spent 21 years in the Worldwide Church of God, a Pasadena, California-based American church many called a cult. And spent 19 years and most of his pastoral career pastoring working to transform and replant one of its churches when this cult reformed doctrinally in 1994. He saw God turn a socially isolated commuter church into an outreaching community church, and was at least verbally acknowledged for having done so on a national website. He experienced personally what it took to transform biblically from a very non-orthodox narrow view of the Scripture to a “new covenant” biblically correct one. In the process, he learned what makes a “cult” a cult from personal experience. Jim has an amazing “insiders” story of what really happens when a universally recognized cult attempts to transform, and behind-the-scenes struggles that occur within such a culture. He also has had personal experience with how the evangelical world has “cultural” limitations that go back to a misunderstanding of what Luther intended in the Reformation. Jim is now calling for a reformation to the Reformation and a new way for being church - not just for Protestants, but Catholics and Orthodox Christians as well.

Therefore, Jim Valekis’ The Christian in the Cult - And How I Discovered Humanity in Christ uses the author’s life story to take the reader deep inside the culture of the Greek Orthodox Church, Herbert Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God, and modern Evangelicalism. After journeying through three versions of “the only true church,” Valekis deftly invites his readers to join him in his ongoing discovery of humanity in Christ and what it can mean for the church and the world.

Here is how Andrew Manis, Emeritus Professor of History Middle at Georgia State University, Macon, Georgia, describes The Christian in the Cult: 

Millions of religious believers will clearly recognize the spiritual journey narrated by Jim Valekis in this powerful story. A son of the Greek Orthodox Church finds himself in Herbert W. Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God, which eventually takes him into more traditional Christianity and out again. Where he ends up at the end of this fascinating pilgrimage will be a big surprise. But Valekis astutely narrates his journey and brings readers along with him to a spiritual destination that includes the whole world. In a religious and political that has become a culture war of all against all, Valekis’s final message of oneness and wholeness in Christ is a welcome antidote.

On his part, Chuck Proudfit, who is president of At Work On Purpose, sees Jim’s work as a testament to how faith in Jesus Christ can get one grounded and stablished spiritually despite the pains of a broken world. According to him, 

In your hands is a book that speaks powerfully to both the complexities of living and growing in the Church, and to the way God moves in our individual lives as believers. Through the story of author Jim Valekis, we see a riveting faith testimony passed from one generation of family to another -- across cultures, continents and denominations. We experience through Jim’s journey how our Christian faith can ground us and cover us spiritually, despite a fallen world, broken relationships, and vocational volatility. Jim reminds us that while our conditions and surroundings rise and fall, our steadfast relationship with Christ is All. I commend this book to you.

For Terry Wardle, Founder of Healing Care Ministries, it was the way Jim seamlessly interwove a complex personal story with historical and scriptural insights that resonated with him. According to him, 

Jim Valekis has written a journey narrative that bends the reader continually toward wholeness in Christ. His writing is deeply personal, clearly theological, and thoroughly biblical, mining the depth of each discipline to unearth the force of God’s transforming love. There is in these pages a complex personal story, interwoven with historical and scriptural insights that can guide the reader through the fog of theological compromise to the clarity that comes when Christ alone is the Lord of life. It has been said that life is a journey of formation, with the looming question, “Into what am I being formed?” Jim Valekis shines an uncompromising light on the person of Jesus Christ and bids us to surrender to the formative power of his Presence, alive in the human heart.

Jim holds a master’s degree in biblical studies from Earlham School of Religion. He enjoys hanging out with his wife Becky, biking, painting, and sharing (especially over Greek comfort food) how his new theological understanding connects back in profound ways with the ancient Trinitarian fabric of his Orthodox upbringing, a relational Christ-centered fabric expansive enough to include every human being.

Buy it here: Kharis Publishing

The truth about Bob Thiel and the Continuing Church of God is one of deception

The Truth about Bob Thiel and the Continuing Church of God is one of Deception, I've been on the ground in Africa 4 times spending months there. Bob has no clue what is really going on there. His numbers for one thing are complete fabrication. I was there. His so-called fake ministers are lying to him about numbers and a great many things. 

Bob calls me and the former Sasha Veljic accusers of the Brethren. We told the truth and we were basically ignored by Bob when we realized what he was doing. We lost all respect for him and concluded he wasn't a Man of God and the Continuing Church of God is definitely a Sham.  

I challenge anyone to go there and check it out to prove me wrong.  

To my old friends in CCOG, you really better prove this to yourselves, because if you don't, that's on you!!!!! Nothing else to say. 

I'm glad God revealed to me the truth before it was too late. God grant Dr Thiel to see and repent for his actions of treating persons he sent to Africa with contempt. He was the one who asked me and Sasha to find out what they were doing down there, and then we were accused of talebareing, only when we told him the truth. 

I mean who ignores official government documents in favor of some elderly man saying it isn't true, not to mention eyewitnesses and pictures and check receipts? 

Same with Malawi. Pictures and video testament from witnesses, including the adulterous Radson's own children and ex-wife. More lies that Bob knows about but hasn't admitted yet. 

Bob, I know all about a great many things, how are you going to spin Sosten L.  Really a repented publicly former Malawian Minister that you publicly admitted on video as having skimmed money and committed adultery and has admitted to Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God leaders in emails that he has 10,000 members members, and you say that this man has repented? Then you tell one of our leaders it's Rumors? 

Bob Thiel do you even remember what you are saying about any of this, and you call us accusers of the brethren! 

All I can say Bob is when are you going to admit you were wrong? 

I honestly can say you will never admit any of this because you are not a humble Man. That's why you won't succeed in any of this sham. You know deep down you are wrong. God help you to be humble and repent.

Terry Nelson

Accusers of the Brethren


It is always fun to watch as little self-appointed false prophets and inept leaders in the Church of God movement get all pissy and indigent when they receive criticism from both inside and outside the church. 

The one that seems to suffer the most from this self-induced martyrdom complex is our Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel. No church leader in the history of Christianity has ever suffered more persecution than our Great Bwana Bob. Never one to practice any humility and look inward at his corrupt self, he constantly looks outward and lays blame on that busybody Satan. 

Jesus gave the following commission:

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

This involves working to reach people in multiple languages. Jesus’ statements in Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20 are the major commissions of the faithful church. The “phil,” as in Philadelphian Christians, means fraternal love/affection, which in the biblical context includes supporting the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God to all that we can.

Satan does not want people reached in other languages.

But as the Apostle Paul wrote of him, “Satan … we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11).

Trying to cast doubt on God, His word, His ministry, His people, and His faithful church is something that Satan and his associates do. That is one of the reason that Satan is referred to in the Bible as “the accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10).

Sadly, many throughout church history have succumbed to his ways.

The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu loves to let everyone know how many more translations he has every week. The problem is, that he can eventually translate his poorly researched book into every single language in the world does not mean he has now spread the gospel to every nation. All he has done is put a bunch of crap on paper that will end up in the trash, line a bird cage, used to light a fire under a pot of food, or used as toilet paper in some poor nation.